提交 f7c7ed19 编写于 作者: J junjun666

chore: release v1.4.13

上级 52522c4e
# v1.4.13
* :bug: fix(dialog): 修复Dialog.confirm弹框关闭后dom没有移除问题 (#851) @拧巴的猫
* :bug: fix(Elevator): 组件瘦身+taro h5适配 (#858) @拧巴的猫
* :bug: fix(picker): 修复taro版本滚动报错问题 (#852) @拧巴的猫
* :bug: fix(range): 修复 a11y 属性并补全组件的单元测试 (#849) @AnteeHub
* :bug: fix: taro-v3.6.12 complier @junjun666
* :bug: fix: 修复input 的errorMessage显隐导致input失焦问题 (#827) @Penguin-Lin
* 📖 docs: imagepreview 组件增加点击缩略图切换示例 (#854) @oasis-cloud
# v1.4.12
"name": "@nutui/nutui-react-taro",
"version": "1.4.12",
"version": "1.4.13",
"style": "dist/style.css",
"main": "dist/nutui.react.umd.js",
"module": "dist/esm/nutui-react.es.js",
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