未验证 提交 eadf0a2e 编写于 作者: X xiaoyatong 提交者: GitHub

feat: Badge 增加测试用例,修改top、right 值的适配,去掉doc中的hidden属性,无此属性。 (#269)

上级 c5915912
......@@ -58,9 +58,8 @@
"prepare": "husky install",
"test": "jest",
"test:demo": "jest --testNamePattern=^should match snapshot$ --runTestsByPath ./src/packages/collapse/__test__/collapse.spec.tsx",
"generate:file:taro": "node scripts/taro/generate-nutui-taro.js",
"checked:taro":"npm run generate:file:taro && tsc --project ./tsconfig.taro.json",
"checked:taro": "npm run generate:file:taro && tsc --project ./tsconfig.taro.json",
"generate:file:taro:pages": "node scripts/taro/generate-taro-pages.js",
"dev:taro:weapp": "npm run checked:taro && npm run generate:file:taro:pages && cd ./src/sites/mobile-taro && npm run dev:weapp",
"replace:taro:types": "node scripts/taro/replace-taro-types-alias.js",
// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
exports[`should match custom icons 1`] = `
class="nutui-iconfont nut-icon nut-icon-link _icon"
style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255); font-size: 12px; width: 12px; height: 12px;"
<div />
class=" nut-badge__content sup"
style="top: 0px; right: 0px; z-index: 0;"
exports[`should match snapshot 1`] = `
<div />
class=" nut-badge__content sup"
style="top: 0px; right: 0px; z-index: 0;"
import * as React from 'react'
import { render, waitFor } from '@testing-library/react'
import '@testing-library/jest-dom'
import { Badge } from '../badge'
test('should match snapshot', () => {
const { asFragment } = render(<Badge value={8} />)
test('should match value is string', () => {
const { container } = render(<Badge value="new" />)
const badgeContent = container.querySelectorAll('.nut-badge__content')[0]
test('should match max size', () => {
const { container } = render(<Badge value={200} max={9} />)
const badgeContent = container.querySelectorAll('.nut-badge__content')[0]
test('should match dot', () => {
const { container } = render(<Badge value={10} dot />)
const badgeContent = container.querySelectorAll('.nut-badge__content.is-dot')
test('should match top、right: bad number', () => {
const { container } = render(<Badge value={10} top="--10" right="0" />)
const badgeContent = container.querySelectorAll('.nut-badge__content')[0]
expect(badgeContent).toHaveStyle({ top: '0px' })
test('should match top、right: have px', () => {
const { container } = render(<Badge value={10} top="-10px" right="0" />)
const badgeContent = container.querySelectorAll('.nut-badge__content')[0]
expect(badgeContent).toHaveStyle({ top: '-10px', right: '0px' })
test('should match top、right: float', () => {
const { container } = render(<Badge value={10} top="-10.8px" right="0.5px" />)
const badgeContent = container.querySelectorAll('.nut-badge__content')[0]
expect(badgeContent).toHaveStyle({ top: '-10.8px', right: '0.5px' })
test('should match custom color', () => {
const { container } = render(<Badge value={200} color="orange" />)
const badgeContent = container.querySelectorAll('.nut-badge__content')[0]
expect(badgeContent).toHaveStyle({ 'background-color': 'orange' })
// test('should match custom gradient color', () => {
// const { container } = render(
// <Badge
// value={200}
// color="linear-gradient(315deg, rgba(73,143,242,1) 0%,rgba(73,101,242,1) 100%)"
// />
// )
// const badgeContent = container.querySelectorAll('.nut-badge__content')[0]
// expect(badgeContent).toHaveStyle({
// 'background-color':
// 'linear-gradient(315deg, rgba(73,143,242,1) 0%,rgba(73,101,242,1) 100%)',
// })
// })
test('should match custom icons', () => {
const { asFragment } = render(<Badge value={200} icons="link" />)
......@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ export const Badge: FunctionComponent<Partial<BadgeProps>> = (props) => {
const getStyle = () => {
const style: CSSProperties = {}
style.top = `${top}px`
style.right = `${right}px`
style.top = `${Number(top) || parseFloat(top) || 0}px`
style.right = `${Number(right) || parseFloat(right) || 0}px`
style.zIndex = zIndex
style.background = color
style.backgroundColor = color
return style
return (
......@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ export const Badge: FunctionComponent<Partial<BadgeProps>> = (props) => {
const getStyle = () => {
const style: CSSProperties = {}
style.top = `${top}px`
style.right = `${right}px`
style.top = `${Number(top) || parseFloat(top) || 0}px`
style.right = `${Number(right) || parseFloat(right) || 0}px`
style.zIndex = zIndex
style.background = color
style.backgroundColor = color
return style
return (
......@@ -192,11 +192,10 @@ export default App;
| value | value to show | String | - |
| max | when value is number, it's the max size | Number | `10000` |
| z-index | z-index | Number | `10` |
| dot | Is dotted | Boolean | `false` |
| hidden | Is hidden | Boolean | `false` |
| top | Up and down offset, support unit setting, can be set to: 5px, etc. | Number | `0` |
| right | Left and right offset, support unit setting, can be set to: 5px, etc. | Number | `0` |
| zIndex | z-index | Number | `10` |
| dot | Is dotted | Boolean | `false` |
| top | Up and down offset, support unit setting, can be set to: 5, etc. | Number | `0` |
| right | Left and right offset, support unit setting, can be set to: 5, etc. | Number | `0` |
| color | background color | String | `#fa2c19` |
| icons | custom icons | String | - |
......@@ -190,15 +190,11 @@ export default App;
| 字段 | 说明 | 类型 | 默认值 |
| value | 显示的内容 | String | - |
| max | value 为数值时,最大值 | Number | `10000` |
| z-index | 徽标的 z-index 值 | Number | `10` |
| dot | 是否为小点 | Boolean | `false` |
| hidden | 是否隐藏 | Boolean | `false` |
| top | 上下偏移量,支持单位设置,可设置为:5px 等 | Number | `0` |
| right | 左右偏移量,支持单位设置,可设置为:5px 等 | Number | `0` |
| color | 徽标背景颜色 | String | `#fa2c19` |
| icons | 徽标自定义 | String | - |
| value | 显示的内容 | String | - |
| max | value 为数值时,最大值 | Number | `10000` |
| zIndex | 徽标的 z-index 值 | Number | `10` |
| dot | 是否为小点 | Boolean | `false` |
| top | 上下偏移量,支持单位设置,可设置为:5 等 | Number | `0` |
| right | 左右偏移量,支持单位设置,可设置为:5 等 | Number | `0` |
| color | 徽标背景颜色 | String | `#fa2c19` |
| icons | 徽标自定义 | String | - |
......@@ -103,16 +103,11 @@ import { Badge } from '@nutui/nutui-react';
| 字段 | 說明 | 類型 | 默認值 |
| value | 顯示的內容 | String | - |
| max | value 為數值時,最大值
| Number | `10000` |
| z-index | 徽標的 z-index 值
| Number | `10` |
| dot | 是否為小點
| Boolean | `false` |
| hidden | 是否隱藏
| Boolean | `false` |
| top | 上下偏移量,支持單位設置,可設置為:5px 等 | Number | `0` |
| right | 左右偏移量,支持單位設置,可設置為:5px 等 | Number | `0` |
| max | value 為數值時,最大值 | Number | `10000` |
| zIndex | 徽標的 z-index 值 | Number | `10` |
| dot | 是否為小點 | Boolean | `false` |
| top | 上下偏移量,支持單位設置,可設置為:5 等 | Number | `0` |
| right | 左右偏移量,支持單位設置,可設置為:5 等 | Number | `0` |
| color | 徽標背景顏色 | String | `#fa2c19` |
| icons | 徽標自定義 | String | - |
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