提交 cbdf9f03 编写于 作者: Y yangxiaolu3

chore(release): v1.3.6

上级 2af23889
# v1.3.6
* :sparkles: feat: Swipe 组件适配小程序,Searchbar 增加 onCancel 回调函数 (#311) @Ymm0008
* :sparkles: chore: Switch demo import 优化 (#332) @oasis-cloud
* :bug: fix: Signature 和 Drag 组件 Taro 适配完成 (#322) @irisSong
* :bug: fix: searchbar 组件样式兼容 (#333) @Ymm0008
# v1.3.5
* :sparkles: feat: cascader 组件适配 taro (#318) @ailululu
"name": "@nutui/nutui-react",
"version": "1.3.5",
"name": "@nutui/nutui-react-taro",
"version": "1.3.6",
"style": "dist/style.css",
"main": "dist/nutui.react.umd.js",
"module": "dist/esm/nutui-react.es.js",
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