提交 a56ff7ff 编写于 作者: O oasis-cloud

chore: 修改组件分类

上级 b9787186
......@@ -164,53 +164,53 @@
"packages": [
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "Drag",
"name": "Toast",
"type": "component",
"cName": "拖拽",
"desc": "实现可拖拽的任意元素",
"cName": "吐司",
"desc": "轻提示",
"sort": 1,
"show": true,
"author": "songsong"
"author": "VickyYe"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "Collapse",
"name": "Dialog",
"type": "component",
"cName": "折叠面板",
"desc": "折叠面板,可进行内容折叠展开操作,可以多面板配合使用。",
"sort": 2,
"cName": "对话框",
"desc": "模态对话框",
"sort": 12,
"show": true,
"author": "zhenyulei"
"author": "yangjinjun3"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "Toast",
"name": "Popup",
"sort": 9,
"cName": "弹出层",
"type": "component",
"cName": "吐司",
"desc": "轻提示",
"sort": 1,
"show": true,
"author": "VickyYe"
"desc": "弹出层容器,用于展示弹窗、信息提示等内容,支持多个弹出层叠加展示",
"author": "szg2008"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "BackTop",
"name": "ActionSheet",
"type": "component",
"cName": "返回顶部",
"desc": "提供较长的页面快捷返回顶部功能。",
"sort": 2,
"cName": "动作面板",
"desc": "从底部弹出的动作菜单面板。",
"sort": 11,
"show": true,
"author": "vickyYe"
"author": "dsj"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "Range",
"version": "1.0.0",
"name": "Picker",
"type": "component",
"cName": "区间选择器",
"desc": "滑动输入条,用于在给定的范围内选择一个值。",
"sort": 3,
"cName": "选择器",
"desc": "提供多个选项集合供用户选择其中一项。",
"sort": 10,
"show": true,
"author": "vickyYe"
"author": "dsj"
"version": "0.1.0",
......@@ -224,54 +224,54 @@
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "Steps",
"name": "Popover",
"type": "component",
"cName": "步骤条",
"desc": "拆分展示某项流程的步骤,引导用户按流程完成任务或向用户展示当前状态。",
"sort": 7,
"cName": "气泡弹出框",
"desc": "气泡弹出框",
"sort": 19,
"show": true,
"author": "swag~jun"
"author": "lzz"
"version": "3.0.0",
"name": "Step",
"sort": 17,
"cName": "步骤条子组件",
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "Collapse",
"type": "component",
"show": false,
"exportEmpty": true,
"desc": "步骤条子组件",
"author": "swag~jun"
"cName": "折叠面板",
"desc": "折叠面板,可进行内容折叠展开操作,可以多面板配合使用。",
"sort": 2,
"show": true,
"author": "zhenyulei"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "CircleProgress",
"name": "CollapseItem",
"type": "component",
"cName": "环形进度条",
"desc": "展示操作或任务的当前进度。",
"sort": 7,
"show": true,
"author": "swag~jun"
"cName": "折叠面板子组件",
"desc": "折叠面板的子组件",
"sort": 13,
"show": false,
"exportEmpty": true,
"author": "zhenyulei"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "Popup",
"sort": 9,
"cName": "弹出层",
"name": "Range",
"type": "component",
"cName": "区间选择器",
"desc": "滑动输入条,用于在给定的范围内选择一个值。",
"sort": 3,
"show": true,
"desc": "弹出层容器,用于展示弹窗、信息提示等内容,支持多个弹出层叠加展示",
"author": "szg2008"
"author": "vickyYe"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "ActionSheet",
"name": "CircleProgress",
"type": "component",
"cName": "动作面板",
"desc": "从底部弹出的动作菜单面板。",
"sort": 11,
"cName": "环形进度条",
"desc": "展示操作或任务的当前进度。",
"sort": 7,
"show": true,
"author": "dsj"
"author": "swag~jun"
"version": "0.1.0",
......@@ -293,16 +293,6 @@
"show": true,
"author": "vickyYE"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "Dialog",
"type": "component",
"cName": "对话框",
"desc": "模态对话框",
"sort": 12,
"show": true,
"author": "yangjinjun3"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "Switch",
......@@ -312,38 +302,6 @@
"sort": 11,
"show": true,
"author": "dsj"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "CollapseItem",
"type": "component",
"cName": "折叠面板子组件",
"desc": "折叠面板的子组件",
"sort": 13,
"show": false,
"exportEmpty": true,
"author": "zhenyulei"
"version": "1.0.0",
"name": "Swiper",
"type": "component",
"cName": "轮播",
"desc": "轮播组件",
"sort": 14,
"show": true,
"author": "liukun"
"version": "1.0.0",
"name": "SwiperItem",
"type": "component",
"cName": "轮播子组件",
"desc": "轮播子组件",
"sort": 14,
"show": false,
"exportEmpty": true,
"author": "liukun"
......@@ -381,16 +339,6 @@
"desc": "标签栏子组件",
"author": "dsj"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "InputNumber",
"type": "component",
"cName": "数字输入框",
"desc": "通过点击按钮控制数字增减。",
"sort": 3,
"show": true,
"author": "swag~jun"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "Elevator",
......@@ -420,6 +368,58 @@
"sort": 6,
"show": true,
"author": "lkjh3214"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "Steps",
"type": "component",
"cName": "步骤条",
"desc": "拆分展示某项流程的步骤,引导用户按流程完成任务或向用户展示当前状态。",
"sort": 7,
"show": true,
"author": "swag~jun"
"version": "3.0.0",
"name": "Step",
"sort": 17,
"cName": "步骤条子组件",
"type": "component",
"show": false,
"exportEmpty": true,
"desc": "步骤条子组件",
"author": "swag~jun"
"version": "1.0.0",
"name": "Swiper",
"type": "component",
"cName": "轮播",
"desc": "轮播组件",
"sort": 14,
"show": true,
"author": "liukun"
"version": "1.0.0",
"name": "SwiperItem",
"type": "component",
"cName": "轮播子组件",
"desc": "轮播子组件",
"sort": 14,
"show": false,
"exportEmpty": true,
"author": "liukun"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "BackTop",
"type": "component",
"cName": "返回顶部",
"desc": "提供较长的页面快捷返回顶部功能。",
"sort": 2,
"show": true,
"author": "vickyYe"
......@@ -436,16 +436,6 @@
"show": true,
"author": "dsj"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "Uploader",
"type": "component",
"cName": "上传",
"desc": "用于将本地的图片或文件上传至服务器。",
"sort": 1,
"show": true,
"author": "swag~jun"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "Input",
......@@ -466,6 +456,47 @@
"show": true,
"author": "VickyYe"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "InputNumber",
"type": "component",
"cName": "数字输入框",
"desc": "通过点击按钮控制数字增减。",
"sort": 3,
"show": true,
"author": "swag~jun"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "ShortPassword",
"type": "component",
"cName": "短密码",
"desc": "短密码输入框",
"sort": 10,
"show": true,
"author": "Drjingfubo"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "Radio",
"type": "component",
"cName": "单选按钮",
"desc": "用于在一组备选项中进行单选",
"sort": 6,
"show": true,
"author": "oasis"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "RadioGroup",
"type": "component",
"cName": "单选按钮组",
"desc": "单选按钮组",
"sort": 10,
"exportEmpty": true,
"show": false,
"author": "oasis"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "Checkbox",
......@@ -497,16 +528,6 @@
"show": true,
"author": "lzz"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "Popover",
"type": "component",
"cName": "气泡弹出框",
"desc": "气泡弹出框",
"sort": 19,
"show": true,
"author": "lzz"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "Badge",
......@@ -519,44 +540,13 @@
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "AnimatingNumbers",
"type": "component",
"cName": "数字动画",
"desc": "带特效的数字",
"sort": 7,
"show": true,
"author": "songsong"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "Radio",
"type": "component",
"cName": "单选按钮",
"desc": "用于在一组备选项中进行单选",
"sort": 6,
"show": true,
"author": "oasis"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "RadioGroup",
"type": "component",
"cName": "单选按钮组",
"desc": "单选按钮组",
"sort": 10,
"exportEmpty": true,
"show": false,
"author": "oasis"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "ShortPassword",
"name": "Uploader",
"type": "component",
"cName": "短密码",
"desc": "短密码输入框",
"sort": 10,
"cName": "上传",
"desc": "用于将本地的图片或文件上传至服务器。",
"sort": 1,
"show": true,
"author": "Drjingfubo"
"author": "swag~jun"
"name": "Calendar",
......@@ -576,16 +566,6 @@
"show": false,
"exportEmpty": true,
"author": "szg2008"
"version": "1.0.0",
"name": "Picker",
"type": "component",
"cName": "选择器",
"desc": "提供多个选项集合供用户选择其中一项。",
"sort": 10,
"show": true,
"author": "dsj"
......@@ -594,13 +574,13 @@
"packages": [
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "Signature",
"name": "Address",
"type": "component",
"cName": "签名",
"desc": "基于Canvas的签名组件",
"sort": 1,
"cName": "地址",
"desc": "地址组件",
"sort": 3,
"show": true,
"author": "songsong"
"author": "yangxiaolu"
"version": "0.1.0",
......@@ -614,13 +594,33 @@
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "Address",
"name": "Signature",
"type": "component",
"cName": "地址",
"desc": "地址组件",
"sort": 3,
"cName": "签名",
"desc": "基于Canvas的签名组件",
"sort": 1,
"show": true,
"author": "yangxiaolu"
"author": "songsong"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "Drag",
"type": "component",
"cName": "拖拽",
"desc": "实现可拖拽的任意元素",
"sort": 1,
"show": true,
"author": "songsong"
"version": "0.1.0",
"name": "AnimatingNumbers",
"type": "component",
"cName": "数字动画",
"desc": "带特效的数字",
"sort": 7,
"show": true,
"author": "songsong"
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