提交 751f15d2 编写于 作者: O oasis-cloud

chore(release): v1.4.11

上级 988e22de
# v1.4.11
* :sparkles: feat(datepicker): 新增支持时分类型选择&同步增加demo&taro文档国际化 (#782) @irisSong
* :sparkles: feat: calendar新增onYearMonthChange属性 (#807) @midday
* :sparkles: feat: 修复 taro 版本日历默认滚动到相应区域和首页白屏问题 (#805) @midday
* :sparkles: feat: 表格支持隐藏表头属性 (#796) @midday
* :bug: fix: ellipsis 在深层嵌套中无法获取元素信息 (#798) @oasis-cloud
* :bug: fix: fix-col-offset (#783) @Penguin-Lin
* :bug: fix: notify 组件设置 position 之后位置错误 (#803) @oasis-cloud
* :bug: fix: radiogroup 中使用 button 类型的 radio 样式不对 (#801) @oasis-cloud
* :bug: fix: textarea 优化中文输入 (#797) @oasis-cloud
* :bug: fix: 修复 SearchBar 清空内容时失去焦点的问题 @midday
* :bug: fix: 修改 textarea 的 padding 为之前版本的值 (#800) @oasis-cloud
* 🔨 chore(shortpassword): 删除不必要的 log 信息 (#780) @AnteeHub
# v1.4.10
"name": "@nutui/nutui-react-taro",
"version": "1.4.10",
"version": "1.4.11",
"style": "dist/style.css",
"main": "dist/nutui.react.umd.js",
"module": "dist/esm/nutui-react.es.js",
......@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ Through ref, you can get the Calendar instance and call the instance method.
| onChoose | Triggered after selection or by clicking the confirm button | Array of dates (including year, month, day and week) |
| onClose | Triggered when closed | - |
| onSelected | Triggered after click/select | `Day: Day` |
| onYearMonthChange`v1.5.0` | Triggered when reached top for sub title of year and month | Array of dates (including year, month)
| onYearMonthChange`v1.4.11` | Triggered when reached top for sub title of year and month | Array of dates (including year, month)
### Day
| Params| Description |
......@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ export default App;
| onChoose | 选择之后或是点击确认按钮触发 | 日期数组(包含年月日和星期) |
| onClose | 关闭时触发 | - |
| onSelected | 点击/选择后触发 | `Day: Day` |
| onYearMonthChange`v1.5.0` | 年月子标题到达顶部时触发 | 日期数组(包含年月) |
| onYearMonthChange`v1.4.11` | 年月子标题到达顶部时触发 | 日期数组(包含年月) |
### Day
| 字段 | 类型 |
......@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ export default App;
| onChoose | 选择之后或是点击确认按钮触发 | 日期数组(包含年月日和星期) |
| onClose | 关闭时触发 | - |
| onSelected | 点击/选择后触发 | `Day: Day` |
| onYearMonthChange`v1.5.0` | 年月子标题到达顶部时触发 | 日期数组(包含年月) |
| onYearMonthChange`v1.4.11` | 年月子标题到达顶部时触发 | 日期数组(包含年月) |
### Day
| 字段 | 类型 |
......@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ export default App;
| data | Table data | Object[] | `[]` |
| summary | Show profile | ReactNode | - |
| striped | Whether the stripes alternate light and dark | boolean | `false` |
| showHeader`v1.5.0` | Show Header | boolean | `true` |
| showHeader`v1.4.11` | Show Header | boolean | `true` |
| noData | Custom noData | ReactNode | - |
### TableColumnProps
......@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ export default App;
| data | 表格数据 | Object[] | `[]` |
| summary | 是否显示简介 | ReactNode | - |
| striped | 条纹是否明暗交替 | boolean | `false` |
| showHeader`v1.5.0` | 是否显示表头 | boolean | `true` |
| showHeader`v1.4.11` | 是否显示表头 | boolean | `true` |
| noData | 自定义无数据 | ReactNode | - |
### TableColumnProps
......@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ export default App;
| data | 表格数据 | Object[] | `[]` |
| summary | 是否显示简介 | ReactNode | - |
| striped | 条纹是否明暗交替 | boolean | false |
| showHeader`v1.5.0` | 是否显示表头 | boolean | `true` |
| showHeader`v1.4.11` | 是否显示表头 | boolean | `true` |
| noData | 自定义无数据 | ReactNode | - |
### TableColumnProps
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