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<br>Spring Boot 系列(Servlet, Tomcat, Spring, SpringMVC, Spring Boot)
### Modules intro
whatsmars-common mail,HttpUtils,AES,DES加解密<br />
whatsmars-earth-web springmvc+velocity实战<br />
whatsmars-earth-support-web 全局唯一ID生成简单实现<br />
whatmars-fs-web 用mongodb存储图片和文件<br />
whatsmars-javase-example Java基础学习<br />
whatsmars-spring spring深入研究<br />
whatsmars-tomcat 模拟tomcat实现,嵌入式(embed)tomcat<br />
whatsmars-dbrouter 分库分表实现<br />
whatsmars-elasticjob 分布式调度<br />
whatsmars-dubbo 阿里分布式RPC(服务化)框架<br />
whatsmars-mq 消息中间件rocketmq,activemq<br />
rocketmq-console rocketmq管理后台<br />
whatsmars-rpc RPC & Protocol<br />
whatsmars-spring-boot springboot实战<br />
whatsmars-spring-cloud springcloud demo<br />
whatsmars-redis redis客户端简单封装 <br />
whatsmars-motan 微博分布式RPC框架 <br />
Module | Intro
- | -
whatsmars-common | mail,HttpUtils,AES,DES加解密
whatsmars-earth-web | springmvc+velocity实战
whatsmars-earth-support-web | 全局唯一ID生成简单实现
whatmars-fs-web | 用mongodb存储图片和文件
whatsmars-javase-example | Java基础学习
whatsmars-spring | spring深入研究
whatsmars-tomcat | 模拟tomcat实现,embed tomcat
whatsmars-dbrouter | 分库分表实现
whatsmars-elasticjob | 分布式调度
whatsmars-dubbo | 阿里分布式RPC(服务化)框架
whatsmars-mq | 消息中间件rocketmq,activemq
rocketmq-console | rocketmq管理后台
whatsmars-rpc | RPC & Protocol
whatsmars-spring-boot | springboot实战
whatsmars-spring-cloud | springcloud demo
whatsmars-redis | redis客户端简单封装
whatsmars-motan | 微博分布式RPC框架
### More Projects
- [Spring Cloud 微服务生态探索](http://cloud.toutiao.im)
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