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{{include file="public/header_top_nav" /}}

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{{include file="public/header_nav" /}}

<!-- goods category -->
{{include file="public/goods_category" /}}

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<div class="am-container user-main">

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    {{include file="public/user_menu" /}}
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            {{if isset($shopxo_is_develop) and $shopxo_is_develop eq true}}
                <div class="plugins-tag">
gongfuxiang 已提交
devil_gong 已提交
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gongfuxiang 已提交
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            {{if !empty($plugins_view_user_center_top_data) and is_array($plugins_view_user_center_top_data)}}
                {{foreach $plugins_view_user_center_top_data as $hook}}
37 38 39 40 41
                    {{if is_string($hook) or is_int($hook)}}
devil_gong 已提交
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            <!-- 基础信息 -->
            <div class="user-base">
                <div class="user-base-left">
                    <div class="user-avatar">
                        <img src="{{$user.avatar}}" />
                        <p class="user-name">{{$user.user_name_view}}</p>
                    <div class="items">
                        <a href="javascript:;" class="am-icon-camera-retro" data-am-modal="{target:'#user-avatar-popup'}"> 修改头像</a>
                        <a href="{{:MyUrl('index/personal/index')}}" class="am-icon-edit"> 修改资料</a>
                        <a href="{{:MyUrl('index/useraddress/index')}}" class="am-icon-street-view"> 我的地址</a>
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                    <a href="{{:MyUrl('index/message/index')}}" class="am-icon-bell-o message"> 消息 {{if $common_message_total gt 0}}{{$common_message_total}}{{/if}}</a>
                <ul class="user-base-icon">
                        <a href="{{:MyUrl('index/order/index')}}">
                        <a href="{{:MyUrl('index/userfavor/goods')}}">
                        <a href="{{:MyUrl('index/usergoodsbrowse/index')}}">
                        <a href="{{:MyUrl('index/userintegral/index')}}">

            <!-- 订单信息 -->
            <div class="order-nav">
                <a href="{{:MyUrl('index/order/index')}}">
                    <span class="nav-name">
                        <i class="order-icon"></i>
                    <span class="am-fr icon-tips">
                        <i class="am-icon-angle-right"></i>
            {{if !empty($user_order_status)}}
                <ul class="order-base">
                    {{foreach $user_order_status as $v}}
                        {{if in_array($v['status'], [1,2,3])}}
                                <a href="{{:MyUrl('index/order/index', ['is_more'=>1, 'status'=>$v['status']])}}">
                                    <i class="icon-{{$v.status}}"></i>
                                    {{if !empty($v.count)}}
                                        <span class="am-badge am-badge-danger am-round">{{$v.count}}</span>
                        {{elseif in_array($v['status'], [100]) /}}
                                <a href="{{:MyUrl('index/order/index', ['is_more'=>1, 'is_comments'=>0, 'status'=>4])}}">
                                    <i class="icon-{{$v.status}}"></i>
                                    {{if !empty($v.count)}}
                                        <span class="am-badge am-badge-danger am-round">{{$v.count}}</span>

            <!-- 聚合内容 -->
            <div class="am-g various">
                <!-- 进行中的订单 -->
                <div class="am-u-md-8">
                    <div class="am-panel am-panel-default">
                        <div class="am-panel-hd">
                            {{if !empty($order_list)}}
                                <a class="am-fr more-tips" href="{{:MyUrl('index/order/index')}}" target="_blank">
                                    更多 <span class="am-icon-angle-double-right"></span>
                        <div class="am-panel-bd order-list">
                            {{if !empty($order_list)}}
                                {{foreach $order_list as $order}}
                                    {{foreach $order.items as $key=>$goods}}
                                        {{if $key eq 0}}
                                            <div class="goods-detail">
                                                <a href="{{:MyUrl('index/order/detail', ['id'=>$order['id']])}}" target="_blank">
                                                    <img src="{{$goods.images}}" />
                                                <div class="goods-base">
                                                    <a href="{{:MyUrl('index/order/detail', ['id'=>$order['id']])}}" target="_blank" class="goods-title ellipsis">{{$goods.title}}</a>
                                                            <span class="line-price">¥{{$order.price}}</span>
                                                            {{if $order['items_count'] gt 1}}
                                                                <span class="items-count">等{{$order.items_count}}种商品</span>
                                                {{if in_array($order['status'], [1])}}
                                                    <a class="am-btn am-btn-primary am-btn-xs am-radius am-fr order-submit" href="{{:MyUrl('index/order/detail', ['id'=>$order['id'], 'is_pay_auto'=>1])}}" target="_blank">支付</a>
                                                {{if in_array($order['status'], [3])}}
                                                    <button type="button" class="am-btn am-btn-success am-btn-xs am-radius am-fr order-submit submit-ajax submit-confirm" data-url="{{:MyUrl('index/order/Collect')}}" data-id="{{$}}" data-view="reload" data-msg="请仔细确认已收到货物、确认继续吗?">收货</button>
                                                {{if in_array($order['status'], [4]) and $order['user_is_comments'] eq 0}}
                                                    <a href="{{:MyUrl('index/order/Comments', ['id'=>$order['id']])}}" target="_blank" class="am-btn am-btn-warning am-btn-xs am-radius am-fr order-submit">评价</a>
                            {{if empty($order_list)}}
                                <div class="table-no">
                                    <i class="am-icon-cube am-icon-lg block"></i>
                                    <p class="tips-name">查看全部订单</p>
                                    <p class="tips-msg">交易提醒可帮助您了解订单状态和物流情况</p>

                <!-- 购物车 -->
                <div class="am-u-md-4">
                    <div class="am-panel am-panel-default">
                        <div class="am-panel-hd">
                            {{if !empty($cart_list)}}
                                <a class="am-fr more-tips" href="{{:MyUrl('index/cart/index')}}" target="_blank">
                                    更多 <span class="am-icon-angle-double-right"></span>
                        <div class="am-panel-bd cart-list">
                            {{if !empty($cart_list)}}
                                {{foreach $cart_list as $key=>$goods}}
                                    {{if $key lt 3}}
                                        <div class="goods-detail">
                                            <a href="{{:MyUrl('index/goods/index', ['id'=>$goods['goods_id']])}}" target="_blank">
                                                <img src="{{$goods.images}}" />
                                            <div class="goods-base">
                                                <a href="{{:MyUrl('index/goods/index', ['id'=>$goods['goods_id']])}}" target="_blank" class="goods-title ellipsis">{{$goods.title}}</a>
                                                        <span class="line-price">¥{{$goods.price}}</span>
                            {{if empty($cart_list)}}
                                <div class="table-no">
                                    <i class="am-icon-opencart am-icon-lg block"></i>
                                    <p class="tips-name">您的购物车还是空的</p>
                                    <p class="tips-msg">将想买的商品放进购物车,一起结算更轻松</p>

                <!-- 收藏商品 -->
                <div class="am-u-md-8">
                    <div class="am-panel am-panel-default">
                        <div class="am-panel-hd">
                            {{if !empty($goods_favor_list)}}
                                <a class="am-fr more-tips" href="{{:MyUrl('index/userfavor/goods')}}" target="_blank">
                                    更多 <span class="am-icon-angle-double-right"></span>
                        <div class="am-panel-bd goods-favor-list">
                            {{if !empty($goods_favor_list)}}
                                <ul data-am-widget="gallery" class="am-gallery am-avg-sm-2 am-avg-md-4 am-gallery-overlay" data-am-gallery="{}">
                                    {{foreach $goods_favor_list as $goods}}
                                            <div class="am-gallery-item">
                                                <a href="{{:MyUrl('index/goods/index', ['id'=>$goods['goods_id']])}}" target="_blank">
                                                    <img src="{{$goods.images}}" alt="{{$goods.title}}" />
                                                    <h3 class="am-gallery-title">{{$goods.title}}</h3>
                                                    <div class="am-gallery-desc line-price">¥{{$goods.price}}</div>
                            {{if empty($goods_favor_list)}}
                                <div class="table-no">
                                    <i class="am-icon-heart-o am-icon-lg block"></i>
                                    <p class="tips-name">您还没有收藏商品</p>
                                    <p class="tips-msg">收藏的商品将显示最新的促销活动和降价情况</p>

                <!-- 浏览足迹 -->
                <div class="am-u-md-4">
                    <div class="am-panel am-panel-default">
                        <div class="am-panel-hd">
                            {{if !empty($goods_browse_list)}}
                                <a class="am-fr more-tips" href="{{:MyUrl('index/usergoodsbrowse/index')}}" target="_blank">
                                    更多 <span class="am-icon-angle-double-right"></span>
                        <div class="am-panel-bd goods-browse-list">
                            {{if !empty($goods_browse_list)}}
                                <ul data-am-widget="gallery" class="am-gallery am-avg-sm-3 am-avg-md-3 am-avg-lg-3 am-gallery-default data-am-gallery="{}">
                                    {{foreach $goods_browse_list as $goods}}
                                            <div class="am-gallery-item">
                                                <a href="{{:MyUrl('index/goods/index', ['id'=>$goods['goods_id']])}}" target="_blank">
                                                    <img src="{{$goods.images}}" alt="{{$goods.title}}" class="am-circle" />
                                                    <h3 class="am-gallery-title">{{$goods.title}}</h3>
                                                <div class="am-gallery-desc line-price">¥{{$goods.price}}</div>
                            {{if empty($goods_browse_list)}}
                                <div class="table-no">
                                    <i class="am-icon-lastfm am-icon-lg block"></i>
                                    <p class="tips-name">您的商品浏览记录为空</p>
                                    <p class="tips-msg">赶紧去商城看看促销活动吧</p>
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