提交 4b068fcb 编写于 作者: A Andrey Senyaev

Pinned versions for dependencies

上级 056f9000
[build-system] [build-system]
requires = [ requires = [
"setuptools", "wheel", "cmake", "pip", "setuptools==59.2.0", "wheel==0.37.0", "cmake==3.22.3", "pip",
"scikit-build>=0.13.2", "scikit-build>=0.13.2",
"numpy==1.13.3; python_version=='3.6' and platform_machine != 'aarch64' and platform_machine != 'arm64'", "numpy==1.13.3; python_version=='3.6' and platform_machine != 'aarch64' and platform_machine != 'arm64'",
"numpy==1.14.5; python_version=='3.7' and platform_machine != 'aarch64' and platform_machine != 'arm64'", "numpy==1.14.5; python_version=='3.7' and platform_machine != 'aarch64' and platform_machine != 'arm64'",
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