提交 dcd408a6 编写于 作者: L liumanduo


上级 8c2b50b9
......@@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ namespace IoTSharp.Services.MQTTControllers
public async Task request(string method,string requestId)
public async Task request(string method)
var p_dev = _dev.DeviceType == DeviceType.Gateway ? device : _dev;
var rules = await _caching.GetAsync($"ruleid_{p_dev.Id}_rpc_{method}", async () =>
......@@ -83,13 +83,13 @@ namespace IoTSharp.Services.MQTTControllers
, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_settings.RuleCachingExpiration));
if (rules.HasValue && rules.Value!=Guid.Empty)
var obj = new { Message.Topic, Payload = Convert.ToBase64String(Message.Payload), ClientId, RPCMethod = method, RequestId = requestId };
var obj = new { Message.Topic, Payload = Convert.ToBase64String(Message.Payload), ClientId, RPCMethod = method };
await _flowRuleProcessor.RunFlowRules(rules.Value, obj, p_dev.Id, FlowRuleRunType.Normal, null);
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