提交 b0ac5b0d 编写于 作者: W wq1234wq


上级 bfb8e3d1
<nz-header nzTheme="light" style="background-color: yellowgreen">
<button nz-button nzType="primary" nzShape="round" (click)="savediagram()">保存<i nz-icon nzType="download"></i></button>
<button nz-button nzType="primary" nzShape="round" (click)="savesense()">保存<i nz-icon nzType="download"></i></button>
<nz-layout class="inner-layout" style="padding: 10px">
......@@ -28,11 +28,15 @@
style="float: left; width: 100%"></div>
<nz-sider nzTheme="light" nzWidth="400px" style="padding: 1rem">
<ng-template toolpanelcontainer>
<!-- <nz-tabset>
<nz-tab nzTitle="设备属性"></nz-tab>
<nz-tab nzTitle="端口配置">
<button nz-button [nzType]="'primary'" (click)="newport(-1)" acl [acl-ability]="37">
......@@ -63,6 +67,6 @@
<nz-tab nzTitle="杂项"> </nz-tab>
</nz-tabset> -->
import { ChangeDetectorRef, Component, ElementRef, Input, OnInit, Type, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { ChangeDetectorRef, Component, ComponentFactoryResolver, ElementRef, Input, OnInit, Type, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { Graph, NodeView, Shape } from '@antv/x6';
import { STColumn, STColumnTag, STComponent, STData } from '@delon/abc/st';
......@@ -6,6 +6,12 @@ import { SettingsService } from '@delon/theme';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import { DeviceItem, port } from './models/data';
import { Device, GateWay } from './models/shape';
import { ConnectionedgeComponent } from './panels/connectionedge/connectionedge.component';
import { DevivceshapeComponent } from './panels/devivceshape/devivceshape.component';
import { GatewayshapeComponent } from './panels/gatewayshape/gatewayshape.component';
import { PortshapeComponent } from './panels/portshape/portshape.component';
import { toolpaneldirective } from './panels/toolpaneldirective';
import { IToolsPanel, PanelItem } from './panels/toolspanel';
selector: 'app-devicegraph',
......@@ -13,6 +19,28 @@ import { Device, GateWay } from './models/shape';
styleUrls: ['./devicegraph.component.less'],
export class DevicegraphComponent implements OnInit {
@ViewChild(toolpaneldirective, { static: true })
toolpanelcontainer!: toolpaneldirective;
toolpanels = [
new PanelItem<IToolsPanel>('device', DevivceshapeComponent, {
new PanelItem<IToolsPanel>('gateway', GatewayshapeComponent, {
// someneedtransferdata: "yourdata,don't forget declara a @Input someneedtransferdata Property ",
new PanelItem<IToolsPanel>('edge', ConnectionedgeComponent, {
// someneedtransferdata: "yourdata,don't forget declara a @Input someneedtransferdata Property ",
new PanelItem<IToolsPanel>('port', PortshapeComponent, {
// someneedtransferdata: "yourdata,don't forget declara a @Input someneedtransferdata Property ",
selectedstyle = {
body: {
stroke: '#00ff00',
......@@ -101,65 +129,10 @@ export class DevicegraphComponent implements OnInit {
GraphShape: '',
ports: {
in: [{ portname: 'port1', id: 1, type: 1, iotype: 1 }],
devicename: '设备2',
id: '22',
type: 'device',
logo: 'control',
image: './assets/logo.png',
remark: '这是一个设备,拖动它放到设计器上',
prop: {
GraphStroke: '#d9d9d9',
GraphStrokeWidth: 1,
GraphTextFill: '',
GraphTextFontSize: '',
GraphPostionX: '',
GraphPostionY: '',
GraphFill: '',
GraphTextRefX: '',
GraphHeight: '',
GraphTextRefY: '',
GraphTextAnchor: '',
GraphTextVerticalAnchor: '',
GraphTextFontFamily: '',
GraphWidth: '',
GraphShape: '',
ports: {
in: [{ portname: 'port1', id: 2, type: 1, iotype: 1 }],
devicename: '设备3',
id: '33',
type: 'device',
logo: 'control',
image: './assets/logo.png',
remark: '这是一个设备,拖动它放到设计器上',
prop: {
GraphStroke: '#d9d9d9',
GraphStrokeWidth: 1,
GraphTextFill: '',
GraphTextFontSize: '',
GraphPostionX: '',
GraphPostionY: '',
GraphFill: '',
GraphTextRefX: '',
GraphHeight: '',
GraphTextRefY: '',
GraphTextAnchor: '',
GraphTextVerticalAnchor: '',
GraphTextFontFamily: '',
GraphWidth: '',
GraphShape: '',
ports: {
in: [{ portname: 'port1', id: 3, type: 1, iotype: 1 }],
in: [{ portname: '温度', id: '1', type: 1, iotype: 1 }],
devicename: '网关1',
id: '44',
......@@ -231,103 +204,26 @@ export class DevicegraphComponent implements OnInit {
ports: {
in: [
{ portname: 'port1', id: 18, type: 1, iotype: 1 },
{ portname: 'port2', id: 19, type: 1, iotype: 1 },
{ portname: 'port3', id: 20, type: 1, iotype: 1 },
{ portname: 'port4', id: 21, type: 1, iotype: 1 },
{ portname: 'port5', id: 22, type: 1, iotype: 1 },
{ portname: 'port6', id: 23, type: 1, iotype: 1 },
{ portname: 'port7', id: 24, type: 1, iotype: 1 },
{ portname: 'port1', id: '18', type: 1, iotype: 1 },
{ portname: 'port2', id: '19', type: 1, iotype: 1 },
{ portname: 'port3', id: '20', type: 1, iotype: 1 },
{ portname: 'port4', id: '21', type: 1, iotype: 1 },
{ portname: 'port5', id: '22', type: 1, iotype: 1 },
{ portname: 'port6', id: '23', type: 1, iotype: 1 },
{ portname: 'port7', id: '24', type: 1, iotype: 1 },
out: [
{ portname: 'port1', id: 25, type: 1, iotype: 1 },
{ portname: 'port2', id: 26, type: 1, iotype: 1 },
{ portname: 'port3', id: 27, type: 1, iotype: 1 },
{ portname: 'port4', id: 28, type: 1, iotype: 1 },
{ portname: 'port5', id: 29, type: 1, iotype: 1 },
{ portname: 'port6', id: 30, type: 1, iotype: 1 },
{ portname: 'port7', id: 31, type: 1, iotype: 1 },
{ portname: 'port1', id: '25', type: 1, iotype: 1 },
{ portname: 'port2', id: '26', type: 1, iotype: 1 },
{ portname: 'port3', id: '27', type: 1, iotype: 1 },
{ portname: 'port4', id: '28', type: 1, iotype: 1 },
{ portname: 'port5', id: '29', type: 1, iotype: 1 },
{ portname: 'port6', id: '30', type: 1, iotype: 1 },
{ portname: 'port7', id: '31', type: 1, iotype: 1 },
devicename: '设备4',
id: '66',
type: 'device',
logo: 'control',
image: './assets/logo.png',
remark: '这是一个设备,拖动它放到设计器上',
prop: {
GraphStroke: '#d9d9d9',
GraphStrokeWidth: 1,
GraphTextFill: '',
GraphTextFontSize: '',
GraphPostionX: '',
GraphPostionY: '',
GraphFill: '',
GraphTextRefX: '',
GraphHeight: '',
GraphTextRefY: '',
GraphTextAnchor: '',
GraphTextVerticalAnchor: '',
GraphTextFontFamily: '',
GraphWidth: '',
GraphShape: '',
ports: { in: [{ portname: 'port1', id: 32, type: 1, iotype: 1 }] },
devicename: '设备5',
id: '77',
type: 'device',
logo: 'control',
image: './assets/logo.png',
remark: '这是一个设备,拖动它放到设计器上',
prop: {
GraphStroke: '#d9d9d9',
GraphStrokeWidth: 1,
GraphTextFill: '',
GraphTextFontSize: '',
GraphPostionX: '',
GraphPostionY: '',
GraphFill: '',
GraphTextRefX: '',
GraphHeight: '',
GraphTextRefY: '',
GraphTextAnchor: '',
GraphTextVerticalAnchor: '',
GraphTextFontFamily: '',
GraphWidth: '',
GraphShape: '',
ports: { in: [{ portname: 'port1', id: 33, type: 1, iotype: 1 }] },
devicename: '设备6',
id: '88',
type: 'device',
logo: 'control',
image: './assets/logo.png',
remark: '这是一个设备,拖动它放到设计器上',
prop: {
GraphStroke: '#d9d9d9',
GraphStrokeWidth: 1,
GraphTextFill: '',
GraphTextFontSize: '',
GraphPostionX: '',
GraphPostionY: '',
GraphFill: '',
GraphTextRefX: '',
GraphHeight: '',
GraphTextRefY: '',
GraphTextAnchor: '',
GraphTextVerticalAnchor: '',
GraphTextFontFamily: '',
GraphWidth: '',
GraphShape: '',
ports: { in: [{ portname: 'port1', id: 34, type: 1, iotype: 1 }] },
devicename: '设备7',
id: '99',
......@@ -352,7 +248,7 @@ export class DevicegraphComponent implements OnInit {
GraphWidth: '',
GraphShape: '',
ports: { in: [{ portname: 'port1', id: 35, type: 1, iotype: 1 }] },
ports: { in: [{ portname: '湿度', id: '35', type: 1, iotype: 1 }] },
......@@ -402,17 +298,60 @@ export class DevicegraphComponent implements OnInit {
x: '50%',
y: '10%',
offset: { x: -0, y: -0 },
onClick: this.toolbtnclick, //闭包了哟
onClick: this.toolbtnclick,
constructor(cdr: ChangeDetectorRef, private settingService: SettingsService) { }
constructor(cdr: ChangeDetectorRef, private settingService: SettingsService, private componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver) { }
newport(id) {
this.selcetedDevice.ports.in = [...this.selcetedDevice.ports.in, { id: '0', portname: '新端口', type: 1, iotype: 1 }];
private createpanel(
panel: string, BizData: any
) {
const componentFactory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(this.toolpanels.find(c => c.name === panel)?.component);
const viewContainerRef = this.toolpanelcontainer.viewContainerRef;
const componentRef = viewContainerRef.createComponent<DevivceshapeComponent>(componentFactory);
componentRef.instance.BizData = BizData;
// switch(panel){
// case 'device':{
// const componentFactory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(DevivceshapeComponent);
// const viewContainerRef = this.toolpanelcontainer.viewContainerRef;
// const componentRef = viewContainerRef.createComponent<DevivceshapeComponent>(componentFactory);
// componentRef.instance.BizData=BizData;
// }
// break;
// case 'gateway':{
// const componentFactory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(GatewayshapeComponent);
// const viewContainerRef = this.toolpanelcontainer.viewContainerRef;
// const componentRef = viewContainerRef.createComponent<DevivceshapeComponent>(componentFactory);
// componentRef.instance.BizData=BizData;
// } break;
// case 'edge':{
// const componentFactory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(ConnectionedgeComponent);
// const viewContainerRef = this.toolpanelcontainer.viewContainerRef;
// const componentRef = viewContainerRef.createComponent<DevivceshapeComponent>(componentFactory);
// componentRef.instance.BizData=BizData;
// } break;
// case 'port':{
// const componentFactory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(PortshapeComponent);
// const viewContainerRef = this.toolpanelcontainer.viewContainerRef;
// const componentRef = viewContainerRef.createComponent<DevivceshapeComponent>(componentFactory);
// componentRef.instance.BizData=BizData;
// }
// }
private submit(i: STData): void {
this.updateEdit(i, false);
......@@ -529,21 +468,47 @@ export class DevicegraphComponent implements OnInit {
this.graph.on('cell:click', ({ e, x, y, cell, view }) => {
var device = cell as Device;
var port = device.getPort(e.target.attributes.port.value);
device.setPortProp(port.id, 'attrs/circle', { fill: '#0000ff', stroke: '#fff' })
var matadata = cell.getProp('Biz') as DeviceItem;
if (matadata) {
switch (matadata.type) {
case 'device':
if (e.target.attributes?.port?.value) {
var device = cell as Device
var port = device.getPort(e.target.attributes.port.value);
device.setPortProp(port.id, 'attrs/circle', { fill: '#0000ff', stroke: '#fff' })
case 'gateway':
if (e.target.attributes?.port?.value) {
var gateway = cell as GateWay
var port = gateway.getPort(e.target.attributes.port.value);
gateway.setPortProp(port.id, 'attrs/circle', { fill: '#0000ff', stroke: '#fff' })
this.graph.on('edge:click', ({ e, x, y, edge, view }) => {
this.graph.on('cell:mousedown', ({ cell }) => {
// cell.removeTools(); //只读状态下移除Node中的操作按钮
this.graph.on('node:click', (e, x, y, node, view) => {
this.createpanel('device', {});
var matadata = e.node.getProp('Biz');
......@@ -625,6 +590,7 @@ export class DevicegraphComponent implements OnInit {
offsetX: this.dragEndlocation.offsetX,
offsetY: this.dragEndlocation.offsetY,
Biz: $event.dropData,
portdata: {
group: {
in: {
......@@ -665,7 +631,7 @@ export class DevicegraphComponent implements OnInit {
ports: ports,
this.createshape(data, 'device');
......@@ -766,12 +732,12 @@ export class DevicegraphComponent implements OnInit {
ports: ports,
this.createshape(data, 'gateway');
createshape(data: any) {
createshape(data: any, type: string) {
var node = this.graph.addNode(
new GateWay({
label: data.label,
......@@ -797,7 +763,7 @@ export class DevicegraphComponent implements OnInit {
this.data.splice(this.data.indexOf(data.Biz), 1);
dragEnd(event) { }
......@@ -808,9 +774,9 @@ export class DevicegraphComponent implements OnInit {
dragEndlocation: any;
load() { }
loadsense() { }
savediagram() {
savesense() {
var edges = this.graph.getEdges();
var nodes = this.graph.getNodes();
var shapes = [];
import { Directive, ViewContainerRef } from '@angular/core';
selector: '[toolpanelcontainer]',
export class toolpaneldirective {
constructor(public viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef) { }
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -11,4 +11,17 @@ export interface IToolsPanel {
export interface IBizData {
\ No newline at end of file
import { Type } from '@angular/core';
export class PanelItem<IToolsPanel> {
constructor(public name: String
// it should be uniqe
,public component: Type<any>, public data: any) {}
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -74,9 +74,13 @@ import { ConnectionedgeComponent } from './device/devicegraph/panels/connectione
import { DevivceshapeComponent } from './device/devicegraph/panels/devivceshape/devivceshape.component';
import { GatewayshapeComponent } from './device/devicegraph/panels/gatewayshape/gatewayshape.component';
import { PortshapeComponent } from './device/devicegraph/panels/portshape/portshape.component';
import { toolpaneldirective } from './device/devicegraph/panels/toolpaneldirective';
const COMPONENTS: Array<Type<null>> = [];
const Directive: Type<void>[] = [fielddirective, controldirective];
const Directive: Type<void>[] = [
imports: [SharedModule, RouteRoutingModule, G2BarModule, G2GaugeModule, NzIconModule, WidgetsModule, ClipboardModule],
declarations: [
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