提交 0e3dee15 编写于 作者: H hjdhnx


上级 6d4929c3
......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ def create_flask_app():
app.register_blueprint(vod.vod, url_prefix='')
app.register_blueprint(cls.cls, url_prefix='/cls')
app.register_blueprint(layui.layui, url_prefix='/layui')
app.register_blueprint(parse.parse, url_prefix='/parse')
app.logger.name = "drLogger"
# lsg = service.storage_service()
......@@ -11,4 +11,5 @@ from . import vod
from . import cms
from . import cls
from . import classes
from . import layui
\ No newline at end of file
from . import layui
from . import parse
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ def config_render(mode):
# print(ali_token)
customConfig = getCustonDict(host,ali_token)
# print(customConfig)
jxs = getJxs()
jxs = getJxs(host=host)
lsg = storage_service()
use_py = lsg.getItem('USE_PY')
pys = getPys() if use_py else []
......@@ -242,7 +242,6 @@ def config_gen():
store_conf_dict = lsg.getStoreConfDict()
jxs = getJxs()
lsg = storage_service()
use_py = lsg.getItem('USE_PY')
pys = getPys() if use_py else False
......@@ -250,26 +249,32 @@ def config_gen():
alists_str = json.dumps(alists,ensure_ascii=False)
rules = getRules('js')
rules = get_multi_rules(rules)
set_local = render_template('config.txt',pys=pys,rules=rules,alists=alists,alists_str=alists_str,live_url=get_live_url(new_conf,0),mode=0,host=getHost(0),jxs=jxs)
host0 = getHost(0)
jxs = getJxs(host=host0)
set_local = render_template('config.txt',pys=pys,rules=rules,alists=alists,alists_str=alists_str,live_url=get_live_url(new_conf,0),mode=0,host=host0,jxs=jxs)
# print(set_local)
set_area = render_template('config.txt',pys=pys,rules=rules,alists=alists,alists_str=alists_str,live_url=get_live_url(new_conf,1),mode=1,host=getHost(1),jxs=jxs)
set_online = render_template('config.txt',pys=pys,rules=rules,alists=alists,alists_str=alists_str,live_url=get_live_url(new_conf,2),mode=1,host=getHost(2),jxs=jxs)
host1 = getHost(1)
jxs = getJxs(host=host1)
set_area = render_template('config.txt',pys=pys,rules=rules,alists=alists,alists_str=alists_str,live_url=get_live_url(new_conf,1),mode=1,host=host1,jxs=jxs)
host2 = getHost(2)
jxs = getJxs(host=host2)
set_online = render_template('config.txt',pys=pys,rules=rules,alists=alists,alists_str=alists_str,live_url=get_live_url(new_conf,2),mode=1,host=host2,jxs=jxs)
ali_token = new_conf.ALI_TOKEN
with open('txt/pycms0.json','w+',encoding='utf-8') as f:
customConfig = getCustonDict(getHost(0),ali_token)
customConfig = getCustonDict(host0,ali_token)
set_dict = custom_merge(parseText(set_local), customConfig)
# set_dict = json.loads(set_local)
with open('txt/pycms1.json','w+',encoding='utf-8') as f:
customConfig = getCustonDict(getHost(1),ali_token)
customConfig = getCustonDict(host1,ali_token)
set_dict = custom_merge(parseText(set_area), customConfig)
# set_dict = json.loads(set_area)
with open('txt/pycms2.json','w+',encoding='utf-8') as f:
customConfig = getCustonDict(getHost(2),ali_token)
customConfig = getCustonDict(host2,ali_token)
set_dict = custom_merge(parseText(set_online), customConfig)
# set_dict = json.loads(set_online)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File : parse.py
# Author: DaShenHan&道长-----先苦后甜,任凭晚风拂柳颜------
# Date : 2022/9/24
from flask import Blueprint, jsonify
from utils.web import getParmas,get_interval
import os
from utils.log import logger
from utils.pyctx import py_ctx,getPreJs,runJScode,JsObjectWrapper,PyJsString,parseText,jsoup,time
parse = Blueprint("parse", __name__)
class R(object):
def ok(self, msg='操作成功', url=None, extra=None):
if extra is None:
extra = {}
result = {"code": 200, "msg": msg, "url":url}
return jsonify(result)
def error(self,msg="系统异常",code=404,extra=None):
if extra is None:
extra = {}
result = {"code": code, "msg": msg}
return jsonify(result)
def success(self,msg='操作成功', url=None,extra=None):
return self.ok(msg,url,extra)
def failed(self,msg="系统异常", code=404,extra=None):
return self.error(msg,code,extra)
def parse_home(filename):
url = getParmas('url')
# http://localhost:5705/parse/api/%E6%97%A0%E5%90%8D.js?url=https://www.iqiyi.com/v_ik3832z0go.html
if not url or not url.startswith('http'):
return R.failed(f'url必填!{url},且必须是http开头')
base_path = 'jiexi'
os.makedirs(base_path, exist_ok=True)
file_path = os.path.join(base_path, filename)
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
return R.failed(f'{file_path}文件不存在')
jsp = jsoup(url)
'vipUrl': url,
'fetch_params': {'headers': {'Referer':url}, 'timeout': 10, 'encoding': 'utf-8'},
ctx = py_ctx
with open(file_path,encoding='utf-8') as f:
code = f.read()
jscode = getPreJs() + code.strip().replace('js:', '', 1)
# print(jscode)
t1 = time()
loader, _ = runJScode(jscode, ctx=ctx)
realUrl = loader.eval('realUrl')
if not realUrl:
return R.failed(f'解析失败:{realUrl}')
if isinstance(realUrl, PyJsString):
realUrl = parseText(str(realUrl))
return R.success(f'{filename}解析成功',realUrl,{'time':f'{get_interval(t1)}毫秒'})
except Exception as e:
msg = f'{filename}解析出错:{e}'
return R.failed(msg,extra={'time':f'{get_interval(t1)}毫秒'})
\ No newline at end of file
let jxUrl = 'http://api.ckflv.cn/?url=';
fetch_params.headers.Referer = jxUrl;
try {
// realUrl = null;
let html = request(jxUrl+vipUrl);
realUrl = jsp.pjfh(html,'$..url');
}catch (e) {
realUrl = vipUrl;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import js2py
from utils.log import logger
# from utils.web import get_interval,UA
from utils.ua import UA,get_interval
from flask import render_template_string
def getRuleLists():
base_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # 当前文件所在目录
......@@ -86,8 +87,12 @@ def getRules(path='cache'):
return rules
def jxTxt2Json(text:str):
data = text.strip().split('\n')
def jxTxt2Json(text:str,host:str):
data = render_template_string(text,host=host).strip().split('\n')
except Exception as e:
data = []
jxs = []
for i in data:
i = i.strip()
......@@ -104,7 +109,7 @@ def jxTxt2Json(text:str):
return jxs
def getJxs(path='js'):
def getJxs(path='js',host=None):
custom_jx = 'base/解析.conf'
if not os.path.exists(custom_jx):
with open(custom_jx,'w+',encoding='utf-8') as f1:
......@@ -118,10 +123,10 @@ def getJxs(path='js'):
with open(f'{path}/解析.conf',encoding='utf-8') as f:
text = f.read()
jxs = jxTxt2Json(text)
jxs = jxTxt2Json(text,host)
with open(custom_jx,encoding='utf-8') as f2:
text = f2.read()
jxs2 = jxTxt2Json(text)
jxs2 = jxTxt2Json(text,host)
return jxs
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
# 快看,http://api.8a5.cn/parse/kuaikan/de.php?url=,1
# 钢铁侠,https://json.freejx.in/?url=,1
# 绿叶,https://hc.izny.cn/json.php?url=,1
# 无名1,http://api.ckflv.cn/?url=,1
# 查询,https://chaxun.truechat365.com/?url= # 这个解析真的牛逼,只能电脑看
# llq,https://hc.izny.cn/json.php?url=,1
......@@ -46,6 +46,9 @@
###### 2022/09/25
- [X] 1.v3.7.10 增加了自定义解析功能,解析.conf支持变量{{host}}
- [X] 2.新增了 jiexi/无名.js作为示例,接受vipUrl返回realUrl
###### 2022/09/23
- [X] 1.v3.7.5 优化了首图2模板的搜索定位以及几个相关的源
- [X] 2.二级渲染功能拆分,js单独调用
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# File : pyctx.py
# Author: DaShenHan&道长-----先苦后甜,任凭晚风拂柳颜------
# Date : 2022/9/24
import json
import requests
from utils.web import *
from utils.log import logger
from utils.encode import base64Encode,baseDecode,fetch,post,request,getCryptoJS,getPreJs,buildUrl,getHome,parseText
from utils.encode import setDetail,join,urljoin2,parseText,requireCache
from utils.encode import md5 as mmd5
from utils.parser import runPy,runJScode,JsObjectWrapper,PyJsObject,PyJsString
from urllib.parse import quote
from utils.htmlParser import jsoup
from controllers.service import storage_service
def setItem(key,value):
lsg = storage_service()
if isinstance(key,PyJsString):
key = parseText(str(key))
if isinstance(value,PyJsString):
value = parseText(str(value))
return lsg.setItem(key,value)
def getItem(key,value=''):
lsg = storage_service()
if isinstance(key,PyJsString):
key = parseText(str(key))
if isinstance(value,PyJsString):
value = parseText(str(value))
return lsg.getItem(key,value)
def clearItem(key):
lsg = storage_service()
if isinstance(key,PyJsString):
key = parseText(str(key))
return lsg.clearItem(key)
def encodeUrl(url):
# return base64Encode(quote(url))
# return base64Encode(url)
# print(type(url))
if isinstance(url,PyJsString):
# obj = obj.to_dict()
url = parseText(str(url))
return quote(url)
def stringify(obj):
if isinstance(obj,PyJsObject):
# obj = obj.to_dict()
obj = parseText(str(obj))
return json.dumps(obj, separators=(',', ':'), ensure_ascii=False)
def requireObj(url):
if isinstance(url,PyJsString):
url = parseText(str(url))
return requireCache(url)
def md5(text):
if isinstance(text,PyJsString):
text = parseText(str(text))
return mmd5(text)
py_ctx = {
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ def copy_to_update():
return False
# 千万不能覆盖super,base
paths = ['js','models','controllers','libs','static','templates','utils','txt']
exclude_files = ['txt/pycms0.json','txt/pycms1.json','txt/pycms2.json']
paths = ['js','models','controllers','libs','static','templates','utils','txt','jiexi']
exclude_files = ['txt/pycms0.json','txt/pycms1.json','txt/pycms2.json','base/rules.db']
for path in paths:
force_copy_files(os.path.join(dr_path, path),os.path.join(base_path, path),exclude_files)
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