提交 f315c35a 编写于 作者: B bors

Auto merge of #72357 - ortem:new-dbg-pretty-printers, r=pnkfelix

Implement new gdb/lldb pretty-printers

Reopened #60826

This PR replaces current gdb and lldb pretty-printers with new ones that were originally written for [IntelliJ Rust](https://github.com/intellij-rust/intellij-rust/tree/master/prettyPrinters).

The current state of lldb pretty-printers is poor, because [they don't use synthetic children](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/55586#issuecomment-436610063). When I started to reimplement lldb pretty-printers with synthetic children support, I've found current version strange and hard to support. I think `debugger_pretty_printers_common.py` is overkill, so I got rid of it.

The new pretty-printers have to support all types supported by current pretty-printers, and also support `Rc`, `Arc`, `Cell`, `Ref`, `RefCell`, `RefMut`, `HashMap`, `HashSet`.

Fixes #56252
......@@ -619,19 +619,21 @@ fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) {
} else {
// gdb debugger scripts
builder.install(&builder.src.join("src/etc/rust-gdb"), &sysroot.join("bin"), 0o755);
builder.install(&builder.src.join("src/etc/rust-gdbgui"), &sysroot.join("bin"), 0o755);
// lldb debugger scripts
builder.install(&builder.src.join("src/etc/rust-lldb"), &sysroot.join("bin"), 0o755);
This module provides an abstraction layer over common Rust pretty printing
functionality needed by both GDB and LLDB.
import re
# Type codes that indicate the kind of type as it appears in DWARF debug
# information. This code alone is not sufficient to determine the Rust type.
# For example structs, tuples, fat pointers, or enum variants will all have
# These constants specify the most specific kind of type that could be
# determined for a given value.
# Slice related constants
# std::Vec<> related constants
# std::collections::VecDeque<> related constants
# std::collections::BTreeSet<> related constants
# std::collections::BTreeMap<> related constants
STD_BTREEMAP_FIELD_NAMES = ["root", "length"]
# std::String related constants
# std::ffi::OsString related constants
class Type(object):
This class provides a common interface for type-oriented operations.
Sub-classes are supposed to wrap a debugger-specific type-object and
provide implementations for the abstract methods in this class.
def __init__(self):
self.__type_kind = None
def get_unqualified_type_name(self):
Implementations of this method should return the unqualified name of the
type-object they are wrapping. Some examples:
'int' -> 'int'
'std::vec::Vec<std::string::String>' -> 'Vec<std::string::String>'
'&std::option::Option<std::string::String>' -> '&std::option::Option<std::string::String>'
As you can see, type arguments stay fully qualified.
raise NotImplementedError("Override this method")
def get_dwarf_type_kind(self):
Implementations of this method should return the correct
DWARF_TYPE_CODE_* value for the wrapped type-object.
raise NotImplementedError("Override this method")
def get_fields(self):
Implementations of this method should return a list of field-objects of
this type. For Rust-enums (i.e. with DWARF_TYPE_CODE_UNION) these field-
objects represent the variants of the enum. Field-objects must have a
`name` attribute that gives their name as specified in DWARF.
assert ((self.get_dwarf_type_kind() == DWARF_TYPE_CODE_STRUCT) or
(self.get_dwarf_type_kind() == DWARF_TYPE_CODE_UNION))
raise NotImplementedError("Override this method")
def get_wrapped_value(self):
Returns the debugger-specific type-object wrapped by this object. This
is sometimes needed for doing things like pointer-arithmetic in GDB.
raise NotImplementedError("Override this method")
def get_type_kind(self):
"""This method returns the TYPE_KIND_* value for this type-object."""
if self.__type_kind is None:
dwarf_type_code = self.get_dwarf_type_kind()
if dwarf_type_code == DWARF_TYPE_CODE_STRUCT:
self.__type_kind = self.__classify_struct()
elif dwarf_type_code == DWARF_TYPE_CODE_UNION:
self.__type_kind = self.__classify_union()
elif dwarf_type_code == DWARF_TYPE_CODE_PTR:
self.__type_kind = TYPE_KIND_PTR
elif dwarf_type_code == DWARF_TYPE_CODE_ARRAY:
self.__type_kind = TYPE_KIND_FIXED_SIZE_VEC
self.__type_kind = TYPE_KIND_UNKNOWN
return self.__type_kind
def __classify_struct(self):
assert self.get_dwarf_type_kind() == DWARF_TYPE_CODE_STRUCT
unqualified_type_name = self.get_unqualified_type_name()
if unqualified_type_name == "&str":
if (unqualified_type_name.startswith(("&[", "&mut [")) and
unqualified_type_name.endswith("]") and
fields = self.get_fields()
field_count = len(fields)
if field_count == 0:
if (unqualified_type_name.startswith("Vec<") and
if (unqualified_type_name.startswith("VecDeque<") and
if (unqualified_type_name.startswith("BTreeSet<") and
if (unqualified_type_name.startswith("BTreeMap<") and
if (unqualified_type_name.startswith("String") and
if (unqualified_type_name == "OsString" and
if fields[0].name == ENUM_DISR_FIELD_NAME:
if field_count == 1:
elif self.__all_fields_conform_to_tuple_field_naming(1):
if self.__all_fields_conform_to_tuple_field_naming(0):
if unqualified_type_name.startswith("("):
def __classify_union(self):
assert self.get_dwarf_type_kind() == DWARF_TYPE_CODE_UNION
union_members = self.get_fields()
union_member_count = len(union_members)
if union_member_count == 0:
first_variant_name = union_members[0].name
if first_variant_name is None:
if union_member_count == 1:
elif first_variant_name.startswith(ENCODED_ENUM_PREFIX):
assert union_member_count == 1
def __conforms_to_field_layout(self, expected_fields):
actual_fields = self.get_fields()
actual_field_count = len(actual_fields)
if actual_field_count != len(expected_fields):
return False
for i in range(0, actual_field_count):
if actual_fields[i].name != expected_fields[i]:
return False
return True
def __all_fields_conform_to_tuple_field_naming(self, start_index):
fields = self.get_fields()
field_count = len(fields)
for i in range(start_index, field_count):
field_name = fields[i].name
if (field_name is None) or (re.match(r"__\d+$", field_name) is None):
return False
return True
class Value(object):
This class provides a common interface for value-oriented operations.
Sub-classes are supposed to wrap a debugger-specific value-object and
provide implementations for the abstract methods in this class.
def __init__(self, ty):
self.type = ty
def get_child_at_index(self, index):
"""Returns the value of the field, array element or variant at the given index"""
raise NotImplementedError("Override this method")
def as_integer(self):
Try to convert the wrapped value into a Python integer. This should
always succeed for values that are pointers or actual integers.
raise NotImplementedError("Override this method")
def get_wrapped_value(self):
Returns the debugger-specific value-object wrapped by this object. This
is sometimes needed for doing things like pointer-arithmetic in GDB.
raise NotImplementedError("Override this method")
class EncodedEnumInfo(object):
This class provides facilities for handling enum values with compressed
encoding where a non-null field in one variant doubles as the discriminant.
def __init__(self, enum_val):
assert enum_val.type.get_type_kind() == TYPE_KIND_COMPRESSED_ENUM
variant_name = enum_val.type.get_fields()[0].name
last_separator_index = variant_name.rfind("$")
start_index = len(ENCODED_ENUM_PREFIX)
indices_substring = variant_name[start_index:last_separator_index].split("$")
self.__enum_val = enum_val
self.__disr_field_indices = [int(index) for index in indices_substring]
self.__null_variant_name = variant_name[last_separator_index + 1:]
def is_null_variant(self):
ty = self.__enum_val.type
sole_variant_val = self.__enum_val.get_child_at_index(0)
discriminant_val = sole_variant_val
for disr_field_index in self.__disr_field_indices:
discriminant_val = discriminant_val.get_child_at_index(disr_field_index)
# If the discriminant field is a fat pointer we have to consider the
# first word as the true discriminant
if discriminant_val.type.get_dwarf_type_kind() == DWARF_TYPE_CODE_STRUCT:
discriminant_val = discriminant_val.get_child_at_index(0)
return discriminant_val.as_integer() == 0
def get_non_null_variant_val(self):
return self.__enum_val.get_child_at_index(0)
def get_null_variant_name(self):
return self.__null_variant_name
def get_discriminant_value_as_integer(enum_val):
assert enum_val.type.get_dwarf_type_kind() == DWARF_TYPE_CODE_UNION
# we can take any variant here because the discriminant has to be the same
# for all of them.
variant_val = enum_val.get_child_at_index(0)
disr_val = variant_val.get_child_at_index(0)
return disr_val.as_integer()
def extract_length_ptr_and_cap_from_std_vec(vec_val):
assert vec_val.type.get_type_kind() == TYPE_KIND_STD_VEC
length = vec_val.get_child_at_index(length_field_index).as_integer()
buf = vec_val.get_child_at_index(buf_field_index)
vec_ptr_val = buf.get_child_at_index(0)
capacity = buf.get_child_at_index(1).as_integer()
data_ptr = vec_ptr_val.get_child_at_index(0)
assert data_ptr.type.get_dwarf_type_kind() == DWARF_TYPE_CODE_PTR
return (length, data_ptr, capacity)
def extract_tail_head_ptr_and_cap_from_std_vecdeque(vec_val):
assert vec_val.type.get_type_kind() == TYPE_KIND_STD_VECDEQUE
tail = vec_val.get_child_at_index(tail_field_index).as_integer()
head = vec_val.get_child_at_index(head_field_index).as_integer()
buf = vec_val.get_child_at_index(buf_field_index)
vec_ptr_val = buf.get_child_at_index(0)
capacity = buf.get_child_at_index(1).as_integer()
data_ptr = vec_ptr_val.get_child_at_index(0)
assert data_ptr.type.get_dwarf_type_kind() == DWARF_TYPE_CODE_PTR
return (tail, head, data_ptr, capacity)
def extract_length_and_ptr_from_slice(slice_val):
assert (slice_val.type.get_type_kind() == TYPE_KIND_SLICE or
slice_val.type.get_type_kind() == TYPE_KIND_STR_SLICE)
length = slice_val.get_child_at_index(length_field_index).as_integer()
data_ptr = slice_val.get_child_at_index(ptr_field_index)
assert data_ptr.type.get_dwarf_type_kind() == DWARF_TYPE_CODE_PTR
return (length, data_ptr)
UNQUALIFIED_TYPE_MARKERS = frozenset(["(", "[", "&", "*"])
def extract_type_name(qualified_type_name):
"""Extracts the type name from a fully qualified path"""
if qualified_type_name[0] in UNQUALIFIED_TYPE_MARKERS:
return qualified_type_name
end_of_search = qualified_type_name.find("<")
if end_of_search < 0:
end_of_search = len(qualified_type_name)
index = qualified_type_name.rfind("::", 0, end_of_search)
if index < 0:
return qualified_type_name
return qualified_type_name[index + 2:]
compat_str = unicode # Python 2
except NameError:
compat_str = str
import gdb
import gdb_rust_pretty_printing
import gdb_lookup
import gdb
import re
from gdb_providers import *
from rust_types import *
rust_enabled = 'set language rust' in gdb.execute('complete set language ru', to_string=True)
_gdb_version_matched = re.search('([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)', gdb.VERSION)
gdb_version = [int(num) for num in _gdb_version_matched.groups()] if _gdb_version_matched else []
def register_printers(objfile):
# BACKCOMPAT: rust 1.35
def is_hashbrown_hashmap(hash_map):
return len(hash_map.type.fields()) == 1
def classify_rust_type(type):
type_class = type.code
if type_class == gdb.TYPE_CODE_STRUCT:
return classify_struct(type.tag, type.fields())
if type_class == gdb.TYPE_CODE_UNION:
return classify_union(type.fields())
return RustType.OTHER
def check_enum_discriminant(valobj):
content = valobj[valobj.type.fields()[0]]
fields = content.type.fields()
if len(fields) > 1:
discriminant = int(content[fields[0]]) + 1
if discriminant > len(fields):
# invalid discriminant
return False
return True
def lookup(valobj):
rust_type = classify_rust_type(valobj.type)
if rust_type == RustType.ENUM:
# use enum provider only for GDB <7.12
if gdb_version[0] < 7 or (gdb_version[0] == 7 and gdb_version[1] < 12):
if check_enum_discriminant(valobj):
return EnumProvider(valobj)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_STRING:
return StdStringProvider(valobj)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_OS_STRING:
return StdOsStringProvider(valobj)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_STR and not rust_enabled:
return StdStrProvider(valobj)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_VEC:
return StdVecProvider(valobj)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_VEC_DEQUE:
return StdVecDequeProvider(valobj)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_BTREE_SET:
return StdBTreeSetProvider(valobj)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_BTREE_MAP:
return StdBTreeMapProvider(valobj)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_HASH_MAP:
if is_hashbrown_hashmap(valobj):
return StdHashMapProvider(valobj)
return StdOldHashMapProvider(valobj)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_HASH_SET:
hash_map = valobj["map"]
if is_hashbrown_hashmap(hash_map):
return StdHashMapProvider(hash_map, show_values=False)
return StdOldHashMapProvider(hash_map, show_values=False)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_RC:
return StdRcProvider(valobj)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_ARC:
return StdRcProvider(valobj, is_atomic=True)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_CELL:
return StdCellProvider(valobj)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_REF:
return StdRefProvider(valobj)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_REF_MUT:
return StdRefProvider(valobj)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_REF_CELL:
return StdRefCellProvider(valobj)
return None
from sys import version_info
import gdb
from gdb import lookup_type
if version_info[0] >= 3:
xrange = range
ZERO_FIELD = "__0"
def unwrap_unique_or_non_null(unique_or_nonnull):
# BACKCOMPAT: rust 1.32
# https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/commit/7a0911528058e87d22ea305695f4047572c5e067
ptr = unique_or_nonnull["pointer"]
return ptr if ptr.type.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR else ptr[ZERO_FIELD]
class EnumProvider:
def __init__(self, valobj):
content = valobj[valobj.type.fields()[0]]
fields = content.type.fields()
self.empty = len(fields) == 0
if not self.empty:
if len(fields) == 1:
discriminant = 0
discriminant = int(content[fields[0]]) + 1
self.active_variant = content[fields[discriminant]]
self.name = fields[discriminant].name
self.full_name = "{}::{}".format(valobj.type.name, self.name)
self.full_name = valobj.type.name
def to_string(self):
return self.full_name
def children(self):
if not self.empty:
yield self.name, self.active_variant
class StdStringProvider:
def __init__(self, valobj):
self.valobj = valobj
vec = valobj["vec"]
self.length = int(vec["len"])
self.data_ptr = unwrap_unique_or_non_null(vec["buf"]["ptr"])
def to_string(self):
return self.data_ptr.lazy_string(encoding="utf-8", length=self.length)
def display_hint():
return "string"
class StdOsStringProvider:
def __init__(self, valobj):
self.valobj = valobj
buf = self.valobj["inner"]["inner"]
is_windows = "Wtf8Buf" in buf.type.name
vec = buf[ZERO_FIELD] if is_windows else buf
self.length = int(vec["len"])
self.data_ptr = unwrap_unique_or_non_null(vec["buf"]["ptr"])
def to_string(self):
return self.data_ptr.lazy_string(encoding="utf-8", length=self.length)
def display_hint(self):
return "string"
class StdStrProvider:
def __init__(self, valobj):
self.valobj = valobj
self.length = int(valobj["length"])
self.data_ptr = valobj["data_ptr"]
def to_string(self):
return self.data_ptr.lazy_string(encoding="utf-8", length=self.length)
def display_hint():
return "string"
class StdVecProvider:
def __init__(self, valobj):
self.valobj = valobj
self.length = int(valobj["len"])
self.data_ptr = unwrap_unique_or_non_null(valobj["buf"]["ptr"])
def to_string(self):
return "Vec(size={})".format(self.length)
def children(self):
saw_inaccessible = False
for index in xrange(self.length):
element_ptr = self.data_ptr + index
if saw_inaccessible:
# rust-lang/rust#64343: passing deref expr to `str` allows
# catching exception on garbage pointer
yield "[{}]".format(index), element_ptr.dereference()
except RuntimeError:
saw_inaccessible = True
yield str(index), "inaccessible"
def display_hint():
return "array"
class StdVecDequeProvider:
def __init__(self, valobj):
self.valobj = valobj
self.head = int(valobj["head"])
self.tail = int(valobj["tail"])
self.cap = int(valobj["buf"]["cap"])
self.data_ptr = unwrap_unique_or_non_null(valobj["buf"]["ptr"])
if self.head >= self.tail:
self.size = self.head - self.tail
self.size = self.cap + self.head - self.tail
def to_string(self):
return "VecDeque(size={})".format(self.size)
def children(self):
for index in xrange(0, self.size):
value = (self.data_ptr + ((self.tail + index) % self.cap)).dereference()
yield "[{}]".format(index), value
def display_hint():
return "array"
class StdRcProvider:
def __init__(self, valobj, is_atomic=False):
self.valobj = valobj
self.is_atomic = is_atomic
self.ptr = unwrap_unique_or_non_null(valobj["ptr"])
self.value = self.ptr["data" if is_atomic else "value"]
self.strong = self.ptr["strong"]["v" if is_atomic else "value"]["value"]
self.weak = self.ptr["weak"]["v" if is_atomic else "value"]["value"] - 1
def to_string(self):
if self.is_atomic:
return "Arc(strong={}, weak={})".format(int(self.strong), int(self.weak))
return "Rc(strong={}, weak={})".format(int(self.strong), int(self.weak))
def children(self):
yield "value", self.value
yield "strong", self.strong
yield "weak", self.weak
class StdCellProvider:
def __init__(self, valobj):
self.value = valobj["value"]["value"]
def to_string(self):
return "Cell"
def children(self):
yield "value", self.value
class StdRefProvider:
def __init__(self, valobj):
self.value = valobj["value"].dereference()
self.borrow = valobj["borrow"]["borrow"]["value"]["value"]
def to_string(self):
borrow = int(self.borrow)
if borrow >= 0:
return "Ref(borrow={})".format(borrow)
return "Ref(borrow_mut={})".format(-borrow)
def children(self):
yield "*value", self.value
yield "borrow", self.borrow
class StdRefCellProvider:
def __init__(self, valobj):
self.value = valobj["value"]["value"]
self.borrow = valobj["borrow"]["value"]["value"]
def to_string(self):
borrow = int(self.borrow)
if borrow >= 0:
return "RefCell(borrow={})".format(borrow)
return "RefCell(borrow_mut={})".format(-borrow)
def children(self):
yield "value", self.value
yield "borrow", self.borrow
# Yield each key (and optionally value) from a BoxedNode.
def children_of_node(boxed_node, height, want_values):
def cast_to_internal(node):
internal_type_name = str(node.type.target()).replace("LeafNode", "InternalNode", 1)
internal_type = lookup_type(internal_type_name)
return node.cast(internal_type.pointer())
node_ptr = unwrap_unique_or_non_null(boxed_node["ptr"])
node_ptr = cast_to_internal(node_ptr) if height > 0 else node_ptr
leaf = node_ptr["data"] if height > 0 else node_ptr.dereference()
keys = leaf["keys"]
values = leaf["vals"]
length = int(leaf["len"])
for i in xrange(0, length + 1):
if height > 0:
child_ptr = node_ptr["edges"][i]["value"]["value"]
for child in children_of_node(child_ptr, height - 1, want_values):
yield child
if i < length:
if want_values:
yield keys[i]["value"]["value"], values[i]["value"]["value"]
yield keys[i]["value"]["value"]
class StdBTreeSetProvider:
def __init__(self, valobj):
self.valobj = valobj
def to_string(self):
return "BTreeSet(size={})".format(self.valobj["map"]["length"])
def children(self):
inner_map = self.valobj["map"]
if inner_map["length"] > 0:
root = inner_map["root"]
if "core::option::Option<" in root.type.name:
type_name = str(root.type.name).replace("core::option::Option<", "", 1)[:-1]
root = root.cast(gdb.lookup_type(type_name))
node_ptr = root["node"]
for i, child in enumerate(children_of_node(node_ptr, root["height"], False)):
yield "[{}]".format(i), child
def display_hint():
return "array"
class StdBTreeMapProvider:
def __init__(self, valobj):
self.valobj = valobj
def to_string(self):
return "BTreeMap(size={})".format(self.valobj["length"])
def children(self):
if self.valobj["length"] > 0:
root = self.valobj["root"]
if "core::option::Option<" in root.type.name:
type_name = str(root.type.name).replace("core::option::Option<", "", 1)[:-1]
root = root.cast(gdb.lookup_type(type_name))
node_ptr = root["node"]
for i, child in enumerate(children_of_node(node_ptr, root["height"], True)):
yield "key{}".format(i), child[0]
yield "val{}".format(i), child[1]
def display_hint():
return "map"
# BACKCOMPAT: rust 1.35
class StdOldHashMapProvider:
def __init__(self, valobj, show_values=True):
self.valobj = valobj
self.show_values = show_values
self.table = self.valobj["table"]
self.size = int(self.table["size"])
self.hashes = self.table["hashes"]
self.hash_uint_type = self.hashes.type
self.hash_uint_size = self.hashes.type.sizeof
self.modulo = 2 ** self.hash_uint_size
self.data_ptr = self.hashes[ZERO_FIELD]["pointer"]
self.capacity_mask = int(self.table["capacity_mask"])
self.capacity = (self.capacity_mask + 1) % self.modulo
marker = self.table["marker"].type
self.pair_type = marker.template_argument(0)
self.pair_type_size = self.pair_type.sizeof
self.valid_indices = []
for idx in range(self.capacity):
data_ptr = self.data_ptr.cast(self.hash_uint_type.pointer())
address = data_ptr + idx
hash_uint = address.dereference()
hash_ptr = hash_uint[ZERO_FIELD]["pointer"]
if int(hash_ptr) != 0:
def to_string(self):
if self.show_values:
return "HashMap(size={})".format(self.size)
return "HashSet(size={})".format(self.size)
def children(self):
start = int(self.data_ptr) & ~1
hashes = self.hash_uint_size * self.capacity
align = self.pair_type_size
len_rounded_up = (((((hashes + align) % self.modulo - 1) % self.modulo) & ~(
(align - 1) % self.modulo)) % self.modulo - hashes) % self.modulo
pairs_offset = hashes + len_rounded_up
pairs_start = gdb.Value(start + pairs_offset).cast(self.pair_type.pointer())
for index in range(self.size):
table_index = self.valid_indices[index]
idx = table_index & self.capacity_mask
element = (pairs_start + idx).dereference()
if self.show_values:
yield "key{}".format(index), element[ZERO_FIELD]
yield "val{}".format(index), element[FIRST_FIELD]
yield "[{}]".format(index), element[ZERO_FIELD]
def display_hint(self):
return "map" if self.show_values else "array"
class StdHashMapProvider:
def __init__(self, valobj, show_values=True):
self.valobj = valobj
self.show_values = show_values
table = self.valobj["base"]["table"]
capacity = int(table["bucket_mask"]) + 1
ctrl = table["ctrl"]["pointer"]
self.size = int(table["items"])
self.data_ptr = table["data"]["pointer"]
self.pair_type = self.data_ptr.dereference().type
self.valid_indices = []
for idx in range(capacity):
address = ctrl + idx
value = address.dereference()
is_presented = value & 128 == 0
if is_presented:
def to_string(self):
if self.show_values:
return "HashMap(size={})".format(self.size)
return "HashSet(size={})".format(self.size)
def children(self):
pairs_start = self.data_ptr
for index in range(self.size):
idx = self.valid_indices[index]
element = (pairs_start + idx).dereference()
if self.show_values:
yield "key{}".format(index), element[ZERO_FIELD]
yield "val{}".format(index), element[FIRST_FIELD]
yield "[{}]".format(index), element[ZERO_FIELD]
def display_hint(self):
return "map" if self.show_values else "array"
import gdb
import re
import sys
import debugger_pretty_printers_common as rustpp
# We want a version of `range` which doesn't allocate an intermediate list,
# specifically it should use a lazy iterator. In Python 2 this was `xrange`, but
# if we're running with Python 3 then we need to use `range` instead.
if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
xrange = range
rust_enabled = 'set language rust' in gdb.execute('complete set language ru', to_string=True)
# The btree pretty-printers fail in a confusing way unless
# https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=21763 is fixed.
# This fix went in 8.1, so check for that.
# See https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/56730
gdb_81 = False
_match = re.search('([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)', gdb.VERSION)
if _match:
if int(_match.group(1)) > 8 or (int(_match.group(1)) == 8 and int(_match.group(2)) >= 1):
gdb_81 = True
# ===============================================================================
# GDB Pretty Printing Module for Rust
# ===============================================================================
class GdbType(rustpp.Type):
def __init__(self, ty):
super(GdbType, self).__init__()
self.ty = ty
self.fields = None
def get_unqualified_type_name(self):
tag = self.ty.tag
if tag is None:
return tag
return rustpp.extract_type_name(tag).replace("&'static ", "&")
def get_dwarf_type_kind(self):
if self.ty.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_STRUCT:
if self.ty.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_UNION:
if self.ty.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR:
return rustpp.DWARF_TYPE_CODE_PTR
if self.ty.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_ENUM:
return rustpp.DWARF_TYPE_CODE_ENUM
def get_fields(self):
assert ((self.get_dwarf_type_kind() == rustpp.DWARF_TYPE_CODE_STRUCT) or
(self.get_dwarf_type_kind() == rustpp.DWARF_TYPE_CODE_UNION))
if self.fields is None:
self.fields = list(self.ty.fields())
return self.fields
def get_wrapped_value(self):
return self.ty
class GdbValue(rustpp.Value):
def __init__(self, gdb_val):
super(GdbValue, self).__init__(GdbType(gdb_val.type))
self.gdb_val = gdb_val
self.children = {}
def get_child_at_index(self, index):
child = self.children.get(index)
if child is None:
gdb_field = get_field_at_index(self.gdb_val, index)
child = GdbValue(self.gdb_val[gdb_field])
self.children[index] = child
return child
def as_integer(self):
if self.gdb_val.type.code == gdb.TYPE_CODE_PTR:
as_str = rustpp.compat_str(self.gdb_val).split()[0]
return int(as_str, 0)
return int(self.gdb_val)
def get_wrapped_value(self):
return self.gdb_val
def register_printers(objfile):
"""Registers Rust pretty printers for the given objfile"""
def rust_pretty_printer_lookup_function(gdb_val):
Returns the correct Rust pretty printer for the given value
if there is one
val = GdbValue(gdb_val)
type_kind = val.type.get_type_kind()
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_SLICE:
return RustSlicePrinter(val)
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_STD_VEC:
return RustStdVecPrinter(val)
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_STD_VECDEQUE:
return RustStdVecDequePrinter(val)
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_STD_BTREESET and gdb_81:
return RustStdBTreeSetPrinter(val)
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_STD_BTREEMAP and gdb_81:
return RustStdBTreeMapPrinter(val)
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_STD_STRING:
return RustStdStringPrinter(val)
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_OS_STRING:
return RustOsStringPrinter(val)
# Checks after this point should only be for "compiler" types --
# things that gdb's Rust language support knows about.
if rust_enabled:
return None
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_EMPTY:
return RustEmptyPrinter(val)
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_REGULAR_STRUCT:
return RustStructPrinter(val,
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_STRUCT_VARIANT:
return RustStructPrinter(val,
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_STR_SLICE:
return RustStringSlicePrinter(val)
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_TUPLE:
return RustStructPrinter(val,
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_TUPLE_STRUCT:
return RustStructPrinter(val,
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_CSTYLE_VARIANT:
return RustCStyleVariantPrinter(val.get_child_at_index(0))
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_TUPLE_VARIANT:
return RustStructPrinter(val,
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_SINGLETON_ENUM:
variant = get_field_at_index(gdb_val, 0)
return rust_pretty_printer_lookup_function(gdb_val[variant])
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_REGULAR_ENUM:
# This is a regular enum, extract the discriminant
discriminant_val = rustpp.get_discriminant_value_as_integer(val)
variant = get_field_at_index(gdb_val, discriminant_val)
return rust_pretty_printer_lookup_function(gdb_val[variant])
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_COMPRESSED_ENUM:
encoded_enum_info = rustpp.EncodedEnumInfo(val)
if encoded_enum_info.is_null_variant():
return IdentityPrinter(encoded_enum_info.get_null_variant_name())
non_null_val = encoded_enum_info.get_non_null_variant_val()
return rust_pretty_printer_lookup_function(non_null_val.get_wrapped_value())
# No pretty printer has been found
return None
# =------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Pretty Printer Classes
# =------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class RustEmptyPrinter(object):
def __init__(self, val):
self.__val = val
def to_string(self):
return self.__val.type.get_unqualified_type_name()
class RustStructPrinter(object):
def __init__(self, val, omit_first_field, omit_type_name, is_tuple_like):
self.__val = val
self.__omit_first_field = omit_first_field
self.__omit_type_name = omit_type_name
self.__is_tuple_like = is_tuple_like
def to_string(self):
if self.__omit_type_name:
return None
return self.__val.type.get_unqualified_type_name()
def children(self):
cs = []
wrapped_value = self.__val.get_wrapped_value()
for number, field in enumerate(self.__val.type.get_fields()):
field_value = wrapped_value[field.name]
if self.__is_tuple_like:
cs.append((str(number), field_value))
cs.append((field.name, field_value))
if self.__omit_first_field:
cs = cs[1:]
return cs
def display_hint(self):
if self.__is_tuple_like:
return "array"
return ""
class RustSlicePrinter(object):
def __init__(self, val):
self.__val = val
def display_hint():
return "array"
def to_string(self):
(length, data_ptr) = rustpp.extract_length_and_ptr_from_slice(self.__val)
return (self.__val.type.get_unqualified_type_name() +
("(len: %i)" % length))
def children(self):
(length, data_ptr) = rustpp.extract_length_and_ptr_from_slice(self.__val)
assert data_ptr.type.get_dwarf_type_kind() == rustpp.DWARF_TYPE_CODE_PTR
raw_ptr = data_ptr.get_wrapped_value()
for index in xrange(0, length):
yield (str(index), (raw_ptr + index).dereference())
class RustStringSlicePrinter(object):
def __init__(self, val):
self.__val = val
def to_string(self):
(length, data_ptr) = rustpp.extract_length_and_ptr_from_slice(self.__val)
raw_ptr = data_ptr.get_wrapped_value()
return raw_ptr.lazy_string(encoding="utf-8", length=length)
def display_hint(self):
return "string"
class RustStdVecPrinter(object):
def __init__(self, val):
self.__val = val
def display_hint():
return "array"
def to_string(self):
(length, data_ptr, cap) = rustpp.extract_length_ptr_and_cap_from_std_vec(self.__val)
return (self.__val.type.get_unqualified_type_name() +
("(len: %i, cap: %i)" % (length, cap)))
def children(self):
saw_inaccessible = False
(length, data_ptr, cap) = rustpp.extract_length_ptr_and_cap_from_std_vec(self.__val)
gdb_ptr = data_ptr.get_wrapped_value()
for index in xrange(0, length):
if saw_inaccessible:
# rust-lang/rust#64343: passing deref expr to `str` allows
# catching exception on garbage pointer
str((gdb_ptr + index).dereference())
yield (str(index), (gdb_ptr + index).dereference())
except RuntimeError:
saw_inaccessible = True
yield (str(index), "inaccessible")
class RustStdVecDequePrinter(object):
def __init__(self, val):
self.__val = val
def display_hint():
return "array"
def to_string(self):
(tail, head, data_ptr, cap) = \
if head >= tail:
size = head - tail
size = cap + head - tail
return (self.__val.type.get_unqualified_type_name() +
("(len: %i, cap: %i)" % (size, cap)))
def children(self):
(tail, head, data_ptr, cap) = \
gdb_ptr = data_ptr.get_wrapped_value()
if head >= tail:
size = head - tail
size = cap + head - tail
for index in xrange(0, size):
yield (str(index), (gdb_ptr + ((tail + index) % cap)).dereference())
# Yield each key (and optionally value) from a BoxedNode.
def children_of_node(boxed_node, height, want_values):
node_ptr = boxed_node['ptr']['pointer']
if height > 0:
type_name = str(node_ptr.type.target()).replace('LeafNode', 'InternalNode', 1)
node_type = gdb.lookup_type(type_name)
node_ptr = node_ptr.cast(node_type.pointer())
leaf = node_ptr['data']
leaf = node_ptr.dereference()
keys = leaf['keys']
if want_values:
values = leaf['vals']
length = int(leaf['len'])
for i in xrange(0, length + 1):
if height > 0:
child_ptr = node_ptr['edges'][i]['value']['value']
for child in children_of_node(child_ptr, height - 1, want_values):
yield child
if i < length:
if want_values:
yield (keys[i]['value']['value'], values[i]['value']['value'])
yield keys[i]['value']['value']
class RustStdBTreeSetPrinter(object):
def __init__(self, val):
self.__val = val
def display_hint():
return "array"
def to_string(self):
return (self.__val.type.get_unqualified_type_name() +
("(len: %i)" % self.__val.get_wrapped_value()['map']['length']))
def children(self):
prev_idx = None
innermap = GdbValue(self.__val.get_wrapped_value()['map'])
if innermap.get_wrapped_value()['length'] > 0:
root = GdbValue(innermap.get_wrapped_value()['root'])
type_name = str(root.type.ty.name).replace('core::option::Option<', '', 1)[:-1]
root = root.get_wrapped_value().cast(gdb.lookup_type(type_name))
node_ptr = root['node']
i = 0
for child in children_of_node(node_ptr, root['height'], False):
yield (str(i), child)
i = i + 1
class RustStdBTreeMapPrinter(object):
def __init__(self, val):
self.__val = val
def display_hint():
return "map"
def to_string(self):
return (self.__val.type.get_unqualified_type_name() +
("(len: %i)" % self.__val.get_wrapped_value()['length']))
def children(self):
if self.__val.get_wrapped_value()['length'] > 0:
root = GdbValue(self.__val.get_wrapped_value()['root'])
type_name = str(root.type.ty.name).replace('core::option::Option<', '', 1)[:-1]
root = root.get_wrapped_value().cast(gdb.lookup_type(type_name))
node_ptr = root['node']
i = 0
for child in children_of_node(node_ptr, root['height'], True):
yield (str(i), child[0])
yield (str(i), child[1])
i = i + 1
class RustStdStringPrinter(object):
def __init__(self, val):
self.__val = val
def to_string(self):
vec = self.__val.get_child_at_index(0)
(length, data_ptr, cap) = rustpp.extract_length_ptr_and_cap_from_std_vec(vec)
return data_ptr.get_wrapped_value().lazy_string(encoding="utf-8",
def display_hint(self):
return "string"
class RustOsStringPrinter(object):
def __init__(self, val):
self.__val = val
def to_string(self):
buf = self.__val.get_child_at_index(0)
vec = buf.get_child_at_index(0)
if vec.type.get_unqualified_type_name() == "Wtf8Buf":
vec = vec.get_child_at_index(0)
(length, data_ptr, cap) = rustpp.extract_length_ptr_and_cap_from_std_vec(
return data_ptr.get_wrapped_value().lazy_string(length=length)
def display_hint(self):
return "string"
class RustCStyleVariantPrinter(object):
def __init__(self, val):
assert val.type.get_dwarf_type_kind() == rustpp.DWARF_TYPE_CODE_ENUM
self.__val = val
def to_string(self):
return str(self.__val.get_wrapped_value())
class IdentityPrinter(object):
def __init__(self, string):
self.string = string
def to_string(self):
return self.string
def get_field_at_index(gdb_val, index):
i = 0
for field in gdb_val.type.fields():
if i == index:
return field
i += 1
return None
command script import \"$RUSTC_SYSROOT/lib/rustlib/etc/lldb_lookup.py\"
type synthetic add -l lldb_lookup.synthetic_lookup -x \".*\" --category Rust
type summary add -F lldb_lookup.summary_lookup -e -x -h \"^(alloc::([a-z_]+::)+)String$\" --category Rust
type summary add -F lldb_lookup.summary_lookup -e -x -h \"^&str$\" --category Rust
type summary add -F lldb_lookup.summary_lookup -e -x -h \"^&\\[.+\\]$\" --category Rust
type summary add -F lldb_lookup.summary_lookup -e -x -h \"^(std::ffi::([a-z_]+::)+)OsString$\" --category Rust
type summary add -F lldb_lookup.summary_lookup -e -x -h \"^(alloc::([a-z_]+::)+)Vec<.+>$\" --category Rust
type summary add -F lldb_lookup.summary_lookup -e -x -h \"^(alloc::([a-z_]+::)+)VecDeque<.+>$\" --category Rust
type summary add -F lldb_lookup.summary_lookup -e -x -h \"^(alloc::([a-z_]+::)+)BTreeSet<.+>$\" --category Rust
type summary add -F lldb_lookup.summary_lookup -e -x -h \"^(alloc::([a-z_]+::)+)BTreeMap<.+>$\" --category Rust
type summary add -F lldb_lookup.summary_lookup -e -x -h \"^(std::collections::([a-z_]+::)+)HashMap<.+>$\" --category Rust
type summary add -F lldb_lookup.summary_lookup -e -x -h \"^(std::collections::([a-z_]+::)+)HashSet<.+>$\" --category Rust
type summary add -F lldb_lookup.summary_lookup -e -x -h \"^(alloc::([a-z_]+::)+)Rc<.+>$\" --category Rust
type summary add -F lldb_lookup.summary_lookup -e -x -h \"^(alloc::([a-z_]+::)+)Arc<.+>$\" --category Rust
type summary add -F lldb_lookup.summary_lookup -e -x -h \"^(core::([a-z_]+::)+)Cell<.+>$\" --category Rust
type summary add -F lldb_lookup.summary_lookup -e -x -h \"^(core::([a-z_]+::)+)Ref<.+>$\" --category Rust
type summary add -F lldb_lookup.summary_lookup -e -x -h \"^(core::([a-z_]+::)+)RefMut<.+>$\" --category Rust
type summary add -F lldb_lookup.summary_lookup -e -x -h \"^(core::([a-z_]+::)+)RefCell<.+>$\" --category Rust
type category enable Rust
import lldb
from lldb_providers import *
from rust_types import RustType, classify_struct, classify_union
# BACKCOMPAT: rust 1.35
def is_hashbrown_hashmap(hash_map):
return len(hash_map.type.fields) == 1
def classify_rust_type(type):
type_class = type.GetTypeClass()
if type_class == lldb.eTypeClassStruct:
return classify_struct(type.name, type.fields)
if type_class == lldb.eTypeClassUnion:
return classify_union(type.fields)
return RustType.OTHER
def summary_lookup(valobj, dict):
# type: (SBValue, dict) -> str
"""Returns the summary provider for the given value"""
rust_type = classify_rust_type(valobj.GetType())
if rust_type == RustType.STD_STRING:
return StdStringSummaryProvider(valobj, dict)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_OS_STRING:
return StdOsStringSummaryProvider(valobj, dict)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_STR:
return StdStrSummaryProvider(valobj, dict)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_VEC:
return SizeSummaryProvider(valobj, dict)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_VEC_DEQUE:
return SizeSummaryProvider(valobj, dict)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_SLICE:
return SizeSummaryProvider(valobj, dict)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_HASH_MAP:
return SizeSummaryProvider(valobj, dict)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_HASH_SET:
return SizeSummaryProvider(valobj, dict)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_RC:
return StdRcSummaryProvider(valobj, dict)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_ARC:
return StdRcSummaryProvider(valobj, dict)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_REF:
return StdRefSummaryProvider(valobj, dict)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_REF_MUT:
return StdRefSummaryProvider(valobj, dict)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_REF_CELL:
return StdRefSummaryProvider(valobj, dict)
return ""
def synthetic_lookup(valobj, dict):
# type: (SBValue, dict) -> object
"""Returns the synthetic provider for the given value"""
rust_type = classify_rust_type(valobj.GetType())
if rust_type == RustType.STRUCT:
return StructSyntheticProvider(valobj, dict)
if rust_type == RustType.STRUCT_VARIANT:
return StructSyntheticProvider(valobj, dict, is_variant=True)
if rust_type == RustType.TUPLE:
return TupleSyntheticProvider(valobj, dict)
if rust_type == RustType.TUPLE_VARIANT:
return TupleSyntheticProvider(valobj, dict, is_variant=True)
if rust_type == RustType.EMPTY:
return EmptySyntheticProvider(valobj, dict)
if rust_type == RustType.REGULAR_ENUM:
discriminant = valobj.GetChildAtIndex(0).GetChildAtIndex(0).GetValueAsUnsigned()
return synthetic_lookup(valobj.GetChildAtIndex(discriminant), dict)
if rust_type == RustType.SINGLETON_ENUM:
return synthetic_lookup(valobj.GetChildAtIndex(0), dict)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_VEC:
return StdVecSyntheticProvider(valobj, dict)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_VEC_DEQUE:
return StdVecDequeSyntheticProvider(valobj, dict)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_SLICE:
return StdSliceSyntheticProvider(valobj, dict)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_HASH_MAP:
if is_hashbrown_hashmap(valobj):
return StdHashMapSyntheticProvider(valobj, dict)
return StdOldHashMapSyntheticProvider(valobj, dict)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_HASH_SET:
hash_map = valobj.GetChildAtIndex(0)
if is_hashbrown_hashmap(hash_map):
return StdHashMapSyntheticProvider(hash_map, dict, show_values=False)
return StdOldHashMapSyntheticProvider(hash_map, dict, show_values=False)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_RC:
return StdRcSyntheticProvider(valobj, dict)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_ARC:
return StdRcSyntheticProvider(valobj, dict, is_atomic=True)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_CELL:
return StdCellSyntheticProvider(valobj, dict)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_REF:
return StdRefSyntheticProvider(valobj, dict)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_REF_MUT:
return StdRefSyntheticProvider(valobj, dict)
if rust_type == RustType.STD_REF_CELL:
return StdRefSyntheticProvider(valobj, dict, is_cell=True)
return DefaultSynthteticProvider(valobj, dict)
import lldb
import debugger_pretty_printers_common as rustpp
# ===============================================================================
# LLDB Pretty Printing Module for Rust
# ===============================================================================
class LldbType(rustpp.Type):
def __init__(self, ty):
super(LldbType, self).__init__()
self.ty = ty
self.fields = None
def get_unqualified_type_name(self):
qualified_name = self.ty.GetName()
if qualified_name is None:
return qualified_name
return rustpp.extract_type_name(qualified_name).replace("&'static ", "&")
def get_dwarf_type_kind(self):
type_class = self.ty.GetTypeClass()
if type_class == lldb.eTypeClassStruct:
if type_class == lldb.eTypeClassUnion:
if type_class == lldb.eTypeClassPointer:
return rustpp.DWARF_TYPE_CODE_PTR
if type_class == lldb.eTypeClassArray:
if type_class == lldb.eTypeClassEnumeration:
return rustpp.DWARF_TYPE_CODE_ENUM
return None
def get_fields(self):
assert ((self.get_dwarf_type_kind() == rustpp.DWARF_TYPE_CODE_STRUCT) or
(self.get_dwarf_type_kind() == rustpp.DWARF_TYPE_CODE_UNION))
if self.fields is None:
self.fields = list(self.ty.fields)
return self.fields
def get_wrapped_value(self):
return self.ty
class LldbValue(rustpp.Value):
def __init__(self, lldb_val):
ty = lldb_val.type
wty = LldbType(ty)
super(LldbValue, self).__init__(wty)
self.lldb_val = lldb_val
self.children = {}
def get_child_at_index(self, index):
child = self.children.get(index)
if child is None:
lldb_field = self.lldb_val.GetChildAtIndex(index)
child = LldbValue(lldb_field)
self.children[index] = child
return child
def as_integer(self):
return self.lldb_val.GetValueAsUnsigned()
def get_wrapped_value(self):
return self.lldb_val
def print_val(lldb_val, internal_dict):
val = LldbValue(lldb_val)
type_kind = val.type.get_type_kind()
if (type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_REGULAR_STRUCT or
type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_REGULAR_UNION or
type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_EMPTY):
return print_struct_val(val,
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_STRUCT_VARIANT:
return print_struct_val(val,
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_SLICE:
return print_vec_slice_val(val, internal_dict)
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_STR_SLICE:
return print_str_slice_val(val, internal_dict)
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_STD_VEC:
return print_std_vec_val(val, internal_dict)
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_STD_STRING:
return print_std_string_val(val, internal_dict)
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_TUPLE:
return print_struct_val(val,
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_TUPLE_STRUCT:
return print_struct_val(val,
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_CSTYLE_VARIANT:
return val.type.get_unqualified_type_name()
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_TUPLE_VARIANT:
return print_struct_val(val,
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_SINGLETON_ENUM:
return print_val(lldb_val.GetChildAtIndex(0), internal_dict)
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_PTR:
return print_pointer_val(val, internal_dict)
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_FIXED_SIZE_VEC:
return print_fixed_size_vec_val(val, internal_dict)
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_REGULAR_ENUM:
# This is a regular enum, extract the discriminant
discriminant_val = rustpp.get_discriminant_value_as_integer(val)
return print_val(lldb_val.GetChildAtIndex(discriminant_val), internal_dict)
if type_kind == rustpp.TYPE_KIND_COMPRESSED_ENUM:
encoded_enum_info = rustpp.EncodedEnumInfo(val)
if encoded_enum_info.is_null_variant():
return encoded_enum_info.get_null_variant_name()
non_null_val = encoded_enum_info.get_non_null_variant_val()
return print_val(non_null_val.get_wrapped_value(), internal_dict)
# No pretty printer has been found
return lldb_val.GetValue()
# =---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Type-Specialized Printing Functions
# =---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def print_struct_val(val, internal_dict, omit_first_field, omit_type_name, is_tuple_like):
Prints a struct, tuple, or tuple struct value with Rust syntax.
Ignores any fields before field_start_index.
assert (val.type.get_dwarf_type_kind() == rustpp.DWARF_TYPE_CODE_STRUCT or
val.type.get_dwarf_type_kind() == rustpp.DWARF_TYPE_CODE_UNION)
if omit_type_name:
type_name = ""
type_name = val.type.get_unqualified_type_name()
if is_tuple_like:
template = "%(type_name)s(%(body)s)"
separator = ", "
template = "%(type_name)s {\n%(body)s\n}"
separator = ", \n"
fields = val.type.get_fields()
def render_child(child_index):
this = ""
if not is_tuple_like:
field_name = fields[child_index].name
this += field_name + ": "
field_val = val.get_child_at_index(child_index)
if not field_val.get_wrapped_value().IsValid():
field = fields[child_index]
# LLDB is not good at handling zero-sized values, so we have to help
# it a little
if field.GetType().GetByteSize() == 0:
return this + rustpp.extract_type_name(field.GetType().GetName())
return this + "<invalid value>"
return this + print_val(field_val.get_wrapped_value(), internal_dict)
if omit_first_field:
field_start_index = 1
field_start_index = 0
body = separator.join([render_child(idx) for idx in range(field_start_index, len(fields))])
return template % {"type_name": type_name,
"body": body}
def print_pointer_val(val, internal_dict):
"""Prints a pointer value with Rust syntax"""
assert val.type.get_dwarf_type_kind() == rustpp.DWARF_TYPE_CODE_PTR
sigil = "&"
type_name = val.type.get_unqualified_type_name()
if type_name and type_name[0:1] in ["&", "*"]:
sigil = type_name[0:1]
return sigil + hex(val.as_integer())
def print_fixed_size_vec_val(val, internal_dict):
assert val.type.get_dwarf_type_kind() == rustpp.DWARF_TYPE_CODE_ARRAY
lldb_val = val.get_wrapped_value()
output = "["
for i in range(lldb_val.num_children):
output += print_val(lldb_val.GetChildAtIndex(i), internal_dict)
if i != lldb_val.num_children - 1:
output += ", "
output += "]"
return output
def print_vec_slice_val(val, internal_dict):
(length, data_ptr) = rustpp.extract_length_and_ptr_from_slice(val)
return "&[%s]" % print_array_of_values(val.get_wrapped_value().GetName(),
def print_std_vec_val(val, internal_dict):
(length, data_ptr, cap) = rustpp.extract_length_ptr_and_cap_from_std_vec(val)
return "vec![%s]" % print_array_of_values(val.get_wrapped_value().GetName(),
def print_str_slice_val(val, internal_dict):
(length, data_ptr) = rustpp.extract_length_and_ptr_from_slice(val)
return read_utf8_string(data_ptr, length)
def print_std_string_val(val, internal_dict):
vec = val.get_child_at_index(0)
(length, data_ptr, cap) = rustpp.extract_length_ptr_and_cap_from_std_vec(vec)
return read_utf8_string(data_ptr, length)
# =-----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper Functions
# =-----------------------------------------------------------------------
def print_array_of_values(array_name, data_ptr_val, length, internal_dict):
"""Prints a contiguous memory range, interpreting it as values of the
pointee-type of data_ptr_val."""
data_ptr_type = data_ptr_val.type
assert data_ptr_type.get_dwarf_type_kind() == rustpp.DWARF_TYPE_CODE_PTR
element_type = data_ptr_type.get_wrapped_value().GetPointeeType()
element_type_size = element_type.GetByteSize()
start_address = data_ptr_val.as_integer()
raw_value = data_ptr_val.get_wrapped_value()
def render_element(i):
address = start_address + i * element_type_size
element_val = raw_value.CreateValueFromAddress(array_name + ("[%s]" % i),
return print_val(element_val, internal_dict)
return ', '.join([render_element(i) for i in range(length)])
def read_utf8_string(ptr_val, byte_count):
if byte_count == 0:
return '""'
error = lldb.SBError()
process = ptr_val.get_wrapped_value().GetProcess()
data = process.ReadMemory(ptr_val.as_integer(), byte_count, error)
if error.Success():
return '"%s"' % data.decode(encoding='UTF-8')
return '<error: %s>' % error.GetCString()
......@@ -30,13 +30,5 @@ EOF
# Prepare commands that will be loaded before any file on the command line has been loaded
script_import="command script import \"$RUSTC_SYSROOT/lib/rustlib/etc/lldb_rust_formatters.py\""
category_definition="type summary add --no-value --python-function lldb_rust_formatters.print_val -x \".*\" --category Rust"
category_enable="type category enable Rust"
# Call LLDB with the commands added to the argument list
exec "$lldb" --one-line-before-file "$script_import" \
--one-line-before-file "$category_definition" \
--one-line-before-file "$category_enable" \
exec "$lldb" --source-before-file ./lldb_commands "$@"
import re
class RustType(object):
OTHER = "Other"
STRUCT = "Struct"
TUPLE = "Tuple"
CSTYLE_VARIANT = "CStyleVariant"
TUPLE_VARIANT = "TupleVariant"
STRUCT_VARIANT = "StructVariant"
ENUM = "Enum"
EMPTY = "Empty"
SINGLETON_ENUM = "SingletonEnum"
REGULAR_ENUM = "RegularEnum"
COMPRESSED_ENUM = "CompressedEnum"
REGULAR_UNION = "RegularUnion"
STD_STRING = "StdString"
STD_OS_STRING = "StdOsString"
STD_STR = "StdStr"
STD_SLICE = "StdSlice"
STD_VEC = "StdVec"
STD_VEC_DEQUE = "StdVecDeque"
STD_HASH_MAP = "StdHashMap"
STD_HASH_SET = "StdHashSet"
STD_RC = "StdRc"
STD_ARC = "StdArc"
STD_CELL = "StdCell"
STD_REF = "StdRef"
STD_REF_MUT = "StdRefMut"
STD_REF_CELL = "StdRefCell"
STD_STRING_REGEX = re.compile(r"^(alloc::(\w+::)+)String$")
STD_STR_REGEX = re.compile(r"^&str$")
STD_SLICE_REGEX = re.compile(r"^&\[.+\]$")
STD_OS_STRING_REGEX = re.compile(r"^(std::ffi::(\w+::)+)OsString$")
STD_VEC_REGEX = re.compile(r"^(alloc::(\w+::)+)Vec<.+>$")
STD_VEC_DEQUE_REGEX = re.compile(r"^(alloc::(\w+::)+)VecDeque<.+>$")
STD_BTREE_SET_REGEX = re.compile(r"^(alloc::(\w+::)+)BTreeSet<.+>$")
STD_BTREE_MAP_REGEX = re.compile(r"^(alloc::(\w+::)+)BTreeMap<.+>$")
STD_HASH_MAP_REGEX = re.compile(r"^(std::collections::(\w+::)+)HashMap<.+>$")
STD_HASH_SET_REGEX = re.compile(r"^(std::collections::(\w+::)+)HashSet<.+>$")
STD_RC_REGEX = re.compile(r"^(alloc::(\w+::)+)Rc<.+>$")
STD_ARC_REGEX = re.compile(r"^(alloc::(\w+::)+)Arc<.+>$")
STD_CELL_REGEX = re.compile(r"^(core::(\w+::)+)Cell<.+>$")
STD_REF_REGEX = re.compile(r"^(core::(\w+::)+)Ref<.+>$")
STD_REF_MUT_REGEX = re.compile(r"^(core::(\w+::)+)RefMut<.+>$")
STD_REF_CELL_REGEX = re.compile(r"^(core::(\w+::)+)RefCell<.+>$")
TUPLE_ITEM_REGEX = re.compile(r"__\d+$")
ENUM_DISR_FIELD_NAME = "<<variant>>"
def is_tuple_fields(fields):
# type: (list) -> bool
return all(TUPLE_ITEM_REGEX.match(str(field.name)) for field in fields)
def classify_struct(name, fields):
if len(fields) == 0:
return RustType.EMPTY
for ty, regex in STD_TYPE_TO_REGEX.items():
if regex.match(name):
return ty
if fields[0].name == ENUM_DISR_FIELD_NAME:
return RustType.ENUM
if is_tuple_fields(fields):
return RustType.TUPLE
return RustType.STRUCT
def classify_union(fields):
if len(fields) == 0:
return RustType.EMPTY
first_variant_name = fields[0].name
if first_variant_name is None:
if len(fields) == 1:
return RustType.SINGLETON_ENUM
return RustType.REGULAR_ENUM
elif first_variant_name.startswith(ENCODED_ENUM_PREFIX):
assert len(fields) == 1
return RustType.REGULAR_UNION
......@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
// lldb-command:run
// lldb-command:print arg
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = Struct<i32> { b: -1, b1: 0 }
// lldbr-check:(associated_types::Struct<i32>) arg = Struct<i32> { b: -1, b1: 0 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = { b = -1, b1 = 0 }
// lldbr-check:(associated_types::Struct<i32>) arg = { b = -1, b1 = 0 }
// lldb-command:continue
// lldb-command:print inferred
......@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
// lldb-command:run
// lldb-command:print *stack_val_ref
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = SomeStruct { x: 10, y: 23.5 }
// lldbr-check:(borrowed_struct::SomeStruct) *stack_val_ref = SomeStruct { x: 10, y: 23.5 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = { x = 10 y = 23.5 }
// lldbr-check:(borrowed_struct::SomeStruct) *stack_val_ref = (x = 10, y = 23.5)
// lldb-command:print *stack_val_interior_ref_1
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = 10
......@@ -47,12 +47,12 @@
// lldbr-check:(f64) *stack_val_interior_ref_2 = 23.5
// lldb-command:print *ref_to_unnamed
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = SomeStruct { x: 11, y: 24.5 }
// lldbr-check:(borrowed_struct::SomeStruct) *ref_to_unnamed = SomeStruct { x: 11, y: 24.5 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = { x = 11 y = 24.5 }
// lldbr-check:(borrowed_struct::SomeStruct) *ref_to_unnamed = (x = 11, y = 24.5)
// lldb-command:print *unique_val_ref
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = SomeStruct { x: 13, y: 26.5 }
// lldbr-check:(borrowed_struct::SomeStruct) *unique_val_ref = SomeStruct { x: 13, y: 26.5 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = { x = 13 y = 26.5 }
// lldbr-check:(borrowed_struct::SomeStruct) *unique_val_ref = (x = 13, y = 26.5)
// lldb-command:print *unique_val_interior_ref_1
// lldbg-check:[...]$5 = 13
......@@ -24,16 +24,16 @@
// lldb-command:run
// lldb-command:print *stack_val_ref
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = (-14, -19)
// lldbr-check:((i16, f32)) *stack_val_ref = { = -14 = -19 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = { 0 = -14 1 = -19 }
// lldbr-check:((i16, f32)) *stack_val_ref = { 0 = -14 1 = -19 }
// lldb-command:print *ref_to_unnamed
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = (-15, -20)
// lldbr-check:((i16, f32)) *ref_to_unnamed = { = -15 = -20 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = { 0 = -15 1 = -20 }
// lldbr-check:((i16, f32)) *ref_to_unnamed = { 0 = -15 1 = -20 }
// lldb-command:print *unique_val_ref
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = (-17, -22)
// lldbr-check:((i16, f32)) *unique_val_ref = { = -17 = -22 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = { 0 = -17 1 = -22 }
// lldbr-check:((i16, f32)) *unique_val_ref = { 0 = -17 1 = -22 }
......@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = 1
// lldbr-check:(i32) *a = 1
// lldb-command:print *b
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = (2, 3.5)
// lldbr-check:((i32, f64)) *b = { = 2 = 3.5 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = { 0 = 2 1 = 3.5 }
// lldbr-check:((i32, f64)) *b = { 0 = 2 1 = 3.5 }
......@@ -22,12 +22,12 @@
// lldb-command:run
// lldb-command:print *boxed_with_padding
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = StructWithSomePadding { x: 99, y: 999, z: 9999, w: 99999 }
// lldbr-check:(boxed_struct::StructWithSomePadding) *boxed_with_padding = StructWithSomePadding { x: 99, y: 999, z: 9999, w: 99999 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = { x = 99 y = 999 z = 9999 w = 99999 }
// lldbr-check:(boxed_struct::StructWithSomePadding) *boxed_with_padding = { x = 99 y = 999 z = 9999 w = 99999 }
// lldb-command:print *boxed_with_dtor
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = StructWithDestructor { x: 77, y: 777, z: 7777, w: 77777 }
// lldbr-check:(boxed_struct::StructWithDestructor) *boxed_with_dtor = StructWithDestructor { x: 77, y: 777, z: 7777, w: 77777 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = { x = 77 y = 777 z = 7777 w = 77777 }
// lldbr-check:(boxed_struct::StructWithDestructor) *boxed_with_dtor = { x = 77 y = 777 z = 7777 w = 77777 }
......@@ -31,13 +31,13 @@
// lldb-command:continue
// lldb-command:print self
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = Struct { x: 2222, y: 3333 }
// lldbr-check:(by_value_self_argument_in_trait_impl::Struct) self = Struct { x: 2222, y: 3333 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = { x = 2222 y = 3333 }
// lldbr-check:(by_value_self_argument_in_trait_impl::Struct) self = { x = 2222 y = 3333 }
// lldb-command:continue
// lldb-command:print self
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = (4444.5, 5555, 6666, 7777.5)
// lldbr-check:((f64, isize, isize, f64)) self = { = 4444.5 = 5555 = 6666 = 7777.5 }
// lldbg-check:[...] $2 = { 0 = 4444.5 1 = 5555 2 = 6666 3 = 7777.5 }
// lldbr-check:((f64, isize, isize, f64)) self = { 0 = 4444.5 1 = 5555 2 = 6666 3 = 7777.5 }
// lldb-command:continue
......@@ -40,31 +40,32 @@
// lldb-command:run
// lldb-command:print tuple_interior_padding
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = (0, OneHundred)
// lldbr-check:((i16, c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum)) tuple_interior_padding = { = 0 = c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum::OneHundred }
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = { 0 = 0 1 = OneHundred }
// lldbr-check:((i16, c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum)) tuple_interior_padding = { 0 = 0 1 = OneHundred }
// lldb-command:print tuple_padding_at_end
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = ((1, OneThousand), 2)
// lldbr-check:(((u64, c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum), u64)) tuple_padding_at_end = { = { = 1 = c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum::OneThousand } = 2 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = { 0 = { 0 = 1 1 = OneThousand } 1 = 2 }
// lldbr-check:(((u64, c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum), u64)) tuple_padding_at_end = { 0 = { 0 = 1 1 = OneThousand } 1 = 2 }
// lldb-command:print tuple_different_enums
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = (OneThousand, MountainView, OneMillion, Vienna)
// lldbr-check:((c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum, c_style_enum_in_composite::AnotherEnum, c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum, c_style_enum_in_composite::AnotherEnum)) tuple_different_enums = { = c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum::OneThousand = c_style_enum_in_composite::AnotherEnum::MountainView = c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum::OneMillion = c_style_enum_in_composite::AnotherEnum::Vienna }
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = { 0 = OneThousand 1 = MountainView 2 = OneMillion 3 = Vienna }
// lldbr-check:((c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum, c_style_enum_in_composite::AnotherEnum, c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum, c_style_enum_in_composite::AnotherEnum)) tuple_different_enums = { 0 = c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum::OneThousand 1 = c_style_enum_in_composite::AnotherEnum::MountainView 2 = c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum::OneMillion 3 = c_style_enum_in_composite::AnotherEnum::Vienna }
// lldb-command:print padded_struct
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = PaddedStruct { a: 3, b: OneMillion, c: 4, d: Toronto, e: 5 }
// lldbr-check:(c_style_enum_in_composite::PaddedStruct) padded_struct = PaddedStruct { a: 3, b: c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum::OneMillion, c: 4, d: c_style_enum_in_composite::AnotherEnum::Toronto, e: 5 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = { a = 3 b = OneMillion c = 4 d = Toronto e = 5 }
// lldbr-check:(c_style_enum_in_composite::PaddedStruct) padded_struct = { a = 3 b = c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum::OneMillion c = 4 d = Toronto e = 5 }
// lldb-command:print packed_struct
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = PackedStruct { a: 6, b: OneHundred, c: 7, d: Vienna, e: 8 }
// lldbr-check:(c_style_enum_in_composite::PackedStruct) packed_struct = PackedStruct { a: 6, b: c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum::OneHundred, c: 7, d: c_style_enum_in_composite::AnotherEnum::Vienna, e: 8 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = { a = 6 b = OneHundred c = 7 d = Vienna e = 8 }
// lldbr-check:(c_style_enum_in_composite::PackedStruct) packed_struct = { a = 6 b = c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum::OneHundred c = 7 d = Vienna e = 8 }
// lldb-command:print non_padded_struct
// lldbg-check:[...]$5 = NonPaddedStruct { a: OneMillion, b: MountainView, c: OneThousand, d: Toronto }
// lldbr-check:(c_style_enum_in_composite::NonPaddedStruct) non_padded_struct = NonPaddedStruct { a: c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum::OneMillion, b: c_style_enum_in_composite::AnotherEnum::MountainView, c: c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum::OneThousand, d: c_style_enum_in_composite::AnotherEnum::Toronto }
// lldbg-check:[...]$5 = { a = OneMillion b = MountainView c = OneThousand d = Toronto }
// lldbr-check:(c_style_enum_in_composite::NonPaddedStruct) non_padded_struct = { a = c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum::OneMillion, b = c_style_enum_in_composite::AnotherEnum::MountainView, c = c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum::OneThousand, d = c_style_enum_in_composite::AnotherEnum::Toronto }
// lldb-command:print struct_with_drop
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = (StructWithDrop { a: OneHundred, b: Vienna }, 9)
// lldbr-check:((c_style_enum_in_composite::StructWithDrop, i64)) struct_with_drop = { = StructWithDrop { a: c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum::OneHundred, b: c_style_enum_in_composite::AnotherEnum::Vienna } = 9 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = { 0 = { a = OneHundred b = Vienna } 1 = 9 }
// lldbr-check:((c_style_enum_in_composite::StructWithDrop, i64)) struct_with_drop = { 0 = { a = c_style_enum_in_composite::AnEnum::OneHundred b = c_style_enum_in_composite::AnotherEnum::Vienna } 1 = 9 }
......@@ -44,8 +44,8 @@
// lldb-command:run
// lldb-command:print result
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = (17, 17)
// lldbr-check:((u32, u32)) result = { = 17 = 17 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = { 0 = 17 1 = 17 }
// lldbr-check:((u32, u32)) result = { 0 = 17 1 = 17 }
// lldb-command:print a_variable
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = 123456789
// lldbr-check:(u32) a_variable = 123456789
......@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
// lldb-command:continue
// lldb-command:print result
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = (1212, 1212)
// lldbr-check:((i16, i16)) result = { = 1212 = 1212 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = { 0 = 1212 1 = 1212 }
// lldbr-check:((i16, i16)) result = { 0 = 1212 1 = 1212 }
// lldb-command:print a_variable
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = 123456789
// lldbr-check:(u32) a_variable = 123456789
......@@ -186,16 +186,16 @@
// lldbg-check:[...]$5 = 5
// lldbr-check:(isize) a = 5
// lldb-command:print b
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = (6, 7)
// lldbr-check:((u32, u32)) b = { = 6 = 7 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = { 0 = 6 1 = 7 }
// lldbr-check:((u32, u32)) b = { 0 = 6 1 = 7 }
// lldb-command:continue
// lldb-command:print h
// lldbg-check:[...]$7 = 8
// lldbr-check:(i16) h = 8
// lldb-command:print i
// lldbg-check:[...]$8 = Struct { a: 9, b: 10 }
// lldbr-check:(destructured_fn_argument::Struct) i = Struct { a: 9, b: 10 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$8 = { a = 9 b = 10 }
// lldbr-check:(destructured_fn_argument::Struct) i = { a = 9 b = 10 }
// lldb-command:print j
// lldbg-check:[...]$9 = 11
// lldbr-check:(i16) j = 11
......@@ -229,8 +229,8 @@
// lldbg-check:[...]$16 = 20
// lldbr-check:(i32) q = 20
// lldb-command:print r
// lldbg-check:[...]$17 = Struct { a: 21, b: 22 }
// lldbr-check:(destructured_fn_argument::Struct) r = Struct { a: 21, b: 22 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$17 = { a = 21 b = 22 }
// lldbr-check:(destructured_fn_argument::Struct) r = { a = 21, b = 22 }
// lldb-command:continue
// lldb-command:print s
......@@ -271,13 +271,13 @@
// lldb-command:continue
// lldb-command:print aa
// lldbg-check:[...]$29 = (34, 35)
// lldbr-check:((isize, isize)) aa = { = 34 = 35 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$29 = { 0 = 34 1 = 35 }
// lldbr-check:((isize, isize)) aa = { 0 = 34 1 = 35 }
// lldb-command:continue
// lldb-command:print bb
// lldbg-check:[...]$30 = (36, 37)
// lldbr-check:((isize, isize)) bb = { = 36 = 37 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$30 = { 0 = 36 1 = 37 }
// lldbr-check:((isize, isize)) bb = { 0 = 36 1 = 37 }
// lldb-command:continue
// lldb-command:print cc
......@@ -286,21 +286,21 @@
// lldb-command:continue
// lldb-command:print dd
// lldbg-check:[...]$32 = (40, 41, 42)
// lldbr-check:((isize, isize, isize)) dd = { = 40 = 41 = 42 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$32 = { 0 = 40 1 = 41 2 = 42 }
// lldbr-check:((isize, isize, isize)) dd = { 0 = 40 1 = 41 2 = 42 }
// lldb-command:continue
// lldb-command:print *ee
// lldbg-check:[...]$33 = (43, 44, 45)
// lldbr-check:((isize, isize, isize)) *ee = { = 43 = 44 = 45 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$33 = { 0 = 43 1 = 44 2 = 45 }
// lldbr-check:((isize, isize, isize)) *ee = { 0 = 43 1 = 44 2 = 45 }
// lldb-command:continue
// lldb-command:print *ff
// lldbg-check:[...]$34 = 46
// lldbr-check:(isize) *ff = 46
// lldb-command:print gg
// lldbg-check:[...]$35 = (47, 48)
// lldbr-check:((isize, isize)) gg = { = 47 = 48 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$35 = { 0 = 47 1 = 48 }
// lldbr-check:((isize, isize)) gg = { 0 = 47 1 = 48 }
// lldb-command:continue
// lldb-command:print *hh
......@@ -164,13 +164,13 @@
// lldb-command:continue
// lldb-command:print simple_struct_ident
// lldbg-check:[...]$22 = Struct { x: 3537, y: 35437.5, z: true }
// lldbr-check:(destructured_for_loop_variable::Struct) simple_struct_ident = Struct { x: 3537, y: 35437.5, z: true }
// lldbg-check:[...]$22 = { x = 3537 y = 35437.5 z = true }
// lldbr-check:(destructured_for_loop_variable::Struct) simple_struct_ident = { x = 3537 y = 35437.5 z = true }
// lldb-command:continue
// lldb-command:print simple_tuple_ident
// lldbg-check:[...]$23 = (34903493, 232323)
// lldbr-check:((u32, i64)) simple_tuple_ident = { = 34903493 = 232323 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$23 = { 0 = 34903493 1 = 232323 }
// lldbr-check:((u32, i64)) simple_tuple_ident = { 0 = 34903493 1 = 232323 }
// lldb-command:continue
......@@ -150,15 +150,15 @@
// lldbg-check:[...]$5 = 5
// lldbr-check:(isize) f = 5
// lldb-command:print g
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = (6, 7)
// lldbr-check:((u32, u32)) g = { = 6 = 7 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = { 0 = 6 1 = 7 }
// lldbr-check:((u32, u32)) g = { 0 = 6 1 = 7 }
// lldb-command:print h
// lldbg-check:[...]$7 = 8
// lldbr-check:(i16) h = 8
// lldb-command:print i
// lldbg-check:[...]$8 = Struct { a: 9, b: 10 }
// lldbr-check:(destructured_local::Struct) i = Struct { a: 9, b: 10 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$8 = { a = 9 b = 10 }
// lldbr-check:(destructured_local::Struct) i = { a = 9 b = 10 }
// lldb-command:print j
// lldbg-check:[...]$9 = 11
// lldbr-check:(i16) j = 11
......@@ -188,8 +188,8 @@
// lldbg-check:[...]$16 = 20
// lldbr-check:(i32) q = 20
// lldb-command:print r
// lldbg-check:[...]$17 = Struct { a: 21, b: 22 }
// lldbr-check:(destructured_local::Struct) r = Struct { a: 21, b: 22 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$17 = { a = 21 b = 22 }
// lldbr-check:(destructured_local::Struct) r = { a = 21 b = 22 }
// lldb-command:print s
// lldbg-check:[...]$18 = 24
......@@ -227,32 +227,32 @@
// lldbr-check:(i32) ue = 33
// lldb-command:print aa
// lldbg-check:[...]$29 = (34, 35)
// lldbr-check:((i32, i32)) aa = { = 34 = 35 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$29 = { 0 = 34 1 = 35 }
// lldbr-check:((i32, i32)) aa = { 0 = 34 1 = 35 }
// lldb-command:print bb
// lldbg-check:[...]$30 = (36, 37)
// lldbr-check:((i32, i32)) bb = { = 36 = 37 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$30 = { 0 = 36 1 = 37 }
// lldbr-check:((i32, i32)) bb = { 0 = 36 1 = 37 }
// lldb-command:print cc
// lldbg-check:[...]$31 = 38
// lldbr-check:(i32) cc = 38
// lldb-command:print dd
// lldbg-check:[...]$32 = (40, 41, 42)
// lldbr-check:((i32, i32, i32)) dd = { = 40 = 41 = 42 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$32 = { 0 = 40 1 = 41 2 = 42 }
// lldbr-check:((i32, i32, i32)) dd = { 0 = 40 1 = 41 2 = 42}
// lldb-command:print *ee
// lldbg-check:[...]$33 = (43, 44, 45)
// lldbr-check:((i32, i32, i32)) *ee = { = 43 = 44 = 45 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$33 = { 0 = 43 1 = 44 2 = 45 }
// lldbr-check:((i32, i32, i32)) *ee = { 0 = 43 1 = 44 2 = 45}
// lldb-command:print *ff
// lldbg-check:[...]$34 = 46
// lldbr-check:(i32) *ff = 46
// lldb-command:print gg
// lldbg-check:[...]$35 = (47, 48)
// lldbr-check:((i32, i32)) gg = { = 47 = 48 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$35 = { 0 = 47 1 = 48 }
// lldbr-check:((i32, i32)) gg = { 0 = 47 1 = 48 }
// lldb-command:print *hh
// lldbg-check:[...]$36 = 50
// ignore-windows failing on win32 bot
// ignore-android: FIXME(#10381)
// compile-flags:-g
// min-gdb-version: 7.7
// min-gdb-version: 8.1
// ignore-gdb-version: 7.11.90 - 8.0.9
// min-lldb-version: 310
......@@ -20,10 +20,10 @@
// lldb-command: run
// lldb-command: fr v empty_string
// lldb-check:[...]empty_string = ""
// lldb-check:[...]empty_string = "" { vec = size=0 }
// lldb-command: fr v empty_str
// lldb-check:[...]empty_str = ""
// lldb-check:[...]empty_str = "" { data_ptr = [...] length = 0 }
fn main() {
let empty_string = String::new();
......@@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
// lldb-command:run
// lldb-command:print *abc
// lldbg-check:(enum_thinlto::ABC) $0 = ABC { }
// lldbg-check:(enum_thinlto::ABC) $0 =
// lldbr-check:(enum_thinlto::ABC) *abc = (x = 0, y = 8970181431921507452)
......@@ -33,23 +33,23 @@
// lldb-command:run
// lldb-command:print no_padding1
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = NoPadding1 { x: [0, 1, 2], y: -3, z: [4.5, 5.5] }
// lldbr-check:(evec_in_struct::NoPadding1) no_padding1 = NoPadding1 { x: [0, 1, 2], y: -3, z: [4.5, 5.5] }
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = { x = { [0] = 0 [1] = 1 [2] = 2 } y = -3 z = { [0] = 4.5 [1] = 5.5 } }
// lldbr-check:(evec_in_struct::NoPadding1) no_padding1 = { x = { [0] = 0 [1] = 1 [2] = 2 } y = -3 z = { [0] = 4.5 [1] = 5.5 } }
// lldb-command:print no_padding2
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = NoPadding2 { x: [6, 7, 8], y: [[9, 10], [11, 12]] }
// lldbr-check:(evec_in_struct::NoPadding2) no_padding2 = NoPadding2 { x: [6, 7, 8], y: [[9, 10], [11, 12]] }
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = { x = { [0] = 6 [1] = 7 [2] = 8 } y = { [0] = { [0] = 9 [1] = 10 } [1] = { [0] = 11 [1] = 12 } } }
// lldbr-check:(evec_in_struct::NoPadding2) no_padding2 = { x = { [0] = 6 [1] = 7 [2] = 8 } y = { [0] = { [0] = 9 [1] = 10 } [1] = { [0] = 11 [1] = 12 } } }
// lldb-command:print struct_internal_padding
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = StructInternalPadding { x: [13, 14], y: [15, 16] }
// lldbr-check:(evec_in_struct::StructInternalPadding) struct_internal_padding = StructInternalPadding { x: [13, 14], y: [15, 16] }
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = { x = { [0] = 13 [1] = 14 } y = { [0] = 15 [1] = 16 } }
// lldbr-check:(evec_in_struct::StructInternalPadding) struct_internal_padding = { x = { [0] = 13 [1] = 14 } y = { [0] = 15 [1] = 16 } }
// lldb-command:print single_vec
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = SingleVec { x: [17, 18, 19, 20, 21] }
// lldbr-check:(evec_in_struct::SingleVec) single_vec = SingleVec { x: [17, 18, 19, 20, 21] }
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = { x = { [0] = 17 [1] = 18 [2] = 19 [3] = 20 [4] = 21 } }
// lldbr-check:(evec_in_struct::SingleVec) single_vec = { x = { [0] = 17 [1] = 18 [2] = 19 [3] = 20 [4] = 21 } }
// lldb-command:print struct_padded_at_end
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = StructPaddedAtEnd { x: [22, 23], y: [24, 25] }
// lldbr-check:(evec_in_struct::StructPaddedAtEnd) struct_padded_at_end = StructPaddedAtEnd { x: [22, 23], y: [24, 25] }
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = { x = { [0] = 22 [1] = 23 } y = { [0] = 24 [1] = 25 } }
// lldbr-check:(evec_in_struct::StructPaddedAtEnd) struct_padded_at_end = { x = { [0] = 22 [1] = 23 } y = { [0] = 24 [1] = 25 } }
......@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@
// lldb-command:print a
// lldb-check:[...]$3 = BigStruct { a: 3, b: 4, c: 5, d: 6, e: 7, f: 8, g: 9, h: 10 }
// lldb-check:[...]$3 = { a = 3, b = 4, c = 5, d = 6, e = 7, f = 8, g = 9, h = 10 }
// lldb-command:print b
// lldb-check:[...]$4 = BigStruct { a: 11, b: 12, c: 13, d: 14, e: 15, f: 16, g: 17, h: 18 }
// lldb-check:[...]$4 = { a = 11, b = 12, c = 13, d = 14, e = 15, f = 16, g = 17, h = 18 }
// lldb-command:continue
// ignore-tidy-linelength
// ignore-lldb
// ignore-android: FIXME(#10381)
// min-gdb-version: 7.11
// min-gdb-version: 8.1
// compile-flags:-g
// gdb-command: run
// gdb-command: print regular_struct
// gdbg-check:$1 = RegularStruct = {the_first_field = 101, the_second_field = 102.5, the_third_field = false}
// gdbg-check:$1 = {the_first_field = 101, the_second_field = 102.5, the_third_field = false}
// gdbr-check:$1 = gdb_pretty_struct_and_enums::RegularStruct {the_first_field: 101, the_second_field: 102.5, the_third_field: false}
// gdb-command: print empty_struct
......@@ -24,16 +24,16 @@
// lldb-command:run
// lldb-command:print b
// lldbg-check:(generator_objects::main::generator-0) $0 = generator-0(&0x[...])
// lldbg-check:(generator_objects::main::generator-0) $0 = { 0 = 0x[...] }
// lldb-command:continue
// lldb-command:print b
// lldbg-check:(generator_objects::main::generator-0) $1 = generator-0(&0x[...])
// lldbg-check:(generator_objects::main::generator-0) $1 = { 0 = 0x[...] }
// lldb-command:continue
// lldb-command:print b
// lldbg-check:(generator_objects::main::generator-0) $2 = generator-0(&0x[...])
// lldbg-check:(generator_objects::main::generator-0) $2 = { 0 = 0x[...] }
// lldb-command:continue
// lldb-command:print b
// lldbg-check:(generator_objects::main::generator-0) $3 = generator-0(&0x[...])
// lldbg-check:(generator_objects::main::generator-0) $3 = { 0 = 0x[...] }
#![feature(omit_gdb_pretty_printer_section, generators, generator_trait)]
......@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = 5
// lldbr-check:(i32) *t0 = 5
// lldb-command:print *t1
// lldbg-check:[...]$5 = Struct { a: 6, b: 7.5 }
// lldbr-check:(generic_function::Struct) *t1 = Struct { a: 6, b: 7.5 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$5 = { a = 6 b = 7.5 }
// lldbr-check:(generic_function::Struct) *t1 = { a = 6 b = 7.5 }
// lldb-command:continue
......@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@
// lldb-command:print *self
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = Struct<(u32, i32)> { x: (8888, -8888) }
// lldbr-check:(generic_method_on_generic_struct::Struct<(u32, i32)>) *self = { x = { = 8888 = -8888 } }
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = { x = { 0 = 8888, 1 = -8888 } }
// lldbr-check:(generic_method_on_generic_struct::Struct<(u32, i32)>) *self = { x = { 0 = 8888 1 = -8888 } }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = -1
// lldbr-check:(isize) arg1 = -1
......@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@
// lldb-command:print self
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = Struct<(u32, i32)> { x: (8888, -8888) }
// lldbr-check:(generic_method_on_generic_struct::Struct<(u32, i32)>) self = { x = { = 8888 = -8888 } }
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = { x = { 0 = 8888, 1 = -8888 } }
// lldbr-check:(generic_method_on_generic_struct::Struct<(u32, i32)>) self = { x = { 0 = 8888, 1 = -8888 } }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = -3
// lldbr-check:(isize) arg1 = -3
......@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@
// lldb-command:print *self
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = Struct<f64> { x: 1234.5 }
// lldbr-check:(generic_method_on_generic_struct::Struct<f64>) *self = Struct<f64> { x: 1234.5 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = { x = 1234.5 }
// lldbr-check:(generic_method_on_generic_struct::Struct<f64>) *self = { x = 1234.5 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$7 = -5
// lldbr-check:(isize) arg1 = -5
......@@ -103,8 +103,8 @@
// lldb-command:print self
// lldbg-check:[...]$9 = Struct<f64> { x: 1234.5 }
// lldbr-check:(generic_method_on_generic_struct::Struct<f64>) self = Struct<f64> { x: 1234.5 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$9 = { x = 1234.5 }
// lldbr-check:(generic_method_on_generic_struct::Struct<f64>) self = { x = 1234.5 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$10 = -7
// lldbr-check:(isize) arg1 = -7
......@@ -115,8 +115,8 @@
// lldb-command:print *self
// lldbg-check:[...]$12 = Struct<f64> { x: 1234.5 }
// lldbr-check:(generic_method_on_generic_struct::Struct<f64>) *self = Struct<f64> { x: 1234.5 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$12 = { x = 1234.5 }
// lldbr-check:(generic_method_on_generic_struct::Struct<f64>) *self = { x = 1234.5 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$13 = -9
// lldbr-check:(isize) arg1 = -9
......@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
// min-lldb-version: 310
// ignore-gdb
// ignore-tidy-linelength
// compile-flags:-g
......@@ -12,11 +11,11 @@
// lldb-command:run
// lldb-command:print v
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = vec![1, 2, 3]
// lldbr-check:(alloc::vec::Vec<i32>) v = vec![1, 2, 3]
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = size=3 { [0] = 1 [1] = 2 [2] = 3 }
// lldbr-check:(alloc::vec::Vec<i32>) v = size=3 { [0] = 1 [1] = 2 [2] = 3 }
// lldb-command:print zs
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = StructWithZeroSizedField { x: ZeroSizedStruct[...], y: 123, z: ZeroSizedStruct[...], w: 456 }
// lldbr-check:(issue_22656::StructWithZeroSizedField) zs = StructWithZeroSizedField { x: ZeroSizedStruct { }, y: 123, z: ZeroSizedStruct { }, w: 456 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = { x = y = 123 z = w = 456 }
// lldbr-check:(issue_22656::StructWithZeroSizedField) zs = { x = y = 123 z = w = 456 }
// lldbr-command:continue
......@@ -22,10 +22,10 @@
// lldb-command:run
// lldb-command:print g
// lldbg-check:(issue_57822::main::closure-1) $0 = closure-1(closure-0(1))
// lldbg-check:(issue_57822::main::closure-1) $0 = { 0 = { 0 = 1 } }
// lldb-command:print b
// lldbg-check:(issue_57822::main::generator-3) $1 = generator-3(generator-2(2))
// lldbg-check:(issue_57822::main::generator-3) $1 = { 0 = { 0 = 2 } }
#![feature(omit_gdb_pretty_printer_section, generators, generator_trait)]
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
// lldb-command:print *self
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = Struct { x: 100 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = { x = 100 }
// lldbr-check:(method_on_struct::Struct) *self = Struct { x: 100 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = -1
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
// lldb-command:print self
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = Struct { x: 100 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = { x = 100 }
// lldbr-check:(method_on_struct::Struct) self = Struct { x: 100 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = -3
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
// lldb-command:print *self
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = Struct { x: 200 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = { x = 200 }
// lldbr-check:(method_on_struct::Struct) *self = Struct { x: 200 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$7 = -5
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
// lldb-command:print self
// lldbg-check:[...]$9 = Struct { x: 200 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$9 = { x = 200 }
// lldbr-check:(method_on_struct::Struct) self = Struct { x: 200 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$10 = -7
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
// lldb-command:print *self
// lldbg-check:[...]$12 = Struct { x: 200 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$12 = { x = 200 }
// lldbr-check:(method_on_struct::Struct) *self = Struct { x: 200 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$13 = -9
......@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@
// lldb-command:print *self
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = Struct { x: 100 }
// lldbr-check:(method_on_trait::Struct) *self = Struct { x: 100 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = { x = 100 }
// lldbr-check:(method_on_trait::Struct) *self = { x = 100 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = -1
// lldbr-check:(isize) arg1 = -1
......@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@
// lldb-command:print self
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = Struct { x: 100 }
// lldbr-check:(method_on_trait::Struct) self = Struct { x: 100 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = { x = 100 }
// lldbr-check:(method_on_trait::Struct) self = { x = 100 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = -3
// lldbr-check:(isize) arg1 = -3
......@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@
// lldb-command:print *self
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = Struct { x: 200 }
// lldbr-check:(method_on_trait::Struct) *self = Struct { x: 200 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = { x = 200 }
// lldbr-check:(method_on_trait::Struct) *self = { x = 200 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$7 = -5
// lldbr-check:(isize) arg1 = -5
......@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@
// lldb-command:print self
// lldbg-check:[...]$9 = Struct { x: 200 }
// lldbr-check:(method_on_trait::Struct) self = Struct { x: 200 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$9 = { x = 200 }
// lldbr-check:(method_on_trait::Struct) self = { x = 200 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$10 = -7
// lldbr-check:(isize) arg1 = -7
......@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@
// lldb-command:print *self
// lldbg-check:[...]$12 = Struct { x: 200 }
// lldbr-check:(method_on_trait::Struct) *self = Struct { x: 200 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$12 = { x = 200 }
// lldbr-check:(method_on_trait::Struct) *self = { x = 200 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$13 = -9
// lldbr-check:(isize) arg1 = -9
......@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@
// lldb-command:print *self
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = TupleStruct(100, -100.5)
// lldbr-check:(method_on_tuple_struct::TupleStruct) *self = TupleStruct(100, -100.5)
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = { 0 = 100 1 = -100.5 }
// lldbr-check:(method_on_tuple_struct::TupleStruct) *self = { 0 = 100 1 = -100.5 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = -1
// lldbr-check:(isize) arg1 = -1
......@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@
// lldb-command:print self
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = TupleStruct(100, -100.5)
// lldbr-check:(method_on_tuple_struct::TupleStruct) self = TupleStruct(100, -100.5)
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = { 0 = 100 1 = -100.5 }
// lldbr-check:(method_on_tuple_struct::TupleStruct) self = { 0 = 100 1 = -100.5 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = -3
// lldbr-check:(isize) arg1 = -3
......@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@
// lldb-command:print *self
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = TupleStruct(200, -200.5)
// lldbr-check:(method_on_tuple_struct::TupleStruct) *self = TupleStruct(200, -200.5)
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = { 0 = 200 1 = -200.5 }
// lldbr-check:(method_on_tuple_struct::TupleStruct) *self = { 0 = 200 1 = -200.5 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$7 = -5
// lldbr-check:(isize) arg1 = -5
......@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@
// lldb-command:print self
// lldbg-check:[...]$9 = TupleStruct(200, -200.5)
// lldbr-check:(method_on_tuple_struct::TupleStruct) self = TupleStruct(200, -200.5)
// lldbg-check:[...]$9 = { 0 = 200 1 = -200.5 }
// lldbr-check:(method_on_tuple_struct::TupleStruct) self = { 0 = 200 1 = -200.5 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$10 = -7
// lldbr-check:(isize) arg1 = -7
......@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@
// lldb-command:print *self
// lldbg-check:[...]$12 = TupleStruct(200, -200.5)
// lldbr-check:(method_on_tuple_struct::TupleStruct) *self = TupleStruct(200, -200.5)
// lldbg-check:[...]$12 = { 0 = 200 1 = -200.5 }
// lldbr-check:(method_on_tuple_struct::TupleStruct) *self = { 0 = 200 1 = -200.5 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$13 = -9
// lldbr-check:(isize) arg1 = -9
......@@ -46,36 +46,36 @@
// lldb-command:run
// lldb-command:print packed
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = Packed { x: 123, y: 234, z: 345 }
// lldbr-check:(packed_struct_with_destructor::Packed) packed = Packed { x: 123, y: 234, z: 345 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = { x = 123 y = 234 z = 345 }
// lldbr-check:(packed_struct_with_destructor::Packed) packed = { x = 123 y = 234 z = 345 }
// lldb-command:print packedInPacked
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = PackedInPacked { a: 1111, b: Packed { x: 2222, y: 3333, z: 4444 }, c: 5555, d: Packed { x: 6666, y: 7777, z: 8888 } }
// lldbr-check:(packed_struct_with_destructor::PackedInPacked) packedInPacked = PackedInPacked { a: 1111, b: Packed { x: 2222, y: 3333, z: 4444 }, c: 5555, d: Packed { x: 6666, y: 7777, z: 8888 } }
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = { a = 1111 b = { x = 2222 y = 3333 z = 4444 } c = 5555 d = { x = 6666 y = 7777 z = 8888 } }
// lldbr-check:(packed_struct_with_destructor::PackedInPacked) packedInPacked = { a = 1111 b = { x = 2222 y = 3333 z = 4444 } c = 5555 d = { x = 6666 y = 7777 z = 8888 } }
// lldb-command:print packedInUnpacked
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = PackedInUnpacked { a: -1111, b: Packed { x: -2222, y: -3333, z: -4444 }, c: -5555, d: Packed { x: -6666, y: -7777, z: -8888 } }
// lldbr-check:(packed_struct_with_destructor::PackedInUnpacked) packedInUnpacked = PackedInUnpacked { a: -1111, b: Packed { x: -2222, y: -3333, z: -4444 }, c: -5555, d: Packed { x: -6666, y: -7777, z: -8888 } }
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = { a = -1111 b = { x = -2222 y = -3333 z = -4444 } c = -5555 d = { x = -6666 y = -7777 z = -8888 } }
// lldbr-check:(packed_struct_with_destructor::PackedInUnpacked) packedInUnpacked = { a = -1111 b = { x = -2222 y = -3333 z = -4444 } c = -5555 d = { x = -6666 y = -7777 z = -8888 } }
// lldb-command:print unpackedInPacked
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = UnpackedInPacked { a: 987, b: Unpacked { x: 876, y: 765, z: 654 }, c: Unpacked { x: 543, y: 432, z: 321 }, d: 210 }
// lldbr-check:(packed_struct_with_destructor::UnpackedInPacked) unpackedInPacked = UnpackedInPacked { a: 987, b: Unpacked { x: 876, y: 765, z: 654 }, c: Unpacked { x: 543, y: 432, z: 321 }, d: 210 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = { a = 987 b = { x = 876 y = 765 z = 654 } c = { x = 543 y = 432 z = 321 } d = 210 }
// lldbr-check:(packed_struct_with_destructor::UnpackedInPacked) unpackedInPacked = { a = 987 b = { x = 876 y = 765 z = 654 } c = { x = 543 y = 432 z = 321 } d = 210 }
// lldb-command:print packedInPackedWithDrop
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = PackedInPackedWithDrop { a: 11, b: Packed { x: 22, y: 33, z: 44 }, c: 55, d: Packed { x: 66, y: 77, z: 88 } }
// lldbr-check:(packed_struct_with_destructor::PackedInPackedWithDrop) packedInPackedWithDrop = PackedInPackedWithDrop { a: 11, b: Packed { x: 22, y: 33, z: 44 }, c: 55, d: Packed { x: 66, y: 77, z: 88 } }
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = { a = 11 b = { x = 22 y = 33 z = 44 } c = 55 d = { x = 66 y = 77 z = 88 } }
// lldbr-check:(packed_struct_with_destructor::PackedInPackedWithDrop) packedInPackedWithDrop = { a = 11 b = { x = 22 y = 33 z = 44 } c = 55 d = { x = 66 y = 77 z = 88 } }
// lldb-command:print packedInUnpackedWithDrop
// lldbg-check:[...]$5 = PackedInUnpackedWithDrop { a: -11, b: Packed { x: -22, y: -33, z: -44 }, c: -55, d: Packed { x: -66, y: -77, z: -88 } }
// lldbr-check:(packed_struct_with_destructor::PackedInUnpackedWithDrop) packedInUnpackedWithDrop = PackedInUnpackedWithDrop { a: -11, b: Packed { x: -22, y: -33, z: -44 }, c: -55, d: Packed { x: -66, y: -77, z: -88 } }
// lldbg-check:[...]$5 = { a = -11 b = { x = -22 y = -33 z = -44 } c = -55 d = { x = -66 y = -77 z = -88 } }
// lldbr-check:(packed_struct_with_destructor::PackedInUnpackedWithDrop) packedInUnpackedWithDrop = { a = -11 b = { x = -22 y = -33 z = -44 } c = -55 d = { x = -66 y = -77 z = -88 } }
// lldb-command:print unpackedInPackedWithDrop
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = UnpackedInPackedWithDrop { a: 98, b: Unpacked { x: 87, y: 76, z: 65 }, c: Unpacked { x: 54, y: 43, z: 32 }, d: 21 }
// lldbr-check:(packed_struct_with_destructor::UnpackedInPackedWithDrop) unpackedInPackedWithDrop = UnpackedInPackedWithDrop { a: 98, b: Unpacked { x: 87, y: 76, z: 65 }, c: Unpacked { x: 54, y: 43, z: 32 }, d: 21 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = { a = 98 b = { x = 87 y = 76 z = 65 } c = { x = 54 y = 43 z = 32 } d = 21 }
// lldbr-check:(packed_struct_with_destructor::UnpackedInPackedWithDrop) unpackedInPackedWithDrop = { a = 98 b = { x = 87 y = 76 z = 65 } c = { x = 54 y = 43 z = 32 } d = 21 }
// lldb-command:print deeplyNested
// lldbg-check:[...]$7 = DeeplyNested { a: PackedInPacked { a: 1, b: Packed { x: 2, y: 3, z: 4 }, c: 5, d: Packed { x: 6, y: 7, z: 8 } }, b: UnpackedInPackedWithDrop { a: 9, b: Unpacked { x: 10, y: 11, z: 12 }, c: Unpacked { x: 13, y: 14, z: 15 }, d: 16 }, c: PackedInUnpacked { a: 17, b: Packed { x: 18, y: 19, z: 20 }, c: 21, d: Packed { x: 22, y: 23, z: 24 } }, d: PackedInUnpackedWithDrop { a: 25, b: Packed { x: 26, y: 27, z: 28 }, c: 29, d: Packed { x: 30, y: 31, z: 32 } }, e: UnpackedInPacked { a: 33, b: Unpacked { x: 34, y: 35, z: 36 }, c: Unpacked { x: 37, y: 38, z: 39 }, d: 40 }, f: PackedInPackedWithDrop { a: 41, b: Packed { x: 42, y: 43, z: 44 }, c: 45, d: Packed { x: 46, y: 47, z: 48 } } }
// lldbr-check:(packed_struct_with_destructor::DeeplyNested) deeplyNested = DeeplyNested { a: PackedInPacked { a: 1, b: Packed { x: 2, y: 3, z: 4 }, c: 5, d: Packed { x: 6, y: 7, z: 8 } }, b: UnpackedInPackedWithDrop { a: 9, b: Unpacked { x: 10, y: 11, z: 12 }, c: Unpacked { x: 13, y: 14, z: 15 }, d: 16 }, c: PackedInUnpacked { a: 17, b: Packed { x: 18, y: 19, z: 20 }, c: 21, d: Packed { x: 22, y: 23, z: 24 } }, d: PackedInUnpackedWithDrop { a: 25, b: Packed { x: 26, y: 27, z: 28 }, c: 29, d: Packed { x: 30, y: 31, z: 32 } }, e: UnpackedInPacked { a: 33, b: Unpacked { x: 34, y: 35, z: 36 }, c: Unpacked { x: 37, y: 38, z: 39 }, d: 40 }, f: PackedInPackedWithDrop { a: 41, b: Packed { x: 42, y: 43, z: 44 }, c: 45, d: Packed { x: 46, y: 47, z: 48 } } }
// lldbg-check:[...]$7 = { a = { a = 1 b = { x = 2 y = 3 z = 4 } c = 5 d = { x = 6 y = 7 z = 8 } } b = { a = 9 b = { x = 10 y = 11 z = 12 } c = { x = 13 y = 14 z = 15 } d = 16 } c = { a = 17 b = { x = 18 y = 19 z = 20 } c = 21 d = { x = 22 y = 23 z = 24 } } d = { a = 25 b = { x = 26 y = 27 z = 28 } c = 29 d = { x = 30 y = 31 z = 32 } } e = { a = 33 b = { x = 34 y = 35 z = 36 } c = { x = 37 y = 38 z = 39 } d = 40 } f = { a = 41 b = { x = 42 y = 43 z = 44 } c = 45 d = { x = 46 y = 47 z = 48 } } }
// lldbr-check:(packed_struct_with_destructor::DeeplyNested) deeplyNested = { a = { a = 1 b = { x = 2 y = 3 z = 4 } c = 5 d = { x = 6 y = 7 z = 8 } } b = { a = 9 b = { x = 10 y = 11 z = 12 } c = { x = 13 y = 14 z = 15 } d = 16 } c = { a = 17 b = { x = 18 y = 19 z = 20 } c = 21 d = { x = 22 y = 23 z = 24 } } d = { a = 25 b = { x = 26 y = 27 z = 28 } c = 29 d = { x = 30 y = 31 z = 32 } } e = { a = 33 b = { x = 34 y = 35 z = 36 } c = { x = 37 y = 38 z = 39 } d = 40 } f = { a = 41 b = { x = 42 y = 43 z = 44 } c = 45 d = { x = 46 y = 47 z = 48 } } }
......@@ -36,20 +36,20 @@
// lldb-command:run
// lldb-command:print packed
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = Packed { x: 123, y: 234, z: 345 }
// lldbr-check:(packed_struct::Packed) packed = Packed { x: 123, y: 234, z: 345 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = { x = 123 y = 234 z = 345 }
// lldbr-check:(packed_struct::Packed) packed = { x = 123 y = 234 z = 345 }
// lldb-command:print packedInPacked
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = PackedInPacked { a: 1111, b: Packed { x: 2222, y: 3333, z: 4444 }, c: 5555, d: Packed { x: 6666, y: 7777, z: 8888 } }
// lldbr-check:(packed_struct::PackedInPacked) packedInPacked = PackedInPacked { a: 1111, b: Packed { x: 2222, y: 3333, z: 4444 }, c: 5555, d: Packed { x: 6666, y: 7777, z: 8888 } }
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = { a = 1111 b = { x = 2222 y = 3333 z = 4444 } c = 5555 d = { x = 6666 y = 7777 z = 8888 } }
// lldbr-check:(packed_struct::PackedInPacked) packedInPacked = { a = 1111 b = { x = 2222 y = 3333 z = 4444 } c = 5555 d = { x = 6666 y = 7777 z = 8888 } }
// lldb-command:print packedInUnpacked
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = PackedInUnpacked { a: -1111, b: Packed { x: -2222, y: -3333, z: -4444 }, c: -5555, d: Packed { x: -6666, y: -7777, z: -8888 } }
// lldbr-check:(packed_struct::PackedInUnpacked) packedInUnpacked = PackedInUnpacked { a: -1111, b: Packed { x: -2222, y: -3333, z: -4444 }, c: -5555, d: Packed { x: -6666, y: -7777, z: -8888 } }
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = { a = -1111 b = { x = -2222 y = -3333 z = -4444 } c = -5555 d = { x = -6666 y = -7777 z = -8888 } }
// lldbr-check:(packed_struct::PackedInUnpacked) packedInUnpacked = { a = -1111 b = { x = -2222 y = -3333 z = -4444 } c = -5555 d = { x = -6666 y = -7777 z = -8888 } }
// lldb-command:print unpackedInPacked
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = UnpackedInPacked { a: 987, b: Unpacked { x: 876, y: 765, z: 654, w: 543 }, c: Unpacked { x: 432, y: 321, z: 210, w: 109 }, d: -98 }
// lldbr-check:(packed_struct::UnpackedInPacked) unpackedInPacked = UnpackedInPacked { a: 987, b: Unpacked { x: 876, y: 765, z: 654, w: 543 }, c: Unpacked { x: 432, y: 321, z: 210, w: 109 }, d: -98 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = { a = 987 b = { x = 876 y = 765 z = 654 w = 543 } c = { x = 432 y = 321 z = 210 w = 109 } d = -98 }
// lldbr-check:(packed_struct::UnpackedInPacked) unpackedInPacked = { a = 987 b = { x = 876 y = 765 z = 654 w = 543 } c = { x = 432 y = 321 z = 210 w = 109 } d = -98 }
// lldb-command:print sizeof(packed)
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = 14
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// ignore-freebsd: gdb package too new
// ignore-android: FIXME(#10381)
// compile-flags:-g
// min-gdb-version 7.7
// min-gdb-version 8.1
// min-lldb-version: 310
// === GDB TESTS ===================================================================================
......@@ -10,11 +10,10 @@
// gdb-command: run
// gdb-command: print vec
// gdb-check:$1 = Vec<u8>(len: 1000000000, cap: 1000000000) = {[...]...}
// gdb-check:$1 = Vec(size=1000000000) = {[...]...}
// gdb-command: print slice
// gdb-check:$2 = &[u8](len: 1000000000) = {[...]...}
// gdb-check:$2 = &[u8] {data_ptr: [...]"\000", length: 1000000000}
......@@ -15,38 +15,76 @@
// gdb-command: run
// gdb-command: print btree_set
// gdb-check:$1 = BTreeSet<i32>(len: 15) = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14}
// gdb-check:$1 = BTreeSet(size=15) = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14}
// gdb-command: print empty_btree_set
// gdb-check:$2 = BTreeSet<i32>(len: 0)
// gdb-check:$2 = BTreeSet(size=0)
// gdb-command: print btree_map
// gdb-check:$3 = BTreeMap<i32, i32>(len: 15) = {[0] = 0, [1] = 1, [2] = 2, [3] = 3, [4] = 4, [5] = 5, [6] = 6, [7] = 7, [8] = 8, [9] = 9, [10] = 10, [11] = 11, [12] = 12, [13] = 13, [14] = 14}
// gdb-check:$3 = BTreeMap(size=15) = {[0] = 0, [1] = 1, [2] = 2, [3] = 3, [4] = 4, [5] = 5, [6] = 6, [7] = 7, [8] = 8, [9] = 9, [10] = 10, [11] = 11, [12] = 12, [13] = 13, [14] = 14}
// gdb-command: print empty_btree_map
// gdb-check:$4 = BTreeMap<i32, u32>(len: 0)
// gdb-check:$4 = BTreeMap(size=0)
// gdb-command: print option_btree_map
// gdb-check:$5 = BTreeMap<bool, core::option::Option<bool>>(len: 2) = {[false] = [...], [true] = [...]}
// gdb-check:$5 = BTreeMap(size=2) = {[false] = [...], [true] = [...]}
// (abbreviated because both values vary wildly over gdb versions and/or linux distributions)
// gdb-command: print nasty_btree_map
// gdb-check:$6 = BTreeMap<i32, pretty_std_collections::MyLeafNode>(len: 15) = {[0] = pretty_std_collections::MyLeafNode (0), [...]}
// gdb-check:$6 = BTreeMap(size=15) = {[0] = pretty_std_collections::MyLeafNode (0), [...]}
// (abbreviated because it's boring but we need enough elements to include internal nodes)
// gdb-command: print vec_deque
// gdb-check:$7 = VecDeque<i32>(len: 3, cap: 8) = {5, 3, 7}
// gdb-check:$7 = VecDeque(size=3) = {5, 3, 7}
// gdb-command: print vec_deque2
// gdb-check:$8 = VecDeque<i32>(len: 7, cap: 8) = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
// gdb-check:$8 = VecDeque(size=7) = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}
// gdb-command: print hash_map
// gdb-check:$9 = HashMap(size=4) = {[1] = 10, [2] = 20, [3] = 30, [4] = 40}
// gdb-command: print hash_set
// gdb-check:$10 = HashSet(size=4) = {1, 2, 3, 4}
// === LLDB TESTS ==================================================================================
// lldb-command:run
// lldb-command:print vec_deque
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = size=3 { [0] = 5 [1] = 3 [2] = 7 }
// lldbr-check:(alloc::collections::vec_deque::VecDeque<i32>) vec_deque = size=3 = { [0] = 5 [1] = 3 [2] = 7 }
// lldb-command:print vec_deque2
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = size=7 { [0] = 2 [1] = 3 [2] = 4 [3] = 5 [4] = 6 [5] = 7 [6] = 8 }
// lldbr-check:(alloc::collections::vec_deque::VecDeque<i32>) vec_deque2 = size=7 = { [0] = 2 [1] = 3 [2] = 4 [3] = 5 [4] = 6 [5] = 7 [6] = 8 }
// lldb-command:print hash_map
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = size=4 { [0] = { 0 = 1 1 = 10 } [1] = { 0 = 2 1 = 20 } [2] = { 0 = 3 1 = 30 } [3] = { 0 = 4 1 = 40 } }
// lldbr-check:(std::collections::hash::map::HashMap<u64, u64, [...]>) hash_map = size=4 size=4 { [0] = { 0 = 1 1 = 10 } [1] = { 0 = 2 1 = 20 } [2] = { 0 = 3 1 = 30 } [3] = { 0 = 4 1 = 40 } }
// lldb-command:print hash_set
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = size=4 { [0] = 1 [1] = 2 [2] = 3 [3] = 4 }
// lldbr-check:(std::collections::hash::set::HashSet<u64, [...]>) hash_set = size=4 { [0] = 1 [1] = 2 [2] = 3 [3] = 4 }
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::hash::{BuildHasherDefault, Hasher};
struct MyLeafNode(i32); // helps to ensure we don't blindly replace substring "LeafNode"
struct SimpleHasher { hash: u64 }
impl Hasher for SimpleHasher {
fn finish(&self) -> u64 { self.hash }
fn write(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) {}
fn write_u64(&mut self, i: u64) { self.hash = i }
fn main() {
// BTreeSet
let mut btree_set = BTreeSet::new();
......@@ -87,6 +125,18 @@ fn main() {
// HashMap
let mut hash_map = HashMap::<u64, u64, BuildHasherDefault<SimpleHasher>>::default();
for i in 1..5 {
hash_map.insert(i, i * 10);
// HashSet
let mut hash_set = HashSet::<u64, BuildHasherDefault<SimpleHasher>>::default();
for i in 1..5 {
zzz(); // #break
......@@ -61,6 +61,9 @@
// lldb-command: print none
// lldb-check:[...]$5 = None
// lldb-command: print os_string
// lldb-check:[...]$6 = "IAMA OS string 😃"[...]
// === CDB TESTS ==================================================================================
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
// ignore-freebsd: gdb package too new
// ignore-android: FIXME(#10381)
// compile-flags:-g
// min-gdb-version 7.7
// min-gdb-version 8.1
// min-lldb-version: 310
// === GDB TESTS ===================================================================================
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
// gdb-command: run
// gdb-command: print vec
// gdb-check:$1 = Vec<i32>(len: [...], cap: [...])[...]
// gdb-check:$1 = Vec(size=[...])[...]
// compile-flags:-g
// min-gdb-version: 8.1
// === GDB TESTS ==================================================================================
// gdb-command:run
// gdb-command:print r
// gdb-check:[...]$1 = Rc(strong=2, weak=1) = {value = 42, strong = 2, weak = 1}
// gdb-command:print a
// gdb-check:[...]$2 = Arc(strong=2, weak=1) = {value = 42, strong = 2, weak = 1}
// === LLDB TESTS ==================================================================================
// lldb-command:run
// lldb-command:print r
// lldb-check:[...]$0 = strong=2, weak=1 { value = 42 }
// lldb-command:print a
// lldb-check:[...]$1 = strong=2, weak=1 { data = 42 }
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::sync::Arc;
fn main() {
let r = Rc::new(42);
let r1 = Rc::clone(&r);
let w1 = Rc::downgrade(&r);
let a = Arc::new(42);
let a1 = Arc::clone(&a);
let w2 = Arc::downgrade(&a);
print!(""); // #break
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
// lldb-command:print *self
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = Struct { x: 100 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = { x = 100 }
// lldbr-check:(self_in_default_method::Struct) *self = Struct { x: 100 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = -1
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
// lldb-command:print self
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = Struct { x: 100 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = { x = 100 }
// lldbr-check:(self_in_default_method::Struct) self = Struct { x: 100 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = -3
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
// lldb-command:print *self
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = Struct { x: 200 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = { x = 200 }
// lldbr-check:(self_in_default_method::Struct) *self = Struct { x: 200 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$7 = -5
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
// lldb-command:print self
// lldbg-check:[...]$9 = Struct { x: 200 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$9 = { x = 200 }
// lldbr-check:(self_in_default_method::Struct) self = Struct { x: 200 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$10 = -7
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
// lldb-command:print *self
// lldbg-check:[...]$12 = Struct { x: 200 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$12 = { x = 200 }
// lldbr-check:(self_in_default_method::Struct) *self = Struct { x: 200 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$13 = -9
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
// lldb-command:print *self
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = Struct { x: 987 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = { x = 987 }
// lldbr-check:(self_in_generic_default_method::Struct) *self = Struct { x: 987 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = -1
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
// lldb-command:print self
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = Struct { x: 987 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = { x = 987 }
// lldbr-check:(self_in_generic_default_method::Struct) self = Struct { x: 987 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = -3
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
// lldb-command:print *self
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = Struct { x: 879 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = { x = 879 }
// lldbr-check:(self_in_generic_default_method::Struct) *self = Struct { x: 879 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$7 = -5
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
// lldb-command:print self
// lldbg-check:[...]$9 = Struct { x: 879 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$9 = { x = 879 }
// lldbr-check:(self_in_generic_default_method::Struct) self = Struct { x: 879 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$10 = -7
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
// lldb-command:print *self
// lldbg-check:[...]$12 = Struct { x: 879 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$12 = { x = 879 }
// lldbr-check:(self_in_generic_default_method::Struct) *self = Struct { x: 879 }
// lldb-command:print arg1
// lldbg-check:[...]$13 = -9
......@@ -100,28 +100,28 @@
// lldb-command:run
// lldb-command:print no_padding16
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = NoPadding16 { x: 10000, y: -10001 }
// lldbr-check:(simple_struct::NoPadding16) no_padding16 = NoPadding16 { x: 10000, y: -10001 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = { x = 10000 y = -10001 }
// lldbr-check:(simple_struct::NoPadding16) no_padding16 = { x = 10000 y = -10001 }
// lldb-command:print no_padding32
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = NoPadding32 { x: -10002, y: -10003.5, z: 10004 }
// lldbr-check:(simple_struct::NoPadding32) no_padding32 = NoPadding32 { x: -10002, y: -10003.5, z: 10004 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = { x = -10002 y = -10003.5 z = 10004 }
// lldbr-check:(simple_struct::NoPadding32) no_padding32 = { x = -10002 y = -10003.5 z = 10004 }
// lldb-command:print no_padding64
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = NoPadding64 { x: -10005.5, y: 10006, z: 10007 }
// lldbr-check:(simple_struct::NoPadding64) no_padding64 = NoPadding64 { x: -10005.5, y: 10006, z: 10007 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = { x = -10005.5 y = 10006 z = 10007 }
// lldbr-check:(simple_struct::NoPadding64) no_padding64 = { x = -10005.5 y = 10006 z = 10007 }
// lldb-command:print no_padding163264
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = NoPadding163264 { a: -10008, b: 10009, c: 10010, d: 10011 }
// lldbr-check:(simple_struct::NoPadding163264) no_padding163264 = NoPadding163264 { a: -10008, b: 10009, c: 10010, d: 10011 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = { a = -10008 b = 10009 c = 10010 d = 10011 }
// lldbr-check:(simple_struct::NoPadding163264) no_padding163264 = { a = -10008 b = 10009 c = 10010 d = 10011 }
// lldb-command:print internal_padding
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = InternalPadding { x: 10012, y: -10013 }
// lldbr-check:(simple_struct::InternalPadding) internal_padding = InternalPadding { x: 10012, y: -10013 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = { x = 10012 y = -10013 }
// lldbr-check:(simple_struct::InternalPadding) internal_padding = { x = 10012 y = -10013 }
// lldb-command:print padding_at_end
// lldbg-check:[...]$5 = PaddingAtEnd { x: -10014, y: 10015 }
// lldbr-check:(simple_struct::PaddingAtEnd) padding_at_end = PaddingAtEnd { x: -10014, y: 10015 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$5 = { x = -10014 y = 10015 }
// lldbr-check:(simple_struct::PaddingAtEnd) padding_at_end = { x = -10014 y = 10015 }
......@@ -100,28 +100,28 @@
// lldb-command:run
// lldb-command:print/d noPadding8
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = (-100, 100)
// lldbr-check:((i8, u8)) noPadding8 = { = -100 -100 = 100 100 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = { 0 = -100 1 = 100 }
// lldbr-check:((i8, u8)) noPadding8 = { 0 = -100 1 = 100 }
// lldb-command:print noPadding16
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = (0, 1, 2)
// lldbr-check:((i16, i16, u16)) noPadding16 = { = 0 = 1 = 2 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = { 0 = 0 1 = 1 2 = 2 }
// lldbr-check:((i16, i16, u16)) noPadding16 = { 0 = 0 1 = 1 2 = 2 }
// lldb-command:print noPadding32
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = (3, 4.5, 5)
// lldbr-check:((i32, f32, u32)) noPadding32 = { = 3 = 4.5 = 5 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = { 0 = 3 1 = 4.5 2 = 5 }
// lldbr-check:((i32, f32, u32)) noPadding32 = { 0 = 3 1 = 4.5 2 = 5 }
// lldb-command:print noPadding64
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = (6, 7.5, 8)
// lldbr-check:((i64, f64, u64)) noPadding64 = { = 6 = 7.5 = 8 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = { 0 = 6 1 = 7.5 2 = 8 }
// lldbr-check:((i64, f64, u64)) noPadding64 = { 0 = 6 1 = 7.5 2 = 8 }
// lldb-command:print internalPadding1
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = (9, 10)
// lldbr-check:((i16, i32)) internalPadding1 = { = 9 = 10 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = { 0 = 9 1 = 10 }
// lldbr-check:((i16, i32)) internalPadding1 = { 0 = 9 1 = 10 }
// lldb-command:print internalPadding2
// lldbg-check:[...]$5 = (11, 12, 13, 14)
// lldbr-check:((i16, i32, u32, u64)) internalPadding2 = { = 11 = 12 = 13 = 14 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$5 = { 0 = 11 1 = 12 2 = 13 3 = 14 }
// lldbr-check:((i16, i32, u32, u64)) internalPadding2 = { 0 = 11 1 = 12 2 = 13 3 = 14 }
// lldb-command:print paddingAtEnd
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = (15, 16)
// lldbr-check:((i32, i16)) paddingAtEnd = { = 15 = 16 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = { 0 = 15 1 = 16 }
// lldbr-check:((i32, i16)) paddingAtEnd = { 0 = 15 1 = 16 }
......@@ -25,36 +25,36 @@
// lldb-command:run
// lldb-command:print three_simple_structs
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = ThreeSimpleStructs { x: Simple { x: 1 }, y: Simple { x: 2 }, z: Simple { x: 3 } }
// lldbr-check:(struct_in_struct::ThreeSimpleStructs) three_simple_structs = ThreeSimpleStructs { x: Simple { x: 1 }, y: Simple { x: 2 }, z: Simple { x: 3 } }
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = { x = { x = 1 } y = { x = 2 } z = { x = 3 } }
// lldbr-check:(struct_in_struct::ThreeSimpleStructs) three_simple_structs = { x = { x = 1 } y = { x = 2 } z = { x = 3 } }
// lldb-command:print internal_padding_parent
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = InternalPaddingParent { x: InternalPadding { x: 4, y: 5 }, y: InternalPadding { x: 6, y: 7 }, z: InternalPadding { x: 8, y: 9 } }
// lldbr-check:(struct_in_struct::InternalPaddingParent) internal_padding_parent = InternalPaddingParent { x: InternalPadding { x: 4, y: 5 }, y: InternalPadding { x: 6, y: 7 }, z: InternalPadding { x: 8, y: 9 } }
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = { x = { x = 4 y = 5 } y = { x = 6 y = 7 } z = { x = 8 y = 9 } }
// lldbr-check:(struct_in_struct::InternalPaddingParent) internal_padding_parent = { x = { x = 4 y = 5 } y = { x = 6 y = 7 } z = { x = 8 y = 9 } }
// lldb-command:print padding_at_end_parent
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = PaddingAtEndParent { x: PaddingAtEnd { x: 10, y: 11 }, y: PaddingAtEnd { x: 12, y: 13 }, z: PaddingAtEnd { x: 14, y: 15 } }
// lldbr-check:(struct_in_struct::PaddingAtEndParent) padding_at_end_parent = PaddingAtEndParent { x: PaddingAtEnd { x: 10, y: 11 }, y: PaddingAtEnd { x: 12, y: 13 }, z: PaddingAtEnd { x: 14, y: 15 } }
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = { x = { x = 10 y = 11 } y = { x = 12 y = 13 } z = { x = 14 y = 15 } }
// lldbr-check:(struct_in_struct::PaddingAtEndParent) padding_at_end_parent = { x = { x = 10 y = 11 } y = { x = 12 y = 13 } z = { x = 14 y = 15 } }
// lldb-command:print mixed
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = Mixed { x: PaddingAtEnd { x: 16, y: 17 }, y: InternalPadding { x: 18, y: 19 }, z: Simple { x: 20 }, w: 21 }
// lldbr-check:(struct_in_struct::Mixed) mixed = Mixed { x: PaddingAtEnd { x: 16, y: 17 }, y: InternalPadding { x: 18, y: 19 }, z: Simple { x: 20 }, w: 21 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = { x = { x = 16 y = 17 } y = { x = 18 y = 19 } z = { x = 20 } w = 21 }
// lldbr-check:(struct_in_struct::Mixed) mixed = { x = { x = 16 y = 17 } y = { x = 18 y = 19 } z = { x = 20 } w = 21 }
// lldb-command:print bag
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = Bag { x: Simple { x: 22 } }
// lldbr-check:(struct_in_struct::Bag) bag = Bag { x: Simple { x: 22 } }
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = { x = { x = 22 } }
// lldbr-check:(struct_in_struct::Bag) bag = { x = { x = 22 } }
// lldb-command:print bag_in_bag
// lldbg-check:[...]$5 = BagInBag { x: Bag { x: Simple { x: 23 } } }
// lldbr-check:(struct_in_struct::BagInBag) bag_in_bag = BagInBag { x: Bag { x: Simple { x: 23 } } }
// lldbg-check:[...]$5 = { x = { x = { x = 23 } } }
// lldbr-check:(struct_in_struct::BagInBag) bag_in_bag = { x = { x = { x = 23 } } }
// lldb-command:print tjo
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = ThatsJustOverkill { x: BagInBag { x: Bag { x: Simple { x: 24 } } } }
// lldbr-check:(struct_in_struct::ThatsJustOverkill) tjo = ThatsJustOverkill { x: BagInBag { x: Bag { x: Simple { x: 24 } } } }
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = { x = { x = { x = { x = 24 } } } }
// lldbr-check:(struct_in_struct::ThatsJustOverkill) tjo = { x = { x = { x = { x = 24 } } } }
// lldb-command:print tree
// lldbg-check:[...]$7 = Tree { x: Simple { x: 25 }, y: InternalPaddingParent { x: InternalPadding { x: 26, y: 27 }, y: InternalPadding { x: 28, y: 29 }, z: InternalPadding { x: 30, y: 31 } }, z: BagInBag { x: Bag { x: Simple { x: 32 } } } }
// lldbr-check:(struct_in_struct::Tree) tree = Tree { x: Simple { x: 25 }, y: InternalPaddingParent { x: InternalPadding { x: 26, y: 27 }, y: InternalPadding { x: 28, y: 29 }, z: InternalPadding { x: 30, y: 31 } }, z: BagInBag { x: Bag { x: Simple { x: 32 } } } }
// lldbg-check:[...]$7 = { x = { x = 25 } y = { x = { x = 26 y = 27 } y = { x = 28 y = 29 } z = { x = 30 y = 31 } } z = { x = { x = { x = 32 } } } }
// lldbr-check:(struct_in_struct::Tree) tree = { x = { x = 25 } y = { x = { x = 26 y = 27 } y = { x = 28 y = 29 } z = { x = 30 y = 31 } } z = { x = { x = { x = 32 } } } }
......@@ -28,20 +28,20 @@
// lldb-command:run
// lldb-command:print simple
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = WithDestructor { x: 10, y: 20 }
// lldbr-check:(struct_with_destructor::WithDestructor) simple = WithDestructor { x: 10, y: 20 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = { x = 10 y = 20 }
// lldbr-check:(struct_with_destructor::WithDestructor) simple = { x = 10 y = 20 }
// lldb-command:print noDestructor
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = NoDestructorGuarded { a: NoDestructor { x: 10, y: 20 }, guard: -1 }
// lldbr-check:(struct_with_destructor::NoDestructorGuarded) noDestructor = NoDestructorGuarded { a: NoDestructor { x: 10, y: 20 }, guard: -1 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = { a = { x = 10 y = 20 } guard = -1 }
// lldbr-check:(struct_with_destructor::NoDestructorGuarded) noDestructor = { a = { x = 10 y = 20 } guard = -1 }
// lldb-command:print withDestructor
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = WithDestructorGuarded { a: WithDestructor { x: 10, y: 20 }, guard: -1 }
// lldbr-check:(struct_with_destructor::WithDestructorGuarded) withDestructor = WithDestructorGuarded { a: WithDestructor { x: 10, y: 20 }, guard: -1 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = { a = { x = 10 y = 20 } guard = -1 }
// lldbr-check:(struct_with_destructor::WithDestructorGuarded) withDestructor = { a = { x = 10 y = 20 } guard = -1 }
// lldb-command:print nested
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = NestedOuter { a: NestedInner { a: WithDestructor { x: 7890, y: 9870 } } }
// lldbr-check:(struct_with_destructor::NestedOuter) nested = NestedOuter { a: NestedInner { a: WithDestructor { x: 7890, y: 9870 } } }
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = { a = { a = { x = 7890 y = 9870 } } }
// lldbr-check:(struct_with_destructor::NestedOuter) nested = { a = { a = { x = 7890 y = 9870 } } }
......@@ -36,28 +36,28 @@
// lldb-command:run
// lldb-command:print no_padding1
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = ((0, 1), 2, 3)
// lldbr-check:(((u32, u32), u32, u32)) no_padding1 = { = { = 0 = 1 } = 2 = 3 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = { 0 = { 0 = 0 1 = 1 } 1 = 2 2 = 3 }
// lldbr-check:(((u32, u32), u32, u32)) no_padding1 = { 0 = { 0 = 0 1 = 1 } 1 = 2 2 = 3 }
// lldb-command:print no_padding2
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = (4, (5, 6), 7)
// lldbr-check:((u32, (u32, u32), u32)) no_padding2 = { = 4 = { = 5 = 6 } = 7 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = { 0 = 4 1 = { 0 = 5 1 = 6 } 2 = 7 }
// lldbr-check:((u32, (u32, u32), u32)) no_padding2 = { 0 = 4 1 = { 0 = 5 1 = 6 } 2 = 7 }
// lldb-command:print no_padding3
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = (8, 9, (10, 11))
// lldbr-check:((u32, u32, (u32, u32))) no_padding3 = { = 8 = 9 = { = 10 = 11 } }
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = { 0 = 8 1 = 9 2 = { 0 = 10 1 = 11 } }
// lldbr-check:((u32, u32, (u32, u32))) no_padding3 = { 0 = 8 1 = 9 2 = { 0 = 10 1 = 11 } }
// lldb-command:print internal_padding1
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = (12, (13, 14))
// lldbr-check:((i16, (i32, i32))) internal_padding1 = { = 12 = { = 13 = 14 } }
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = { 0 = 12 1 = { 0 = 13 1 = 14 } }
// lldbr-check:((i16, (i32, i32))) internal_padding1 = { 0 = 12 1 = { 0 = 13 1 = 14 } }
// lldb-command:print internal_padding2
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = (15, (16, 17))
// lldbr-check:((i16, (i16, i32))) internal_padding2 = { = 15 = { = 16 = 17 } }
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = { 0 = 15 1 = { 0 = 16 1 = 17 } }
// lldbr-check:((i16, (i16, i32))) internal_padding2 = { 0 = 15 1 = { 0 = 16 1 = 17 } }
// lldb-command:print padding_at_end1
// lldbg-check:[...]$5 = (18, (19, 20))
// lldbr-check:((i32, (i32, i16))) padding_at_end1 = { = 18 = { = 19 = 20 } }
// lldbg-check:[...]$5 = { 0 = 18 1 = { 0 = 19 1 = 20 } }
// lldbr-check:((i32, (i32, i16))) padding_at_end1 = { 0 = 18 1 = { 0 = 19 1 = 20 } }
// lldb-command:print padding_at_end2
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = ((21, 22), 23)
// lldbr-check:(((i32, i16), i32)) padding_at_end2 = { = { = 21 = 22 } = 23 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = { 0 = { 0 = 21 1 = 22 } 1 = 23 }
// lldbr-check:(((i32, i16), i32)) padding_at_end2 = { 0 = { 0 = 21 1 = 22 } 1 = 23 }
......@@ -38,28 +38,28 @@
// lldb-command:run
// lldb-command:print no_padding16
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = NoPadding16(10000, -10001)
// lldbr-check:(tuple_struct::NoPadding16) no_padding16 = { = 10000 = -10001 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = { 0 = 10000 1 = -10001 }
// lldbr-check:(tuple_struct::NoPadding16) no_padding16 = { 0 = 10000 1 = -10001 }
// lldb-command:print no_padding32
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = NoPadding32(-10002, -10003.5, 10004)
// lldbr-check:(tuple_struct::NoPadding32) no_padding32 = { = -10002 = -10003.5 = 10004 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = { 0 = -10002 1 = -10003.5 2 = 10004 }
// lldbr-check:(tuple_struct::NoPadding32) no_padding32 = { 0 = -10002 1 = -10003.5 2 = 10004 }
// lldb-command:print no_padding64
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = NoPadding64(-10005.5, 10006, 10007)
// lldbr-check:(tuple_struct::NoPadding64) no_padding64 = { = -10005.5 = 10006 = 10007 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = { 0 = -10005.5 1 = 10006 2 = 10007 }
// lldbr-check:(tuple_struct::NoPadding64) no_padding64 = { 0 = -10005.5 1 = 10006 2 = 10007 }
// lldb-command:print no_padding163264
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = NoPadding163264(-10008, 10009, 10010, 10011)
// lldbr-check:(tuple_struct::NoPadding163264) no_padding163264 = { = -10008 = 10009 = 10010 = 10011 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = { 0 = -10008 1 = 10009 2 = 10010 3 = 10011 }
// lldbr-check:(tuple_struct::NoPadding163264) no_padding163264 = { 0 = -10008 1 = 10009 2 = 10010 3 = 10011 }
// lldb-command:print internal_padding
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = InternalPadding(10012, -10013)
// lldbr-check:(tuple_struct::InternalPadding) internal_padding = { = 10012 = -10013 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = { 0 = 10012 1 = -10013 }
// lldbr-check:(tuple_struct::InternalPadding) internal_padding = { 0 = 10012 1 = -10013 }
// lldb-command:print padding_at_end
// lldbg-check:[...]$5 = PaddingAtEnd(-10014, 10015)
// lldbr-check:(tuple_struct::PaddingAtEnd) padding_at_end = { = -10014 = 10015 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$5 = { 0 = -10014 1 = 10015 }
// lldbr-check:(tuple_struct::PaddingAtEnd) padding_at_end = { 0 = -10014 1 = 10015 }
// This test case mainly makes sure that no field names are generated for tuple structs (as opposed
// to all fields having the name "<unnamed_field>"). Otherwise they are handled the same a normal
......@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@
// lldb-command:run
// lldb-command:print u
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = U { a: ('\x02', '\x02'), b: 514 }
// lldbr-check:(union_smoke::U) u = { a = { = 2 = 2 } b = 514 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = { a = { 0 = '\x02' 1 = '\x02' } b = 514 }
// lldbr-check:(union_smoke::U) u = { a = { 0 = '\x02' 1 = '\x02' } b = 514 }
// Don't test this with rust-enabled lldb for now; see
// https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/lldb/issues/18
// lldbg-command:print union_smoke::SU
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = U { a: ('\x01', '\x01'), b: 257 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = { a = { 0 = '\x01' 1 = '\x01' } b = 257 }
......@@ -50,11 +50,11 @@
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = 2
// lldbr-check:(isize) constant = 2
// lldb-command:print a_struct
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = Struct { a: -3, b: 4.5, c: 5 }
// lldbr-check:(var_captured_in_nested_closure::Struct) a_struct = Struct { a: -3, b: 4.5, c: 5 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = { a = -3 b = 4.5 c = 5 }
// lldbr-check:(var_captured_in_nested_closure::Struct) a_struct = { a = -3 b = 4.5 c = 5 }
// lldb-command:print *struct_ref
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = Struct { a: -3, b: 4.5, c: 5 }
// lldbr-check:(var_captured_in_nested_closure::Struct) *struct_ref = Struct { a: -3, b: 4.5, c: 5 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = { a = -3 b = 4.5 c = 5 }
// lldbr-check:(var_captured_in_nested_closure::Struct) *struct_ref = { a = -3 b = 4.5 c = 5 }
// lldb-command:print *owned
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = 6
// lldbr-check:(isize) *owned = 6
......@@ -70,11 +70,11 @@
// lldbg-check:[...]$7 = 2
// lldbr-check:(isize) constant = 2
// lldb-command:print a_struct
// lldbg-check:[...]$8 = Struct { a: -3, b: 4.5, c: 5 }
// lldbr-check:(var_captured_in_nested_closure::Struct) a_struct = Struct { a: -3, b: 4.5, c: 5 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$8 = { a = -3 b = 4.5 c = 5 }
// lldbr-check:(var_captured_in_nested_closure::Struct) a_struct = { a = -3 b = 4.5 c = 5 }
// lldb-command:print *struct_ref
// lldbg-check:[...]$9 = Struct { a: -3, b: 4.5, c: 5 }
// lldbr-check:(var_captured_in_nested_closure::Struct) *struct_ref = Struct { a: -3, b: 4.5, c: 5 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$9 = { a = -3 b = 4.5 c = 5 }
// lldbr-check:(var_captured_in_nested_closure::Struct) *struct_ref = { a = -3 b = 4.5 c = 5 }
// lldb-command:print *owned
// lldbg-check:[...]$10 = 6
// lldbr-check:(isize) *owned = 6
......@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = 1
// lldbr-check:(isize) constant = 1
// lldb-command:print a_struct
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = Struct { a: -2, b: 3.5, c: 4 }
// lldbr-check:(var_captured_in_sendable_closure::Struct) a_struct = Struct { a: -2, b: 3.5, c: 4 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = { a = -2 b = 3.5 c = 4 }
// lldbr-check:(var_captured_in_sendable_closure::Struct) a_struct = { a = -2 b = 3.5 c = 4 }
// lldb-command:print *owned
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = 5
// lldbr-check:(isize) *owned = 5
......@@ -46,11 +46,11 @@
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = 2
// lldbr-check:(isize) constant = 2
// lldb-command:print a_struct
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = Struct { a: -3, b: 4.5, c: 5 }
// lldbr-check:(var_captured_in_stack_closure::Struct) a_struct = Struct { a: -3, b: 4.5, c: 5 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = { a = -3 b = 4.5 c = 5 }
// lldbr-check:(var_captured_in_stack_closure::Struct) a_struct = { a = -3 b = 4.5 c = 5 }
// lldb-command:print *struct_ref
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = Struct { a: -3, b: 4.5, c: 5 }
// lldbr-check:(var_captured_in_stack_closure::Struct) *struct_ref = Struct { a: -3, b: 4.5, c: 5 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = { a = -3 b = 4.5 c = 5 }
// lldbr-check:(var_captured_in_stack_closure::Struct) *struct_ref = { a = -3 b = 4.5 c = 5 }
// lldb-command:print *owned
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = 6
// lldbr-check:(isize) *owned = 6
......@@ -64,11 +64,11 @@
// lldbg-check:[...]$6 = 2
// lldbr-check:(isize) constant = 2
// lldb-command:print a_struct
// lldbg-check:[...]$7 = Struct { a: -3, b: 4.5, c: 5 }
// lldbr-check:(var_captured_in_stack_closure::Struct) a_struct = Struct { a: -3, b: 4.5, c: 5 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$7 = { a = -3 b = 4.5 c = 5 }
// lldbr-check:(var_captured_in_stack_closure::Struct) a_struct = { a = -3 b = 4.5 c = 5 }
// lldb-command:print *struct_ref
// lldbg-check:[...]$8 = Struct { a: -3, b: 4.5, c: 5 }
// lldbr-check:(var_captured_in_stack_closure::Struct) *struct_ref = Struct { a: -3, b: 4.5, c: 5 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$8 = { a = -3 b = 4.5 c = 5 }
// lldbr-check:(var_captured_in_stack_closure::Struct) *struct_ref = { a = -3 b = 4.5 c = 5 }
// lldb-command:print *owned
// lldbg-check:[...]$9 = 6
// lldbr-check:(isize) *owned = 6
......@@ -72,28 +72,28 @@
// lldb-command:run
// lldb-command:print empty
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = &[]
// lldbr-check:(&[i64]) empty = &[]
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = size=0
// lldbr-check:(&[i64]) empty = size=0
// lldb-command:print singleton
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = &[1]
// lldbg-check:[...]$1 = size=1 { [0] = 1 }
// lldbr-check:(&[i64]) singleton = &[1]
// lldb-command:print multiple
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = &[2, 3, 4, 5]
// lldbr-check:(&[i64]) multiple = &[2, 3, 4, 5]
// lldbg-check:[...]$2 = size=4 { [0] = 2 [1] = 3 [2] = 4 [3] = 5 }
// lldbr-check:(&[i64]) multiple = size=4 { [0] = 2 [1] = 3 [2] = 4 [3] = 5 }
// lldb-command:print slice_of_slice
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = &[3, 4]
// lldbr-check:(&[i64]) slice_of_slice = &[3, 4]
// lldbg-check:[...]$3 = size=2 { [0] = 3 [1] = 4 }
// lldbr-check:(&[i64]) slice_of_slice = size=2 { [0] = 3 [1] = 4 }
// lldb-command:print padded_tuple
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = &[(6, 7), (8, 9)]
// lldbr-check:(&[(i32, i16)]) padded_tuple = { data_ptr = *[...] length = 2 }
// lldbg-check:[...]$4 = size=2 { [0] = { 0 = 6 1 = 7 } [1] = { 0 = 8 1 = 9 } }
// lldbr-check:(&[(i32, i16)]) padded_tuple = size=2 { [0] = { 0 = 6 1 = 7 } [1] = { 0 = 8 1 = 9 } }
// lldb-command:print padded_struct
// lldbg-check:[...]$5 = &[AStruct { x: 10, y: 11, z: 12 }, AStruct { x: 13, y: 14, z: 15 }]
// lldbr-check:(&[vec_slices::AStruct]) padded_struct = &[AStruct { x: 10, y: 11, z: 12 }, AStruct { x: 13, y: 14, z: 15 }]
// lldbg-check:[...]$5 = size=2 { [0] = { x = 10 y = 11 z = 12 } [1] = { x = 13 y = 14 z = 15 } }
// lldbr-check:(&[vec_slices::AStruct]) padded_struct = size=2 { [0] = { x = 10 y = 11 z = 12 } [1] = { x = 13 y = 14 z = 15 } }
#![allow(dead_code, unused_variables)]
......@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
// lldb-command:run
// lldb-command:print a
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = [1, 2, 3]
// lldbr-check:([i32; 3]) a = [1, 2, 3]
// lldbg-check:[...]$0 = { [0] = 1 [1] = 2 [2] = 3 }
// lldbr-check:([i32; 3]) a = { [0] = 1 [1] = 2 [2] = 3 }
......@@ -464,11 +464,13 @@ fn common_inputs_stamp(config: &Config) -> Stamp {
// Relevant pretty printer files
let pretty_printer_files = [
for file in &pretty_printer_files {
let path = rust_src_dir.join(file);
......@@ -1079,15 +1079,38 @@ fn run_debuginfo_lldb_test_no_opt(&self) {
// Switch LLDB into "Rust mode"
let rust_src_root =
self.config.find_rust_src_root().expect("Could not find Rust source root");
let rust_pp_module_rel_path = Path::new("./src/etc/lldb_rust_formatters.py");
let rust_pp_module_rel_path = Path::new("./src/etc/lldb_lookup.py");
let rust_pp_module_abs_path =
let rust_type_regexes = vec![
.push_str(&format!("command script import {}\n", &rust_pp_module_abs_path[..])[..]);
script_str.push_str("type summary add --no-value ");
script_str.push_str("--python-function lldb_rust_formatters.print_val ");
script_str.push_str("-x \".*\" --category Rust\n");
script_str.push_str("type synthetic add -l lldb_lookup.synthetic_lookup -x '.*' ");
script_str.push_str("--category Rust\n");
for type_regex in rust_type_regexes {
script_str.push_str("type summary add -F lldb_lookup.summary_lookup -e -x -h ");
script_str.push_str(&format!("'{}' ", type_regex));
script_str.push_str("--category Rust\n");
script_str.push_str("type category enable Rust\n");
// Set breakpoints on every line that contains the string "#break"
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