提交 7967152e 编写于 作者: G Guillaume Gomez

Add test for inherent impls anchors

上级 7d205afa
<div id="associatedconstant.YOLO" class="method has-srclink"><div class="rightside"><a class="srclink" href="../src/foo/anchors.rs.html#16">source</a></div><h4 class="code-header">const <a href="#associatedconstant.YOLO" class="constant">YOLO</a>: <a class="primitive" href="{{channel}}/std/primitive.u32.html">u32</a></h4></div>
<section id="associatedconstant.X" class="associatedconstant has-srclink"><span class="rightside"><a class="srclink" href="../src/foo/anchors.rs.html#42">source</a></span><h4 class="code-header">pub const <a href="#associatedconstant.X" class="constant">X</a>: <a class="primitive" href="{{channel}}/std/primitive.i32.html">i32</a> = 0i32</h4></section>
<section id="method.new" class="method has-srclink"><span class="rightside"><a class="srclink" href="../src/foo/anchors.rs.html#48">source</a></span><h4 class="code-header">pub fn <a href="#method.new" class="fnname">new</a>() -&gt; Self</h4></section>
\ No newline at end of file
<div id="method.bar" class="method has-srclink"><div class="rightside"><a class="srclink" href="../src/foo/anchors.rs.html#23">source</a></div><h4 class="code-header">fn <a href="#method.bar" class="fnname">bar</a>()</h4></div>
\ No newline at end of file
<div id="tymethod.foo" class="method has-srclink"><div class="rightside"><a class="srclink" href="../src/foo/anchors.rs.html#20">source</a></div><h4 class="code-header">fn <a href="#tymethod.foo" class="fnname">foo</a>()</h4></div>
\ No newline at end of file
<div id="associatedtype.T" class="method has-srclink"><div class="rightside"><a class="srclink" href="../src/foo/anchors.rs.html#13">source</a></div><h4 class="code-header">type <a href="#associatedtype.T" class="associatedtype">T</a></h4></div>
\ No newline at end of file
<section id="associatedtype.Y" class="associatedtype has-srclink"><h4 class="code-header">type <a href="#associatedtype.Y" class="associatedtype">Y</a> = <a class="primitive" href="{{channel}}/std/primitive.u32.html">u32</a></h4></section>
// This test ensures that anchors are generated in the right places.
#![crate_name = "foo"]
pub struct Foo;
// @has 'foo/trait.Bar.html'
pub trait Bar {
// There should be no anchors here.
// @snapshot no_type_anchor - '//*[@id="associatedtype.T"]'
type T;
// There should be no anchors here.
// @snapshot no_const_anchor - '//*[@id="associatedconstant.YOLO"]'
const YOLO: u32;
// There should be no anchors here.
// @snapshot no_tymethod_anchor - '//*[@id="tymethod.foo"]'
fn foo();
// There should be no anchors here.
// @snapshot no_trait_method_anchor - '//*[@id="method.bar"]'
fn bar() {}
// @has 'foo/struct.Foo.html'
impl Bar for Foo {
// @has - '//*[@id="associatedtype.T"]/a[@class="anchor"]' ''
type T = u32;
// @has - '//*[@id="associatedconstant.YOLO"]/a[@class="anchor"]' ''
const YOLO: u32 = 0;
// @has - '//*[@id="method.foo"]/a[@class="anchor"]' ''
fn foo() {}
// Same check for provided "bar" method.
// @has - '//*[@id="method.bar"]/a[@class="anchor"]' ''
impl Foo {
// @snapshot no_const_anchor2 - '//*[@id="associatedconstant.X"]'
// There should be no anchors here.
pub const X: i32 = 0;
// @snapshot no_type_anchor2 - '//*[@id="associatedtype.Y"]'
// There should be no anchors here.
pub type Y = u32;
// @snapshot no_method_anchor - '//*[@id="method.new"]'
// There should be no anchors here.
pub fn new() -> Self { Self }
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