提交 5fbe0cac 编写于 作者: F Felix S. Klock II

First tests making use of the new fn move-fragments instrumentation.

The tests use new "//~| ERROR" follow syntax.

Includes a test for moves involving array elements.  It was easier
than i realized to get something naive off the ground here.
上级 c9a1c376
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// Test that we correctly compute the move fragments for a fn.
// Note that the code below is not actually incorrect; the
// `rustc_move_fragments` attribute is a hack that uses the error
// reporting mechanisms as a channel for communicating from the
// internals of the compiler.
// These are all fairly trivial cases: unused variables or direct
// drops of substructure.
pub struct D { d: int }
impl Drop for D { fn drop(&mut self) { } }
pub fn test_noop() {
pub fn test_take(_x: D) {
//~^ ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local _x)`
pub struct Pair<X,Y> { x: X, y: Y }
pub fn test_take_struct(_p: Pair<D, D>) {
//~^ ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local _p)`
pub fn test_drop_struct_part(p: Pair<D, D>) {
//~^ ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local p)`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `$(local p).x`
//~| ERROR unmoved_fragment: `$(local p).y`
pub fn test_drop_tuple_part(p: (D, D)) {
//~^ ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local p)`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `$(local p).#0`
//~| ERROR unmoved_fragment: `$(local p).#1`
pub fn main() { }
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// Test that we correctly compute the move fragments for a fn.
// Note that the code below is not actually incorrect; the
// `rustc_move_fragments` attribute is a hack that uses the error
// reporting mechanisms as a channel for communicating from the
// internals of the compiler.
// These are checking that enums are tracked; note that their output
// paths include "downcasts" of the path to a particular enum.
use self::Lonely::{Zero, One, Two};
pub struct D { d: int }
impl Drop for D { fn drop(&mut self) { } }
pub enum Lonely<X,Y> { Zero, One(X), Two(X, Y) }
pub fn test_match_partial(p: Lonely<D, D>) {
//~^ ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local p)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `($(local p) as Zero)`
match p {
Zero(..) => {}
_ => {}
pub fn test_match_full(p: Lonely<D, D>) {
//~^ ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local p)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `($(local p) as Zero)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `($(local p) as One)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `($(local p) as Two)`
match p {
Zero(..) => {}
One(..) => {}
Two(..) => {}
pub fn test_match_bind_one(p: Lonely<D, D>) {
//~^ ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local p)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `($(local p) as Zero)`
//~| ERROR parent_of_fragments: `($(local p) as One)`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `($(local p) as One).#0`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `($(local p) as Two)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local data)`
match p {
Zero(..) => {}
One(data) => {}
Two(..) => {}
pub fn test_match_bind_many(p: Lonely<D, D>) {
//~^ ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local p)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `($(local p) as Zero)`
//~| ERROR parent_of_fragments: `($(local p) as One)`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `($(local p) as One).#0`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local data)`
//~| ERROR parent_of_fragments: `($(local p) as Two)`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `($(local p) as Two).#0`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `($(local p) as Two).#1`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local left)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local right)`
match p {
Zero(..) => {}
One(data) => {}
Two(left, right) => {}
pub fn main() { }
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// Test that we correctly compute the move fragments for a fn.
// Note that the code below is not actually incorrect; the
// `rustc_move_fragments` attribute is a hack that uses the error
// reporting mechanisms as a channel for communicating from the
// internals of the compiler.
// This checks the handling of `_` within variants, especially when mixed
// with bindings.
use self::Lonely::{Zero, One, Two};
pub struct D { d: int }
impl Drop for D { fn drop(&mut self) { } }
pub enum Lonely<X,Y> { Zero, One(X), Two(X, Y) }
pub fn test_match_bind_and_underscore(p: Lonely<D, D>) {
//~^ ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local p)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `($(local p) as Zero)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `($(local p) as One)`
//~| ERROR parent_of_fragments: `($(local p) as Two)`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `($(local p) as Two).#0`
//~| ERROR unmoved_fragment: `($(local p) as Two).#1`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local left)`
match p {
Zero(..) => {}
One(_) => {} // <-- does not fragment `($(local p) as One)` ...
Two(left, _) => {} // <-- ... *does* fragment `($(local p) as Two)`.
pub fn main() { }
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// Test that we correctly compute the move fragments for a fn.
// Note that the code below is not actually incorrect; the
// `rustc_move_fragments` attribute is a hack that uses the error
// reporting mechanisms as a channel for communicating from the
// internals of the compiler.
// This checks that a move of deep structure is properly tracked. (An
// early draft of the code did not properly traverse up through all of
// the parents of the leaf fragment.)
pub struct D { d: int }
impl Drop for D { fn drop(&mut self) { } }
pub struct Pair<X,Y> { x: X, y: Y }
pub fn test_move_substructure(pppp: Pair<Pair<Pair<Pair<D,D>, D>, D>, D>) {
//~^ ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local pppp)`
//~| ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local pppp).x`
//~| ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local pppp).x.x`
//~| ERROR unmoved_fragment: `$(local pppp).x.x.x`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `$(local pppp).x.x.y`
//~| ERROR unmoved_fragment: `$(local pppp).x.y`
//~| ERROR unmoved_fragment: `$(local pppp).y`
pub fn main() { }
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// Test that we correctly compute the move fragments for a fn.
// Note that the code below is not actually incorrect; the
// `rustc_move_fragments` attribute is a hack that uses the error
// reporting mechanisms as a channel for communicating from the
// internals of the compiler.
// This is the first test that checks moving into local variables.
pub struct D { d: int }
impl Drop for D { fn drop(&mut self) { } }
pub struct Pair<X,Y> { x: X, y: Y }
pub fn test_move_field_to_local(p: Pair<D, D>) {
//~^ ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local p)`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `$(local p).x`
//~| ERROR unmoved_fragment: `$(local p).y`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local _x)`
let _x = p.x;
pub fn test_move_field_to_local_to_local(p: Pair<D, D>) {
//~^ ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local p)`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `$(local p).x`
//~| ERROR unmoved_fragment: `$(local p).y`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local _x)`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `$(local _x)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local _y)`
let _x = p.x;
let _y = _x;
// In the following fn's `test_move_field_to_local_delayed` and
// `test_uninitialized_local` , the instrumentation reports that `_x`
// is moved. This is unlike `test_move_field_to_local`, where `_x` is
// just reported as an assigned_leaf_path. Presumably because this is
// how we represent that it did not have an initalizing expression at
// the binding site.
pub fn test_uninitialized_local(_p: Pair<D, D>) {
//~^ ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local _p)`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `$(local _x)`
let _x: D;
pub fn test_move_field_to_local_delayed(p: Pair<D, D>) {
//~^ ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local p)`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `$(local p).x`
//~| ERROR unmoved_fragment: `$(local p).y`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local _x)`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `$(local _x)`
let _x;
_x = p.x;
pub fn test_move_field_mut_to_local(mut p: Pair<D, D>) {
//~^ ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local mut p)`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `$(local mut p).x`
//~| ERROR unmoved_fragment: `$(local mut p).y`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local _x)`
let _x = p.x;
pub fn test_move_field_to_local_to_local_mut(p: Pair<D, D>) {
//~^ ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local p)`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `$(local p).x`
//~| ERROR unmoved_fragment: `$(local p).y`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local mut _x)`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `$(local mut _x)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local _y)`
let mut _x = p.x;
let _y = _x;
pub fn main() {}
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// Test that we correctly compute the move fragments for a fn.
// Note that the code below is not actually incorrect; the
// `rustc_move_fragments` attribute is a hack that uses the error
// reporting mechanisms as a channel for communicating from the
// internals of the compiler.
// Test that moving into a field (i.e. overwriting it) fragments the
// receiver.
use std::mem::drop;
pub struct Pair<X,Y> { x: X, y: Y }
pub fn test_overwrite_uninit_field<Z>(z: Z) {
//~^ ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local mut p)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local z)`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `$(local z)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local mut p).x`
//~| ERROR unmoved_fragment: `$(local mut p).y`
let mut p: Pair<Z,Z>;
p.x = z;
pub fn test_overwrite_moved_field<Z>(mut p: Pair<Z,Z>, z: Z) {
//~^ ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local mut p)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local z)`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `$(local z)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local mut p).y`
//~| ERROR unmoved_fragment: `$(local mut p).x`
p.y = z;
pub fn test_overwrite_same_field<Z>(mut p: Pair<Z,Z>) {
//~^ ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local mut p)`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `$(local mut p).x`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local mut p).x`
//~| ERROR unmoved_fragment: `$(local mut p).y`
p.x = p.x;
pub fn main() { }
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// Test that we correctly compute the move fragments for a fn.
// Note that the code below is not actually incorrect; the
// `rustc_move_fragments` attribute is a hack that uses the error
// reporting mechanisms as a channel for communicating from the
// internals of the compiler.
// Test that moving a Box<T> fragments its containing structure, for
// both moving out of the structure (i.e. reading `*p.x`) and writing
// into the container (i.e. writing `*p.x`).
pub struct D { d: int }
impl Drop for D { fn drop(&mut self) { } }
pub struct Pair<X,Y> { x: X, y: Y }
pub fn test_deref_box_field(p: Pair<Box<D>, Box<D>>) {
//~^ ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local p)`
//~| ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local p).x`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `$(local p).x.*`
//~| ERROR unmoved_fragment: `$(local p).y`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local i)`
let i : D = *p.x;
pub fn test_overwrite_deref_box_field(mut p: Pair<Box<D>, Box<D>>) {
//~^ ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local mut p)`
//~| ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local mut p).x`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local mut p).x.*`
//~| ERROR unmoved_fragment: `$(local mut p).y`
*p.x = D { d: 3 };
pub fn main() { }
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// Test that we correctly compute the move fragments for a fn.
// Note that the code below is not actually incorrect; the
// `rustc_move_fragments` attribute is a hack that uses the error
// reporting mechanisms as a channel for communicating from the
// internals of the compiler.
// Test that assigning into a `&T` within structured container does
// *not* fragment its containing structure.
// Compare against the `Box<T>` handling in move-fragments-7.rs. Note
// also that in this case we cannot do a move out of `&T`, so we only
// test writing `*p.x` here.
pub struct D { d: int }
impl Drop for D { fn drop(&mut self) { } }
pub struct Pair<X,Y> { x: X, y: Y }
pub fn test_overwrite_deref_ampersand_field<'a>(p: Pair<&'a mut D, &'a D>) {
//~^ ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local p)`
//~| ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local p).x`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local p).x.*`
//~| ERROR unmoved_fragment: `$(local p).y`
*p.x = D { d: 3 };
pub fn main() { }
// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// Test moving array structures, e.g. `[T, ..3]` as well as moving
// elements in and out of such arrays.
// Note also that the `test_move_array_then_overwrite` tests represent
// cases that we probably should make illegal.
pub struct D { d: int }
impl Drop for D { fn drop(&mut self) { } }
pub fn test_move_array_via_return(a: [D, ..3]) -> [D, ..3] {
//~^ ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local a)`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `$(local a)`
return a;
pub fn test_move_array_into_recv(a: [D, ..3], recv: &mut [D, ..3]) {
//~^ ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local recv)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local a)`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `$(local a)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local recv).*`
*recv = a;
pub fn test_extract_array_elem(a: [D, ..3], i: uint) -> D {
//~^ ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local a)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local i)`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `$(local a).[]`
//~| ERROR unmoved_fragment: `$(allbutone $(local a).[])`
pub fn test_overwrite_array_elem(mut a: [D, ..3], i: uint, d: D) {
//~^ ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local mut a)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local i)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local d)`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `$(local d)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local mut a).[]`
//~| ERROR unmoved_fragment: `$(allbutone $(local mut a).[])`
a[i] = d;
// FIXME (pnkfelix): Both test_move_array_then_overwrite_elem1 and
// test_move_array_then_overwrite_elem2 illustrate a behavior that
// we need to make illegal if we want to get rid of drop-flags.
// See RFC PR 320 for more discussion.
pub fn test_move_array_then_overwrite_elem1(mut a: [D, ..3], i: uint, recv: &mut [D, ..3], d: D) {
//~^ ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local mut a)`
//~| ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local recv)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local recv).*`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local i)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local d)`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `$(local d)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local mut a).[]`
//~| ERROR unmoved_fragment: `$(allbutone $(local mut a).[])`
// This test covers the case where the array contents have been all moved away, but
// we still need to deal with new initializing writes into the array.
*recv = a;
a[i] = d;
pub fn test_move_array_then_overwrite_elem2(mut a: [D, ..3], i: uint, j: uint,
recv: &mut [D, ..3], d1: D, d2: D) {
//~^^ ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local mut a)`
//~| ERROR parent_of_fragments: `$(local recv)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local recv).*`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local i)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local j)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local d1)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local d2)`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `$(local d1)`
//~| ERROR moved_leaf_path: `$(local d2)`
//~| ERROR assigned_leaf_path: `$(local mut a).[]`
//~| ERROR unmoved_fragment: `$(allbutone $(local mut a).[])`
// This test covers the case where the array contents have been all moved away, but
// we still need to deal with new initializing writes into the array.
*recv = a;
a[i] = d1;
a[j] = d2;
pub fn main() { }
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