提交 4378e7ea 编写于 作者: B Ben Blum

Fix os::env race (#2870)

上级 43867bf6
......@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
export as_c_charp, fill_charp_buf;
extern mod rustrt {
fn rust_env_pairs() -> ~[~str];
fn rust_getcwd() -> ~str;
fn rust_path_is_dir(path: *libc::c_char) -> c_int;
fn rust_path_exists(path: *libc::c_char) -> c_int;
......@@ -52,16 +51,6 @@
fn env() -> ~[(~str,~str)] {
let mut pairs = ~[];
for vec::each(rustrt::rust_env_pairs()) |p| {
let vs = str::splitn_char(p, '=', 1u);
assert vec::len(vs) == 2u;
vec::push(pairs, (vs[0], vs[1]));
ret pairs;
const tmpbuf_sz : uint = 1000u;
fn as_c_charp<T>(s: ~str, f: fn(*c_char) -> T) -> T {
......@@ -130,11 +119,16 @@ fn setenv(n: ~str, v: ~str) {
global_env::setenv(n, v)
fn env() -> ~[(~str,~str)] {
mod global_env {
//! Internal module for serializing access to getenv/setenv
export getenv;
export setenv;
export env;
extern mod rustrt {
fn rust_global_env_chan_ptr() -> *libc::uintptr_t;
......@@ -142,7 +136,8 @@ mod global_env {
enum msg {
msg_getenv(~str, comm::chan<option<~str>>),
msg_setenv(~str, ~str, comm::chan<()>)
msg_setenv(~str, ~str, comm::chan<()>),
fn getenv(n: ~str) -> option<~str> {
......@@ -159,6 +154,13 @@ fn setenv(n: ~str, v: ~str) {
fn env() -> ~[(~str,~str)] {
let env_ch = get_global_env_chan();
let po = comm::port();
comm::send(env_ch, msg_env(comm::chan(po)));
fn get_global_env_chan() -> comm::chan<msg> {
let global_ptr = rustrt::rust_global_env_chan_ptr();
let task_build_fn = || {
......@@ -183,6 +185,9 @@ fn global_env_task(msg_po: comm::port<msg>) {
either::left(msg_setenv(n, v, resp_ch)) {
comm::send(resp_ch, impl::setenv(n, v))
either::left(msg_env(resp_ch)) {
comm::send(resp_ch, impl::env())
either::right(_) {
......@@ -193,6 +198,19 @@ fn global_env_task(msg_po: comm::port<msg>) {
mod impl {
extern mod rustrt {
fn rust_env_pairs() -> ~[~str];
fn env() -> ~[(~str,~str)] {
let mut pairs = ~[];
for vec::each(rustrt::rust_env_pairs()) |p| {
let vs = str::splitn_char(p, '=', 1u);
assert vec::len(vs) == 2u;
vec::push(pairs, (vs[0], vs[1]));
ret pairs;
fn getenv(n: ~str) -> option<~str> {
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