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//! Functions concerning immediate values and operands, and reading from operands.
//! All high-level functions to read from memory work on operands as sources.

use std::convert::TryInto;

use rustc::mir;
use rustc::ty::layout::{self, Align, LayoutOf, TyLayout, HasDataLayout, IntegerExt};
use rustc_data_structures::indexed_vec::Idx;

use rustc::mir::interpret::{
    GlobalId, ConstValue, Scalar, EvalResult, Pointer, ScalarMaybeUndef, EvalErrorKind
use super::{EvalContext, Machine, MemPlace, MPlaceTy, PlaceExtra, MemoryKind};

/// A `Value` represents a single immediate self-contained Rust value.
/// For optimization of a few very common cases, there is also a representation for a pair of
/// primitive values (`ScalarPair`). It allows Miri to avoid making allocations for checked binary
/// operations and fat pointers. This idea was taken from rustc's codegen.
/// In particular, thanks to `ScalarPair`, arithmetic operations and casts can be entirely
/// defined on `Value`, and do not have to work with a `Place`.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Value {
    ScalarPair(ScalarMaybeUndef, ScalarMaybeUndef),

impl<'tcx> Value {
    pub fn new_slice(
        val: Scalar,
        len: u64,
        cx: impl HasDataLayout
    ) -> Self {
        Value::ScalarPair(val.into(), Scalar::Bits {
            bits: len as u128,
            size: cx.data_layout().pointer_size.bytes() as u8,

    pub fn new_dyn_trait(val: Scalar, vtable: Pointer) -> Self {
        Value::ScalarPair(val.into(), Scalar::Ptr(vtable).into())

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    pub fn to_scalar_or_undef(self) -> ScalarMaybeUndef {
        match self {
            Value::Scalar(val) => val,
            Value::ScalarPair(..) => bug!("Got a fat pointer where a scalar was expected"),

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    pub fn to_scalar(self) -> EvalResult<'tcx, Scalar> {

    /// Convert the value into a pointer (or a pointer-sized integer).
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    /// Throws away the second half of a ScalarPair!
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    pub fn to_scalar_ptr(self) -> EvalResult<'tcx, Scalar> {
        match self {
            Value::Scalar(ptr) |
            Value::ScalarPair(ptr, _) => ptr.not_undef(),

    pub fn to_scalar_dyn_trait(self) -> EvalResult<'tcx, (Scalar, Pointer)> {
        match self {
            Value::ScalarPair(ptr, vtable) =>
                Ok((ptr.not_undef()?, vtable.to_ptr()?)),
            _ => bug!("expected ptr and vtable, got {:?}", self),

    pub fn to_scalar_slice(self, cx: impl HasDataLayout) -> EvalResult<'tcx, (Scalar, u64)> {
        match self {
            Value::ScalarPair(ptr, val) => {
                let len = val.to_bits(cx.data_layout().pointer_size)?;
                Ok((ptr.not_undef()?, len as u64))
            _ => bug!("expected ptr and length, got {:?}", self),

// ScalarPair needs a type to interpret, so we often have a value and a type together
// as input for binary and cast operations.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ValTy<'tcx> {
    pub value: Value,
    pub layout: TyLayout<'tcx>,

impl<'tcx> ::std::ops::Deref for ValTy<'tcx> {
    type Target = Value;
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    fn deref(&self) -> &Value {

/// An `Operand` is the result of computing a `mir::Operand`. It can be immediate,
/// or still in memory.  The latter is an optimization, to delay reading that chunk of
/// memory and to avoid having to store arbitrary-sized data here.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum Operand {

impl Operand {
    pub fn from_ptr(ptr: Pointer, align: Align) -> Self {
        Operand::Indirect(MemPlace::from_ptr(ptr, align))

    pub fn from_scalar_value(val: Scalar) -> Self {

    pub fn to_mem_place(self) -> MemPlace {
        match self {
            Operand::Indirect(mplace) => mplace,
            _ => bug!("to_mem_place: expected Operand::Indirect, got {:?}", self),


    pub fn to_immediate(self) -> Value {
        match self {
            Operand::Immediate(val) => val,
            _ => bug!("to_immediate: expected Operand::Immediate, got {:?}", self),


#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct OpTy<'tcx> {
    pub op: Operand,
    pub layout: TyLayout<'tcx>,

impl<'tcx> ::std::ops::Deref for OpTy<'tcx> {
    type Target = Operand;
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    fn deref(&self) -> &Operand {

impl<'tcx> From<MPlaceTy<'tcx>> for OpTy<'tcx> {
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    fn from(mplace: MPlaceTy<'tcx>) -> Self {
        OpTy {
            op: Operand::Indirect(*mplace),
            layout: mplace.layout

impl<'tcx> From<ValTy<'tcx>> for OpTy<'tcx> {
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    fn from(val: ValTy<'tcx>) -> Self {
        OpTy {
            op: Operand::Immediate(val.value),
            layout: val.layout

impl<'tcx> OpTy<'tcx> {
    pub fn from_ptr(ptr: Pointer, align: Align, layout: TyLayout<'tcx>) -> Self {
        OpTy { op: Operand::from_ptr(ptr, align), layout }

    pub fn from_aligned_ptr(ptr: Pointer, layout: TyLayout<'tcx>) -> Self {
        OpTy { op: Operand::from_ptr(ptr, layout.align), layout }

    pub fn from_scalar_value(val: Scalar, layout: TyLayout<'tcx>) -> Self {
        OpTy { op: Operand::Immediate(Value::Scalar(val.into())), layout }

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// Use the existing layout if given (but sanity check in debug mode),
// or compute the layout.
fn from_known_layout<'tcx>(
    layout: Option<TyLayout<'tcx>>,
    compute: impl FnOnce() -> EvalResult<'tcx, TyLayout<'tcx>>
) -> EvalResult<'tcx, TyLayout<'tcx>> {
    match layout {
        None => compute(),
        Some(layout) => {
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            if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
                let layout2 = compute()?;
                assert_eq!(layout.details, layout2.details,
                    "Mismatch in layout of supposedly equal-layout types {:?} and {:?}",
                    layout.ty, layout2.ty);
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impl<'a, 'mir, 'tcx, M: Machine<'mir, 'tcx>> EvalContext<'a, 'mir, 'tcx, M> {
    /// Try reading a value in memory; this is interesting particularily for ScalarPair.
    /// Return None if the layout does not permit loading this as a value.
    pub(super) fn try_read_value_from_mplace(
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        mplace: MPlaceTy<'tcx>,
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    ) -> EvalResult<'tcx, Option<Value>> {
220 221 222 223
        if mplace.extra != PlaceExtra::None {
            return Ok(None);
        let (ptr, ptr_align) = mplace.to_scalar_ptr_align();
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        if mplace.layout.size.bytes() == 0 {
226 227 228
            // Not all ZSTs have a layout we would handle below, so just short-circuit them
            // all here.
            self.memory.check_align(ptr, ptr_align)?;
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            return Ok(Some(Value::Scalar(Scalar::zst().into())));
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        let ptr = ptr.to_ptr()?;
        match mplace.layout.abi {
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            layout::Abi::Scalar(..) => {
                let scalar = self.memory.read_scalar(ptr, ptr_align, mplace.layout.size)?;
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            layout::Abi::ScalarPair(ref a, ref b) => {
                let (a, b) = (&a.value, &b.value);
                let (a_size, b_size) = (a.size(self), b.size(self));
                let a_ptr = ptr;
                let b_offset = a_size.abi_align(b.align(self));
                assert!(b_offset.bytes() > 0); // we later use the offset to test which field to use
                let b_ptr = ptr.offset(b_offset, self)?.into();
                let a_val = self.memory.read_scalar(a_ptr, ptr_align, a_size)?;
                let b_val = self.memory.read_scalar(b_ptr, ptr_align, b_size)?;
                Ok(Some(Value::ScalarPair(a_val, b_val)))
            _ => Ok(None),

    /// Try returning an immediate value for the operand.
    /// If the layout does not permit loading this as a value, return where in memory
    /// we can find the data.
    /// Note that for a given layout, this operation will either always fail or always
    /// succeed!  Whether it succeeds depends on whether the layout can be represented
    /// in a `Value`, not on which data is stored there currently.
    pub(super) fn try_read_value(
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        src: OpTy<'tcx>,
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    ) -> EvalResult<'tcx, Result<Value, MemPlace>> {
263 264 265 266 267 268
        Ok(match src.try_as_mplace() {
            Ok(mplace) => {
                if let Some(val) = self.try_read_value_from_mplace(mplace)? {
                } else {
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            Err(val) => Ok(val),
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    /// Read a value from a place, asserting that that is possible with the given layout.
    pub fn read_value(&self, op: OpTy<'tcx>) -> EvalResult<'tcx, ValTy<'tcx>> {
        if let Ok(value) = self.try_read_value(op)? {
            Ok(ValTy { value, layout: op.layout })
        } else {
            bug!("primitive read failed for type: {:?}", op.layout.ty);

    /// Read a scalar from a place
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    pub fn read_scalar(&self, op: OpTy<'tcx>) -> EvalResult<'tcx, ScalarMaybeUndef> {
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        match *self.read_value(op)? {
            Value::ScalarPair(..) => bug!("got ScalarPair for type: {:?}", op.layout.ty),
            Value::Scalar(val) => Ok(val),

    pub fn uninit_operand(&mut self, layout: TyLayout<'tcx>) -> EvalResult<'tcx, Operand> {
        // This decides which types we will use the Immediate optimization for, and hence should
        // match what `try_read_value` and `eval_place_to_op` support.
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        if layout.is_zst() {
            return Ok(Operand::Immediate(Value::Scalar(Scalar::zst().into())));
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        Ok(match layout.abi {
            layout::Abi::Scalar(..) =>
            layout::Abi::ScalarPair(..) =>
            _ => {
                trace!("Forcing allocation for local of type {:?}", layout.ty);
                    *self.allocate(layout, MemoryKind::Stack)?

    /// Projection functions
    pub fn operand_field(
        op: OpTy<'tcx>,
        field: u64,
    ) -> EvalResult<'tcx, OpTy<'tcx>> {
        let base = match op.try_as_mplace() {
            Ok(mplace) => {
                // The easy case
                let field = self.mplace_field(mplace, field)?;
                return Ok(field.into());
            Err(value) => value

        let field = field.try_into().unwrap();
        let field_layout = op.layout.field(self, field)?;
        if field_layout.size.bytes() == 0 {
            let val = Value::Scalar(Scalar::zst().into());
            return Ok(OpTy { op: Operand::Immediate(val), layout: field_layout });
        let offset = op.layout.fields.offset(field);
        let value = match base {
            // the field covers the entire type
            _ if offset.bytes() == 0 && field_layout.size == op.layout.size => base,
            // extract fields from types with `ScalarPair` ABI
            Value::ScalarPair(a, b) => {
                let val = if offset.bytes() == 0 { a } else { b };
            Value::Scalar(val) =>
                bug!("field access on non aggregate {:#?}, {:#?}", val, op.layout),
        Ok(OpTy { op: Operand::Immediate(value), layout: field_layout })

    pub(super) fn operand_downcast(
        op: OpTy<'tcx>,
        variant: usize,
    ) -> EvalResult<'tcx, OpTy<'tcx>> {
        // Downcasts only change the layout
        Ok(match op.try_as_mplace() {
            Ok(mplace) => {
                self.mplace_downcast(mplace, variant)?.into()
            Err(..) => {
                let layout = op.layout.for_variant(self, variant);
                OpTy { layout, ..op }

    // Take an operand, representing a pointer, and dereference it -- that
    // will always be a MemPlace.
    pub(super) fn deref_operand(
        src: OpTy<'tcx>,
    ) -> EvalResult<'tcx, MPlaceTy<'tcx>> {
        let val = self.read_value(src)?;
        trace!("deref to {} on {:?}", val.layout.ty, val);

    pub fn operand_projection(
        base: OpTy<'tcx>,
        proj_elem: &mir::PlaceElem<'tcx>,
    ) -> EvalResult<'tcx, OpTy<'tcx>> {
        use rustc::mir::ProjectionElem::*;
        Ok(match *proj_elem {
            Field(field, _) => self.operand_field(base, field.index() as u64)?,
            Downcast(_, variant) => self.operand_downcast(base, variant)?,
            Deref => self.deref_operand(base)?.into(),
            // The rest should only occur as mplace, we do not use Immediates for types
            // allowing such operations.  This matches place_projection forcing an allocation.
            Subslice { .. } | ConstantIndex { .. } | Index(_) => {
                let mplace = base.to_mem_place();
                self.mplace_projection(mplace, proj_elem)?.into()

    // Evaluate a place with the goal of reading from it.  This lets us sometimes
401 402
    // avoid allocations.  If you already know the layout, you can pass it in
    // to avoid looking it up again.
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    fn eval_place_to_op(
        &mut self,
        mir_place: &mir::Place<'tcx>,
        layout: Option<TyLayout<'tcx>>,
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407 408 409 410 411 412
    ) -> EvalResult<'tcx, OpTy<'tcx>> {
        use rustc::mir::Place::*;
        Ok(match *mir_place {
            Local(mir::RETURN_PLACE) => return err!(ReadFromReturnPointer),
            Local(local) => {
                let op = *self.frame().locals[local].access()?;
413 414 415
                let layout = from_known_layout(layout,
                    || self.layout_of_local(self.cur_frame(), local))?;
                OpTy { op, layout }
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            Projection(ref proj) => {
                let op = self.eval_place_to_op(&proj.base, None)?;
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                self.operand_projection(op, &proj.elem)?

            // Everything else is an mplace, so we just call `eval_place`.
            // Note that getting an mplace for a static aways requires `&mut`,
            // so this does not "cost" us anything in terms if mutability.
            Promoted(_) | Static(_) => {
                let place = self.eval_place(mir_place)?;

    /// Evaluate the operand, returning a place where you can then find the data.
434 435 436 437 438 439 440
    /// if you already know the layout, you can save two some table lookups
    /// by passing it in here.
    pub fn eval_operand(
        &mut self,
        mir_op: &mir::Operand<'tcx>,
        layout: Option<TyLayout<'tcx>>,
    ) -> EvalResult<'tcx, OpTy<'tcx>> {
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        use rustc::mir::Operand::*;
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        let op = match *mir_op {
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443 444 445
            // FIXME: do some more logic on `move` to invalidate the old location
            Copy(ref place) |
            Move(ref place) =>
                self.eval_place_to_op(place, layout)?,
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            Constant(ref constant) => {
449 450 451 452
                let layout = from_known_layout(layout, || {
                    let ty = self.monomorphize(mir_op.ty(self.mir(), *self.tcx), self.substs());
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                let op = self.const_value_to_op(constant.literal.val)?;
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                OpTy { op, layout }
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        trace!("{:?}: {:?}", mir_op, *op);
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    /// Evaluate a bunch of operands at once
    pub(crate) fn eval_operands(
        &mut self,
        ops: &[mir::Operand<'tcx>],
    ) -> EvalResult<'tcx, Vec<OpTy<'tcx>>> {
            .map(|op| self.eval_operand(op, None))
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    // Also used e.g. when miri runs into a constant.
    // Unfortunately, this needs an `&mut` to be able to allocate a copy of a `ByRef`
    // constant.  This bleeds up to `eval_operand` needing `&mut`.
    pub fn const_value_to_op(
        &mut self,
        val: ConstValue<'tcx>,
    ) -> EvalResult<'tcx, Operand> {
        match val {
            ConstValue::Unevaluated(def_id, substs) => {
                let instance = self.resolve(def_id, substs)?;
                self.global_to_op(GlobalId {
                    promoted: None,
            ConstValue::ByRef(alloc, offset) => {
                // FIXME: Allocate new AllocId for all constants inside
                let id = self.memory.allocate_value(alloc.clone(), MemoryKind::Stack)?;
                Ok(Operand::from_ptr(Pointer::new(id, offset), alloc.align))
            ConstValue::ScalarPair(a, b) =>
                Ok(Operand::Immediate(Value::ScalarPair(a.into(), b))),
            ConstValue::Scalar(x) =>

    pub(super) fn global_to_op(&mut self, gid: GlobalId<'tcx>) -> EvalResult<'tcx, Operand> {
        let cv = self.const_eval(gid)?;

    /// We cannot do self.read_value(self.eval_operand) due to eval_operand taking &mut self,
    /// so this helps avoid unnecessary let.
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    pub fn eval_operand_and_read_value(
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        &mut self,
        op: &mir::Operand<'tcx>,
        layout: Option<TyLayout<'tcx>>,
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    ) -> EvalResult<'tcx, ValTy<'tcx>> {
        let op = self.eval_operand(op, layout)?;
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512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614

    /// reads a tag and produces the corresponding variant index
    pub fn read_discriminant_as_variant_index(
        rval: OpTy<'tcx>,
    ) -> EvalResult<'tcx, usize> {
        match rval.layout.variants {
            layout::Variants::Single { index } => Ok(index),
            layout::Variants::Tagged { .. } => {
                let discr_val = self.read_discriminant_value(rval)?;
                    .expect("tagged layout for non adt")
                    .position(|var| var.val == discr_val)
                    .ok_or_else(|| EvalErrorKind::InvalidDiscriminant.into())
            layout::Variants::NicheFilling { .. } => {
                let discr_val = self.read_discriminant_value(rval)?;
                assert_eq!(discr_val as usize as u128, discr_val);
                Ok(discr_val as usize)

    pub fn read_discriminant_value(
        rval: OpTy<'tcx>,
    ) -> EvalResult<'tcx, u128> {
        trace!("read_discriminant_value {:#?}", rval.layout);
        if rval.layout.abi == layout::Abi::Uninhabited {
            return err!(Unreachable);

        match rval.layout.variants {
            layout::Variants::Single { index } => {
                let discr_val = rval.layout.ty.ty_adt_def().map_or(
                    index as u128,
                    |def| def.discriminant_for_variant(*self.tcx, index).val);
                return Ok(discr_val);
            layout::Variants::Tagged { .. } |
            layout::Variants::NicheFilling { .. } => {},
        let discr_op = self.operand_field(rval, 0)?;
        let discr_val = self.read_value(discr_op)?;
        trace!("discr value: {:?}", discr_val);
        let raw_discr = discr_val.to_scalar()?;
        Ok(match rval.layout.variants {
            layout::Variants::Single { .. } => bug!(),
            // FIXME: We should catch invalid discriminants here!
            layout::Variants::Tagged { .. } => {
                if discr_val.layout.ty.is_signed() {
                    let i = raw_discr.to_bits(discr_val.layout.size)? as i128;
                    // going from layout tag type to typeck discriminant type
                    // requires first sign extending with the layout discriminant
                    let shift = 128 - discr_val.layout.size.bits();
                    let sexted = (i << shift) >> shift;
                    // and then zeroing with the typeck discriminant type
                    let discr_ty = rval.layout.ty
                        .ty_adt_def().expect("tagged layout corresponds to adt")
                    let discr_ty = layout::Integer::from_attr(self.tcx.tcx, discr_ty);
                    let shift = 128 - discr_ty.size().bits();
                    let truncatee = sexted as u128;
                    (truncatee << shift) >> shift
                } else {
            layout::Variants::NicheFilling {
                ref niche_variants,
            } => {
                let variants_start = *niche_variants.start() as u128;
                let variants_end = *niche_variants.end() as u128;
                match raw_discr {
                    Scalar::Ptr(_) => {
                        assert!(niche_start == 0);
                        assert!(variants_start == variants_end);
                        dataful_variant as u128
                    Scalar::Bits { bits: raw_discr, size } => {
                        assert_eq!(size as u64, discr_val.layout.size.bytes());
                        let discr = raw_discr.wrapping_sub(niche_start)
                        if variants_start <= discr && discr <= variants_end {
                        } else {
                            dataful_variant as u128
