.travis.yml 1.7 KB
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1 2 3 4 5
# Use something that's not 'ruby' so we don't set up things like
# RVM/bundler/ruby and whatnot. Right now 'rust' isn't a language on travis and
# it treats unknown languages as ruby-like I believe.
language: c

# Before we start doing anything, install a stock LLVM
  - sudo apt-get install llvm-3.3 llvm-3.3-dev clang-3.3 lldb-3.3

# All of the llvm tools are suffixed with "-3.3" which we don't want, so symlink
11 12 13 14 15 16
# them all into a local directory and just use that
# FIXME: this shouldn't update the src/llvm sub-repo, that takes about a minute
#        it's gotta download so much stuff.
  - mkdir -p local-llvm/bin
17 18 19 20 21 22
  - ln -nsf /usr/bin/llvm-config-3.3 local-llvm/bin/llvm-config
  - ln -nsf /usr/bin/llvm-mc-3.3 local-llvm/bin/llvm-mc
  - ln -nsf /usr/bin/llvm-as-3.3 local-llvm/bin/llvm-as
  - ln -nsf /usr/bin/llvm-dis-3.3 local-llvm/bin/llvm-dis
  - ln -nsf /usr/bin/llc-3.3 local-llvm/bin/llc
  - ln -nsf /usr/include/llvm-3.3 local-llvm/include
23 24 25 26 27 28
  - ./configure --disable-optimize-tests --llvm-root=`pwd`/local-llvm --enable-fast-make --enable-clang

# Tidy everything up first, then build a few things, and then run a few tests.
# Note that this is meant to run in a "fairly small" amount of time, so this
# isn't exhaustive at all.
29 30 31 32
# As a result of https://github.com/travis-ci/travis-ci/issues/1066, we run
# everything in one large command instead of multiple commands.
script: |
  make tidy &&
  make -j4 rustc-stage1 &&
  make check-stage1-std check-stage1-rpass check-stage1-cfail check-stage1-rfail
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

  - NO_BENCH=1

# We track this ourselves, and in theory we don't have to update the LLVM repo
# (but sadly we do right now anyway).
  submodules: false