提交 8d03749a 编写于 作者: L lion

add java xdb searcher impl

上级 1b6842a2
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<description>Open source internet address db manager framework and locator</description>
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// Copyright 2022 The Ip2Region Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a Apache2.0-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @Author Lion <chenxin619315@gmail.com>
// @Date 2022/06/23
package org.lionsoul.ip2region;
import org.lionsoul.ip2region.xdb.Searcher;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class SearchTest {
public static void printHelp(String[] args) {
System.out.print("ip2region xdb searcher\n");
System.out.print("java -jar ip2region-{version}.jar [command] [command options]\n");
System.out.print("Command: \n");
System.out.print(" search search input test\n");
System.out.print(" bench search bench test\n");
public static Searcher createSearcher(String dbPath, String cachePolicy) throws IOException {
if ("file".equals(cachePolicy)) {
return Searcher.newWithFileOnly(dbPath);
} else if ("vectorIndex".equals(cachePolicy)) {
byte[] vIndex = Searcher.loadVectorIndexFromFile(dbPath);
return Searcher.newWithVectorIndex(dbPath, vIndex);
} else if ("content".equals(cachePolicy)) {
byte[] cBuff = Searcher.loadContentFromFile(dbPath);
return Searcher.newWithBuffer(cBuff);
} else {
throw new IOException("invalid cache policy `" + cachePolicy + "`, options: file/vectorIndex/content");
public static void searchTest(String[] args) throws IOException {
String dbPath = "", cachePolicy = "vectorIndex";
for (final String r : args) {
if (r.length() < 5) {
if (r.indexOf("--") != 0) {
int sIdx = r.indexOf('=');
if (sIdx < 0) {
System.out.printf("missing = for args pair `%s`\n", r);
String key = r.substring(2, sIdx);
String val = r.substring(sIdx + 1);
System.out.printf("key=%s, val=%s\n", key, val);
if ("db".equals(key)) {
dbPath = val;
} else if ("cache-policy".equals(key)) {
cachePolicy = val;
} else {
System.out.printf("undefined option `%s`", r);
if (dbPath.length() < 1) {
System.out.print("java -jar ip2region-{version}.jar search [command options]\n");
System.out.print(" --db string ip2region binary xdb file path\n");
System.out.print(" --cache-policy string cache policy: file/vectorIndex/content\n");
Searcher searcher = createSearcher(dbPath, cachePolicy);
final BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
System.out.printf("ip2region xdb searcher test program, cachePolicy: %s\ntype 'quit' to exit\n", cachePolicy);
while ( true ) {
System.out.print("ip2region>> ");
String line = reader.readLine().trim();
if ( line.length() < 2 ) {
if ( line.equalsIgnoreCase("quit") ) {
try {
double sTime = System.nanoTime();
String region = searcher.searchByStr(line);
System.out.printf("{region: %s, ioCount: %d, took: %d μs}\n", region, searcher.getIOCount(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMicros((long) (System.nanoTime() - sTime)));
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.printf("{err: %s, ioCount: %d}\n", e, searcher.getIOCount());
System.out.println("searcher test program exited, thanks for trying");
public static void benchTest(String[] args) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
if (args.length < 1) {
if ("search".equals(args[0])) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.printf("failed running search test: %s", e);
} else if ("bench".equals(args[0])) {
} else {
// Copyright 2022 The Ip2Region Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a Apache2.0-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @Author Lion <chenxin619315@gmail.com>
// @Date 2022/06/23
package org.lionsoul.ip2region;
import org.lionsoul.ip2region.xdb.Searcher;
import java.io.IOException;
public class UtilTest {
public static void testIP2Long() {
String ip = "";
long ipAddr = 0;
try {
ipAddr = Searcher.checkIpAddr(ip);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.printf("failed to check ip: %s\n", e);
if (ipAddr != 16909060) {
System.out.print("failed ip2long\n");
String ip2 = Searcher.long2ip(ipAddr);
if (!ip.equals(ip2)) {
System.out.print("failed long2ip\n");
System.out.printf("passed: ip=%s, ipAddr=%d, ip2=%s\n", ip, ipAddr, ip2);
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.print("testing IP2Long ... \n");
// Copyright 2022 The Ip2Region Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a Apache2.0-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @Author Lion <chenxin619315@gmail.com>
// @Date 2022/06/23
package org.lionsoul.ip2region.xdb;
import java.awt.image.SampleModel;
public class Header {
public final int version;
public final int indexPolicy;
public final int createdAt;
public final int startIndexPtr;
public final int endIndexPtr;
public Header(byte[] buff) {
assert buff.length >= 16;
version = Searcher.getInt2(buff, 0);
indexPolicy = Searcher.getInt2(buff, 2);
createdAt = Searcher.getInt(buff, 4);
startIndexPtr = Searcher.getInt(buff, 8);
endIndexPtr = Searcher.getInt(buff, 12);
@Override public String toString() {
return "{" +
"Version: " + version + ',' +
"IndexPolicy" + indexPolicy + ',' +
"CreatedAt" + createdAt + ',' +
"StartIndexPtr" + startIndexPtr + ',' +
"EndIndexPtr" + endIndexPtr +
// Copyright 2022 The Ip2Region Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a Apache2.0-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package org.lionsoul.ip2region.xdb;
// xdb searcher (Not thread safe implementation)
// @Author Lion <chenxin619315@gmail.com>
// @Date 2022/06/23
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.util.Arrays;
public class Searcher {
// constant defined copied from the xdb maker
public static final int HeaderInfoLength = 256;
public static final int VectorIndexRows = 256;
public static final int VectorIndexCols = 256;
public static final int VectorIndexSize = 8;
public static final int SegmentIndexSize = 14;
// random access file handle for file based search
private final RandomAccessFile handle;
private int ioCount = 0;
// vector index.
// use the byte[] instead of VectorIndex entry array to keep
// the minimal memory allocation.
private final byte[] vectorIndex;
// xdb content buffer, used for in-memory search
private final byte[] contentBuff;
// --- static method to create searchers
public static Searcher newWithFileOnly(String dbPath) throws IOException {
return new Searcher(dbPath, null, null);
public static Searcher newWithVectorIndex(String dbPath, byte[] vectorIndex) throws IOException {
return new Searcher(dbPath, vectorIndex, null);
public static Searcher newWithBuffer(byte[] cBuff) throws IOException {
return new Searcher(null, null, cBuff);
// ---
public Searcher(String dbFile, byte[] vectorIndex, byte[] cBuff) throws IOException {
if (cBuff != null) {
this.handle = null;
this.vectorIndex = null;
this.contentBuff = cBuff;
} else {
this.handle = new RandomAccessFile(dbFile, "r");
this.vectorIndex = vectorIndex;
this.contentBuff = null;
public void close() throws IOException {
if (this.handle != null) {
public int getIOCount() {
return ioCount;
public String searchByStr(String ip) throws Exception {
long ipAddr = checkIpAddr(ip);
return search(ipAddr);
public String search(long ip) throws IOException {
// reset the global counter
this.ioCount = 0;
// locate the segment index block based on the vector index
int sPtr = 0, ePtr = 0;
int il0 = (int) ((ip >> 24) & 0xFF);
int il1 = (int) ((ip >> 16) & 0xFF);
int idx = il0 * VectorIndexCols * VectorIndexSize + il1 * VectorIndexSize;
// System.out.printf("il0: %d, il1: %d, idx: %d\n", il0, il1, idx);
if (vectorIndex != null) {
sPtr = getInt(vectorIndex, idx);
ePtr = getInt(vectorIndex, idx + 4);
} else if (contentBuff != null) {
sPtr = getInt(contentBuff, HeaderInfoLength + idx);
ePtr = getInt(contentBuff, HeaderInfoLength + idx + 4);
} else {
final byte[] buff = new byte[8];
read(HeaderInfoLength + idx, buff);
sPtr = getInt(buff, 0);
ePtr = getInt(buff, 4);
// System.out.printf("sPtr: %d, ePtr: %d\n", sPtr, ePtr);
// binary search the segment index block to get the region info
final byte[] buff = new byte[SegmentIndexSize];
int dataLen = -1, dataPtr = -1;
int l = 0, h = (ePtr - sPtr) / SegmentIndexSize;
while (l <= h) {
int m = (l + h) >> 1;
int p = sPtr + m * SegmentIndexSize;
// read the segment index
read(p, buff);
long sip = getIntLong(buff, 0);
if (ip < sip) {
h = m - 1;
} else {
long eip = getIntLong(buff, 4);
if (ip > eip) {
l = m + 1;
} else {
dataLen = getInt2(buff, 8);
dataPtr = getInt(buff, 10);
// empty match interception
// System.out.printf("dataLen: %d, dataPtr: %d\n", dataLen, dataPtr);
if (dataPtr < 0) {
return null;
// load and return the region data
final byte[] regionBuff = new byte[dataLen];
read(dataPtr, regionBuff);
return new String(regionBuff);
protected void read(int offset, byte[] buffer) throws IOException {
// check the in-memory buffer first
if (contentBuff != null) {
// @TODO: reduce data copying, directly decode the data ?
System.arraycopy(contentBuff, offset, buffer, 0, buffer.length);
// read from the file handle
assert handle != null;
int rLen = handle.read(buffer);
if (rLen != buffer.length) {
throw new IOException("incomplete read: read bytes should be " + buffer.length);
// --- static cache util function
public static Header loadHeader(RandomAccessFile handle) throws IOException {
final byte[] buff = new byte[HeaderInfoLength];
return new Header(buff);
public static Header loadHeaderFromFile(String dbPath) throws IOException {
RandomAccessFile handle = new RandomAccessFile(dbPath, "r");
return loadHeader(handle);
public static byte[] loadVectorIndex(RandomAccessFile handle) throws IOException {
int len = VectorIndexRows * VectorIndexCols * SegmentIndexSize;
final byte[] buff = new byte[len];
int rLen = handle.read(buff);
if (rLen != len) {
throw new IOException("incomplete read: read bytes should be " + len);
return buff;
public static byte[] loadVectorIndexFromFile(String dbPath) throws IOException {
RandomAccessFile handle = new RandomAccessFile(dbPath, "r");
return loadVectorIndex(handle);
public static byte[] loadContent(RandomAccessFile handle) throws IOException {
final byte[] buff = new byte[(int) handle.length()];
int rLen = handle.read(buff);
if (rLen != buff.length) {
throw new IOException("incomplete read: read bytes should be " + buff.length);
return buff;
public static byte[] loadContentFromFile(String dbPath) throws IOException {
RandomAccessFile handle = new RandomAccessFile(dbPath, "r");
return loadContent(handle);
// --- End cache load util function
// --- static util method
/* get an int from a byte array start from the specified offset */
public static long getIntLong(byte[] b, int offset) {
return (
((b[offset++] & 0x000000FFL)) |
((b[offset++] << 8) & 0x0000FF00L) |
((b[offset++] << 16) & 0x00FF0000L) |
((b[offset ] << 24) & 0xFF000000L)
public static int getInt(byte[] b, int offset) {
return (
((b[offset++] & 0x000000FF)) |
((b[offset++] << 8) & 0x0000FF00) |
((b[offset++] << 16) & 0x00FF0000) |
((b[offset ] << 24) & 0xFF000000)
public static int getInt2(byte[] b, int offset) {
return (
(b[offset++] & 0x000000FF) |
(b[offset ] & 0x0000FF00)
/* long int to ip string */
public static String long2ip( long ip )
return String.valueOf((ip >> 24) & 0xFF) + '.' +
((ip >> 16) & 0xFF) + '.' + ((ip >> 8) & 0xFF) + '.' + ((ip) & 0xFF);
public static final byte[] shiftIndex = {24, 16, 8, 0};
/* check the specified ip address */
public static long checkIpAddr(String ip) throws Exception {
String[] ps = ip.split("\\.");
if (ps.length != 4) {
throw new Exception("invalid ip address `" + ip + "`");
long ipAddr = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ps.length; i++) {
int val = Integer.parseInt(ps[i]);
if (val > 255) {
throw new Exception("ip part `"+ps[i]+"` should be less then 256");
ipAddr |= ((long) val << shiftIndex[i]);
return ipAddr & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
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