提交 f2f590d4 编写于 作者: R Ryan 提交者: Yaron Schneider

Ryanvolum zero to hero (#74)

* Removed redundant step

Step 1 asks devs to clone repo, so step 2 shouldn't need to: https://github.com/actionscore/actions/blob/master/README.md#Install-on-Kubernetes

Relates to #46

* Tweaked sample description

Readme indicated that the sample uses no libraries, though it uses `express` and `body-parser`

* moved samples to top-level directory

* updated readmes for both samples

* updated local readme

* added readme for local sample

* readme tweaks

* readme clarification

* minor wording fix

* added port note

* added gitignores to node projects

* moved kubernetes resources to samples directory

* updated local sample/readme

* updated local sample

* Fixed image name

* Fixed spelling

* updated to use process.env

* updated images to use latest requests

* updated readme to use latest code/approaches

* Added step for installing actions

* Required adding path to actions to PATH

* fixed actions casing

* Removed pub/sub vernacular

Since we're not using the pub/sub topic approach here

* Moved samples to top level

* updated readme to reflect the new code

* added reference to new images in core registry

* removed /state and added fetch

* added counter, updated call to invoke, not publish

* Minor wording tweaks

* Added fetch dependency/package-lock

* minor plural fix

* minor syntax fixes
上级 0c49bd8c
# From Zero to Hero
This tutorial will get you up and running with Actions in no time.
By the end of this tutorial, you will know how to:
1. Set up Actions on your Kubernetes cluster
2. Deploy an Actions enabled Kubernetes Pod
3. Publish and receive messages from Node.js and Python
4. Save and restore Action state
5. Bonus - get your code triggered by external Event Sources
In this tutorial, we'll be deploying a node.js app that subscribes to messages arriving on ```neworder``` and saving it's state.
We'll also be deploying a Python app that publishes a new message.
Let's get going!
## Step 1 - Setup
First thing you need is an RBAC enabled Kubernetes cluster.
Follow the steps [here](../../../README.md#Install-on-Kubernetes) to have Actions deployed to your Kubernetes cluster.<br>
As we'll be deploying stateful apps, you'll also need to set up a state store.
You can find the instructions [here](../../state/redis.md).
## Step 2 - Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/actionscore/actions.git
## Step 2 - Deploy the node.js code with the Actions sidecar
Take a look at the node app at ```/docs/getting_started/zero_to_hero/node.js/app.js```.
There are a few things of interest here: first, there are no libraries or SDKs! our code is the simplest possible node web-server.
Take a look at the ```neworder``` handler:
app.post('/neworder', (req, res) => {
data = req.body.data
orderID = data.orderID
console.log("Got a new order! Order ID: " + orderID)
order = data
state: [
key: "order",
value: order
As you can see, in order to register for an event, you only need to listen on some event name.
That event name can be used by other Actions to send messages to, or it can be the name of an Event Source you defined, for example [Azure Event Hubs](../../azure_eventhubs.md).<br><br>
But the Action doesn't stop there!
We are returning a JSON response to Actions saying we want to save a state in a key-value format:
state: {
key: "order",
value: order
All the heavy lifting, retries, concurrency handling etc. is handled by our invisible friend, Action.
Now that we save our state, we want to get it as soon as our process launches, so we can either reject the state and start clean or accept it.
To do that, simply listen on a POST ```/state``` endpoint:
app.post('/state', (req, res) => {
e = req.body
if (e.length > 0) {
order = e[0].value
Here, we are simply assigning the first item of the state array back to our order value.
This is enough, lets deploy our app:
kubectl apply -f ./deploy/node.yaml
This will deploy our web app to Kubernetes.
The Actions control plane will automatically inject the Actions sidecar to our Pod.
If you take a look at the ```node.yaml``` file, you will see how Actions is enabled for that deployment:
```actions.io/enabled: true``` - this tells the Action control plane to inject a sidecar to this deployment.
```actions.io/id: nodeapp``` - this assigns a unique id or name to the Action, so it can be sent messages to and communicated with by other Actions.
This deployment provisions an External IP.
Wait until the IP is visible: (may take a few minutes)
kubectl get svc nodeapp
Once you have an external IP, save it.
You can also export it to a variable:
export NODE_APP=$(kubectl get svc nodeapp --output 'jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
## Step 3 - Deploy the Python app with the Actions sidecar
kubectl apply -f ./deploy/python.yaml
Our Python app will be used to publish a message every second.
If you look at /python/app.py, you will notice it sends a JSON message to the actions url at ```localhost:3500```, the default listening endpoint for Actions.
while True:
message = "{\"data\":{\"orderID\":\"777\"}", "\"eventName\": \"neworder\"}"
response = requests.post(actions_url, data=message)
except Exception:
Wait for the pod to be in ```Running``` state:
kubectl get pods --selector=app=python -w
## Step 4 - Observe messages coming through and rejoice
Great, we now have both our apps deployed along with the Actions sidecars.<br>
Get the logs of our node app:
kubectl logs --selector=app=node -c node
If everything went right, you should be seeing something like this in the logs:
Got a new order! Order ID: 777
## Step 5 - Confirm our immortality (aka State)
Hit the node app's order endpoint to get the latest order.
Remember that IP from before? put it in your browser, or curl it:
curl $NODE_APP/order
You should be getting the order JSON as a response.
Now, we'll scale the Python app to zero so it stops sending messages:
kubectl scale deploy pythonapp --replicas 0
Wait until all the pods have terminated:
kubectl get pods --selector=app=python
Delete the node app pod, and wait for it to come back up:
kubectl delete pod --selector=app=node
kubectl get pod --selector=app=node -w
Hit the order endpoint again, and voila! our state has been restored.
const express = require('express')
var bodyParser = require('body-parser')
const app = express()
const port = 3000
app.post('/state', (req, res) => {
e = req.body
if (e.length > 0) {
order = e[0].value
var order;
app.get('/order', (req, res) => {
app.post('/neworder', (req, res) => {
data = req.body.data
orderID = data.orderID
console.log("Got a new order! Order ID: " + orderID)
order = data
state: [
key: "order",
value: order
app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Node App listening on port ${port}!`))
"name": "node_server",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "app.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"body-parser": "^1.18.3",
"express": "^4.16.4"
\ No newline at end of file
import time
import requests
import os
actions_url = "http://localhost:3500/publish"
while True:
message = { "eventName": "neworder", "data": { "orderID": "777" }, "to": ["nodeapp"] }
response = requests.post(actions_url, json=message)
except Exception as e:
apiversion: actions.io/v1alpha1
kind: EventSource
name: statestore
type: actions.state.redis
redishost: localhost:6379
redispassword: ""
# From Zero to Hero with Kubernetes
This tutorial will get you up and running with Actions in a Kubernetes cluster. We'll be deploying a python app that generates messages and a Node app that consumes and persists them.
By the end of this tutorial, you will know how to:
1. Set up Actions on your Kubernetes Cluster
2. Understand the Code
3. Deploy the Node App with the Actions Sidecar
4. Deploy the Python App with the Actions Sidecar
5. Observe Messages
6. Confirm Successful Persistence
## Step 1 - Setup Actions on your Kubernetes Cluster
The first thing you need is an RBAC enabled Kubernetes cluster. This could be running on your machine using Minikube, or it could be a fully-fledged cluser in Azure using [AKS](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/kubernetes-service/).
Next, follow [these steps](/../README.md#Install-on-Kubernetes) to have Actions deployed to your Kubernetes cluster.<br>
Finally, we'll also want to go set up a state store on our cluster. Follow [these instructions](../concepts/state/redis.md) to set up a Redis store.
## Step 2 - Understand the Code
Now that we have everything we need, let's take a look at our services. First, let's look at the node app. Navigate to the Node app in the Kubernetes sample: `cd samples/kubernetes_zero_to_hero/node.js/app.js`.
In the `app.js` you'll find a simple `express` application, which exposes a few routes and handlers.
Let's take a look at the ```neworder``` handler:
app.post('/neworder', (req, res) => {
const data = req.body.data;
const orderId = data.orderId;
console.log("Got a new order! Order ID: " + orderId);
const state = [{
key: "order",
value: data
fetch(`${actionsUrl}/state`, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(state),
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
}).then((response) => {
console.log((response.ok) ? "Successfully persisted state" : "Failed to persist state");
Here we're exposing an endpoint that will receive and handle `neworder` messages. We first log the incoming message, and then persist the order ID to our Redis store by posting a state array to the `/state` endpoint.
Alternatively, we could have persisted our state by simply returning it with our response object:
state: [{
key: "order",
value: order
We chose to avoid this approach, as it doesn't allow us to verify if our message successfully persisted.
We also expose a GET endpoint, `/order`:
app.get('/order', (_req, res) => {
.then((response) => {
return response.json();
}).then((orders) => {
This calls out to our Redis cache to grab the latest value of the "order" key, which effectively allows our node app to be _stateless_.
## Step 3 - Deploy the Node App with the Actions Sidecar
kubectl apply -f ./deploy/node.yaml
This will deploy our web app to Kubernetes. **NOTE**: While the dockerhub repository is private, you will only be able to deploy images by creating a secret. You can do this by executing:
kubectl create secret docker-registry actions-core-auth --docker-server https://index.docker.io/v1/ --docker-username <YOUR_USERNAME> --docker-password <YOUR_PASSWORD> --docker-email <YOUR_EMAIL>
The Actions control plane will automatically inject the Actions sidecar to our Pod.
If you take a look at the ```node.yaml``` file, you will see how Actions is enabled for that deployment:
```actions.io/enabled: true``` - this tells the Action control plane to inject a sidecar to this deployment.
```actions.io/id: nodeapp``` - this assigns a unique id or name to the Action, so it can be sent messages to and communicated with by other Actions.
This deployment provisions an External IP.
Wait until the IP is visible: (may take a few minutes)
kubectl get svc nodeapp
Once you have an external IP, save it.
You can also export it to a variable:
export NODE_APP=$(kubectl get svc nodeapp --output 'jsonpath={.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
## Step 4 - Deploy the Python App with the Actions Sidecar
Next, let's take a quick look at our python app. Navigate to the python app in the kubernetes sample: `cd samples/kubernetes_zero_to_hero/python/app.py`.
At a quick glance, this is a basic python app that posts JSON messages to ```localhost:3500```, which is the default listening port for Actions. We invoke our node application's `neworder` endpoint by posting to `/action/nodeapp/neworder`. Our message contains some `data` with an orderId that increments once per second:
actions_url = "http://localhost:3500/action/nodeapp/neworder"
n = 0
while True:
n += 1
message = {"data": {"orderId": n}}
response = requests.post(actions_url, json=message)
except Exception as e:
Let's deploy the python app to your Kubernetes cluster:
kubectl apply -f ./deploy/python.yaml
Now let's just wait for the pod to be in ```Running``` state:
kubectl get pods --selector=app=python -w
## Step 5 - Observe Messages
Now that we have our node and python applications deployed, let's watch messages come through.<br>
Get the logs of our node app:
kubectl logs --selector=app=node -c node
If all went well, you should see logs like this:
Got a new order! Order ID: 1
Successfully persisted state
Got a new order! Order ID: 2
Successfully persisted state
Got a new order! Order ID: 3
Successfully persisted state
## Step 6 - Confirm Successful Persistence
Hit the node app's order endpoint to get the latest order. Grab the external IP address that we saved before and, append "/order" and perform a GET request against it (enter it into your browser, use Postman, or curl it!):
curl $NODE_APP/order
You should see the latest JSON in response!
......@@ -35,7 +35,9 @@ spec:
- name: node
image: yaron2/nodeapp
image: actionscore/node-app
- containerPort: 3000
imagePullPolicy: Always
- name: actions-core-auth
......@@ -19,4 +19,6 @@ spec:
- name: python
image: yaron2/pythonapp
image: actionscore/python-app
- name: actions-core-auth
\ No newline at end of file
const express = require('express');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const app = express();
const actionsUrl = `http://localhost:3500`;
const port = 3000;
app.get('/order', (_req, res) => {
.then((response) => {
return response.json();
}).then((orders) => {
app.post('/neworder', (req, res) => {
const data = req.body.data;
const orderId = data.orderId;
console.log("Got a new order! Order ID: " + orderId);
const state = [{
key: "order",
value: data
fetch(`${actionsUrl}/state`, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(state),
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
}).then((response) => {
console.log((response.ok) ? "Successfully persisted state" : "Failed to persist state");
app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Node App listening on port ${port}!`));
\ No newline at end of file
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import time
import requests
import os
actions_url = "http://localhost:3500/action/nodeapp/neworder"
n = 0
while True:
n += 1
message = {"data": {"orderId": n}}
response = requests.post(actions_url, json=message)
except Exception as e:
\ No newline at end of file
# From Zero to Hero Locally
This tutorial will demonstrate how to get Actions running locally on your machine. We'll be deploying a Node.js app that subscribes to order messages and persists them.
By the end of the end, you will know how to:
1. Set up Actions Locally
2. Understand the Code
3. Run the Node.js app with Actions
4. Post Messages to your Service
5. Confirm Successful Persistence
## Prerequisites
This sample requires you to have the following installed on your machine:
- [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/)
- [Node](https://nodejs.org/en/)
- [Postman](https://www.getpostman.com/)
## Step 1 - Setup Actions
1. Install actions as standalone, following [these instructions](https://github.com/actionscore/actions#install-as-standalone).
2. Download the [Actions CLI release](https://github.com/actionscore/cli/releases) for your OS
**Note for Windows Users**: Due to a known bug, you must rename 'action' to 'actions.exe'
3. Add the paths to Actions and the Actions CLI to your PATH
4. Run `actions init`, which will set up create two containers: the actions runtime and a redis state store. To validate that these two containers were successfully created, run `docker ps` and observe output:
84b19574f5e5 actionscore.azurecr.io/actions:latest "./assigner" About an hour ago Up About an hour>50005/tcp xenodochial_chatterjee
78d39ae67a95 redis "docker-entrypoint.s…" About an hour ago Up About an hour>6379/tcp hungry_dubinsky
5. Clone actions repo: `git clone https://github.com/actionscore/actions.git`
## Step 2 - Understand the Code
Now that we've locally set up actions and cloned the repo, let's take a look at our local zero-to-hero sample. Navigate to the local_zero_to_hero sample: `cd samples/local_zero_to_hero/app.js`.
In the `app.js` you'll find a simple `express` application, which exposes a few routes and handlers. First, let's take a look at the `actionsUrl` at the top of the file:
const actionsUrl = `http://localhost:${process.env.ACTIONS_PORT}`;
When we use the Actions CLI, it creates an environment variable for the Actions port, which defaults to 3500. We'll be using this in step 3 when we POST messages to to our system.
Next, let's take a look at the ```neworder``` handler:
app.post('/neworder', (req, res) => {
const data = req.body.data;
const orderId = data.orderId;
console.log("Got a new order! Order ID: " + orderId);
const state = [{
key: "order",
value: data
fetch(`${actionsUrl}/state`, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(state),
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
}).then((response) => {
console.log((response.ok) ? "Successfully persisted state" : "Failed to persist state");
Here we're exposing an endpoint that will receive and handle `neworder` messages. We first log the incoming message, and then persist the order ID to our Redis store by posting a state array to the `/state` endpoint.
Alternatively, we could have persisted our state by simply returning it with our response object:
state: [{
key: "order",
value: order
We chose to avoid this approach, as it doesn't allow us to verify if our message successfully persisted.
We also expose a GET endpoint, `/order`:
app.get('/order', (_req, res) => {
.then((response) => {
return response.json();
}).then((orders) => {
This calls out to our Redis cache to grab the latest value of the "order" key, which effectively allows our node app to be _stateless_.
**Note**: If we only expected to have a single instance of the Node app, and didn't expect anything else to update "order", we instead could have kept a local version of our order state and returned that (reducing a call to our Redis store). We would then create a `/state` POST endpoint, which would allow actions to initialize our app's state when it starts up. In that case, our Node app would be `stateful`.
## Step 3 - Run the Node.js App with Actions
1. Navigate to the zero to hero node sample project: `cd samples/local_zero_to_hero/app.js`
2. Install dependencies: `npm install`. This will install `express` and `body-parser`
3. Run node application with actions: `actions run --port 3500 --app-id mynode --app-port 3000 node app.js`. This should output text that looks like the following, along with logs:
Starting Actions with id mynode on port 3500
You're up and running! Both Actions and your app logs will appear here.
4. Copy the Actions port for the next step
## Step 4 - Post Messages to your Service
Now that our actions and node app are running, let's post messages against it.
Open Postman and create a POST request against `http://localhost:<YOUR_PORT>/<YOUR_APP_NAME>/neworder`
![Postman Screenshot](./img/postman1.jpg)
In your terminal window, you should see logs indicating that the message was received and state was updated:
== APP == Got a new order! Order ID: 42
== APP == Successfully persisted state
## Step 5 - Confirm Successful Persistence
Now, let's just make sure that we our order was successfully persisted to our state store. Create a GET request against: `http://localhost:<YOUR_PORT>/<YOUR_APP_NAME>/order`
![Postman Screenshot 2](./img/postman2.jpg)
This invokes the `/order` route, which calls out to our Redis store for the latest data. Observe the expected result!
const express = require('express');
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
const app = express();
const actionsUrl = `http://localhost:${process.env.ACTIONS_PORT}`;
const port = 3000;
app.get('/order', (_req, res) => {
.then((response) => {
return response.json();
}).then((orders) => {
app.post('/neworder', (req, res) => {
const data = req.body.data;
const orderId = data.orderId;
console.log("Got a new order! Order ID: " + orderId);
const state = [{
key: "order",
value: data
fetch(`${actionsUrl}/state`, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(state),
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
}).then((response) => {
console.log((response.ok) ? "Successfully persisted state" : "Failed to persist state");
app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Node App listening on port ${port}!`));
\ No newline at end of file
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