提交 be034083 编写于 作者: S Sam Saffron

fix for crazy multi mapping ... backwards compatible - allow for the Split to be in the first type.

上级 aa98265b
......@@ -504,21 +504,54 @@ class DontMap { }
var splits = splitOn.Split(',').ToArray();
var splitIndex = 0;
Func<int> nextSplit = () =>
Func<Type,int> nextSplit = type =>
var currentSplit = splits[splitIndex];
if (splits.Length > splitIndex + 1)
bool skipFirst = false;
int startingPos = current + 1;
// if our current type has the split, skip the first time you see it.
if (type != typeof(Object))
var props = GetSettableProps(type);
var fields = GetSettableFields(type);
foreach (var name in props.Select(p => p.Name).Concat(fields.Select(f => f.Name)))
if (string.Equals(name, currentSplit, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
skipFirst = true;
startingPos = current;
int pos;
for (pos = current + 1; pos < reader.FieldCount; pos++)
for (pos = startingPos; pos < reader.FieldCount; pos++)
// some people like ID some id ... assuming case insensitive splits for now
if (splitOn == "*" || string.Equals(reader.GetName(pos), currentSplit, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
if (splitOn == "*")
if (string.Equals(reader.GetName(pos), currentSplit, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
if (skipFirst)
skipFirst = false;
current = pos;
return pos;
......@@ -526,30 +559,30 @@ class DontMap { }
var otherDeserializer = new List<object>();
int split = nextSplit();
int split = nextSplit(typeof(TFirst));
deserializer = cinfo.Deserializer = GetDeserializer<TFirst>(reader, 0, split, false);
if (typeof(TSecond) != typeof(DontMap))
var next = nextSplit();
var next = nextSplit(typeof(TSecond));
otherDeserializer.Add(GetDeserializer<TSecond>(reader, split, next - split, true));
split = next;
if (typeof(TThird) != typeof(DontMap))
var next = nextSplit();
var next = nextSplit(typeof(TThird));
otherDeserializer.Add(GetDeserializer<TThird>(reader, split, next - split, true));
split = next;
if (typeof(TFourth) != typeof(DontMap))
var next = nextSplit();
var next = nextSplit(typeof(TFourth));
otherDeserializer.Add(GetDeserializer<TFourth>(reader, split, next - split, true));
split = next;
if (typeof(TFifth) != typeof(DontMap))
var next = nextSplit();
var next = nextSplit(typeof(TFifth));
otherDeserializer.Add(GetDeserializer<TFifth>(reader, split, next - split, true));
......@@ -1117,6 +1150,32 @@ static readonly MethodInfo
.Where(p => p.GetIndexParameters().Any() && p.GetIndexParameters()[0].ParameterType == typeof(int))
.Select(p => p.GetGetMethod()).First();
class PropInfo
public string Name { get; set; }
public MethodInfo Setter { get; set; }
public Type Type { get; set; }
static List<PropInfo> GetSettableProps(Type t)
return t
.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
.Select(p => new PropInfo
Name = p.Name,
Setter = p.DeclaringType == t ? p.GetSetMethod(true) : p.DeclaringType.GetProperty(p.Name).GetSetMethod(true),
Type = p.PropertyType
.Where(info => info.Setter != null)
static List<FieldInfo> GetSettableFields(Type t)
return t.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).ToList();
public static Func<IDataReader, T> GetClassDeserializer<T>(
#if CSHARP30
IDataReader reader, int startBound, int length, bool returnNullIfFirstMissing
......@@ -1133,17 +1192,8 @@ static readonly MethodInfo
bool haveEnumLocal = false;
var properties = typeof(T)
.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
.Select(p => new
Setter = p.DeclaringType == typeof(T) ? p.GetSetMethod(true) : p.DeclaringType.GetProperty(p.Name).GetSetMethod(true),
Type = p.PropertyType
.Where(info => info.Setter != null)
var fields = typeof(T).GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
var properties = GetSettableProps(typeof(T));
var fields = GetSettableFields(typeof(T));
if (length == -1)
length = reader.FieldCount - startBound;
......@@ -1036,5 +1036,30 @@ public void TestDynamicParamNullSupport()
class Foo1
public int Id;
public int BarId { get; set; }
class Bar1
public int BarId;
public string Name { get; set; }
public void TestMultiMapperIsNotConfusedWithUnorderedCols()
var result = connection.Query<Foo1,Bar1, Tuple<Foo1,Bar1>>("select 1 as Id, 2 as BarId, 3 as BarId, 'a' as Name", (f,b) => Tuple.Create(f,b), splitOn: "BarId").First();
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