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......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>Chat GPT - InsCode.net</title>
<title>Chat GPT With Prompt - InsCode.net</title>
<div id="app"></div>
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<div class="question ivu-mt">
<Input v-model="question" type="textarea" :autosize="{ minRows: 4, maxRows: 6 }" placeholder="输入你的问题" />
<Input v-model="question" type="textarea" :autosize="{ minRows: 4, maxRows: 6 }" placeholder="输入内容..." />
<Row class="ivu-mt">
<Button type="primary" size="large" icon="md-send" :loading="loading" @click="handleSend">发送</Button>
......@@ -16,23 +16,44 @@
<Button size="large" class="ivu-ml" icon="md-add" :disabled="loading" @click="handleNewChat">新对话</Button>
<Button size="large" class="ivu-ml" icon="md-settings" :disabled="loading" @click="handleOpenPrompt">设置 Prompt</Button>
<Typography class="ivu-text-center ivu-m">
Powered By <img src="./assets/logo.png" class="logo"> <a href="https://inscode.net" target="_blank">InsCode.net</a>
<Modal v-model="showPrompt" title="设置 Prompt" footer-hide>
<Title :level="4">Prompt:</Title>
<Input v-model="prompt" type="textarea" :autosize="{minRows: 3,maxRows: 5}" placeholder="例如:写一个策划,主题是_____" />
<Title class="ivu-mt" :level="4">推荐:</Title>
<Space :wrap="true">
<Button @click="handleSetPrompt('写一篇140字以内的朋友圈配文,语言风格要浪漫文艺的,主题是__________')">朋友圈神器</Button>
<Button @click="handleSetPrompt('扮演一位知心姐姐进行在线聊天。__________')">知心姐姐</Button>
<Button @click="handleSetPrompt('你现在需要扮演一个高情商、幽默的人,去参加一些聚会社交,请帮我回应接下来的问题,__________')">高情商回复</Button>
<Button @click="handleSetPrompt('我是你的专属心理咨询师,你有什么想咨询的么?')">心理咨询师</Button>
<Title class="ivu-mt" :level="4">操作:</Title>
<Button icon="md-trash" @click="handleClearPrompt">清空 Prompt</Button>
<Button size="large" type="primary" long class="ivu-mt" @click="handleSavePrompt">保存</Button>
import { fetchEventSource } from '@microsoft/fetch-event-source';
import { apiKey, apiUrl } from './api';
let prompt = '';
export default {
data() {
return {
question: '',
loading: false,
dialogs: []
dialogs: [],
prompt: '',
showPrompt: false
methods: {
......@@ -69,7 +90,7 @@ export default {
messages: [
role: 'user',
content: question
content: prompt + question
apikey: apiKey
......@@ -108,7 +129,54 @@ export default {
handleNewChat() {
this.dialogs = [];
handleOpenPrompt () {
this.showPrompt = true;
handleSetPrompt (prompt) {
this.prompt = prompt;
handleSavePrompt () {
if (!this.prompt) {
content: '提示词内容不能为空',
duration: 3,
background: true
} else {
const prompt = this.prompt;
localStorage.setItem('setting-prompt', prompt);
this.showPrompt = false;
handleLoadPrompt () {
const localPrompt = localStorage.getItem('setting-prompt');
if (localPrompt) {
this.prompt = localPrompt;
prompt = localPrompt;
this.$nextTick(() => {
content: '已加载 Prompt',
background: true
handleClearPrompt () {
this.prompt = '';
prompt = '';
this.$nextTick(() => {
content: '已清空 Prompt',
background: true
mounted () {
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