提交 f7028c27 编写于 作者: M Matt Pharr

Update from book source. No functional changes.

上级 c8630204
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Float BeamDiffusionMS(Float sigma_s, Float sigma_a, Float g, Float eta, Float r)
for (int i = 0; i < nSamples; ++i) {
// Sample real point source depth $\depthreal$
Float zr = -std::log(1 - (i + 0.5f) / nSamples) / sigmap_t;
Float zr = SampleExponential((i + 0.5f) / nSamples, sigmap_t);
// Evaluate dipole integrand $E_{\roman{d}}$ at $\depthreal$ and add to _Ed_
Float zv = -zr + 2 * ze;
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ Float BeamDiffusionSS(Float sigma_s, Float sigma_a, Float g, Float eta, Float r)
const int nSamples = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < nSamples; ++i) {
// Evaluate single-scattering integrand and add to _Ess_
Float ti = tCrit - std::log(1 - (i + 0.5f) / nSamples) / sigma_t;
Float ti = tCrit + SampleExponential((i + 0.5f) / nSamples, sigma_t);
// Determine length $d$ of connecting segment and $\cos\theta_\roman{o}$
Float d = std::sqrt(Sqr(r) + Sqr(ti));
Float cosTheta_o = ti / d;
......@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ class TabulatedBSSRDF {
SampledSpectrum PDF_Sp(Point3f pi, Normal3f ni) const {
// Express $\pti-\pto$ and $\bold{n}_i$ with respect to local coordinates at
// Express $\pti-\pto$ and $\N{}_\roman{i}$ with respect to local coordinates at
// $\pto$
Vector3f d = pi - po;
Frame f = Frame::FromZ(ns);
......@@ -847,12 +847,12 @@ SampledSpectrum SimpleVolPathIntegrator::Li(RayDifferential ray,
pstd::optional<ShapeIntersection> si = Intersect(ray);
bool scattered = false, terminated = false;
if (ray.medium) {
// Initialize RNG for delta tracking
// Initialize _RNG_ for sampling the majorant transmittance
uint64_t hash0 = Hash(sampler.Get1D());
uint64_t hash1 = Hash(sampler.Get1D());
RNG rng(hash0, hash1);
// Sample medium scattering using delta tracking
// Sample medium using delta tracking
Float tMax = si ? si->tHit : Infinity;
Float u = sampler.Get1D();
Float uMode = sampler.Get1D();
......@@ -867,21 +867,20 @@ SampledSpectrum SimpleVolPathIntegrator::Li(RayDifferential ray,
// Randomly sample medium scattering event for delta tracking
int mode = SampleDiscrete({pAbsorb, pScatter, pNull}, uMode);
if (mode == 0) {
// Handle absorption event for delta tracking
// Handle absorption event for medium sample
L += beta * mp.Le;
terminated = true;
return false;
} else if (mode == 1) {
// Handle regular scattering event for delta tracking
// Handle regular scattering event for medium sample
// Stop path sampling if maximum depth has been reached
if (depth++ >= maxDepth) {
terminated = true;
return false;
// Sample phase function for delta tracking scattering
// event
// Sample phase function for medium scattering event
Point2f u{rng.Uniform<Float>(), rng.Uniform<Float>()};
pstd::optional<PhaseFunctionSample> ps =
mp.phase.Sample_p(-ray.d, u);
......@@ -890,7 +889,7 @@ SampledSpectrum SimpleVolPathIntegrator::Li(RayDifferential ray,
return false;
// Update state for recursive $L_\roman{i}$ evaluation
// Update state for recursive evaluation of $L_\roman{i}$
beta *= ps->p / ps->pdf;
ray.o = p;
ray.d = ps->wi;
......@@ -898,7 +897,7 @@ SampledSpectrum SimpleVolPathIntegrator::Li(RayDifferential ray,
return false;
} else {
// Handle null scattering event for delta tracking
// Handle null scattering event for medium sample
uMode = rng.Uniform<Float>();
return true;
......@@ -909,7 +908,7 @@ SampledSpectrum SimpleVolPathIntegrator::Li(RayDifferential ray,
return L;
if (scattered)
// Add emission to unscattered ray
// Add emission to surviving ray
if (si)
L += beta * si->intr.Le(-ray.d, lambda);
else {
......@@ -918,7 +917,7 @@ SampledSpectrum SimpleVolPathIntegrator::Li(RayDifferential ray,
return L;
// Handle surface intersection along delta tracking path
// Handle surface intersection along ray path
BSDF bsdf = si->intr.GetBSDF(ray, lambda, camera, buf, sampler);
if (!bsdf)
si->intr.SkipIntersection(&ray, si->tHit);
......@@ -973,7 +972,7 @@ SampledSpectrum VolPathIntegrator::Li(RayDifferential ray, SampledWavelengths &l
// Sample the participating medium
bool scattered = false, terminated = false;
Float tMax = si ? si->tHit : Infinity;
// Initialize RNG for delta tracking
// Initialize _RNG_ for sampling the majorant transmittance
uint64_t hash0 = Hash(sampler.Get1D());
uint64_t hash1 = Hash(sampler.Get1D());
RNG rng(hash0, hash1);
......@@ -989,14 +988,14 @@ SampledSpectrum VolPathIntegrator::Li(RayDifferential ray, SampledWavelengths &l
// Rescale path throughput and PDFs if necessary
Rescale(T_hat, uniPathPDF, lightPathPDF);
Rescale(&T_hat, &uniPathPDF, &lightPathPDF);
// Add emission from medium scattering event
if (depth < maxDepth && mp.Le) {
// Compute $\hat{P}$ at new path vertex
SampledSpectrum P_hat = T_hat * T_maj * mp.sigma_a * mp.Le;
// Compute PDF for absorption event at path vertex
// Compute PDF for absorption at path vertex
SampledSpectrum emitPDF = uniPathPDF * sigma_maj * T_maj;
// Update _L_ for medium emission
......@@ -1035,21 +1034,20 @@ SampledSpectrum VolPathIntegrator::Li(RayDifferential ray, SampledWavelengths &l
Point2f u = sampler.Get2D();
pstd::optional<PhaseFunctionSample> ps =
intr.phase.Sample_p(-ray.d, u);
if (!ps || ps->pdf == 0) {
if (!ps || ps->pdf == 0)
terminated = true;
return false;
else {
// Update ray path state for indirect volume scattering
T_hat *= ps->p;
lightPathPDF = uniPathPDF;
uniPathPDF *= ps->pdf;
prevIntrContext = LightSampleContext(intr);
scattered = true;
ray.o = p;
ray.d = ps->wi;
specularBounce = false;
anyNonSpecularBounces = true;
// Update ray path state for indirect volume scattering
T_hat *= ps->p;
lightPathPDF = uniPathPDF;
uniPathPDF *= ps->pdf;
prevIntrContext = LightSampleContext(intr);
scattered = true;
ray.o = p;
ray.d = ps->wi;
specularBounce = false;
anyNonSpecularBounces = true;
return false;
} else {
......@@ -1059,7 +1057,8 @@ SampledSpectrum VolPathIntegrator::Li(RayDifferential ray, SampledWavelengths &l
T_hat *= T_maj * sigma_n;
uniPathPDF *= T_maj * sigma_n;
lightPathPDF *= T_maj * sigma_maj;
Rescale(T_hat, uniPathPDF, lightPathPDF);
Rescale(&T_hat, &uniPathPDF, &lightPathPDF);
return true;
......@@ -1171,7 +1170,7 @@ SampledSpectrum VolPathIntegrator::Li(RayDifferential ray, SampledWavelengths &l
uniPathPDF *= pdf;
} else
uniPathPDF *= bs->pdf;
Rescale(T_hat, uniPathPDF, lightPathPDF);
Rescale(&T_hat, &uniPathPDF, &lightPathPDF);
PBRT_DBG("%s\n", StringPrintf("Sampled BSDF, f = %s, pdf = %f -> T_hat = %s",
bs->f, bs->pdf, T_hat)
......@@ -1214,18 +1213,19 @@ SampledSpectrum VolPathIntegrator::Li(RayDifferential ray, SampledWavelengths &l
if (!interactionSampler.HasSample())
// Convert probe intersection to _BSSRDFSample_ and update path state
// Convert probe intersection to _BSSRDFSample_
SubsurfaceInteraction ssi = interactionSampler.GetSample();
BSSRDFSample bssrdfSample =
bssrdf.ProbeIntersectionToSample(ssi, scratchBuffer);
if (!bssrdfSample.Sp || !bssrdfSample.pdf)
// Update path state for subsurface scattering
T_hat *= bssrdfSample.Sp;
uniPathPDF *= interactionSampler.SampleProbability() * bssrdfSample.pdf;
SurfaceInteraction pi = ssi;
pi.wo = bssrdfSample.wo;
prevIntrContext = LightSampleContext(pi);
// Possibly regularize subsurface BSDF
BSDF &Sw = bssrdfSample.Sw;
anyNonSpecularBounces = true;
......@@ -1235,7 +1235,7 @@ SampledSpectrum VolPathIntegrator::Li(RayDifferential ray, SampledWavelengths &l
} else
// Account for attenuated direct subsurface scattering
// Account for attenuated direct illumination subsurface scattering
L += SampleLd(pi, &Sw, lambda, sampler, T_hat, uniPathPDF);
// Sample ray for indirect subsurface scattering
......@@ -1365,10 +1365,10 @@ SampledSpectrum VolPathIntegrator::SampleLd(const Interaction &intr, const BSDF
if (!T_ray)
return false;
Rescale(T_ray, lightPathPDF, uniPathPDF);
Rescale(&T_ray, &lightPathPDF, &uniPathPDF);
return true;
// Update transmittance estimate for final unsampled segment
// Update transmittance estimate for final segment
T_ray *= T_maj;
lightPathPDF *= T_maj;
uniPathPDF *= T_maj;
......@@ -286,23 +286,23 @@ class VolPathIntegrator : public RayIntegrator {
SampledWavelengths &lambda, Sampler sampler,
SampledSpectrum T_hat, SampledSpectrum pathPDF) const;
static void Rescale(SampledSpectrum &T_hat, SampledSpectrum &uniPathPDF,
SampledSpectrum &lightPathPDF) {
if (T_hat.MaxComponentValue() > 0x1p24f ||
lightPathPDF.MaxComponentValue() > 0x1p24f ||
uniPathPDF.MaxComponentValue() > 0x1p24f) {
static void Rescale(SampledSpectrum *T_hat, SampledSpectrum *uniPathPDF,
SampledSpectrum *lightPathPDF) {
if (T_hat->MaxComponentValue() > 0x1p24f ||
lightPathPDF->MaxComponentValue() > 0x1p24f ||
uniPathPDF->MaxComponentValue() > 0x1p24f) {
// Downscale _T_hat_, _lightPathPDF_, and _uniPathPDF_
T_hat *= 1.f / 0x1p24f;
lightPathPDF *= 1.f / 0x1p24f;
uniPathPDF *= 1.f / 0x1p24f;
*T_hat *= 1.f / 0x1p24f;
*lightPathPDF *= 1.f / 0x1p24f;
*uniPathPDF *= 1.f / 0x1p24f;
// Upscale _T_hat_, _lightPathPDF_, and _uniPathPDF_ if necessary
if (T_hat.MaxComponentValue() < 0x1p-24f ||
lightPathPDF.MaxComponentValue() < 0x1p-24f ||
uniPathPDF.MaxComponentValue() < 0x1p-24f) {
T_hat *= 0x1p24f;
lightPathPDF *= 0x1p24f;
uniPathPDF *= 0x1p24f;
if (T_hat->MaxComponentValue() < 0x1p-24f ||
lightPathPDF->MaxComponentValue() < 0x1p-24f ||
uniPathPDF->MaxComponentValue() < 0x1p-24f) {
*T_hat *= 0x1p24f;
*lightPathPDF *= 0x1p24f;
*uniPathPDF *= 0x1p24f;
......@@ -737,9 +737,19 @@ inline MediumProperties Medium::SamplePoint(Point3f p,
// Medium Sampling Function Definitions
template <typename F>
PBRT_CPU_GPU SampledSpectrum SampleT_maj(Ray ray, Float tMax, Float u, RNG &rng,
const SampledWavelengths &lambda, F callback) {
auto sample = [&](auto medium) {
using M = typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(*medium)>;
return SampleT_maj<M>(ray, tMax, u, rng, lambda, callback);
return ray.medium.Dispatch(sample);
template <typename ConcreteMedium, typename F>
PBRT_CPU_GPU SampledSpectrum SampleT_maj(Ray ray, Float tMax, Float u, RNG &rng,
const SampledWavelengths &lambda, F func) {
const SampledWavelengths &lambda, F callback) {
// Normalize ray direction and update _tMax_ accordingly
tMax *= Length(ray.d);
ray.d = Normalize(ray.d);
......@@ -749,7 +759,7 @@ PBRT_CPU_GPU SampledSpectrum SampleT_maj(Ray ray, Float tMax, Float u, RNG &rng,
typename ConcreteMedium::MajorantIterator iter;
medium->SampleRay(ray, tMax, lambda, &iter);
// Generate ray majorant samples until termination event
// Generate ray majorant samples until termination
SampledSpectrum T_maj(1.f);
bool done = false;
while (!done) {
......@@ -768,16 +778,17 @@ PBRT_CPU_GPU SampledSpectrum SampleT_maj(Ray ray, Float tMax, Float u, RNG &rng,
// Generate samples along current majorant segment
Float tMin = seg->tMin;
while (true) {
// Try to generate sample along current majorant segment
Float t = tMin + SampleExponential(u, seg->sigma_maj[0]);
u = rng.Uniform<Float>();
if (t < seg->tMax) {
// Call callback function for sample along majorant segment
// Call callback function for sample within segment
T_maj *= FastExp(-(t - tMin) * seg->sigma_maj);
MediumProperties mp = medium->SamplePoint(ray(t), lambda);
if (!func(ray(t), mp, seg->sigma_maj, T_maj)) {
if (!callback(ray(t), mp, seg->sigma_maj, T_maj)) {
// Returning out of doubly-nested while loop is not as good perf. wise
// on the GPU vs using "done" here.
done = true;
......@@ -801,16 +812,6 @@ PBRT_CPU_GPU SampledSpectrum SampleT_maj(Ray ray, Float tMax, Float u, RNG &rng,
return SampledSpectrum(1.f);
template <typename F>
PBRT_CPU_GPU SampledSpectrum SampleT_maj(Ray ray, Float tMax, Float u, RNG &rng,
const SampledWavelengths &lambda, F func) {
auto sample = [&](auto medium) {
using Medium = typename std::remove_reference_t<decltype(*medium)>;
return SampleT_maj<Medium>(ray, tMax, u, rng, lambda, func);
return ray.medium.Dispatch(sample);
inline RayMajorantIterator Medium::SampleRay(Ray ray, Float tMax,
const SampledWavelengths &lambda,
ScratchBuffer &buf) const {
......@@ -8,27 +8,21 @@
namespace pbrt {
// It's not unususal for these values to have very large or very small
// magnitudes after multiple (null) scattering events, even though in the
// end ratios like T_hat/uniPathPDF are generally around 1. To avoid overflow,
// we rescale all three of them by the same factor when they become large.
static inline void rescale(SampledSpectrum &T_hat, SampledSpectrum &lightPathPDF,
SampledSpectrum &uniPathPDF) {
// Note that no precision is lost in the rescaling since we're always
// multiplying by an exact power of 2.
if (T_hat.MaxComponentValue() > 0x1p24f ||
lightPathPDF.MaxComponentValue() > 0x1p24f ||
uniPathPDF.MaxComponentValue() > 0x1p24f) {
T_hat *= 1.f / 0x1p24f;
lightPathPDF *= 1.f / 0x1p24f;
uniPathPDF *= 1.f / 0x1p24f;
} else if (T_hat.MaxComponentValue() < 0x1p-24f ||
lightPathPDF.MaxComponentValue() < 0x1p-24f ||
uniPathPDF.MaxComponentValue() < 0x1p-24f) {
T_hat *= 0x1p24f;
lightPathPDF *= 0x1p24f;
uniPathPDF *= 0x1p24f;
static inline void rescale(SampledSpectrum *T_hat, SampledSpectrum *lightPathPDF,
SampledSpectrum *uniPathPDF) {
if (T_hat->MaxComponentValue() > 0x1p24f ||
lightPathPDF->MaxComponentValue() > 0x1p24f ||
uniPathPDF->MaxComponentValue() > 0x1p24f) {
*T_hat *= 1.f / 0x1p24f;
*lightPathPDF *= 1.f / 0x1p24f;
*uniPathPDF *= 1.f / 0x1p24f;
} else if (T_hat->MaxComponentValue() < 0x1p-24f ||
lightPathPDF->MaxComponentValue() < 0x1p-24f ||
uniPathPDF->MaxComponentValue() < 0x1p-24f) {
*T_hat *= 0x1p24f;
*lightPathPDF *= 0x1p24f;
*uniPathPDF *= 0x1p24f;
......@@ -86,7 +80,7 @@ void WavefrontPathIntegrator::SampleMediumInteraction(int wavefrontDepth) {
ray, tMax, uDist, rng, lambda,
[&](Point3f p, MediumProperties mp, SampledSpectrum sigma_maj,
SampledSpectrum T_maj) {
rescale(T_hat, uniPathPDF, lightPathPDF);
rescale(&T_hat, &uniPathPDF, &lightPathPDF);
PBRT_DBG("Medium event T_maj %f %f %f %f sigma_a %f %f %f %f sigma_s "
"%f %f "
......@@ -22,20 +22,20 @@
namespace pbrt {
static inline void rescale(SampledSpectrum &T_hat, SampledSpectrum &lightPathPDF,
SampledSpectrum &uniPathPDF) {
if (T_hat.MaxComponentValue() > 0x1p24f ||
lightPathPDF.MaxComponentValue() > 0x1p24f ||
uniPathPDF.MaxComponentValue() > 0x1p24f) {
T_hat *= 1.f / 0x1p24f;
lightPathPDF *= 1.f / 0x1p24f;
uniPathPDF *= 1.f / 0x1p24f;
} else if (T_hat.MaxComponentValue() < 0x1p-24f ||
lightPathPDF.MaxComponentValue() < 0x1p-24f ||
uniPathPDF.MaxComponentValue() < 0x1p-24f) {
T_hat *= 0x1p24f;
lightPathPDF *= 0x1p24f;
uniPathPDF *= 0x1p24f;
static inline void rescale(SampledSpectrum *T_hat, SampledSpectrum *lightPathPDF,
SampledSpectrum *uniPathPDF) {
if (T_hat->MaxComponentValue() > 0x1p24f ||
lightPathPDF->MaxComponentValue() > 0x1p24f ||
uniPathPDF->MaxComponentValue() > 0x1p24f) {
*T_hat *= 1.f / 0x1p24f;
*lightPathPDF *= 1.f / 0x1p24f;
*uniPathPDF *= 1.f / 0x1p24f;
} else if (T_hat->MaxComponentValue() < 0x1p-24f ||
lightPathPDF->MaxComponentValue() < 0x1p-24f ||
uniPathPDF->MaxComponentValue() < 0x1p-24f) {
*T_hat *= 0x1p24f;
*lightPathPDF *= 0x1p24f;
*uniPathPDF *= 0x1p24f;
......@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ void WavefrontPathIntegrator::EvaluateMaterialAndBSDF(MaterialEvalQueue *evalQue
} else
uniPathPDF *= bsdfSample->pdf;
rescale(T_hat, uniPathPDF, lightPathPDF);
rescale(&T_hat, &uniPathPDF, &lightPathPDF);
// Update _etaScale_ accounting for BSDF scattering
Float etaScale = w.etaScale;
if (bsdfSample->IsTransmission())
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