提交 db69a235 编写于 作者: M Matt Pharr

Update from book source. No functional changes.

上级 24067ca2
......@@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ class Integrator {
Integrator(PrimitiveHandle aggregate, std::vector<LightHandle> lights)
: aggregate(aggregate), lights(lights) {
// Integrator constructor implementation
Bounds3f sceneBounds = aggregate.Bounds();
Bounds3f sceneBounds = aggregate ? aggregate.Bounds() : Bounds3f();
LOG_VERBOSE("Scene bounds %s", sceneBounds);
for (auto &light : lights) {
if (light.Type() == LightType::Infinite)
......@@ -105,9 +105,8 @@ template <int N>
class SquareMatrix;
// Math Inline Functions
inline Float Lerp(Float t, Float a, Float b) {
return (1 - t) * a + t * b;
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float Lerp(Float x, Float a, Float b) {
return (1 - x) * a + x * b;
// http://www.plunk.org/~hatch/rightway.php
......@@ -566,8 +565,7 @@ InnerProduct(T... terms) {
return Float(ip);
inline bool Quadratic(float a, float b, float c, float *t0, float *t1) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline bool Quadratic(float a, float b, float c, float *t0, float *t1) {
// Handle case of $a=0$ for quadratic solution
if (a == 0) {
*t0 = *t1 = -c / b;
......@@ -61,13 +61,12 @@ Float SampleCatmullRom2D(pstd::span<const Float> nodes1, pstd::span<const Float>
Float *pdf = nullptr);
// Sampling Inline Functions
inline int SampleDiscrete(pstd::span<const Float> weights, Float u, Float *pdf = nullptr,
Float *uRemapped = nullptr) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline int SampleDiscrete(pstd::span<const Float> weights, Float u,
Float *pmf = nullptr, Float *uRemapped = nullptr) {
// Handle empty _weights_ for discrete sampling
if (weights.empty()) {
if (pdf != nullptr)
*pdf = 0;
if (pmf != nullptr)
*pmf = 0;
return -1;
......@@ -86,26 +85,24 @@ inline int SampleDiscrete(pstd::span<const Float> weights, Float u, Float *pdf =
if (offset == weights.size())
offset = weights.size() - 1;
// Compute PDF and remapped _u_ value, if necessary
// Compute PMF and remapped _u_ value, if necessary
Float p = weights[offset] / sumWeights;
if (pdf != nullptr)
*pdf = p;
if (pmf != nullptr)
*pmf = p;
if (uRemapped != nullptr)
*uRemapped = std::min(u / p, OneMinusEpsilon);
return offset;
inline Float LinearPDF(Float x, Float a, Float b) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float LinearPDF(Float x, Float a, Float b) {
DCHECK(a >= 0 && b >= 0);
if (x < 0 || x > 1)
return 0;
return 2 * Lerp(x, a, b) / (a + b);
inline Float SampleLinear(Float u, Float a, Float b) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float SampleLinear(Float u, Float a, Float b) {
DCHECK(a >= 0 && b >= 0);
if (u == 0 && a == 0)
return 0;
......@@ -113,76 +110,87 @@ inline Float SampleLinear(Float u, Float a, Float b) {
return std::min(x, OneMinusEpsilon);
inline Float InvertLinearSample(Float x, Float a, Float b) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float InvertLinearSample(Float x, Float a, Float b) {
return x * (a * (2 - x) + b * x) / (a + b);
inline Float ExponentialPDF(Float x, Float a) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float ExponentialPDF(Float x, Float a) {
DCHECK_GT(a, 0);
return a * std::exp(-a * x);
inline Float SampleExponential(Float u, Float a) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float SampleExponential(Float u, Float a) {
DCHECK_GT(a, 0);
return -std::log(1 - u) / a;
inline Float InvertExponentialSample(Float x, Float a) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float InvertExponentialSample(Float x, Float a) {
DCHECK_GT(a, 0);
return 1 - std::exp(-a * x);
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float NormalPDF(Float x, Float mu = 0, Float sigma = 1) {
return Gaussian(x, mu, sigma);
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float SampleNormal(Float u, Float mu = 0, Float sigma = 1) {
return mu + Sqrt2 * sigma * ErfInv(2 * u - 1);
inline Float LogisticPDF(Float x, Float s) {
inline Float InvertNormalSample(Float x, Float mu = 0, Float sigma = 1) {
return 0.5f * (1 + std::erf((x - mu) / (sigma * Sqrt2)));
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Point2f SampleTwoNormal(const Point2f &u, Float mu = 0,
Float sigma = 1) {
return {mu + sigma * std::sqrt(-2 * std::log(1 - u[0])) * std::cos(2 * Pi * u[1]),
mu + sigma * std::sqrt(-2 * std::log(1 - u[0])) * std::sin(2 * Pi * u[1])};
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float LogisticPDF(Float x, Float s) {
x = std::abs(x);
return std::exp(-x / s) / (s * Sqr(1 + std::exp(-x / s)));
inline Float SampleLogistic(Float u, Float s) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float SampleLogistic(Float u, Float s) {
return -s * std::log(1 / u - 1);
inline Float InvertLogisticSample(Float x, Float s) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float InvertLogisticSample(Float x, Float s) {
return 1 / (1 + std::exp(-x / s));
inline Float TrimmedLogisticPDF(Float x, Float s, Float a, Float b) {
return Logistic(x, s) / (InvertLogisticSample(b, s) - InvertLogisticSample(a, s));
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float TrimmedLogisticPDF(Float x, Float s, Float a, Float b) {
if (x < a || x > b)
return 0;
auto P = [&](Float x) { return InvertLogisticSample(x, s); };
return Logistic(x, s) / (P(b) - P(a));
inline Float SampleTrimmedLogistic(Float u, Float s, Float a, Float b) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float SampleTrimmedLogistic(Float u, Float s, Float a, Float b) {
DCHECK_LT(a, b);
u = Lerp(u, InvertLogisticSample(a, s), InvertLogisticSample(b, s));
Float x = SampleLogistic(u, s);
auto P = [&](Float x) { return InvertLogisticSample(x, s); };
Float x = SampleLogistic(Lerp(u, P(a), P(b)), s);
return Clamp(x, a, b);
inline Float InvertTrimmedLogisticSample(Float x, Float s, Float a, Float b) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float InvertTrimmedLogisticSample(Float x, Float s, Float a,
Float b) {
DCHECK(a <= x && x <= b);
return (InvertLogisticSample(x, s) - InvertLogisticSample(a, s)) /
(InvertLogisticSample(b, s) - InvertLogisticSample(a, s));
auto P = [&](Float x) { return InvertLogisticSample(x, s); };
return (P(x) - P(a)) / (P(b) - P(a));
inline Float SmoothStepPDF(Float x, Float a, Float b) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float SmoothStepPDF(Float x, Float a, Float b) {
if (x < a || x > b)
return 0;
DCHECK_LT(a, b);
return (2 / (b - a)) * SmoothStep(x, a, b);
inline Float SampleSmoothStep(Float u, Float a, Float b) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float SampleSmoothStep(Float u, Float a, Float b) {
DCHECK_LT(a, b);
auto cdfMinusU = [=](Float x) -> std::pair<Float, Float> {
Float t = (x - a) / (b - a);
......@@ -193,70 +201,42 @@ inline Float SampleSmoothStep(Float u, Float a, Float b) {
return NewtonBisection(a, b, cdfMinusU);
inline Float InvertSmoothStepSample(Float x, Float a, Float b) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float InvertSmoothStepSample(Float x, Float a, Float b) {
Float t = (x - a) / (b - a);
auto P = [&](Float x) { return 2 * Pow<3>(t) - Pow<4>(t); };
return (P(x) - P(a)) / (P(b) - P(a));
inline Float NormalPDF(Float x, Float mu = 0, Float sigma = 1) {
return Gaussian(x, mu, sigma);
inline Float SampleNormal(Float u, Float mu = 0, Float sigma = 1) {
return mu + Sqrt2 * sigma * ErfInv(2 * u - 1);
inline Float InvertNormalSample(Float x, Float mu = 0, Float sigma = 1) {
return 0.5f * (1 + std::erf((x - mu) / (sigma * Sqrt2)));
inline Point2f SampleTwoNormal(const Point2f &u, Float mu = 0, Float sigma = 1) {
return {mu + sigma * std::sqrt(-2 * std::log(1 - u[0])) * std::cos(2 * Pi * u[1]),
mu + sigma * std::sqrt(-2 * std::log(1 - u[0])) * std::sin(2 * Pi * u[1])};
inline Vector3f SampleUniformHemisphere(const Point2f &u) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Vector3f SampleUniformHemisphere(const Point2f &u) {
Float z = u[0];
Float r = SafeSqrt(1 - z * z);
Float r = SafeSqrt(1 - Sqr(z));
Float phi = 2 * Pi * u[1];
return {r * std::cos(phi), r * std::sin(phi), z};
inline Float UniformHemispherePDF() {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float UniformHemispherePDF() {
return Inv2Pi;
inline Point2f InvertUniformHemisphereSample(const Vector3f &v) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Point2f InvertUniformHemisphereSample(const Vector3f &v) {
Float phi = std::atan2(v.y, v.x);
if (phi < 0)
phi += 2 * Pi;
return Point2f(v.z, phi / (2 * Pi));
inline Vector3f SampleUniformSphere(const Point2f &u) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Vector3f SampleUniformSphere(const Point2f &u) {
Float z = 1 - 2 * u[0];
Float r = SafeSqrt(1 - z * z);
Float phi = 2 * Pi * u[1];
return {r * std::cos(phi), r * std::sin(phi), z};
inline Float UniformSpherePDF() {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float UniformSpherePDF() {
return Inv4Pi;
inline Point2f InvertUniformSphereSample(const Vector3f &v) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Point2f InvertUniformSphereSample(const Vector3f &v) {
Float phi = std::atan2(v.y, v.x);
if (phi < 0)
phi += 2 * Pi;
......@@ -277,10 +257,9 @@ inline Point2f InvertUniformDiskPolarSample(const Point2f &p) {
return Point2f(Sqr(p.x) + Sqr(p.y), phi / (2 * Pi));
inline Point2f SampleUniformDiskConcentric(const Point2f &u) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Point2f SampleUniformDiskConcentric(const Point2f &u) {
// Map _u_ to $[-1,1]^2$ and handle degeneracy at the origin
Point2f uOffset = 2.f * u - Vector2f(1, 1);
Point2f uOffset = 2 * u - Vector2f(1, 1);
if (uOffset.x == 0 && uOffset.y == 0)
return {0, 0};
......@@ -326,45 +305,39 @@ inline Point2f InvertUniformDiskConcentricSample(const Point2f &p) {
return {(uo.x + 1) / 2, (uo.y + 1) / 2};
inline Vector3f SampleCosineHemisphere(const Point2f &u) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Vector3f SampleCosineHemisphere(const Point2f &u) {
Point2f d = SampleUniformDiskConcentric(u);
Float z = SafeSqrt(1 - d.x * d.x - d.y * d.y);
return Vector3f(d.x, d.y, z);
inline Float CosineHemispherePDF(Float cosTheta) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float CosineHemispherePDF(Float cosTheta) {
return cosTheta * InvPi;
inline Point2f InvertCosineHemisphereSample(const Vector3f &v) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Point2f InvertCosineHemisphereSample(const Vector3f &v) {
return InvertUniformDiskConcentricSample({v.x, v.y});
inline Float UniformConePDF(Float cosThetaMax) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float UniformConePDF(Float cosThetaMax) {
return 1 / (2 * Pi * (1 - cosThetaMax));
inline Vector3f SampleUniformCone(const Point2f &u, Float cosThetaMax) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Vector3f SampleUniformCone(const Point2f &u, Float cosThetaMax) {
Float cosTheta = (1 - u[0]) + u[0] * cosThetaMax;
Float sinTheta = SafeSqrt(1 - cosTheta * cosTheta);
Float sinTheta = SafeSqrt(1 - Sqr(cosTheta));
Float phi = u[1] * 2 * Pi;
return SphericalDirection(sinTheta, cosTheta, phi);
inline Point2f InvertUniformConeSample(const Vector3f &v, Float cosThetaMax) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Point2f InvertUniformConeSample(const Vector3f &v,
Float cosThetaMax) {
Float cosTheta = v.z;
Float phi = SphericalPhi(v);
return {(cosTheta - 1) / (cosThetaMax - 1), phi / (2 * Pi)};
inline Float BilinearPDF(Point2f p, pstd::span<const Float> w) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float BilinearPDF(Point2f p, pstd::span<const Float> w) {
DCHECK_EQ(4, w.size());
if (p.x < 0 || p.x > 1 || p.y < 0 || p.y > 1)
return 0;
......@@ -373,8 +346,7 @@ inline Float BilinearPDF(Point2f p, pstd::span<const Float> w) {
return 4 * Bilerp({p[0], p[1]}, w) / (w[0] + w[1] + w[2] + w[3]);
inline Point2f SampleBilinear(Point2f u, pstd::span<const Float> w) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Point2f SampleBilinear(Point2f u, pstd::span<const Float> w) {
DCHECK_EQ(4, w.size());
Point2f p;
// Sample $v$ for bilinear marginal distribution
......@@ -387,19 +359,16 @@ inline Point2f SampleBilinear(Point2f u, pstd::span<const Float> w) {
return p;
inline Point2f InvertBilinearSample(Point2f p, pstd::span<const Float> v) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Point2f InvertBilinearSample(Point2f p, pstd::span<const Float> v) {
return {InvertLinearSample(p[0], Lerp(p[1], v[0], v[2]), Lerp(p[1], v[1], v[3])),
InvertLinearSample(p[1], v[0] + v[1], v[2] + v[3])};
inline Float BalanceHeuristic(int nf, Float fPdf, int ng, Float gPdf) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float BalanceHeuristic(int nf, Float fPdf, int ng, Float gPdf) {
return (nf * fPdf) / (nf * fPdf + ng * gPdf);
inline Float PowerHeuristic(int nf, Float fPdf, int ng, Float gPdf) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float PowerHeuristic(int nf, Float fPdf, int ng, Float gPdf) {
Float f = nf * fPdf, g = ng * gPdf;
return (f * f) / (f * f + g * g);
......@@ -722,30 +691,28 @@ class PiecewiseConstant1D {
Float Integral() const { return funcInt; }
size_t size() const { return func.size(); }
Float Sample(Float u, Float *pdf = nullptr, int *off = nullptr) const {
Float Sample(Float u, Float *pdf = nullptr, int *offset = nullptr) const {
// Find surrounding CDF segments and _offset_
int offset =
FindInterval((int)cdf.size(), [&](int index) { return cdf[index] <= u; });
if (off)
*off = offset;
int o = FindInterval((int)cdf.size(), [&](int index) { return cdf[index] <= u; });
if (offset)
*offset = o;
// Compute offset along CDF segment
Float du = u - cdf[offset];
if (cdf[offset + 1] - cdf[offset] > 0)
du /= cdf[offset + 1] - cdf[offset];
Float du = u - cdf[o];
if (cdf[o + 1] - cdf[o] > 0)
du /= cdf[o + 1] - cdf[o];
// Compute PDF for sampled offset
if (pdf != nullptr)
*pdf = (funcInt > 0) ? func[offset] / funcInt : 0;
*pdf = (funcInt > 0) ? func[o] / funcInt : 0;
// Return $x$ corresponding to sample
return Lerp((offset + du) / size(), min, max);
return Lerp((o + du) / size(), min, max);
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