提交 bf90b7d7 编写于 作者: M Matt Pharr

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上级 d5ee6219
......@@ -20,26 +20,17 @@ extern const SquareMatrix<3> LMSFromXYZ, XYZFromLMS;
// RGBColorSpace Method Definitions
RGBColorSpace::RGBColorSpace(Point2f r, Point2f g, Point2f b, SpectrumHandle illuminant,
const RGBToSpectrumTable *rgbToSpectrumTable,
Allocator alloc)
: r(r),
illuminant(illuminant, alloc),
rgbToSpectrumTable(rgbToSpectrumTable) {
// Compute whitepoint primaries
const RGBToSpectrumTable *rgbToSpec, Allocator alloc)
: r(r), g(g), b(b), illuminant(illuminant, alloc), rgbToSpectrumTable(rgbToSpec) {
// Compute whitepoint primaries and XYZ coordinates
XYZ W = SpectrumToXYZ(illuminant);
w = W.xy();
// Compute XYZ coordinates of primaries
XYZ R = XYZ::FromxyY(r), G = XYZ::FromxyY(g), B = XYZ::FromxyY(b);
// Compute _XYZFromRGB_ matrix for color space
// Initialize XYZ color space conversion matrices
SquareMatrix<3> rgb(R.X, G.X, B.X, R.Y, G.Y, B.Y, R.Z, G.Z, B.Z);
XYZ C = *Inverse(rgb) * W;
XYZFromRGB = rgb * SquareMatrix<3>::Diag(C[0], C[1], C[2]);
// Compute _RGBFromXYZ_ matrix for color space
RGBFromXYZ = *Inverse(XYZFromRGB);
......@@ -79,12 +79,12 @@ Transform RotateZ(Float theta) {
// clang-format on
Transform LookAt(const Point3f &pos, const Point3f &look, const Vector3f &up) {
SquareMatrix<4> cameraToWorld;
SquareMatrix<4> worldFromCamera;
// Initialize fourth column of viewing matrix
cameraToWorld[0][3] = pos.x;
cameraToWorld[1][3] = pos.y;
cameraToWorld[2][3] = pos.z;
cameraToWorld[3][3] = 1;
worldFromCamera[0][3] = pos.x;
worldFromCamera[1][3] = pos.y;
worldFromCamera[2][3] = pos.z;
worldFromCamera[3][3] = 1;
// Initialize first three columns of viewing matrix
Vector3f dir = Normalize(look - pos);
......@@ -95,24 +95,24 @@ Transform LookAt(const Point3f &pos, const Point3f &look, const Vector3f &up) {
up.x, up.y, up.z, dir.x, dir.y, dir.z);
Vector3f right = Normalize(Cross(Normalize(up), dir));
Vector3f newUp = Cross(dir, right);
cameraToWorld[0][0] = right.x;
cameraToWorld[1][0] = right.y;
cameraToWorld[2][0] = right.z;
cameraToWorld[3][0] = 0.;
cameraToWorld[0][1] = newUp.x;
cameraToWorld[1][1] = newUp.y;
cameraToWorld[2][1] = newUp.z;
cameraToWorld[3][1] = 0.;
cameraToWorld[0][2] = dir.x;
cameraToWorld[1][2] = dir.y;
cameraToWorld[2][2] = dir.z;
cameraToWorld[3][2] = 0.;
pstd::optional<SquareMatrix<4>> worldToCamera = Inverse(cameraToWorld);
worldFromCamera[0][0] = right.x;
worldFromCamera[1][0] = right.y;
worldFromCamera[2][0] = right.z;
worldFromCamera[3][0] = 0.;
worldFromCamera[0][1] = newUp.x;
worldFromCamera[1][1] = newUp.y;
worldFromCamera[2][1] = newUp.z;
worldFromCamera[3][1] = 0.;
worldFromCamera[0][2] = dir.x;
worldFromCamera[1][2] = dir.y;
worldFromCamera[2][2] = dir.z;
worldFromCamera[3][2] = 0.;
pstd::optional<SquareMatrix<4>> cameraFromWorld = Inverse(worldFromCamera);
return Transform(*worldToCamera, cameraToWorld);
return Transform(*cameraFromWorld, worldFromCamera);
Transform Orthographic(Float zNear, Float zFar) {
......@@ -877,8 +877,7 @@ PBRT_CPU_GPU inline auto Length(const Vector2<T> &v) -> typename TupleLength<T>:
template <typename T>
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline auto Normalize(const Vector2<T> &v)
-> Vector2<typename TupleLength<T>::type> {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline auto Normalize(const Vector2<T> &v) {
return v / Length(v);
......@@ -918,7 +917,7 @@ PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Vector3<T> Cross(const Normal3<T> &v1, const Vector3<T> &v2)
template <typename T>
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline T LengthSquared(const Vector3<T> &v) {
return v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y + v.z * v.z;
return Sqr(v.x) + Sqr(v.y) + Sqr(v.z);
template <typename T>
......@@ -928,7 +927,7 @@ PBRT_CPU_GPU inline auto Length(const Vector3<T> &v) -> typename TupleLength<T>:
template <typename T>
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Vector3<T> Normalize(const Vector3<T> &v) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline auto Normalize(const Vector3<T> &v) {
return v / Length(v);
......@@ -963,8 +962,8 @@ PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float AngleBetween(const Normal3<T> &a, const Normal3<T> &b)
template <typename T>
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Vector3<T> GramSchmidt(const Vector3<T> &a, const Vector3<T> &b) {
return a - Dot(a, b) * b;
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Vector3<T> GramSchmidt(const Vector3<T> &v, const Vector3<T> &w) {
return v - Dot(v, w) * w;
template <typename T>
......@@ -1025,8 +1024,7 @@ PBRT_CPU_GPU inline auto Length(const Normal3<T> &n) -> typename TupleLength<T>:
template <typename T>
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline auto Normalize(const Normal3<T> &n)
-> Normal3<typename TupleLength<T>::type> {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline auto Normalize(const Normal3<T> &n) {
return n / Length(n);
......@@ -1509,7 +1507,7 @@ PBRT_CPU_GPU inline auto DistanceSquared(const Point3<T> &p, const Bounds3<U> &b
TDist dx = std::max<TDist>({0, b.pMin.x - p.x, p.x - b.pMax.x});
TDist dy = std::max<TDist>({0, b.pMin.y - p.y, p.y - b.pMax.y});
TDist dz = std::max<TDist>({0, b.pMin.z - p.z, p.z - b.pMax.z});
return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
return Sqr(dx) + Sqr(dy) + Sqr(dz);
template <typename T, typename U>
......@@ -1620,21 +1618,59 @@ PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Bounds2<T> Union(const Bounds2<T> &b, const Point2<T> &p) {
// Spherical Geometry Inline Functions
inline Vector3f SphericalDirection(Float sinTheta, Float cosTheta, Float phi) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float SphericalTriangleArea(Vector3f a, Vector3f b, Vector3f c) {
// Compute normalized cross products of all direction pairs
Vector3f n_ab = Cross(a, b), n_bc = Cross(b, c), n_ca = Cross(c, a);
if (LengthSquared(n_ab) == 0 || LengthSquared(n_bc) == 0 || LengthSquared(n_ca) == 0)
return {};
n_ab = Normalize(n_ab);
n_bc = Normalize(n_bc);
n_ca = Normalize(n_ca);
// Compute angles $\alpha$, $\beta$, and $\gamma$ at spherical triangle vertices
Float alpha = AngleBetween(n_ab, -n_ca);
Float beta = AngleBetween(n_bc, -n_ab);
Float gamma = AngleBetween(n_ca, -n_bc);
return std::abs(alpha + beta + gamma - Pi);
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float SphericalQuadArea(Vector3f a, Vector3f b, Vector3f c,
Vector3f d);
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float SphericalQuadArea(Vector3f a, Vector3f b, Vector3f c,
Vector3f d) {
Vector3f axb = Cross(a, b), bxc = Cross(b, c);
Vector3f cxd = Cross(c, d), dxa = Cross(d, a);
if (LengthSquared(axb) == 0 || LengthSquared(bxc) == 0 || LengthSquared(cxd) == 0 ||
LengthSquared(dxa) == 0)
return 0;
axb = Normalize(axb);
bxc = Normalize(bxc);
cxd = Normalize(cxd);
dxa = Normalize(dxa);
Float alpha = AngleBetween(dxa, -axb);
Float beta = AngleBetween(axb, -bxc);
Float gamma = AngleBetween(bxc, -cxd);
Float delta = AngleBetween(cxd, -dxa);
return std::abs(alpha + beta + gamma + delta - 2 * Pi);
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Vector3f SphericalDirection(Float sinTheta, Float cosTheta,
Float phi) {
DCHECK(sinTheta >= -1.0001 && sinTheta <= 1.0001);
DCHECK(cosTheta >= -1.0001 && cosTheta <= 1.0001);
return Vector3f(Clamp(sinTheta, -1, 1) * std::cos(phi),
Clamp(sinTheta, -1, 1) * std::sin(phi), Clamp(cosTheta, -1, 1));
inline Float SphericalTheta(const Vector3f &v) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float SphericalTheta(const Vector3f &v) {
return SafeACos(v.z);
inline Float SphericalPhi(const Vector3f &v) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float SphericalPhi(const Vector3f &v) {
Float p = std::atan2(v.y, v.x);
return (p < 0) ? (p + 2 * Pi) : p;
......@@ -1643,7 +1679,7 @@ PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float CosTheta(const Vector3f &w) {
return w.z;
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float Cos2Theta(const Vector3f &w) {
return w.z * w.z;
return Sqr(w.z);
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float AbsCosTheta(const Vector3f &w) {
return std::abs(w.z);
......@@ -1663,13 +1699,11 @@ PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float Tan2Theta(const Vector3f &w) {
return Sin2Theta(w) / Cos2Theta(w);
inline Float CosPhi(const Vector3f &w) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float CosPhi(const Vector3f &w) {
Float sinTheta = SinTheta(w);
return (sinTheta == 0) ? 1 : Clamp(w.x / sinTheta, -1, 1);
inline Float SinPhi(const Vector3f &w) {
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float SinPhi(const Vector3f &w) {
Float sinTheta = SinTheta(w);
return (sinTheta == 0) ? 0 : Clamp(w.y / sinTheta, -1, 1);
......@@ -1682,48 +1716,6 @@ inline Float CosDPhi(const Vector3f &wa, const Vector3f &wb) {
return Clamp((wa.x * wb.x + wa.y * wb.y) / std::sqrt(waxy * wbxy), -1, 1);
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float SphericalTriangleArea(const Vector3f &a, const Vector3f &b,
const Vector3f &c) {
// Compute normalized cross products of all direction pairs
Vector3f n_ab = Cross(a, b), n_bc = Cross(b, c), n_ca = Cross(c, a);
if (LengthSquared(n_ab) == 0 || LengthSquared(n_bc) == 0 || LengthSquared(n_ca) == 0)
return {};
n_ab = Normalize(n_ab);
n_bc = Normalize(n_bc);
n_ca = Normalize(n_ca);
// Compute angles $\alpha$, $\beta$, and $\gamma$ at spherical triangle vertices
Float alpha = AngleBetween(n_ab, -n_ca);
Float beta = AngleBetween(n_bc, -n_ab);
Float gamma = AngleBetween(n_ca, -n_bc);
return std::abs(alpha + beta + gamma - Pi);
PBRT_CPU_GPU inline Float SphericalQuadArea(const Vector3f &a, const Vector3f &b,
const Vector3f &c, const Vector3f &d);
inline Float SphericalQuadArea(const Vector3f &a, const Vector3f &b, const Vector3f &c,
const Vector3f &d) {
Vector3f axb = Cross(a, b), bxc = Cross(b, c);
Vector3f cxd = Cross(c, d), dxa = Cross(d, a);
if (LengthSquared(axb) == 0 || LengthSquared(bxc) == 0 || LengthSquared(cxd) == 0 ||
LengthSquared(dxa) == 0)
return 0;
axb = Normalize(axb);
bxc = Normalize(bxc);
cxd = Normalize(cxd);
dxa = Normalize(dxa);
Float alpha = AngleBetween(dxa, -axb);
Float beta = AngleBetween(axb, -bxc);
Float gamma = AngleBetween(bxc, -cxd);
Float delta = AngleBetween(cxd, -dxa);
return std::abs(alpha + beta + gamma + delta - 2 * Pi);
inline bool SameHemisphere(const Vector3f &w, const Vector3f &wp) {
return w.z * wp.z > 0;
......@@ -1740,14 +1732,15 @@ class OctahedralVector {
// OctahedralVector Public Methods
OctahedralVector() = default;
OctahedralVector(const Vector3f &v) {
Float invL1Norm = 1 / (std::abs(v.x) + std::abs(v.y) + std::abs(v.z));
if (v.z < 0.0f) {
x = Encode((1 - std::abs(v.y * invL1Norm)) * SignNotZero(v.x));
y = Encode((1 - std::abs(v.x * invL1Norm)) * SignNotZero(v.y));
OctahedralVector(Vector3f v) {
v /= std::abs(v.x) + std::abs(v.y) + std::abs(v.z);
if (v.z >= 0) {
x = Encode(v.x);
y = Encode(v.y);
} else {
x = Encode(v.x * invL1Norm);
y = Encode(v.y * invL1Norm);
// Encode octahedral vector with $z < 0$
x = Encode((1 - std::abs(v.y)) * SignNotZero(v.x));
y = Encode((1 - std::abs(v.x)) * SignNotZero(v.y));
......@@ -1757,11 +1750,13 @@ class OctahedralVector {
v.x = -1 + 2 * (x / 65535.f);
v.y = -1 + 2 * (y / 65535.f);
v.z = 1 - (std::abs(v.x) + std::abs(v.y));
// Reparameterize directions in the $z<0$ portion of the octahedron
if (v.z < 0) {
Float xo = v.x;
v.x = (1 - std::abs(v.y)) * SignNotZero(xo);
v.y = (1 - std::abs(xo)) * SignNotZero(v.y);
return Normalize(v);
......@@ -1771,14 +1766,14 @@ class OctahedralVector {
// OctahedralVector Private Methods
static Float SignNotZero(Float v) { return (v < 0) ? -1 : 1; }
static uint16_t Encode(Float f) {
return std::round(Clamp((f + 1) / 2, 0, 1) * 65535.f);
static Float SignNotZero(Float v) { return (v < 0) ? -1 : 1; }
// OctahedralVector Private Members
uint16_t x, y;
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