提交 ae3aa71a 编写于 作者: HypoX64's avatar HypoX64

update README.md

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......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
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[[Confusion matrix]](https://github.com/HypoX64/candock/blob/master/image/confusion_mat)<br>
* sleep-edf<br>
| Network | Label average recall | Label average accuracy | error rate |
| :------------- | :------------------- | ---------------------- | ---------- |
| lstm | 0.8342 | 0.9611 | 0.0974 |
......@@ -39,6 +40,7 @@
| DFCNN+resnet50 | 0.7916 | 0.9607 | 0.0983 |
* sleep-edfx(only sleep time)<br>
| Network | Label average recall | Label average accuracy | error rate |
| :------------- | :------------------- | ---------------------- | ---------- |
| lstm | 0.7864 | 0.9166 | 0.2085 |
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