提交 00a3c161 编写于 作者: H HypoX64

First commit

上级 1d78f68d
# myrules
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# Plogo
A Pornhub Flavour Video Template
# Plogo —— A Pornhub Flavour Video Template
| English | [中文版](./README_CN.md) |
## Getting Started
### Prerequisites
* Windows or Mac OS
* [Adobe After Effects CC 2017+](https://www.adobe.com/)
### Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/HypoX64/Plogo
cd Plogo
### Open main.aep
### Change your logo and title, then render main composition
\ No newline at end of file
# Plogo —— Pornhub 风格的视频模板
| [English]((./README.md)) | 中文版 |
## 入门
### 前提要求
* 运行Windows 或者 Mac OS 的电脑
* [Adobe After Effects CC 2017+](https://www.adobe.com/)
### 克隆仓库(就是右上角下载一下就好)
git clone https://github.com/HypoX64/Plogo
cd Plogo
### 打开 main.aep(双击就好)
### 进入下列合成替换你的文字和logo,然后渲染视频
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