提交 c919445c 编写于 作者: A Amirsina Torfi

data augmentation

上级 367dd6a7
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import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds # Import TensorFlow datasets
import urllib
import tensorflow_datasets as tfds
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# Necessary for dealing with https urls
import ssl
ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context
# We read only the first 10 training samples
ds, ds_info = tfds.load('colorectal_histology', split='train', shuffle_files=True, with_info=True, download=True)
assert isinstance(ds, tf.data.Dataset)
# Visualizing images
fig = tfds.show_examples(ds, ds_info)
# Reading all images (remove break point to read all)
for example in tfds.as_numpy(ds):
image, label = example['image'], example['label']
# take one sample from data
one_sample = ds.take(1)
one_sample = list(one_sample.as_numpy_iterator())
image = one_sample[0]['image']
label = one_sample[0]['label']
# Side by side visualization
def visualize(im, imAgmented, operation):
fig = plt.figure()
plt.title('Original image')
# Adding Gaussian noise to image
common_type = tf.float32 # Make noise and image of the same type
gnoise = tf.random.normal(shape=tf.shape(image), mean=0.0, stddev=0.1, dtype=common_type)
image_type_converted = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(image, dtype=common_type, saturate=False)
noisy_image = tf.add(image_type_converted, gnoise)
visualize(image_type_converted, noisy_image, 'noisyimage')
# Adjusting brighness
bright = tf.image.adjust_brightness(image, 0.2)
visualize(image, bright, 'brightened image')
# Flip image
flipped = tf.image.flip_left_right(image)
visualize(image, flipped, 'flipped image')
adjusted = tf.image.adjust_jpeg_quality(image, jpeg_quality=20)
visualize(image, adjusted, 'quality adjusted image')
# Randon cropping of the image (the cropping area is picked at random)
crop_to_original_ratio = 0.5 # The scale of the cropped area to the original image
new_size = int(crop_to_original_ratio * image.shape[0])
cropped = tf.image.random_crop(image, size=[new_size,new_size,3])
visualize(image, cropped, 'randomly cropped image')
# Center cropping of the image (the cropping area is at the center)
central_fraction = 0.6 # The scale of the cropped area to the original image
center_cropped = tf.image.central_crop(image, central_fraction=central_fraction)
visualize(image, center_cropped, 'centrally cropped image')
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