提交 f3ab8def 编写于 作者: R Raaj 提交者: Gines

Change python name (#1016)

上级 4151a196
......@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ try:
# Change these variables to point to the correct folder (Release/x64 etc.)
sys.path.append(dir_path + '/../../python/openpose/Release');
os.environ['PATH'] = os.environ['PATH'] + ';' + dir_path + '/../../x64/Release;' + dir_path + '/../../bin;'
import _openpose as op
import openpose_python as op
# Change these variables to point to the correct folder (Release/x64 etc.)
# If you run `make install` (default path is `/usr/local/python` for Ubuntu), you can also access the OpenPose/python module from there. This will install OpenPose and the python library at your desired installation path. Ensure that this is in your python path in order to use it.
# sys.path.append('/usr/local/python')
from openpose import openpose as op
from openpose import openpose_python as op
raise Exception('Error: OpenPose library could not be found. Did you enable `BUILD_PYTHON` in CMake and have this Python script in the right folder?')
......@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ try:
# Change these variables to point to the correct folder (Release/x64 etc.)
sys.path.append(dir_path + '/../../python/openpose/Release');
os.environ['PATH'] = os.environ['PATH'] + ';' + dir_path + '/../../x64/Release;' + dir_path + '/../../bin;'
import _openpose as op
import openpose_python as op
# Change these variables to point to the correct folder (Release/x64 etc.)
# If you run `make install` (default path is `/usr/local/python` for Ubuntu), you can also access the OpenPose/python module from there. This will install OpenPose and the python library at your desired installation path. Ensure that this is in your python path in order to use it.
# sys.path.append('/usr/local/python')
from openpose import openpose as op
from openpose import openpose_python as op
raise Exception('Error: OpenPose library could not be found. Did you enable `BUILD_PYTHON` in CMake and have this Python script in the right folder?')
......@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ try:
# Change these variables to point to the correct folder (Release/x64 etc.)
sys.path.append(dir_path + '/../../python/openpose/Release');
os.environ['PATH'] = os.environ['PATH'] + ';' + dir_path + '/../../x64/Release;' + dir_path + '/../../bin;'
import _openpose as op
import openpose_python as op
# Change these variables to point to the correct folder (Release/x64 etc.)
# If you run `make install` (default path is `/usr/local/python` for Ubuntu), you can also access the OpenPose/python module from there. This will install OpenPose and the python library at your desired installation path. Ensure that this is in your python path in order to use it.
# sys.path.append('/usr/local/python')
from openpose import openpose as op
from openpose import openpose_python as op
raise Exception('Error: OpenPose library could not be found. Did you enable `BUILD_PYTHON` in CMake and have this Python script in the right folder?')
......@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ try:
# Change these variables to point to the correct folder (Release/x64 etc.)
sys.path.append(dir_path + '/../../python/openpose/Release');
os.environ['PATH'] = os.environ['PATH'] + ';' + dir_path + '/../../x64/Release;' + dir_path + '/../../bin;'
import _openpose as op
import openpose_python as op
# Change these variables to point to the correct folder (Release/x64 etc.)
# If you run `make install` (default path is `/usr/local/python` for Ubuntu), you can also access the OpenPose/python module from there. This will install OpenPose and the python library at your desired installation path. Ensure that this is in your python path in order to use it.
# sys.path.append('/usr/local/python')
from openpose import openpose as op
from openpose import openpose_python as op
raise Exception('Error: OpenPose library could not be found. Did you enable `BUILD_PYTHON` in CMake and have this Python script in the right folder?')
pybind11_add_module(openpose_python _openpose.cpp)
pybind11_add_module(openpose_python openpose_python.cpp)
target_link_libraries(openpose_python PRIVATE pybind11::module openpose ${OpenPose_3rdparty_libraries})
from . import _openpose as openpose
from . import openpose_python as openpose_python
......@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ public:
PYBIND11_MODULE(_openpose, m) {
PYBIND11_MODULE(openpose_python, m) {
// Functions for Init Params
m.def("init_int", &init_int, "Init Function");
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