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# Ubuntu Build Environment<a name="EN-US_TOPIC_0000001161257591"></a>

-   [Setting up a Ubuntu Build Environment Using a Docker Environment](#section1643363843714)
    -   [Obtaining System Source Code](#section58448331029)
    -   [Installing and Using the Docker Environment](#section22916211916)

-   [Setting up a Ubuntu Build Environment Using an Installation Package](#section25961010189)
    -   [Obtaining Standard-System Source Code](#section15424183111912)
    -   [Installing Dependent Tools](#section109262032104819)
    -   [Obtaining prebuilts](#section16453104219209)
    -   [Configuring the Node.js Environment and Obtaining the Node\_modules Dependency Package](#section133741330192119)
    -   [Installing the hc-gen Tool](#section149281248182116)

You can use either the Docker environment or installation package provided by OpenHarmony to set up a Ubuntu build environment. This section describes the two methods.

## Setting up a Ubuntu Build Environment Using a Docker Environment<a name="section1643363843714"></a>

The standard OpenHarmony system provides a Docker environment which encapsulates build tools. To use the Docker environment, perform the following steps:

1.  Obtain the system source code.
2.  Install and use the Docker environment.

### Obtaining System Source Code<a name="section58448331029"></a>

For details, see  [Source Code Acquisition](../get-code/source-code-acquisition.md).

### Installing and Using the Docker Environment<a name="section22916211916"></a>

For details, see  [Installing and Using Docker](../get-code/tool-acquisition.md).

## Setting up a Ubuntu Build Environment Using an Installation Package<a name="section25961010189"></a>

The procedure is as follows:

1.  Obtain the system source code.
2.  Install dependent tools.
3.  Obtain prebuilts.
4.  Configure the Node.js environment and obtain the Node\_modules dependency package.
5.  Install the hc-gen tool.

### Obtaining Standard-System Source Code<a name="section15424183111912"></a>

For details, see  [Source Code Acquisition](../get-code/source-code-acquisition.md).

### Installing Dependent Tools<a name="section109262032104819"></a>

The installation command is as follows:

xiaofan 已提交
sudo apt-get install binutils git-core git-lfs gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 lib32ncurses5-dev x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32z-dev ccache libgl1-mesa-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc unzip m4
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### Obtaining prebuilts<a name="section16453104219209"></a>

1.  Go to the OpenHarmony working directory.

    cd OpenHarmony

2.  Download the script.

    curl https://gitee.com/landwind/script-tools/raw/master/Shell/OpenHarmony/OpenHarmony_2.0_canary_prebuilts_download.sh >./prebuilts_download.sh

3.  Download and decompress the prebuilts package in a specified directory.

    bash ./prebuilts_download.sh

    By default, binary files are stored in the  **OpenHarmony\_2.0\_canary\_prebuilts**  directory, which is in the same directory as  **OpenHarmony**. To change the storage path, change the value of  **bin\_dir**  in  **prebuilts\_download.sh**.

4.  Return to the previous directory.

    cd -

### Configuring the Node.js Environment and Obtaining the Node\_modules Dependency Package<a name="section133741330192119"></a>

To build the JS framework, you need to download and configure Node.js on a Linux server. The procedure is as follows:

1.  Download Node.js on a Linux server.

    mkdir -p OpenHarmony/prebuilts/build-tools/common/nodejs                                # Create the nodejs directory.
    cd OpenHarmony/prebuilts/build-tools/common/nodejs                                      # Go to the nodejs directory.
    wget --no-check-certificate https://nodejs.org/download/release/v12.18.4/node-v12.18.4-linux-x64.tar.gz # Download the Node.js package.

2.  Decompress the Node.js package and configure the Node.js environment.

    tar -zxvf node-v12.18.4-linux-x64.tar.gz                                                      # Decompress the Node.js package.
    echo "export PATH=`pwd`/node-v12.18.4-linux-x64/bin:${PATH}" >> ~/.bashrc;source ~/.bashrc    # Set a Node.js environment variable.
    cd -                                                                                          # Return to the previous directory.

3.  Go to the  **third\_party/jsframework**  directory of the OpenHarmony code and download the  **node\_modules**  package.

    cd OpenHarmony/third_party/jsframework                  # Go to the jsframework directory.
    npm install                                             # Download the node_modules package.
    cd -                                                    # Return to the previous directory.

4.  Store the  **node\_modules**  package in the  **prebuilts/build-tools/common/js-framework**  directory of the OpenHarmony code.

    mkdir -p OpenHarmony/prebuilts/build-tools/common/js-framework          # Create the js-framework directory.
    cp -rp OpenHarmony/third_party/jsframework/node_modules OpenHarmony/prebuilts/build-tools/common/js-framework/

### Installing the hc-gen Tool<a name="section149281248182116"></a>

hc-gen is used to compile the driver. To install hc-gen, perform the following steps:

1.  Start a Linux server.
2.  Download  [hc-gen](https://repo.huaweicloud.com/harmonyos/compiler/hc-gen/0.65/linux/hc-gen-0.65-linux.tar).
3.  Decompress the hc-gen installation package to  **\~/hc-gen**  on the Linux server.

    tar -xvf hc-gen-0.65-linux.tar -C ~/

4.  Set an environment variable.

    vim ~/.bashrc

    Copy the following command to the last line of the  **.bashrc**  file, save the file, and exit.

    export PATH=~/hc-gen:$PATH

5.  Validate the environment variable.

    source ~/.bashrc