This is our first stable release 🎉 This version supports nvim v0.8.* (New features from nvim v0.9 are not yet supported.)

Changes brought till this release would require a manual cleanup. Refer to the 'SUMMARY' section for detailed instructions.


  1. The package manager is now lazy.nvim. To remove old packer.nvim cache, delete the following folder manually (This path is the same on all platforms):
rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack
  1. There's a new interactive bootstrapper for Windows! Windows users can invoke this script to automatically install missing dependencies and set required options. Even if you have installed nvimdots before, we still recommend you to execute this install script to ensure that everything works properly. Note: This script REQUIRES powershell > v7.1
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; Invoke-Expression ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
  1. We now support editing big files. This feature has been tested with ~25 MiB json file and ~183 MiB plain text file.
  2. README has been rewritten!
  3. Minor fixes. Have a look at the "What's Changed" section for more information.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:



发行版本 6



贡献者 30



  • Lua 87.4 %
  • PowerShell 8.5 %
  • Shell 4.0 %