提交 fa701a6a 编写于 作者: H horsesword


上级 65dcd618
radio-/checkbutton 1px kleiner (d.h 15 bzw 17px bei radiobutton) und ins rechte untere eck verschieben
# ttk-Breeze
a Tk / ttk theme similar to the KDE standard theme Breeze
# breeze.tcl --
# Breeze pixmap theme for the ttk package.
# Copyright (c) 2018 Maximilian Lika
package require Tk 8.6.0
namespace eval ttk::theme::Breeze {
variable version 0.8
package provide ttk::theme::Breeze $version
variable colors
array set colors {
-fg "#31363b"
-bg "#eff0f1"
#-disabledbg "#e3e5e6"
#-disabledfg "#a8a9aa"
-disabledfg "#bbcbbe"
-disabledbg "#e7e8ea"
-selectbg "#3daee9"
-selectfg "white"
-window "#eff0f1"
-focuscolor "#3daee9"
-checklight "#94d0eb"
proc LoadImages {imgdir} {
variable I
foreach file [glob -directory $imgdir *.png] {
set img [file tail [file rootname $file]]
set I($img) [image create photo -file $file -format png]
LoadImages [file join [file dirname [info script]] Breeze]
ttk::style theme create Breeze -parent default -settings {
ttk::style configure . \
-background $colors(-bg) \
-foreground $colors(-fg) \
-troughcolor $colors(-bg) \
-selectbackground $colors(-selectbg) \
-selectforeground $colors(-selectfg) \
-fieldbackground $colors(-window) \
-font "Helvetica 10" \
-borderwidth 1 \
-focuscolor $colors(-focuscolor) \
-highlightcolor $colors(-checklight)
ttk::style map . -foreground [list disabled $colors(-disabledfg)]
# Layouts:
ttk::style layout TButton {
Button.button -children {
Button.padding -children {
Button.label -side left -expand true
ttk::style layout Toolbutton {
Toolbutton.button -children {
Toolbutton.padding -children {
Toolbutton.label -side left -expand true
ttk::style layout Vertical.TScrollbar {
Vertical.Scrollbar.trough -sticky ns -children {
Vertical.Scrollbar.thumb -expand true
ttk::style layout Horizontal.TScrollbar {
Horizontal.Scrollbar.trough -sticky ew -children {
Horizontal.Scrollbar.thumb -expand true
ttk::style layout TMenubutton {
Menubutton.button -children {
Menubutton.focus -children {
Menubutton.padding -children {
Menubutton.indicator -side right
Menubutton.label -side right -expand true
ttk::style layout Item {
Treeitem.padding -sticky nswe -children {
Treeitem.indicator -side left -sticky {} Treeitem.image -side left -sticky {} -children {
Treeitem.text -side left -sticky {}
# Elements:
ttk::style element create Button.button image [list $I(button) \
pressed $I(button-focus) \
{active focus} $I(button-active) \
active $I(button-hover) \
focus $I(button-hover) \
disabled $I(button-insensitive) \
] -border 3 -sticky ewns
ttk::style element create Toolbutton.button image [list $I(empty) \
{active selected !disabled} $I(button-active) \
selected $I(button-toggled) \
pressed $I(button-active) \
{active !disabled} $I(button-hover) \
] -border 3 -sticky news
ttk::style element create Checkbutton.indicator image [list $I(checkbox-unchecked) \
disabled $I(checkbox-unchecked-insensitive) \
{pressed selected} $I(checkbox-checked-pressed) \
{active selected} $I(checkbox-checked-active) \
{pressed !selected} $I(checkbox-unchecked-pressed) \
active $I(checkbox-unchecked-active) \
selected $I(checkbox-checked) \
{disabled selected} $I(checkbox-checked-insensitive) \
] -width 22 -sticky w
ttk::style element create Radiobutton.indicator image [list $I(radio-unchecked) \
disabled $I(radio-unchecked-insensitive) \
{pressed selected} $I(radio-checked-pressed) \
{active selected} $I(radio-checked-active) \
{pressed !selected} $I(radio-unchecked-pressed) \
active $I(radio-unchecked-active) \
selected $I(radio-checked) \
{disabled selected} $I(radio-checked-insensitive) \
] -width 22 -sticky w
ttk::style element create Horizontal.Scrollbar.trough image $I(scrollbar-trough-horiz-active) \
-border {6 0 6 0} -sticky ew
ttk::style element create Horizontal.Scrollbar.thumb \
image [list $I(scrollbar-slider-horiz) \
{active !disabled} $I(scrollbar-slider-horiz-active) \
disabled $I(scrollbar-slider-insens) \
] -border {6 0 6 0} -sticky ew
ttk::style element create Vertical.Scrollbar.trough image $I(scrollbar-trough-vert-active) \
-border {0 6 0 6} -sticky ns
ttk::style element create Vertical.Scrollbar.thumb \
image [list $I(scrollbar-slider-vert) \
{active !disabled} $I(scrollbar-slider-vert-active) \
disabled $I(scrollbar-slider-insens) \
] -border {0 6 0 6} -sticky ns
ttk::style element create Horizontal.Scale.trough \
image [list $I(scrollbar-slider-horiz) disabled $I(scale-trough-horizontal)] \
-border {8 5 8 5} -padding 0
ttk::style element create Horizontal.Scale.slider \
image [list $I(scale-slider) \
disabled $I(scale-slider-insensitive) \
pressed $I(scale-slider-pressed)\
active $I(scale-slider-active) \
] \
-sticky {}
ttk::style element create Vertical.Scale.trough \
image [list $I(scrollbar-slider-vert) disabled $I(scale-trough-vertical)] \
-border {8 5 8 5} -padding 0
ttk::style element create Vertical.Scale.slider \
image [list $I(scale-slider) \
disabled $I(scale-slider-insensitive) \
pressed $I(scale-slider-pressed)\
active $I(scale-slider-active) \
] \
-sticky {}
ttk::style element create Entry.field \
image [list $I(entry) \
{focus !disabled} $I(entry-focus) \
{hover !disabled} $I(entry-active) \
disabled $I(entry-insensitive)] \
-border 3 -padding {6 8} -sticky news
ttk::style element create Labelframe.border image $I(labelframe) \
-border 4 -padding 4 -sticky news
ttk::style element create Menubutton.button \
image [list $I(button) \
pressed $I(button-active) \
active $I(button-hover) \
disabled $I(button-insensitive) \
] -sticky news -border 3 -padding {3 2}
ttk::style element create Menubutton.indicator \
image [list $I(arrow-down) \
active $I(arrow-down-prelight) \
pressed $I(arrow-down-prelight) \
disabled $I(arrow-down-insens) \
] -sticky e -width 20
ttk::style element create Combobox.field \
image [list $I(entry) \
{readonly disabled} $I(button-insensitive) \
{readonly pressed} $I(button-hover) \
{readonly focus hover} $I(button-active) \
{readonly focus} $I(button-focus) \
{readonly hover} $I(button-hover) \
readonly $I(button) \
{disabled} $I(entry-insensitive) \
{focus} $I(entry-focus) \
{focus hover} $I(entry-focus) \
{hover} $I(entry-active) \
] -border 4 -padding {6 8}
ttk::style element create Combobox.downarrow \
image [list $I(arrow-down) \
active $I(arrow-down-prelight) \
pressed $I(arrow-down-prelight) \
disabled $I(arrow-down-insens) \
] -border 4 -sticky {}
ttk::style element create Spinbox.field \
image [list $I(entry) focus $I(entry-focus) disabled $I(entry-insensitive) hover $I(entry-active)] \
-border 4 -padding {6 8} -sticky news
ttk::style element create Spinbox.uparrow \
image [list $I(arrow-up-small) \
active $I(arrow-up-small-prelight) \
pressed $I(arrow-up-small-prelight) \
disabled $I(arrow-up-small-insens) \
] -border 4 -sticky {}
ttk::style element create Spinbox.downarrow \
image [list $I(arrow-down-small) \
active $I(arrow-down-small-prelight) \
pressed $I(arrow-down-small-prelight) \
disabled $I(arrow-down-small-insens) \
] -border 4 -sticky {}
ttk::style element create Notebook.client \
image $I(notebook-client) -border 1
ttk::style element create Notebook.tab \
image [list $I(notebook-tab-top) \
selected $I(notebook-tab-top-active) \
active $I(notebook-tab-top-hover) \
] -padding {12 4 12 4} -border 2
# TODO Enhance
ttk::style element create Horizontal.Progressbar.trough \
image $I(scrollbar-trough-horiz-active) -border {6 0 6 0} -sticky ew
ttk::style element create Horizontal.Progressbar.pbar \
image $I(scrollbar-slider-horiz) -border {6 0 6 0} -sticky ew
ttk::style element create Vertical.Progressbar.trough \
image $I(scrollbar-trough-vert-active) -border {0 6 0 6} -sticky ns
ttk::style element create Vertical.Progressbar.pbar \
image $I(scrollbar-slider-vert) -border {0 6 0 6} -sticky ns
# TODO: Ab hier noch teilweise Arc style
ttk::style element create Treeview.field \
image $I(treeview) -border 1
ttk::style element create Treeheading.cell \
image [list $I(notebook-client) \
active $I(treeheading-prelight)] \
-border 1 -padding 4 -sticky ewns
# TODO: arrow-* ist at the moment a little bit too big
# the small version is too small :-)
# And at the moment there are no lines as in the Breeze theme
# And hover, pressed doesn't work
ttk::style element create Treeitem.indicator \
image [list $I(arrow-right) \
user2 $I(empty) \
user1 $I(arrow-down) \
] \
-width 15 -sticky w
# I don't know why Only with this I get a thin enough sash
ttk::style element create vsash image $I(transparent) -sticky e -padding 1 -width 1
ttk::style element create hsash image $I(transparent) -sticky n -padding 1 -width 1
#ttk::style element create Separator.separator image $I()
# Settings:
ttk::style configure TButton -padding {8 4 8 4} -width -10 -anchor center
ttk::style configure TMenubutton -padding {8 4 4 4}
ttk::style configure Toolbutton -padding {6 2} -anchor center
ttk::style configure TCheckbutton -padding 4
ttk::style configure TRadiobutton -padding 4
ttk::style configure TSeparator -background $colors(-bg)
#ttk::style configure TPanedwindow -width 1 -padding 0
ttk::style map TPanedwindow -background [list hover $colors(-checklight)]
ttk::style map TCombobox -selectbackground [list \
!focus $colors(-window) \
{readonly hover} $colors(-checklight) \
{readonly focus} $colors(-focuscolor) \
ttk::style map TCombobox -selectforeground [list \
!focus $colors(-fg) \
{readonly hover} $colors(-fg) \
{readonly focus} $colors(-selectfg) \
# Treeview
ttk::style configure Treeview -background white
ttk::style configure Treeview.Item -padding {2 0 0 0}
ttk::style map Treeview \
-background [list selected $colors(-selectbg)] \
-foreground [list selected $colors(-selectfg)]
# Some defaults for non ttk-widgets so that they fit
# to the Breeze theme, too
tk_setPalette background [ttk::style lookup . -background] \
foreground [ttk::style lookup . -foreground] \
highlightColor [ttk::style lookup . -focuscolor] \
selectBackground [ttk::style lookup . -selectbackground] \
selectForeground [ttk::style lookup . -selectforeground] \
activeBackground [ttk::style lookup . -selectbackground] \
activeForeground [ttk::style lookup . -selectforeground]
option add *font [ttk::style lookup . -font]
# pkgIndex.tcl for additional tile pixmap theme Arc.
# We don't provide the package is the image subdirectory isn't present,
# or we don't have the right version of Tcl/Tk
# To use this automatically within tile, the tile-using application should
# use tile::availableThemes and tile::setTheme
if {![file isdirectory [file join $dir Breeze]]} { return }
if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.6]} { return }
package ifneeded ttk::theme::Breeze 0.8 \
[list source [file join $dir breeze.tcl]]
......@@ -4538,11 +4538,9 @@ def set_style(style):
app.window.tk.call('lappend', 'auto_path', './styles/awthemes-10.4.0')
app.window.tk.call('package', 'require', 'awlight')
# app.window.tk.call('package', 'require', 'awarc')
# app.window.tk.call('package', 'require', 'awbreeze')
app.window.tk.call('package', 'require', 'awdark')
style.theme_use('awlight') # awlight awdark
style.theme_use('awlight') # awlight awdark clam X
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