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# Protected branches API

> 原文:[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/protected_branches.html](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/protected_branches.html)

*   [List protected branches](#list-protected-branches)
*   [Get a single protected branch or wildcard protected branch](#get-a-single-protected-branch-or-wildcard-protected-branch)
*   [Protect repository branches](#protect-repository-branches)
    *   [Example with user / group level access](#example-with-user--group-level-access-starter)
*   [Unprotect repository branches](#unprotect-repository-branches)
*   [Require code owner approvals for a single branch](#require-code-owner-approvals-for-a-single-branch)

# Protected branches API[](#protected-branches-api "Permalink")

**注意:**此功能是在 GitLab 9.5 中引入的


访问级别在`ProtectedRefAccess.allowed_access_levels`方法中定义. 当前,这些级别被认可:

0  => No access
30 => Developer access
40 => Maintainer access
60 => Admin access 

## List protected branches[](#list-protected-branches "Permalink")


GET /projects/:id/protected_branches 

| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `id` | integer/string | yes | 经过身份验证的用户拥有[的项目](README.html#namespaced-path-encoding)的 ID 或[URL 编码路径](README.html#namespaced-path-encoding) |
| `search` | string | no | 要搜索的受保护分支的名称或名称的一部分 |

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/5/protected_branches" 


[  {  "id":  1,  "name":  "master",  "push_access_levels":  [  {  "access_level":  40,  "access_level_description":  "Maintainers"  }  ],  "merge_access_levels":  [  {  "access_level":  40,  "access_level_description":  "Maintainers"  }  ],  "code_owner_approval_required":  "false"  },  ...  ] 

使用 GitLab [Starter,Bronze 或更高版本的用户](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/)还将看到`user_id``group_id`参数:


[  {  "id":  1,  "name":  "master",  "push_access_levels":  [  {  "access_level":  40,  "user_id":  null,  "group_id":  null,  "access_level_description":  "Maintainers"  }  ],  "merge_access_levels":  [  {  "access_level":  null,  "user_id":  null,  "group_id":  1234,  "access_level_description":  "Example Merge Group"  }  ],  "code_owner_approval_required":  "false"  },  ...  ] 

## Get a single protected branch or wildcard protected branch[](#get-a-single-protected-branch-or-wildcard-protected-branch "Permalink")


GET /projects/:id/protected_branches/:name 

| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `id` | integer/string | yes | 经过身份验证的用户拥有[的项目](README.html#namespaced-path-encoding)的 ID 或[URL 编码路径](README.html#namespaced-path-encoding) |
| `name` | string | yes | 分支或通配符的名称 |

curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/5/protected_branches/master" 


{  "id":  1,  "name":  "master",  "push_access_levels":  [  {  "access_level":  40,  "access_level_description":  "Maintainers"  }  ],  "merge_access_levels":  [  {  "access_level":  40,  "access_level_description":  "Maintainers"  }  ],  "code_owner_approval_required":  "false"  } 

使用 GitLab [Starter,Bronze 或更高版本的用户](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/)还将看到`user_id``group_id`参数:


{  "id":  1,  "name":  "master",  "push_access_levels":  [  {  "access_level":  40,  "user_id":  null,  "group_id":  null,  "access_level_description":  "Maintainers"  }  ],  "merge_access_levels":  [  {  "access_level":  null,  "user_id":  null,  "group_id":  1234,  "access_level_description":  "Example Merge Group"  }  ],  "code_owner_approval_required":  "false"  } 

## Protect repository branches[](#protect-repository-branches "Permalink")


POST /projects/:id/protected_branches 

curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/5/protected_branches?name=*-stable&push_access_level=30&merge_access_level=30&unprotect_access_level=40" 

| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `id` | integer/string | yes | 经过身份验证的用户拥有[的项目](README.html#namespaced-path-encoding)的 ID 或[URL 编码路径](README.html#namespaced-path-encoding) |
| `name` | string | yes | 分支或通配符的名称 |
| `push_access_level` | string | no | 允许推送的访问级别(默认值: `40` ,维护者访问级别) |
| `merge_access_level` | string | no | 允许合并的访问级别(默认值: `40` ,维护者访问级别) |
| `unprotect_access_level` | string | no | 允许取消保护的访问级别(默认值: `40` ,维护者访问级别) |
| `allowed_to_push` | array | no | 允许推送的访问级别数组,每个访问级别由一个哈希表描述 |
| `allowed_to_merge` | array | no | 允许合并的访问级别数组,每个访问级别由哈希描述 |
| `allowed_to_unprotect` | array | no | 允许取消保护的访问级别数组,每个访问级别由一个哈希表描述 |
| `code_owner_approval_required` | boolean | no | 如果它与[`CODEOWNERS`文件](../user/project/code_owners.html)中的项目匹配,则阻止推送到此分支. (默认值:false) |


{  "id":  1,  "name":  "*-stable",  "push_access_levels":  [  {  "access_level":  30,  "access_level_description":  "Developers + Maintainers"  }  ],  "merge_access_levels":  [  {  "access_level":  30,  "access_level_description":  "Developers + Maintainers"  }  ],  "unprotect_access_levels":  [  {  "access_level":  40,  "access_level_description":  "Maintainers"  }  ],  "code_owner_approval_required":  "false"  } 

使用 GitLab [Starter,Bronze 或更高版本的用户](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/)还将看到`user_id``group_id`参数:


{  "id":  1,  "name":  "*-stable",  "push_access_levels":  [  {  "access_level":  30,  "user_id":  null,  "group_id":  null,  "access_level_description":  "Developers + Maintainers"  }  ],  "merge_access_levels":  [  {  "access_level":  30,  "user_id":  null,  "group_id":  null,  "access_level_description":  "Developers + Maintainers"  }  ],  "unprotect_access_levels":  [  {  "access_level":  40,  "user_id":  null,  "group_id":  null,  "access_level_description":  "Maintainers"  }  ],  "code_owner_approval_required":  "false"  } 

### Example with user / group level access[](#example-with-user--group-level-access-starter "Permalink")

`allowed_to_push` / `allowed_to_merge` / `allowed_to_unprotect`数组中的元素应采用`{user_id: integer}``{group_id: integer}``{access_level: integer}` . 每个用户必须有权访问该项目,并且每个组都必须[共享该项目](../user/project/members/share_project_with_groups.html) . 这些访问级别允许[对受保护的分支访问](../user/project/protected_branches.html#restricting-push-and-merge-access-to-certain-users-starter)进行[更精细的控制,](../user/project/protected_branches.html#restricting-push-and-merge-access-to-certain-users-starter)并在 GitLab 10.3 EE [中将其添加到 API 中](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/3516) .

curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/5/protected_branches?name=*-stable&allowed_to_push%5B%5D%5Buser_id%5D=1" 


{  "id":  1,  "name":  "*-stable",  "push_access_levels":  [  {  "access_level":  null,  "user_id":  1,  "group_id":  null,  "access_level_description":  "Administrator"  }  ],  "merge_access_levels":  [  {  "access_level":  40,  "user_id":  null,  "group_id":  null,  "access_level_description":  "Maintainers"  }  ],  "unprotect_access_levels":  [  {  "access_level":  40,  "user_id":  null,  "group_id":  null,  "access_level_description":  "Maintainers"  }  ],  "code_owner_approval_required":  "false"  } 

## Unprotect repository branches[](#unprotect-repository-branches "Permalink")


DELETE /projects/:id/protected_branches/:name 

curl --request DELETE --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/5/protected_branches/*-stable" 

| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `id` | integer/string | yes | 经过身份验证的用户拥有[的项目](README.html#namespaced-path-encoding)的 ID 或[URL 编码路径](README.html#namespaced-path-encoding) |
| `name` | string | yes | 分支名称 |

## Require code owner approvals for a single branch[](#require-code-owner-approvals-for-a-single-branch "Permalink")


PATCH /projects/:id/protected_branches/:name 

curl --request PATCH --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/5/protected_branches/feature-branch" 

| Attribute | Type | Required | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| `id` | integer/string | yes | 经过身份验证的用户拥有[的项目](README.html#namespaced-path-encoding)的 ID 或[URL 编码路径](README.html#namespaced-path-encoding) |
| `name` | string | yes | 分支名称 |
| `code_owner_approval_required` | boolean | no | 如果它与[`CODEOWNERS`文件](../user/project/code_owners.html)中的项目匹配,则阻止推送到此分支. (默认值:false) |