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# GitLab NuGet Repository

> 原文:[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/packages/nuget_repository/](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/packages/nuget_repository/)

*   [Setting up your development environment](#setting-up-your-development-environment)
    *   [macOS support](#macos-support)
*   [Enabling the NuGet Repository](#enabling-the-nuget-repository)
*   [Adding the GitLab NuGet Repository as a source to NuGet](#adding-the-gitlab-nuget-repository-as-a-source-to-nuget)
    *   [Add NuGet Repository source with NuGet CLI](#add-nuget-repository-source-with-nuget-cli)
    *   [Add NuGet Repository source with Visual Studio](#add-nuget-repository-source-with-visual-studio)
    *   [Add NuGet Repository source with .NET CLI](#add-nuget-repository-source-with-net-cli)
*   [Uploading packages](#uploading-packages)
    *   [Upload packages with NuGet CLI](#upload-packages-with-nuget-cli)
    *   [Upload packages with .NET CLI](#upload-packages-with-net-cli)
*   [Install packages](#install-packages)
    *   [Install a package with NuGet CLI](#install-a-package-with-nuget-cli)
    *   [Install a package with .NET CLI](#install-a-package-with-net-cli)

# GitLab NuGet Repository[](#gitlab-nuget-repository-premium "Permalink")

[Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/20050) in [GitLab Premium](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing/) 12.8.

使用 GitLab NuGet 存储库,每个项目都可以拥有自己的空间来存储 NuGet 软件包.

GitLab NuGet 存储库可用于:

*   [NuGet CLI](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/reference/nuget-exe-cli-reference)
*   [.NET Core CLI](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools/)
*   [Visual Studio](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/)

## Setting up your development environment[](#setting-up-your-development-environment "Permalink")

您将需要[NuGet CLI 5.2 或更高版本](https://www.nuget.org/downloads) . 早期版本尚未针对 GitLab NuGet 存储库进行测试,因此可能无法正常工作. 如果您具有[Visual Studio](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/) ,则可能已经安装了 NuGet CLI.

或者,您可以使用[.NET SDK 3.0 或更高版本](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-core/3.0) ,该版本将安装 NuGet CLI.

您可以通过以下方法确认已正确安装[NuGet CLI](https://www.nuget.org/)

nuget help 


NuGet Version:
usage: NuGet <command> [args] [options]
Type 'NuGet help <command>' for help on a specific command.

Available commands:

[output truncated] 

### macOS support[](#macos-support "Permalink")

对于 macOS,您还可以使用[Mono](https://www.mono-project.com/)运行 NuGet CLI. 对于 Homebrew 用户,请运行`brew install mono`来安装 Mono. 然后,您应该能够从[NuGet CLI 页面](https://www.nuget.org/downloads)下载 Windows C#二进制文件`nuget.exe`并运行:

mono nuget.exe 

## Enabling the NuGet Repository[](#enabling-the-nuget-repository "Permalink")

**注意:**仅当您的 GitLab 管理员[启用了对 Package Registry 的支持时,](../../../administration/packages/index.html)此选项才可用.

启用 NuGet 存储库后,默认情况下它将可用于所有新项目. 要为现有项目启用它,或者要禁用它:

1.  导航到项目的**"设置">"常规">"可见性,项目功能,权限"** .
2.  找到"软件包"功能并启用或禁用它.
3.  单击**保存更改**以使更改生效.

然后,您应该能够在左侧栏中看到" **程序包和注册表"**部分.

## Adding the GitLab NuGet Repository as a source to NuGet[](#adding-the-gitlab-nuget-repository-as-a-source-to-nuget "Permalink")


*   您的 GitLab 用户名.
*   个人访问令牌或部署令牌. 对于存储库身份验证:
    *   您可以将范围设置为`api`来生成[个人访问令牌](../../../user/profile/personal_access_tokens.html) .
    *   您可以生成[令牌部署](./../../project/deploy_tokens/index.html)与范围设置为`read_package_registry``write_package_registry` ,或两者兼而有之.
*   您的来源的合适名称.
*   您的项目 ID,可以在项目的主页上找到.

您现在可以使用以下方法向 NuGet 添加新的源:

*   [NuGet CLI](#add-nuget-repository-source-with-nuget-cli)
*   [Visual Studio](#add-nuget-repository-source-with-visual-studio).
*   [.NET CLI](#add-nuget-repository-source-with-net-cli)

### Add NuGet Repository source with NuGet CLI[](#add-nuget-repository-source-with-nuget-cli "Permalink")

要将 GitLab NuGet 存储库添加为带有`nuget`的源:

nuget source Add -Name <source_name> -Source "https://gitlab-instance.example.com/api/v4/projects/<your_project_id>/packages/nuget/index.json" -UserName <gitlab_username or deploy_token_username> -Password <gitlab_personal_access_token or deploy_token> 


*   `<source_name>`是所需的源名称.


nuget source Add -Name "GitLab" -Source "https://gitlab.example/api/v4/projects/10/packages/nuget/index.json" -UserName carol -Password 12345678asdf 

### Add NuGet Repository source with Visual Studio[](#add-nuget-repository-source-with-visual-studio "Permalink")

1.  Open [Visual Studio](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/).
2.  打开" **文件">"选项"** (Windows)或" **Visual Studio">"首选项"** (Mac OS).
3.**NuGet**部分中,打开**Sources** . 您将看到所有 NuGet 来源的列表.
4.  Click **Add**.
5.  填写以下字段:
    *   **名称** :源的期望名称
    *   **位置**`https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/<your_project_id>/packages/nuget/index.json` : `https://gitlab.com/api/v4/projects/<your_project_id>/packages/nuget/index.json`
        *`<your_project_id>`替换为您的项目 ID.
        *   如果您具有自行管理的 GitLab 安装, `gitlab.com`使用您的域名替换`gitlab.com` .
    *   **用户**名:您的 GitLab 用户名或部署令牌用户名
    *   **密码** :您的个人访问令牌或部署令牌

    [![Visual Studio 添加 NuGet 源](img/a792de1a5441a31253d7a939dfd2de54.png)](img/visual_studio_adding_nuget_source.png)

6.  Click **Save**.

    [![Visual Studio NuGet source added](img/f6b1fbcae610d7e8b04ec117e32573f3.png)](img/visual_studio_nuget_source_added.png)


### Add NuGet Repository source with .NET CLI[](#add-nuget-repository-source-with-net-cli "Permalink")

要将 GitLab NuGet 存储库添加为.NET 的源, `nuget.config`在项目的根目录中创建一个名为`nuget.config`的文件,其内容如下:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <clear />
        <add key="gitlab" value="https://gitlab-instance.example.com/api/v4/projects/<your_project_id>/packages/nuget/index.json" />
            <add key="Username" value="<gitlab_username or deploy_token_username>" />
            <add key="ClearTextPassword" value="<gitlab_personal_access_token or deploy_token>" />

## Uploading packages[](#uploading-packages "Permalink")


*   允许的最大大小为 50 MB.
*   如果您多次上传具有相同版本的相同程序包,则每次连续上传都将保存为单独的文件. 安装软件包时,GitLab 将提供最新文件.
*   将软件包上传到 GitLab 时,它们不会立即显示在项目的软件包 UI 中. 处理包裹最多可能需要 10 分钟.

### Upload packages with NuGet CLI[](#upload-packages-with-nuget-cli "Permalink")

本部分假定您的项目已正确构建,并且已经[使用 NuGet CLI 创建了 NuGet 软件包](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/create-packages/creating-a-package) . 使用以下命令上传软件包:

nuget push <package_file> -Source <source_name> 


*   `<package_file>`是您的软件包文件名,以`.nupkg`结尾.
*   `<source_name>`[安装过程中使用](#adding-the-gitlab-nuget-repository-as-a-source-to-nuget)[源名称](#adding-the-gitlab-nuget-repository-as-a-source-to-nuget) .

### Upload packages with .NET CLI[](#upload-packages-with-net-cli "Permalink")

本节假定您的项目已正确构建,并且已经[使用.NET CLI 创建了 NuGet 软件包](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/create-packages/creating-a-package-dotnet-cli) . 使用以下命令上传软件包:

dotnet nuget push <package_file> --source <source_name> 


*   `<package_file>`是您的软件包文件名,以`.nupkg`结尾.
*   `<source_name>`[安装过程中使用](#adding-the-gitlab-nuget-repository-as-a-source-to-nuget)[源名称](#adding-the-gitlab-nuget-repository-as-a-source-to-nuget) .


dotnet nuget push MyPackage.1.0.0.nupkg --source gitlab 

## Install packages[](#install-packages "Permalink")

### Install a package with NuGet CLI[](#install-a-package-with-nuget-cli "Permalink")

**警告:**默认情况下, `nuget`检查的官方消息`nuget.org`第一. 如果您在 GitLab NuGet 存储库中拥有与`nuget.org`的软件包同名的软件包, `nuget.org`必须指定源名称,否则将安装错误的软件包.


nuget install <package_id> -OutputDirectory <output_directory> \
  -Version <package_version> \
  -Source <source_name> 


*   `<package_id>`是软件包 ID.
*   `<output_directory>`是将在其中安装软件包的输出目录.
*   `<package_version>` (可选)是软件包版本.
*   `<source_name>` (可选)是源名称.

### Install a package with .NET CLI[](#install-a-package-with-net-cli "Permalink")

**Warning:** If you have a package in the GitLab NuGet Repository with the same name as a package at a different source, you should verify the order in which `dotnet` checks sources during install. This is defined in the `nuget.config` file.


dotnet add package <package_id> \
       -v <package_version> 


*   `<package_id>`是软件包 ID.
*   `<package_version>` (可选)是软件包版本.