hl_perturbation_util.cu 8.6 KB
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/* Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserve.
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#include <cmath>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "hl_cuda.h"
#include "hl_time.h"
#include "hl_base.h"
#include "hl_perturbation_util.cuh"


 * Get the original coordinate for a pixel in a transformed image.
 * x, y: coordiate in the transformed image.
 * tgtCenter: the center coordiate of the transformed image.
 * imgSCenter: the center coordinate of the source image.
 * centerX, centerY: translation.
 * sourceX, sourceY: output coordinates in the original image.
__device__ void getTranformCoord(int x, int y, real theta, real scale,
                                 real tgtCenter, real imgCenter,
                                 real centerR, real centerC,
                                 int* sourceX, int* sourceY) {
  real H[4] = {cosf(-theta), -sinf(-theta), sinf(-theta), cosf(-theta)};

  // compute coornidates in the rotated and scaled image
  real x_new = x - tgtCenter + centerC;
  real y_new = y - tgtCenter + centerR;

  // compute coornidates in the original image
  x_new -= imgCenter;
  y_new -= imgCenter;
  real xx = H[0] * x_new + H[1] * y_new;
  real yy = H[2] * x_new + H[3] * y_new;
  *sourceX = __float2int_rn(xx / scale + imgCenter);
  *sourceY = __float2int_rn(yy / scale + imgCenter);

 * imgs:            (numImages, imgPixels)
 * target:          (numImages * samplingRate, tgtPixels)
 * the channels of one pixel are stored continuously in memory.
 * created by Wei Xu (genome), converted by Jiang Wang

__global__ void kSamplingPatches(const real* imgs, real* targets,
                                 int imgSize, int tgtSize, const int channels,
                                 int samplingRate, const real* thetas,
                                 const real* scales, const int* centerRs,
                                 const int* centerCs, const real padValue,
                                 const int numImages) {
  const int caseIdx = blockIdx.x * 4 + threadIdx.x;
  const int pxIdx = blockIdx.y * 128 + threadIdx.y;
  const int imgPixels = imgSize * imgSize;
  const int tgtPixels = tgtSize * tgtSize;
  const int numPatches = numImages * samplingRate;

  real tgtCenter = (tgtSize - 1) / 2;
  real imgCenter = (imgSize - 1) / 2;

  if (pxIdx < tgtPixels && caseIdx < numPatches) {
    const int imgIdx = caseIdx / samplingRate;

    // transform coordiates
    const int pxX = pxIdx % tgtSize;
    const int pxY = pxIdx / tgtSize;

    int srcPxX, srcPxY;
    getTranformCoord(pxX, pxY, thetas[imgIdx], scales[imgIdx], tgtCenter,
                     imgCenter, centerCs[caseIdx], centerRs[caseIdx], &srcPxX,

    imgs += (imgIdx * imgPixels + srcPxY * imgSize + srcPxX) * channels;
    targets += (caseIdx * tgtPixels + pxIdx) * channels;
    if (srcPxX >= 0 && srcPxX < imgSize && srcPxY >= 0 && srcPxY < imgSize) {
      for (int j = 0; j < channels; j++) targets[j] = imgs[j];
    } else {
      for (int j = 0; j < channels; j++) targets[j] = padValue;

 * Functionality: generate the disturb (rotation and scaling) and
 *                sampling location sequence
 * created by Wei Xu
void hl_generate_disturb_params(real*& gpuAngle, real*& gpuScaleRatio,
                                int*& gpuCenterR, int*& gpuCenterC,
                                int numImages, int imgSize, real rotateAngle,
                                real scaleRatio, int samplingRate,
                                bool isTrain) {
  // The number of output samples.
  int numPatches = numImages * samplingRate;

  // create CPU perturbation parameters.
  real* r_angle = new real[numImages];
  real* s_ratio = new real[numImages];
  int* center_r = new int[numPatches];
  int* center_c = new int[numPatches];

  // generate the random disturbance sequence and the sampling locations
  if (isTrain) {  // random sampling for training
    // generate rotation ans scaling parameters
    // TODO(yuyang18): Since it will initialize random seed here, we can use
    // rand_r instead of rand to make this method thread safe.
    for (int i = 0; i < numImages; i++) {
      r_angle[i] =
          (rotateAngle * M_PI / 180.0) * (rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0)  // NOLINT
                                          - 0.5);
      s_ratio[i] =
          1 + (rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0) - 0.5) * scaleRatio;  // NOLINT

    int imgCenter = (imgSize - 1) / 2;

    // generate sampling location parameters
    for (int i = 0; i < numImages; i++) {
      int j = 0;
      while (j < samplingRate) {
        int pxX =
            (int)(real(imgSize - 1) * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0));  // NOLINT
        int pxY =
            (int)(real(imgSize - 1) * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0));  // NOLINT

        const real H[4] = {cos(-r_angle[i]), -sin(-r_angle[i]),
                           sin(-r_angle[i]), cos(-r_angle[i])};
        real x = pxX - imgCenter;
        real y = pxY - imgCenter;
        real xx = H[0] * x + H[1] * y;
        real yy = H[2] * x + H[3] * y;

        real srcPxX = xx / s_ratio[i] + imgCenter;
        real srcPxY = yy / s_ratio[i] + imgCenter;

        if (srcPxX >= 0 && srcPxX <= imgSize - 1 && srcPxY >= 0 &&
            srcPxY <= imgSize - 1) {
          center_r[i * samplingRate + j] = pxY;
          center_c[i * samplingRate + j] = pxX;
  } else {  // central crop for testing
    for (int i = 0; i < numImages; i++) {
      r_angle[i] = 0.0;
      s_ratio[i] = 1.0;

      for (int j = 0; j < samplingRate; j++) {
        center_r[i * samplingRate + j] = (imgSize - 1) / 2;
        center_c[i * samplingRate + j] = (imgSize - 1) / 2;

  // copy disturbance sequence to gpu
  hl_memcpy_host2device(gpuAngle, r_angle, sizeof(real) * numImages);
  hl_memcpy_host2device(gpuScaleRatio, s_ratio, sizeof(real) * numImages);

  delete[] r_angle;
  delete[] s_ratio;

  // copy sampling location sequence to gpu
  hl_memcpy_host2device(gpuCenterR, center_r, sizeof(int) * numPatches);
  hl_memcpy_host2device(gpuCenterC, center_c, sizeof(int) * numPatches);

  delete[] center_r;
  delete[] center_c;

void hl_conv_random_disturb_with_params(const real* images, int imgSize,
                                        int tgtSize, int channels,
                                        int numImages, int samplingRate,
                                        const real* gpuRotationAngle,
                                        const real* gpuScaleRatio,
                                        const int* gpuCenterR,
                                        const int* gpuCenterC,
                                        int paddingValue,
                                        real* target) {
  // The number of output samples.
  int numPatches = numImages * samplingRate;
  // The memory size of one output patch.
  int targetSize = tgtSize * tgtSize;

  dim3 threadsPerBlock(4, 128);
  dim3 numBlocks(DIVUP(numPatches, 4), DIVUP(targetSize, 128));

  kSamplingPatches <<<numBlocks, threadsPerBlock>>>
      (images, target, imgSize, tgtSize, channels, samplingRate,
      gpuRotationAngle, gpuScaleRatio, gpuCenterR, gpuCenterC,
      paddingValue, numImages);


void hl_conv_random_disturb(const real* images, int imgSize,
                            int tgtSize, int channels, int numImages,
                            real scaleRatio, real rotateAngle,
                            int samplingRate, real* gpu_r_angle,
                            real* gpu_s_ratio, int* gpu_center_r,
                            int* gpu_center_c, int paddingValue,
                            bool isTrain, real* targets) {
  // generate the random disturbance sequence and the sampling locations
  hl_generate_disturb_params(gpu_r_angle, gpu_s_ratio, gpu_center_r,
                  gpu_center_c, numImages, imgSize, rotateAngle,
                  scaleRatio, samplingRate, isTrain);

                  images, imgSize, tgtSize, channels, numImages,
                  samplingRate, gpu_r_angle, gpu_s_ratio,
                  gpu_center_r, gpu_center_r, paddingValue,