提交 d3015957 编写于 作者: H HFO4

Feat: list downloading file

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......@@ -71,6 +71,14 @@ func GetDownloadsByStatus(status ...int) []Download {
return tasks
// GetDownloadsByStatusAndUser 根据状态检索和用户ID下载
// TODO 测试
func GetDownloadsByStatusAndUser(uid uint, status ...int) []Download {
var tasks []Download
DB.Where("user_id = ? and status in (?)", uid, status).Find(&tasks)
return tasks
// GetDownloadByGid 根据GID和用户ID查找下载
func GetDownloadByGid(gid string, uid uint) (*Download, error) {
download := &Download{}
......@@ -39,7 +39,15 @@ func (client *RPCService) Init(server, secret string, timeout int, options []int
// Status 查询下载状态
func (client *RPCService) Status(task *model.Download) (rpc.StatusInfo, error) {
return client.caller.TellStatus(task.GID)
res, err := client.caller.TellStatus(task.GID)
if err != nil {
// 失败后重试
util.Log().Debug("无法获取离线下载状态,%s,10秒钟后重试", err)
time.Sleep(time.Duration(10) * time.Second)
res, err = client.caller.TellStatus(task.GID)
return res, err
// Cancel 取消下载
package serializer
import (
model "github.com/HFO4/cloudreve/models"
// DownloadListResponse 下载列表响应条目
type DownloadListResponse struct {
UpdateTime int64 `json:"update"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Status int `json:"status"`
UserID uint `json:"uid"`
Error string `json:"error"`
Dst string `json:"dst"`
Total uint64 `json:"total"`
Downloaded uint64 `json:"downloaded"`
Speed int `json:"speed"`
Info rpc.StatusInfo `json:"info"`
// BuildDownloadingResponse 构建正在下载的列表响应
func BuildDownloadingResponse(tasks []model.Download) Response {
resp := make([]DownloadListResponse, 0, len(tasks))
for i := 0; i < len(tasks); i++ {
fileName := ""
if len(tasks[i].StatusInfo.Files) > 0 {
fileName = path.Base(tasks[i].StatusInfo.Files[0].Path)
// 过滤敏感信息
tasks[i].StatusInfo.Dir = ""
for i2 := 0; i2 < len(tasks[i].StatusInfo.Files); i2++ {
tasks[i].StatusInfo.Files[i2].Path = path.Base(tasks[i].StatusInfo.Files[i2].Path)
resp = append(resp, DownloadListResponse{
UpdateTime: tasks[i].UpdatedAt.Unix(),
Name: fileName,
Status: tasks[i].Status,
UserID: tasks[i].UserID,
Error: tasks[i].Error,
Dst: tasks[i].Dst,
Total: tasks[i].TotalSize,
Downloaded: tasks[i].DownloadedSize,
Speed: tasks[i].Speed,
Info: tasks[i].StatusInfo,
return Response{Data: resp}
......@@ -81,3 +81,14 @@ func CancelAria2Download(c *gin.Context) {
c.JSON(200, ErrorResponse(err))
// ListDownloading 获取正在下载中的任务
func ListDownloading(c *gin.Context) {
var service aria2.DownloadListService
if err := c.ShouldBindQuery(&service); err == nil {
res := service.Downloading(c, CurrentUser(c))
c.JSON(200, res)
} else {
c.JSON(200, ErrorResponse(err))
......@@ -284,6 +284,8 @@ func InitMasterRouter() *gin.Engine {
aria2.PUT("select/:gid", controllers.SelectAria2File)
// 取消下载任务
aria2.DELETE("task/:gid", controllers.CancelAria2Download)
// 获取正在下载中的任务
aria2.GET("downloading", controllers.ListDownloading)
// 目录
......@@ -17,6 +17,17 @@ type DownloadTaskService struct {
GID string `uri:"gid" binding:"required"`
// DownloadListService 下载列表服务
type DownloadListService struct {
// Downloading 获取正在下载中的任务
func (service *DownloadListService) Downloading(c *gin.Context, user *model.User) serializer.Response {
// 查找下载记录
downloads := model.GetDownloadsByStatusAndUser(user.ID, aria2.Downloading, aria2.Paused, aria2.Ready)
return serializer.BuildDownloadingResponse(downloads)
// Delete 取消下载任务
func (service *DownloadTaskService) Delete(c *gin.Context) serializer.Response {
userCtx, _ := c.Get("user")
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