
Home: hertzbeat.com | tancloud.cn

Hi guys! HertzBeat v1.2.3 is coming. This release we support prometheus exporter and more. Now we can collect prometheus exporter metrics using hertzbeat. For this, we support monitor apache shenyu and apache iotdb. Fixed several bugs and improved the overall stable usability.

Let's Try It Now!

Only one docker command is needed to install and experience heartbeat: docker run -d -p 1157:1157 --name hertzbeat tancloud/hertzbeat

Thanks to the contributors! 👍👍

We urgently need contributors to test cases, new application monitoring, documentation, etc., and very welcome you to join. Come on! HertzBeat is so easy!


  1. [doc] note: startup via source code not required mysql and tdengine env #472 @xingshuaiLi
  2. [doc] fix up:update the environment of hertzbeat to Java version 11 #473 @BKing2020
  3. [docs] update kubernetes.md #478 @wangke6666
  4. [web-app] enable alert define preset true by default #485
  5. [web-app] support friendly tip when add notice receiver #486
  6. [web-app] update dashboard category card ui #487
  7. [collector] limit trigger sub task max num #488
  8. [script] support service restart shell #489 @zanglikun
  9. [docs] use rainbond deploy hertzbeat #495 @zzzhangqi
  10. [webapp] upgrade web base angular version to 14 #501
  11. [hertzbeat] support sms alert notice #503
  12. add Prometheus exporter metrics parser and IoTDB monitor #505 @Ceilzcx
  13. support apache shenyu metrics monitoring #507


  1. [manager] fix cross domain problem in SecurityCorsConfiguration #469 @zenan08
  2. [manager] bugfix linux cpu usage collect incorrect sometime #479 @LWBobo
  3. [collector] fix protocol ssl_cert not support #491
  4. Update sqlserver.md #493 @SuitSmile
  5. fix: Remove Alert Unused Monitoring IDs #502 @wang1027-wqh
  6. [collector] bugfix npe when ssh collect error #508
  7. 监控k8s问题issue描述与解决方案 #511 @MrAndyMing
  8. [manager] springboot2 monitor support base path config #515

Online https://console.tancloud.cn.

Have Fun!


官网: hertzbeat.com | tancloud.cn

大家好,HertzBeat v1.2.3发布啦!这个版本带来了重大更新,我们支持了对prometheus exporter协议监控,用户可以很方便的使用hertzbeat来适配监控prometheus exporter. 基于这个能力,这个版本我们也支持了对apache shenyu, apache iotdb的指标监控。我们更新了UI布局,修复了多个BUG,也支持了短信通知。快来体验下吧!

只需要一条docker命令即可安装体验heartbeat : docker run -d -p 1157:1157 --name hertzbeat tancloud/hertzbeat




  1. [doc] note: startup via source code not required mysql and tdengine env #472 @xingshuaiLi
  2. [doc] fix up:update the environment of hertzbeat to Java version 11 #473 @BKing2020
  3. [docs] update kubernetes.md #478 @wangke6666
  4. [web-app] enable alert define preset true by default #485
  5. [web-app] support friendly tip when add notice receiver #486
  6. [web-app] update dashboard category card ui #487
  7. [collector] limit trigger sub task max num #488
  8. [script] support service restart shell #489 @zanglikun
  9. [docs] use rainbond deploy hertzbeat #495 @zzzhangqi
  10. [webapp] upgrade web base angular version to 14 #501
  11. [hertzbeat] support sms alert notice #503
  12. add Prometheus exporter metrics parser and IoTDB monitor #505 @Ceilzcx
  13. support apache shenyu metrics monitoring #507


  1. [manager] fix cross domain problem in SecurityCorsConfiguration #469 @zenan08
  2. [manager] bugfix linux cpu usage collect incorrect sometime #479 @LWBobo
  3. [collector] fix protocol ssl_cert not support #491
  4. Update sqlserver.md #493 @SuitSmile
  5. fix: Remove Alert Unused Monitoring IDs #502 @wang1027-wqh
  6. [collector] bugfix npe when ssh collect error #508
  7. 监控k8s问题issue描述与解决方案 #511 @MrAndyMing
  8. [manager] springboot2 monitor support base path config #515


🔥 一个拥有强大自定义监控能力,无需Agent的实时监控系统。网站监测,PING连通性,端口可用性,数据库,操作系统,中间件,API监控,阈值告警通知(邮件微信钉钉飞书)

发行版本 23



贡献者 146



  • Java 60.7 %
  • TypeScript 12.9 %
  • Less 12.8 %
  • HTML 9.6 %
  • JavaScript 1.8 %