未验证 提交 6aa52a57 编写于 作者: C ChenXiangxxxxx 提交者: GitHub

update app-oracle.yml monitoring template (#1129)

Signed-off-by: NChenXiangxxxxx <90089594+ChenXiangxxxxx@users.noreply.github.com>
上级 13f07997
......@@ -192,7 +192,8 @@ metrics:
password: ^_^password^_^
database: ^_^database^_^
timeout: ^_^timeout^_^
queryType: oneRow
queryType: multiRow
sql: select file_id, file_name, tablespace_name, status, bytes / 1024 / 1024 as bytes, blocks from dba_data_files
url: ^_^url^_^
......@@ -508,3 +509,44 @@ metrics:
queryType: columns
sql: select metric_name, value from gv$sysmetric where metric_name like '%Cache Hit Ratio' order by end_time asc
url: ^_^url^_^
- name: slow_query
priority: 1
- field: sql_id
type: 1
- field: child_number
type: 1
- field: executions
type: 1
unit: 次数
- field: per_secs
type: 1
- field: cpu_secs
type: 1
- field: buffer_gets
type: 1
- field: disk_reads
type: 1
- field: fetches
type: 1
- field: parse_calls
type: 1
- field: optimizer_cost
type: 1
- field: sql_text
type: 1
protocol: jdbc
host: ^_^host^_^
port: ^_^port^_^
platform: oracle
username: ^_^username^_^
password: ^_^password^_^
database: ^_^database^_^
timeout: ^_^timeout^_^
queryType: multiRow
sql: SELECT * FROM (SELECT sql_id, child_number, executions, ROUND(CASE WHEN executions = 0 THEN NULL ELSE elapsed_time / (executions*1000000) END,4) AS per_secs, cpu_time / 1000000 AS cpu_secs, buffer_gets, disk_reads, fetches, parse_calls, optimizer_cost, sql_text FROM v$sql ) where rownum <= 10 ORDER BY per_secs DESC
url: ^_^url^_^
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