提交 e39003da 编写于 作者: 李寅

Reimplemented neon kernels

上级 64ee40e0
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ bool Run(MaceEngine *engine,
return true;
DEFINE_string(device, "CPU", "Device [CPU|OPENCL]");
DEFINE_string(device, "CPU", "Device [CPU|NEON|OPENCL]");
DEFINE_string(input_node, "input_node0,input_node1",
"input nodes, separated by comma");
DEFINE_string(output_node, "output_node0,output_node1",
......@@ -264,6 +264,8 @@ int Main(int argc, char **argv) {
DeviceType device_type = CPU;
if (FLAGS_device == "OPENCL") {
device_type = OPENCL;
} else if (FLAGS_device == "NEON") {
device_type = NEON;
// config runtime
......@@ -271,7 +273,7 @@ int Main(int argc, char **argv) {
} else if (device_type == CPU) {
} else if (device_type == CPU || device_type == NEON) {
......@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@ class BufferBase {
virtual bool OnHost() const = 0;
virtual void Clear() = 0;
virtual index_t offset() const { return 0; }
template <typename T>
......@@ -158,6 +160,12 @@ class Buffer : public BufferBase {
bool OnHost() const { return allocator_->OnHost(); }
void Clear() {
if (buf_ != nullptr) {
memset(buf_, 0, size_);
Allocator *allocator_;
void *buf_;
......@@ -242,6 +250,10 @@ class Image : public BufferBase {
bool OnHost() const { return allocator_->OnHost(); }
void Clear() {
Allocator *allocator_;
std::vector<size_t> shape_;
......@@ -322,6 +334,10 @@ class BufferSlice : public BufferBase {
bool OnHost() const { return buffer_->OnHost(); }
void Clear() {
BufferBase *buffer_;
void *mapped_buf_;
......@@ -93,10 +93,9 @@ extern void Register_Slice(OperatorRegistry *op_registry);
extern void Register_Softmax(OperatorRegistry *op_registry);
extern void Register_SpaceToBatchND(OperatorRegistry *op_registry);
extern void Register_SpaceToDepth(OperatorRegistry *op_registry);
extern void Register_Transpose(OperatorRegistry *op_registry);
extern void Register_WinogradInverseTransform(OperatorRegistry *op_registry);
extern void Register_WinogradTransform(OperatorRegistry *op_registry);
} // namespace ops
OperatorRegistry::OperatorRegistry() {
......@@ -130,6 +129,7 @@ OperatorRegistry::OperatorRegistry() {
......@@ -146,21 +146,26 @@ class Tensor {
template <typename T>
inline const T *data() const {
MACE_CHECK(buffer_ != nullptr, "buffer is null");
return buffer_->data<T>();
inline void *raw_mutable_data() {
MACE_CHECK(buffer_ != nullptr, "buffer is null");
return buffer_->raw_mutable_data();
template <typename T>
inline T *mutable_data() {
MACE_CHECK(buffer_ != nullptr, "buffer is null");
return static_cast<T *>(buffer_->raw_mutable_data());
inline void Clear() {
inline void Reshape(const std::vector<index_t> &shape) {
shape_ = shape;
MACE_CHECK(raw_size() <= buffer_->size());
......@@ -258,22 +263,19 @@ class Tensor {
inline void DebugPrint() const {
using namespace numerical_chars; // NOLINT(build/namespaces)
std::stringstream os;
os << "Tensor " << name_ << " size: [";
for (index_t i : shape_) {
os << i << ", ";
os << "], content:\n";
MappingGuard guard(this);
for (int i = 0; i < size(); ++i) {
if (i != 0 && i % shape_[3] == 0) {
if (i != 0 && i % shape_.back() == 0) {
os << "\n";
CASES(dtype_, (os << (this->data<T>()[i]) << ", "));
LOG(INFO) << "Tensor size: [" << dim(0) << ", " << dim(1) << ", " << dim(2)
<< ", " << dim(3) << "], content:\n"
<< os.str();
LOG(INFO) << os.str();
class MappingGuard {
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ Tensor *Workspace::CreateTensor(const std::string &name,
VLOG(3) << "Creating Tensor " << name;
tensor_map_[name] =
std::move(std::unique_ptr<Tensor>(new Tensor(alloc, type)));
return GetTensor(name);
......@@ -11,13 +11,21 @@ load("//mace:mace.bzl", "if_android", "if_neon_enabled", "if_openmp_enabled")
name = "kernels",
srcs = glob([
srcs = glob(
exclude = [
hdrs = glob([
copts = if_openmp_enabled(["-fopenmp"]) + if_neon_enabled(["-DMACE_ENABLE_NEON"]),
linkopts = if_android(["-lm"]),
......@@ -28,14 +36,20 @@ cc_library(
name = "kernel_test",
name = "kernels_test",
testonly = 1,
srcs = glob(["test/*.cc"]),
linkopts = if_android(["-pie"]),
srcs = glob(
copts = if_openmp_enabled(["-fopenmp"]) + if_neon_enabled(["-DMACE_ENABLE_NEON"]),
linkopts = ["-fopenmp"],
linkstatic = 1,
deps = [
......@@ -134,11 +134,20 @@ class ActivationFunctor {
template <>
void ActivationFunctor<DeviceType::NEON, float>::operator()(
const Tensor *input,
const Tensor *alpha,
Tensor *output,
StatsFuture *future);
class ActivationFunctor<DeviceType::NEON, float> {
ActivationFunctor(ActivationType type, float relux_max_limit)
: activation_(type), relux_max_limit_(relux_max_limit) {}
void operator()(const Tensor *input,
const Tensor *alpha,
Tensor *output,
StatsFuture *future);
ActivationType activation_;
float relux_max_limit_;
template <typename T>
class ActivationFunctor<DeviceType::OPENCL, T> {
// Copyright (c) 2018 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
#include "mace/kernels/activation.h"
namespace mace {
namespace kernels {
void ActivationFunctor<DeviceType::NEON, float>::operator()(
const Tensor *input,
const Tensor *alpha,
Tensor *output,
StatsFuture *future) {
const float *input_ptr = input->data<float>();
float *output_ptr = output->mutable_data<float>();
if (activation_ == PRELU) {
const float *alpha_ptr = alpha->data<float>();
PReLUActivation(input_ptr, output->size(), input->dim(1), alpha_ptr,
} else {
DoActivation(input_ptr, output_ptr, output->size(), activation_,
} // namespace kernels
} // namespace mace
// Copyright (c) 2018 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
#include "mace/kernels/batch_norm.h"
namespace mace {
namespace kernels {
void BatchNormFunctor<DeviceType::NEON, float>::operator()(
const Tensor *input,
const Tensor *scale,
const Tensor *offset,
const Tensor *mean,
const Tensor *var,
const float epsilon,
Tensor *output,
StatsFuture *future) {
// Batch normalization in the paper https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.03167 .
// The calculation formula for inference is
// Y = \frac{ \scale } { \sqrt{var+\variance_epsilon} } * X +
// ( \offset - \frac { \scale * mean } {
// \sqrt{var+\variance_epsilon} }
// new_scale = \frac{ \scale } { \sqrt{var+\variance_epsilon} }
// new_offset = \offset - mean * common_val;
// Y = new_scale * X + new_offset;
const index_t batch = input->dim(0);
const index_t channels = input->dim(1);
const index_t height = input->dim(2);
const index_t width = input->dim(3);
const float *input_ptr = input->data<float>();
const float *scale_ptr = scale->data<float>();
const float *offset_ptr = offset->data<float>();
float *output_ptr = output->mutable_data<float>();
std::vector<float> new_scale;
std::vector<float> new_offset;
if (!folded_constant_) {
const float *mean_ptr = mean->data<float>();
const float *var_ptr = var->data<float>();
#pragma omp parallel for
for (index_t c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
new_scale[c] = scale_ptr[c] / std::sqrt(var_ptr[c] + epsilon);
new_offset[c] = offset_ptr[c] - mean_ptr[c] * new_scale[c];
const float *scale_data = folded_constant_ ? scale_ptr : new_scale.data();
const float *offset_data = folded_constant_ ? offset_ptr : new_offset.data();
index_t channel_size = height * width;
index_t batch_size = channels * channel_size;
// NEON is slower, so stick to the trivial implementaion
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (index_t b = 0; b < batch; ++b) {
for (index_t c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
index_t offset = b * batch_size + c * channel_size;
for (index_t hw = 0; hw < height * width; ++hw) {
output_ptr[offset + hw] =
scale_data[c] * input_ptr[offset + hw] + offset_data[c];
DoActivation(output_ptr, output_ptr, output->size(), activation_,
} // namespace kernels
} // namespace mace
// Copyright (c) 2018 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
#include "mace/kernels/conv_2d.h"
#include "mace/kernels/arm/conv_winograd.h"
// winograd is always superior to neon impl during benchmark
#define USE_WINOGRAD 1
namespace mace {
namespace kernels {
namespace {
void Conv2dNCHW(const float *input,
const float *filter,
const index_t batch,
const index_t in_height,
const index_t in_width,
const index_t in_channels,
const index_t out_height,
const index_t out_width,
const index_t out_channels,
const int filter_height,
const int filter_width,
const int stride_h,
const int stride_w,
const int dilation_h,
const int dilation_w,
float *output) {
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (index_t b = 0; b < batch; ++b) {
for (index_t m = 0; m < out_channels; ++m) {
for (index_t h = 0; h < out_height; ++h) {
for (index_t w = 0; w < out_width; ++w) {
index_t out_offset =
((b * out_channels + m) * out_height + h) * out_width + w;
for (index_t c = 0; c < in_channels; ++c) {
for (index_t kh = 0; kh < filter_height; ++kh) {
for (index_t kw = 0; kw < filter_width; ++kw) {
index_t ih = h * stride_h + kh * dilation_h;
index_t iw = w * stride_w + kw * dilation_w;
index_t in_offset =
((b * in_channels + c) * in_height + ih) * in_width + iw;
index_t filter_offset =
(((m * in_channels) + c) * filter_height + kh) * filter_width
+ kw;
output[out_offset] += input[in_offset] * filter[filter_offset];
} // namespace
extern void Conv2dNeonK1x1S1(const float *input,
const float *filter,
const index_t batch,
const index_t height,
const index_t width,
const index_t in_channels,
const index_t out_channels,
float *output);
extern void Conv2dNeonK3x3S1(const float *input,
const float *filter,
const index_t batch,
const index_t in_height,
const index_t in_width,
const index_t in_channels,
const index_t out_height,
const index_t out_width,
const index_t out_channels,
float *output);
extern void Conv2dNeonK3x3S2(const float *input,
const float *filter,
const index_t batch,
const index_t in_height,
const index_t in_width,
const index_t in_channels,
const index_t out_height,
const index_t out_width,
const index_t out_channels,
float *output);
void Conv2dFunctor<DeviceType::NEON, float>::operator()(const Tensor *input,
const Tensor *filter,
const Tensor *bias,
Tensor *output,
StatsFuture *future) {
std::vector<index_t> output_shape(4);
std::vector<int> paddings(2);
if (paddings_.empty()) {
} else {
paddings = paddings_;
CalcNCHWOutputSize(input->shape().data(), filter->shape().data(),
paddings_.data(), dilations_, strides_, RoundType::FLOOR,
index_t batch = output->dim(0);
index_t channels = output->dim(1);
index_t height = output->dim(2);
index_t width = output->dim(3);
index_t input_batch = input->dim(0);
index_t input_channels = input->dim(1);
index_t input_height = input->dim(2);
index_t input_width = input->dim(3);
index_t filter_h = filter->dim(2);
index_t filter_w = filter->dim(3);
MACE_CHECK(filter->dim(0) == channels, filter->dim(0), " != ", channels);
MACE_CHECK(filter->dim(1) == input_channels, filter->dim(1), " != ",
index_t stride_h = strides_[0];
index_t stride_w = strides_[1];
index_t dilation_h = dilations_[0];
index_t dilation_w = dilations_[1];
MACE_CHECK(batch == input_batch, "Input/Output batch size mismatch");
index_t padded_input_height = input_height + paddings[0];
index_t padded_input_width = input_width + paddings[1];
index_t extra_input_height = padded_input_height;
index_t extra_input_width = padded_input_width;
index_t extra_output_height = height;
index_t extra_output_width = width;
int pad_top = paddings[0] >> 1;
int pad_bottom = paddings[0] - pad_top;
int pad_left = paddings[1] >> 1;
int pad_right = paddings[1] - pad_left;
std::function<void(const float *input, float *output)> conv_func;
auto input_data = input->data<float>();
auto filter_data = filter->data<float>();
auto bias_data = bias == nullptr ? nullptr : bias->data<float>();
auto output_data = output->mutable_data<float>();
memset(output_data, 0, sizeof(float) * batch * channels * height * width);
if (USE_WINOGRAD && filter_h == 3 && filter_w == 3 && stride_h == 1
&& stride_w == 1
&& dilation_h == 1 && dilation_w == 1) {
extra_output_height = RoundUp<index_t>(height, 2);
extra_input_height = std::max(padded_input_height, extra_output_height + 2);
extra_output_width = RoundUp<index_t>(width, 2);
extra_input_width = std::max(padded_input_width, extra_output_width + 2);
if (extra_input_height != padded_input_height) {
pad_bottom += (extra_input_height - padded_input_height);
if (extra_input_width != padded_input_width) {
pad_right += (extra_input_width - padded_input_width);
index_t tile_height_count = (extra_output_height + 1) / 2;
index_t tile_width_count = (extra_output_width + 1) / 2;
index_t tile_count = tile_height_count * tile_width_count;
transformed_input_.Resize({16, batch, input_channels, tile_count});
transformed_filter_.Resize({16, channels, input_channels});
transformed_output_.Resize({16, batch, channels, tile_count});
conv_func = [=](const float *pad_input, float *pad_output) {
is_filter_transformed_ = true;
} else if (filter_h == 3 && filter_w == 3 && stride_h == 1 && stride_w == 1
&& dilation_h == 1 && dilation_w == 1) {
extra_output_height = RoundUp<index_t>(height, 2);
extra_input_height = std::max(padded_input_height, extra_output_height + 2);
extra_output_width = RoundUp<index_t>(width, 4);
extra_input_width = std::max(padded_input_width, extra_output_width + 2);
if (extra_input_height != padded_input_height) {
pad_bottom += (extra_input_height - padded_input_height);
if (extra_input_width != padded_input_width) {
pad_right += (extra_input_width - padded_input_width);
conv_func = [=](const float *pad_input, float *pad_output) {
} else if (filter_h == 3 && filter_w == 3 && stride_h == 2 && stride_w == 2
&& dilation_h == 1 && dilation_w == 1) {
extra_output_height = height;
extra_input_height =
std::max(padded_input_height, (extra_output_height - 1) * 2 + 3);
extra_output_width = RoundUp<index_t>(width, 4);
extra_input_width =
std::max(padded_input_width, (extra_output_width - 1) * 2 + 3);
if (extra_input_height != padded_input_height) {
pad_bottom += (extra_input_height - padded_input_height);
if (extra_input_width != padded_input_width) {
pad_right += (extra_input_width - padded_input_width);
conv_func = [=](const float *pad_input, float *pad_output) {
} else if (filter_h == 1 && filter_w == 1 && stride_h == 1 && stride_w == 1
&& dilation_h == 1 && dilation_w == 1) {
conv_func = [=](const float *pad_input, float *pad_output) {
} else {
conv_func = [=](const float *pad_input, float *pad_output) {
const Tensor *pad_input_ptr = input;
// Keep this alive during kernel execution
if (extra_input_height != input_height || extra_input_width != input_width) {
pad_input_ptr = &padded_input_;
const float *pad_input_data = pad_input_ptr->data<float>();
Tensor *pad_output_ptr = output;
// Keep this alive during kernel execution
if (extra_output_height != height || extra_output_width != width) {
std::vector<index_t> extra_output_shape
{batch, channels, extra_output_height, extra_output_width};
pad_output_ptr = &padded_output_;
float *pad_output_data = pad_output_ptr->mutable_data<float>();
conv_func(pad_input_data, pad_output_data);
// unpack output
if (extra_output_height != height || extra_output_width != width) {
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (index_t b = 0; b < batch; ++b) {
for (index_t c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
for (index_t h = 0; h < height; ++h) {
output_data + b * channels * height * width + c * height * width
+ h * width,
+ b * channels * extra_output_height * extra_output_width
+ c * extra_output_height * extra_output_width
+ h * extra_output_width,
sizeof(float) * width);
if (bias_data != nullptr) {
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (index_t b = 0; b < batch; ++b) {
for (index_t c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
for (index_t i = 0; i < height * width; ++i) {
output_data[(b * channels + c) * height * width + i] += bias_data[c];
DoActivation(output_data, output_data, output->size(), activation_,
} // namespace kernels
} // namespace mace
// Copyright (c) 2017 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
#if defined(MACE_ENABLE_NEON) && defined(__aarch64__)
#include <arm_neon.h>
#include "mace/core/types.h"
#include "mace/kernels/gemm.h"
namespace mace {
namespace kernels {
void Conv2dNeonK1x1S1(const float *input,
const float *filter,
const index_t batch,
const index_t height,
const index_t width,
const index_t in_channels,
const index_t out_channels,
float *output) {
for (index_t b = 0; b < batch; ++b) {
input + b * in_channels * height * width,
height * width,
output + b * out_channels * height * width);
} // namespace kernels
} // namespace mace
// Copyright (c) 2017 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
#if defined(MACE_ENABLE_NEON) && defined(__aarch64__)
#include <arm_neon.h>
#include "mace/core/types.h"
namespace mace {
namespace kernels {
// Ho = 2, Wo = 4, Co = 2
void Conv2dNeonK3x3S1(const float *input,
const float *filter,
const index_t batch,
const index_t in_height,
const index_t in_width,
const index_t in_channels,
const index_t out_height,
const index_t out_width,
const index_t out_channels,
float *output) {
const index_t in_image_size = in_height * in_width;
const index_t out_image_size = out_height * out_width;
const index_t in_batch_size = in_channels * in_image_size;
const index_t out_batch_size = out_channels * out_image_size;
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (index_t b = 0; b < batch; ++b) {
for (index_t m = 0; m < out_channels; m += 2) {
if (m + 1 < out_channels) {
float *out_ptr0_base = output + b * out_batch_size + m * out_image_size;
float *out_ptr1_base =
output + b * out_batch_size + (m + 1) * out_image_size;
for (index_t c = 0; c < in_channels; ++c) {
float *out_ptr0 = out_ptr0_base;
float *out_ptr1 = out_ptr1_base;
const float *in_ptr0 = input + b * in_batch_size + c * in_image_size;
const float *in_ptr1 =
input + b * in_batch_size + c * in_image_size + 1 * in_width;
const float *in_ptr2 =
input + b * in_batch_size + c * in_image_size + 2 * in_width;
const float *in_ptr3 =
input + b * in_batch_size + c * in_image_size + 3 * in_width;
const float *filter_ptr0 = filter + m * in_channels * 9 + c * 9;
const float *filter_ptr1 = filter + (m + 1) * in_channels * 9 + c * 9;
#if defined(MACE_ENABLE_NEON) && defined(__aarch64__)
// load filter (4 outch x 3 height x 3 width): vf_outch_height
float32x4_t vf00, vf01, vf02;
float32x4_t vf10, vf11, vf12;
vf00 = vld1q_f32(filter_ptr0);
vf01 = vld1q_f32(filter_ptr0 + 3);
vf02 = vld1q_f32(filter_ptr0 + 6);
vf10 = vld1q_f32(filter_ptr1);
vf11 = vld1q_f32(filter_ptr1 + 3);
vf12 = vld1q_f32(filter_ptr1 + 6);
for (index_t h = 0; h + 1 < out_height; h += 2) {
for (index_t w = 0; w + 3 < out_width; w += 4) {
// input (4 height x 3 slide): vi_height_slide
float32x4_t vi00, vi01, vi02; // reg count: 14
float32x4_t vi10, vi11, vi12;
float32x4_t vi20, vi21, vi22;
float32x4_t vi30, vi31, vi32;
float32x4_t vo20, vo30; // tmp use
// output (4 outch x 2 height x 4 width): vo_outch_height
float32x4_t vo00, vo01;
float32x4_t vo10, vo11;
// load input
vi00 = vld1q_f32(in_ptr0);
vo00 = vld1q_f32(in_ptr0 + 4); // reuse vo00: vi0n
vi10 = vld1q_f32(in_ptr1);
vo10 = vld1q_f32(in_ptr1 + 4);
vi20 = vld1q_f32(in_ptr2);
vo20 = vld1q_f32(in_ptr2 + 4);
vi30 = vld1q_f32(in_ptr3);
vo30 = vld1q_f32(in_ptr3 + 4);
vi01 = vextq_f32(vi00, vo00, 1);
vi02 = vextq_f32(vi00, vo00, 2);
vi11 = vextq_f32(vi10, vo10, 1);
vi12 = vextq_f32(vi10, vo10, 2);
vi21 = vextq_f32(vi20, vo20, 1);
vi22 = vextq_f32(vi20, vo20, 2);
vi31 = vextq_f32(vi30, vo30, 1);
vi32 = vextq_f32(vi30, vo30, 2);
// load ouptut
vo00 = vld1q_f32(out_ptr0);
vo01 = vld1q_f32(out_ptr0 + out_width);
vo10 = vld1q_f32(out_ptr1);
vo11 = vld1q_f32(out_ptr1 + out_width);
// outch 0, height 0
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi00, vf00, 0); // reg count: 18
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi01, vf00, 1);
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi02, vf00, 2);
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi10, vf01, 0);
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi11, vf01, 1);
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi12, vf01, 2);
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi20, vf02, 0);
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi21, vf02, 1);
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi22, vf02, 2);
// outch 0, height 1
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi10, vf00, 0);
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi11, vf00, 1);
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi12, vf00, 2);
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi20, vf01, 0);
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi21, vf01, 1);
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi22, vf01, 2);
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi30, vf02, 0);
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi31, vf02, 1);
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi32, vf02, 2);
// outch 1, height 0
vo10 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo10, vi00, vf10, 0);
vo10 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo10, vi01, vf10, 1);
vo10 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo10, vi02, vf10, 2);
vo10 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo10, vi10, vf11, 0);
vo10 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo10, vi11, vf11, 1);
vo10 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo10, vi12, vf11, 2);
vo10 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo10, vi20, vf12, 0);
vo10 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo10, vi21, vf12, 1);
vo10 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo10, vi22, vf12, 2);
// outch 1, height 1
vo11 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo11, vi10, vf10, 0);
vo11 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo11, vi11, vf10, 1);
vo11 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo11, vi12, vf10, 2);
vo11 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo11, vi20, vf11, 0);
vo11 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo11, vi21, vf11, 1);
vo11 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo11, vi22, vf11, 2);
vo11 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo11, vi30, vf12, 0);
vo11 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo11, vi31, vf12, 1);
vo11 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo11, vi32, vf12, 2);
vst1q_f32(out_ptr0, vo00);
vst1q_f32(out_ptr0 + out_width, vo01);
vst1q_f32(out_ptr1, vo10);
vst1q_f32(out_ptr1 + out_width, vo11);
in_ptr0 += 4;
in_ptr1 += 4;
in_ptr2 += 4;
in_ptr3 += 4;
out_ptr0 += 4;
out_ptr1 += 4;
} // w
in_ptr0 += 2 + in_width;
in_ptr1 += 2 + in_width;
in_ptr2 += 2 + in_width;
in_ptr3 += 2 + in_width;
out_ptr0 += out_width;
out_ptr1 += out_width;
} // h
for (index_t io = 0; io < 2; ++io) {
for (index_t ih = 0; ih < out_height; ++ih) {
for (index_t iw = 0; iw < out_width; ++iw) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
out_ptr0[io * out_image_size + ih * out_width + iw] +=
in_ptr0[(ih + i) * in_width + (iw + j)]
* filter_ptr0[io * in_channels * 9 + i * 3 + j];
} // for
} // c
} else {
for (index_t mm = m; mm < out_channels; ++mm) {
*out_ptr0_base = output + b * out_batch_size + mm * out_image_size;
for (index_t c = 0; c < in_channels; ++c) {
float *out_ptr0 = out_ptr0_base;
const float
*in_ptr0 = input + b * in_batch_size + c * in_image_size;
const float *in_ptr1 =
input + b * in_batch_size + c * in_image_size + 1 * in_width;
const float *in_ptr2 =
input + b * in_batch_size + c * in_image_size + 2 * in_width;
const float *in_ptr3 =
input + b * in_batch_size + c * in_image_size + 3 * in_width;
const float *filter_ptr0 = filter + mm * in_channels * 9 + c * 9;
#if defined(MACE_ENABLE_NEON) && defined(__aarch64__)
// load filter (1 outch x 3 height x 3 width): vf_outch_height
float32x4_t vf00, vf01, vf02;
vf00 = vld1q_f32(filter_ptr0);
vf01 = vld1q_f32(filter_ptr0 + 3);
vf02 = vld1q_f32(filter_ptr0 + 6);
for (index_t h = 0; h + 1 < out_height; h += 2) {
for (index_t w = 0; w + 3 < out_width; w += 4) {
// input (4 height x 3 slide): vi_height_slide
float32x4_t vi00, vi01, vi02, vi0n;
float32x4_t vi10, vi11, vi12, vi1n;
float32x4_t vi20, vi21, vi22, vi2n;
float32x4_t vi30, vi31, vi32, vi3n;
// output (1 outch x 2 height x 4 width): vo_outch_height
float32x4_t vo00, vo01;
// load input
vi00 = vld1q_f32(in_ptr0);
vi0n = vld1q_f32(in_ptr0 + 4);
vi10 = vld1q_f32(in_ptr1);
vi1n = vld1q_f32(in_ptr1 + 4);
vi20 = vld1q_f32(in_ptr2);
vi2n = vld1q_f32(in_ptr2 + 4);
vi30 = vld1q_f32(in_ptr3);
vi3n = vld1q_f32(in_ptr3 + 4);
vi01 = vextq_f32(vi00, vi0n, 1);
vi02 = vextq_f32(vi00, vi0n, 2);
vi11 = vextq_f32(vi10, vi1n, 1);
vi12 = vextq_f32(vi10, vi1n, 2);
vi21 = vextq_f32(vi20, vi2n, 1);
vi22 = vextq_f32(vi20, vi2n, 2);
vi31 = vextq_f32(vi30, vi3n, 1);
vi32 = vextq_f32(vi30, vi3n, 2);
// load ouptut
vo00 = vld1q_f32(out_ptr0);
vo01 = vld1q_f32(out_ptr0 + out_width);
// outch 0, height 0
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi00, vf00, 0);
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi01, vf00, 1);
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi02, vf00, 2);
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi10, vf01, 0);
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi11, vf01, 1);
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi12, vf01, 2);
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi20, vf02, 0);
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi21, vf02, 1);
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi22, vf02, 2);
// outch 0, height 1
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi10, vf00, 0);
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi11, vf00, 1);
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi12, vf00, 2);
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi20, vf01, 0);
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi21, vf01, 1);
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi22, vf01, 2);
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi30, vf02, 0);
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi31, vf02, 1);
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi32, vf02, 2);
vst1q_f32(out_ptr0, vo00);
vst1q_f32(out_ptr0 + out_width, vo01);
in_ptr0 += 4;
in_ptr1 += 4;
in_ptr2 += 4;
in_ptr3 += 4;
out_ptr0 += 4;
} // w
in_ptr0 += 2 + in_width;
in_ptr1 += 2 + in_width;
in_ptr2 += 2 + in_width;
in_ptr3 += 2 + in_width;
out_ptr0 += out_width;
} // h
for (index_t ih = 0; ih < out_height; ++ih) {
for (index_t iw = 0; iw < out_width; ++iw) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
out_ptr0[ih * out_width + iw] +=
in_ptr0[(ih + i) * in_width + (iw + j)]
* filter_ptr0[i * 3 + j];
} // c
} // mm
} // if
} // m
} // b
void Conv2dNeonK3x3S2(const float *input,
const float *filter,
const index_t batch,
const index_t in_height,
const index_t in_width,
const index_t in_channels,
const index_t out_height,
const index_t out_width,
const index_t out_channels,
float *output) {
const index_t in_image_size = in_height * in_width;
const index_t out_image_size = out_height * out_width;
const index_t in_batch_size = in_channels * in_image_size;
const index_t out_batch_size = out_channels * out_image_size;
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (index_t b = 0; b < batch; ++b) {
for (index_t m = 0; m < out_channels; ++m) {
for (index_t c = 0; c < in_channels; ++c) {
const float *in_base = input + b * in_batch_size + c * in_image_size;
const float
*filter_ptr = filter + m * in_channels * 9 + c * 9;
float *out_base = output + b * out_batch_size + m * out_image_size;
#if defined(MACE_ENABLE_NEON) && defined(__aarch64__)
// load filter (1 outch x 3 height x 3 width): vf_outch_height
float32x4_t vf00, vf01, vf02;
vf00 = vld1q_f32(filter_ptr);
vf01 = vld1q_f32(filter_ptr + 3);
vf02 = vld1q_f32(filter_ptr + 6);
for (index_t h = 0; h < out_height; ++h) {
for (index_t w = 0; w + 3 < out_width; w += 4) {
float32x4x2_t vi0, vi1, vi2;
float32x4_t vi0n, vi1n, vi2n;
// input (3 height x 3 slide): vi_height_slide
float32x4_t vi00, vi01, vi02;
float32x4_t vi10, vi11, vi12;
float32x4_t vi20, vi21, vi22;
// output (1 outch x 1 height x 4 width): vo
float32x4_t vo;
// load input
index_t in_h = h * 2;
index_t in_w = w * 2;
index_t in_offset = in_h * in_width + in_w;
vi0 = vld2q_f32(in_base + in_offset); // [,]
vi1 = vld2q_f32(in_base + in_offset + in_width);
vi2 = vld2q_f32(in_base + in_offset + 2 * in_width);
vi0n = vld1q_f32(in_base + in_offset + 8); // []
vi1n = vld1q_f32(in_base + in_offset + in_width + 8);
vi2n = vld1q_f32(in_base + in_offset + 2 * in_width + 8);
// load ouptut
index_t out_offset = h * out_width + w;
vo = vld1q_f32(out_base + out_offset);
vi00 = vi0.val[0]; // []
vi01 = vi0.val[1]; // []
vi02 = vextq_f32(vi00, vi0n, 1); // []
vi10 = vi1.val[0];
vi11 = vi1.val[1];
vi12 = vextq_f32(vi10, vi1n, 1);
vi20 = vi2.val[0];
vi21 = vi2.val[1];
vi22 = vextq_f32(vi20, vi2n, 1);
// outch 0, height 0
vo = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo, vi00, vf00, 0);
vo = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo, vi01, vf00, 1);
vo = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo, vi02, vf00, 2);
vo = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo, vi10, vf01, 0);
vo = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo, vi11, vf01, 1);
vo = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo, vi12, vf01, 2);
vo = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo, vi20, vf02, 0);
vo = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo, vi21, vf02, 1);
vo = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo, vi22, vf02, 2);
vst1q_f32(out_base + out_offset, vo);
} // w
} // h
for (index_t ih = 0; ih < out_height; ++ih) {
for (index_t iw = 0; iw < out_width; ++iw) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
out_base[ih * out_width + iw] +=
in_base[(ih * 2 + i) * in_width + (iw * 2 + j)]
* filter_ptr[i * 3 + j];
} // c
} // m
} // b
} // namespace kernels
} // namespace mace
// Copyright (c) 2018 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "mace/kernels/arm/conv_winograd.h"
#include "mace/kernels/gemm.h"
#include "mace/utils/utils.h"
namespace mace {
namespace kernels {
namespace {
// NCHW => TNCB (T: in tile pixels, B: tile indices)
void TransformInput(const float *input,
const index_t batch,
const index_t in_height,
const index_t in_width,
const index_t in_channels,
const index_t tile_count,
float *output) {
const index_t stride = batch * in_channels * tile_count;
const index_t in_height_width = in_height * in_width;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (index_t nc = 0; nc < batch * in_channels; ++nc) {
index_t tile_index = nc * tile_count;
for (index_t h = 0; h < in_height - 2; h += 2) {
for (index_t w = 0; w < in_width - 2; w += 2) {
float d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9, d10, d11, d12, d13, d14,
float s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14,
// load tile data
const index_t tile_offset = nc * in_height_width + h * in_width + w;
d0 = input[tile_offset];
d1 = input[tile_offset + 1];
d2 = input[tile_offset + 2];
d3 = input[tile_offset + 3];
d4 = input[tile_offset + in_width];
d5 = input[tile_offset + in_width + 1];
d6 = input[tile_offset + in_width + 2];
d7 = input[tile_offset + in_width + 3];
d8 = input[tile_offset + 2 * in_width];
d9 = input[tile_offset + 2 * in_width + 1];
d10 = input[tile_offset + 2 * in_width + 2];
d11 = input[tile_offset + 2 * in_width + 3];
d12 = input[tile_offset + 3 * in_width];
d13 = input[tile_offset + 3 * in_width + 1];
d14 = input[tile_offset + 3 * in_width + 2];
d15 = input[tile_offset + 3 * in_width + 3];
// s = BT * d * B
s0 = (d0 - d8) - (d2 - d10);
s1 = (d1 - d9) + (d2 - d10);
s2 = (d2 - d10) - (d1 - d9);
s3 = (d1 - d9) - (d3 - d11);
s4 = (d4 + d8) - (d6 + d10);
s5 = (d5 + d9) + (d6 + d10);
s6 = (d6 + d10) - (d5 + d9);
s7 = (d5 + d9) - (d7 + d11);
s8 = (d8 - d4) - (d10 - d6);
s9 = (d9 - d5) + (d10 - d6);
s10 = (d10 - d6) - (d9 - d5);
s11 = (d9 - d5) - (d11 - d7);
s12 = (d4 - d12) - (d6 - d14);
s13 = (d5 - d13) + (d6 - d14);
s14 = (d6 - d14) - (d5 - d13);
s15 = (d5 - d13) - (d7 - d15);
// store output
output[tile_index + 0 * stride] = s0;
output[tile_index + 1 * stride] = s1;
output[tile_index + 2 * stride] = s2;
output[tile_index + 3 * stride] = s3;
output[tile_index + 4 * stride] = s4;
output[tile_index + 5 * stride] = s5;
output[tile_index + 6 * stride] = s6;
output[tile_index + 7 * stride] = s7;
output[tile_index + 8 * stride] = s8;
output[tile_index + 9 * stride] = s9;
output[tile_index + 10 * stride] = s10;
output[tile_index + 11 * stride] = s11;
output[tile_index + 12 * stride] = s12;
output[tile_index + 13 * stride] = s13;
output[tile_index + 14 * stride] = s14;
output[tile_index + 15 * stride] = s15;
// OCHW => TOC
// no need to optimize, it will exist in converter
void TransformFilter(const float *filter,
const index_t in_channels,
const index_t out_channels,
float *output) {
const index_t stride = out_channels * in_channels;
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (index_t m = 0; m < out_channels; ++m) {
for (index_t c = 0; c < in_channels; ++c) {
float g0, g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, g8;
float s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7, s8, s9, s10, s11, s12, s13, s14,
// load filter
index_t filter_offset = (m * in_channels + c) * 9;
g0 = filter[filter_offset];
g1 = filter[filter_offset + 1];
g2 = filter[filter_offset + 2];
g3 = filter[filter_offset + 3];
g4 = filter[filter_offset + 4];
g5 = filter[filter_offset + 5];
g6 = filter[filter_offset + 6];
g7 = filter[filter_offset + 7];
g8 = filter[filter_offset + 8];
// s = G * g * GT
s0 = g0;
s1 = (g0 + g2 + g1) * 0.5f;
s2 = (g0 + g2 - g1) * 0.5f;
s3 = g2;
s4 = (g0 + g6 + g3) * 0.5f;
s5 = ((g0 + g6 + g3) + (g2 + g8 + g5) + (g1 + g7 + g4)) * 0.25f;
s6 = ((g0 + g6 + g3) + (g2 + g8 + g5) - (g1 + g7 + g4)) * 0.25f;
s7 = (g2 + g8 + g5) * 0.5f;
s8 = (g0 + g6 - g3) * 0.5f;
s9 = ((g0 + g6 - g3) + (g2 + g8 - g5) + (g1 + g7 - g4)) * 0.25f;
s10 = ((g0 + g6 - g3) + (g2 + g8 - g5) - (g1 + g7 - g4)) * 0.25f;
s11 = (g2 + g8 - g5) * 0.5f;
s12 = g6;
s13 = (g6 + g8 + g7) * 0.5f;
s14 = (g6 + g8 - g7) * 0.5f;
s15 = g8;
// store output
index_t output_offset = m * in_channels + c;
output[output_offset + 0 * stride] = s0;
output[output_offset + 1 * stride] = s1;
output[output_offset + 2 * stride] = s2;
output[output_offset + 3 * stride] = s3;
output[output_offset + 4 * stride] = s4;
output[output_offset + 5 * stride] = s5;
output[output_offset + 6 * stride] = s6;
output[output_offset + 7 * stride] = s7;
output[output_offset + 8 * stride] = s8;
output[output_offset + 9 * stride] = s9;
output[output_offset + 10 * stride] = s10;
output[output_offset + 11 * stride] = s11;
output[output_offset + 12 * stride] = s12;
output[output_offset + 13 * stride] = s13;
output[output_offset + 14 * stride] = s14;
output[output_offset + 15 * stride] = s15;
void BatchGemm(const float *input,
const float *filter,
index_t batch,
index_t in_channels,
index_t out_channels,
index_t tile_count,
float *output) {
const index_t in_stride = batch * in_channels * tile_count;
const index_t in_channels_tile_count = in_channels * tile_count;
const index_t filter_stride = out_channels * in_channels;
const index_t out_stride = batch * out_channels * tile_count;
const index_t out_channels_tile_count = out_channels * tile_count;
if (batch == 1) {
Gemm(filter, input, 16, out_channels, in_channels, tile_count, output);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
for (int b = 0; b < batch; ++b) {
const float
*in_ptr = input + i * in_stride + b * in_channels_tile_count;
const float *filter_ptr = filter + i * filter_stride;
float *out_ptr = output + i * out_stride + b * out_channels_tile_count;
out_channels, /* rows */
in_channels, /* K */
tile_count, /* cols */
// TNOB => ToNOB => NOHoWo
void TransformOutput(const float *input,
index_t batch,
index_t out_height,
index_t out_width,
index_t out_channels,
index_t tile_count,
float *output) {
const index_t in_stride = batch * out_channels * tile_count;
#pragma omp parallel for
for (index_t nm = 0; nm < batch * out_channels; ++nm) {
index_t tile_offset = nm * tile_count;
for (index_t h = 0; h < out_height; h += 2) {
for (index_t w = 0; w < out_width; w += 2) {
float d0, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9, d10, d11, d12, d13, d14,
float s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7;
float v0, v1, v2, v3;
d0 = input[tile_offset + 0 * in_stride];
d1 = input[tile_offset + 1 * in_stride];
d2 = input[tile_offset + 2 * in_stride];
d3 = input[tile_offset + 3 * in_stride];
d4 = input[tile_offset + 4 * in_stride];
d5 = input[tile_offset + 5 * in_stride];
d6 = input[tile_offset + 6 * in_stride];
d7 = input[tile_offset + 7 * in_stride];
d8 = input[tile_offset + 8 * in_stride];
d9 = input[tile_offset + 9 * in_stride];
d10 = input[tile_offset + 10 * in_stride];
d11 = input[tile_offset + 11 * in_stride];
d12 = input[tile_offset + 12 * in_stride];
d13 = input[tile_offset + 13 * in_stride];
d14 = input[tile_offset + 14 * in_stride];
d15 = input[tile_offset + 15 * in_stride];
s0 = d0 + d1 + d2;
s1 = d1 - d2 - d3;
s2 = d4 + d5 + d6;
s3 = d5 - d6 - d7;
s4 = d8 + d9 + d10;
s5 = d9 - d10 - d11;
s6 = d12 + d13 + d14;
s7 = d13 - d14 - d15;
v0 = s0 + s2 + s4;
v1 = s1 + s3 + s5;
v2 = s2 - s4 - s6;
v3 = s3 - s5 - s7;
index_t out_offset = nm * out_height * out_width + h * out_width + w;
output[out_offset] = v0;
output[out_offset + 1] = v1;
output[out_offset + out_width] = v2;
output[out_offset + out_width + 1] = v3;
void ConvRef3x3s1(const float *input,
const float *filter,
const index_t batch,
const index_t in_height,
const index_t in_width,
const index_t in_channels,
const index_t out_channels,
float *output) {
index_t out_height = in_height - 2;
index_t out_width = in_width - 2;
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(4)
for (index_t b = 0; b < batch; ++b) {
for (index_t m = 0; m < out_channels; ++m) {
for (index_t h = 0; h < out_height; ++h) {
for (index_t w = 0; w < out_width; ++w) {
index_t out_offset =
((b * out_channels + m) * out_height + h) * out_width + w;
output[out_offset] = 0;
for (index_t c = 0; c < in_channels; ++c) {
for (index_t kh = 0; kh < 3; ++kh) {
for (index_t kw = 0; kw < 3; ++kw) {
index_t ih = h + kh;
index_t iw = w + kw;
index_t in_offset =
((b * in_channels + c) * in_height + ih) * in_width + iw;
filter_offset = (((m * in_channels) + c) * 3 + kh) * 3 + kw;
output[out_offset] += input[in_offset] * filter[filter_offset];
} // namespace
void WinoGradConv3x3s1(const float *input,
const float *filter,
const index_t batch,
const index_t in_height,
const index_t in_width,
const index_t in_channels,
const index_t out_channels,
float *transformed_input,
float *transformed_filter,
float *transformed_output,
bool is_filter_transformed,
float *output) {
index_t out_height = in_height - 2;
index_t out_width = in_width - 2;
index_t tile_height_count = (out_height + 1) / 2;
index_t tile_width_count = (out_width + 1) / 2;
index_t tile_count = tile_height_count * tile_width_count;
// TODO(liyin): put it in model converter, but do not worry, it is fast and
// will only do once
if (!is_filter_transformed) {
TransformFilter(filter, in_channels, out_channels, transformed_filter);
void WinoGradConv3x3s1(const float *input,
const float *filter,
const index_t batch,
const index_t in_height,
const index_t in_width,
const index_t in_channels,
const index_t out_channels,
float *output) {
index_t out_height = in_height - 2;
index_t out_width = in_width - 2;
index_t tile_height_count = (out_height + 1) / 2;
index_t tile_width_count = (out_width + 1) / 2;
index_t tile_count = tile_height_count * tile_width_count;
index_t transformed_input_size = 16 * batch * in_channels * tile_count;
index_t transformed_filter_size = 16 * out_channels * in_channels;
index_t transformed_output_size = 16 * batch * out_channels * tile_count;
float *transformed_input = new float[transformed_input_size]; // TNCB
float *transformed_filter = new float[transformed_filter_size]; // TOC
float *transformed_output = new float[transformed_output_size];
} // namespace kernels
} // namespace mace
// Copyright (c) 2018 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
#if defined(MACE_ENABLE_NEON) && defined(__aarch64__)
#include <arm_neon.h>
#include "mace/core/types.h"
namespace mace {
namespace kernels {
void WinoGradConv3x3s1(const float *input,
const float *filter,
const index_t batch,
const index_t in_height,
const index_t in_width,
const index_t in_channels,
const index_t out_channels,
float *output);
void WinoGradConv3x3s1(const float *input,
const float *filter,
const index_t batch,
const index_t in_height,
const index_t in_width,
const index_t in_channels,
const index_t out_channels,
float *transformed_input,
float *transformed_filter,
float *transformed_output,
bool is_filter_transformed,
float *output);
} // namespace kernels
} // namespace mace
// Copyright (c) 2018 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <random>
#include <algorithm>
#include "mace/kernels/arm/conv_winograd.h"
#include "mace/core/types.h"
namespace mace {
namespace kernels {
TEST(ConvWinogradTest, winograd) {
index_t batch = 1;
index_t in_height = 32;
index_t in_width = 32;
index_t in_channels = 64;
index_t out_channels = 128;
index_t out_height = in_height - 2;
index_t out_width = in_width - 2;
index_t input_size = batch * in_channels * in_height * out_height;
index_t filter_size = 3 * 3 * in_channels * out_channels;
index_t output_size = batch * out_channels * out_height * out_width;
float *input_data = new float[input_size];
float *filter_data = new float[filter_size];
float *output_data = new float[output_size];
float *output_data_ref = new float[output_size];
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::normal_distribution<float> nd(0, 1);
std::generate(input_data, input_data + input_size,
[&gen, &nd] {
return std::max(-1.0f, std::min(1.0f, nd(gen)));
std::generate(filter_data, filter_data + filter_size,
[&gen, &nd] {
return std::max(-1.0f, std::min(1.0f, nd(gen)));
// test
for (index_t i = 0; i < output_size; ++i) {
EXPECT_NEAR(output_data_ref[i], output_data[i], 0.1);
} // namespace kernels
} // namespace mace
// Copyright (c) 2018 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
#include "mace/kernels/depthwise_conv2d.h"
#include "mace/kernels/activation.h"
namespace mace {
namespace kernels {
namespace {
void DepthwiseConv2dNCHW(const float *input,
const float *filter,
const index_t batch,
const index_t in_height,
const index_t in_width,
const index_t in_channels,
const index_t out_height,
const index_t out_width,
const index_t out_channels,
const int filter_height,
const int filter_width,
const int stride_h,
const int stride_w,
const int dilation_h,
const int dilation_w,
const int pad_top,
const int pad_left,
float *output) {
const index_t multiplier = out_channels / in_channels;
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (index_t b = 0; b < batch; ++b) {
for (index_t m = 0; m < out_channels; ++m) {
for (index_t h = 0; h < out_height; ++h) {
for (index_t w = 0; w < out_width; ++w) {
index_t out_offset =
((b * out_channels + m) * out_height + h) * out_width + w;
index_t c = m / multiplier;
index_t o = m % multiplier;
float sum = 0;
for (index_t kh = 0; kh < filter_height; ++kh) {
for (index_t kw = 0; kw < filter_width; ++kw) {
index_t ih = h * stride_h + kh * dilation_h - pad_top;
index_t iw = w * stride_w + kw * dilation_w - pad_left;
if (ih >= 0 && ih < in_height && iw >= 0 && iw < in_width) {
index_t in_offset =
((b * in_channels + c) * in_height + ih) * in_width + iw;
index_t filter_offset =
(((o * in_channels) + c) * filter_height + kh) * filter_width
+ kw;
sum += input[in_offset] * filter[filter_offset];
output[out_offset] = sum;
} // namespace
extern void DepthwiseConv2dNeonK3x3S1(const float *input,
const float *filter,
const index_t batch,
const index_t in_height,
const index_t in_width,
const index_t in_channels,
const index_t out_height,
const index_t out_width,
const index_t out_channels,
const int pad_top,
const int pad_left,
const int valid_h_start,
const int valid_h_stop,
const int valid_w_start,
const int valid_w_stop,
float *output);
void DepthwiseConv2dNeonK3x3S2(const float *input,
const float *filter,
const index_t batch,
const index_t in_height,
const index_t in_width,
const index_t in_channels,
const index_t out_height,
const index_t out_width,
const index_t out_channels,
const int pad_top,
const int pad_left,
const int valid_h_start,
const int valid_h_stop,
const int valid_w_start,
const int valid_w_stop,
float *output);
void DepthwiseConv2dFunctor<DeviceType::NEON,
float>::operator()(const Tensor *input,
const Tensor *filter,
const Tensor *bias,
Tensor *output,
StatsFuture *future) {
std::vector<index_t> output_shape(4);
std::vector<int> paddings(2);
std::vector<index_t> filter_shape
{filter->dim(0) * filter->dim(1), filter->dim(1), filter->dim(2),
if (paddings_.empty()) {
} else {
paddings = paddings_;
CalcNCHWOutputSize(input->shape().data(), filter_shape.data(),
paddings_.data(), dilations_, strides_, RoundType::FLOOR,
index_t batch = output->dim(0);
index_t channels = output->dim(1);
index_t height = output->dim(2);
index_t width = output->dim(3);
index_t input_batch = input->dim(0);
index_t input_channels = input->dim(1);
index_t input_height = input->dim(2);
index_t input_width = input->dim(3);
index_t filter_h = filter_shape[2];
index_t filter_w = filter_shape[3];
MACE_CHECK(filter_shape[0] == channels, filter_shape[0], " != ", channels);
MACE_CHECK(filter_shape[1] == input_channels, filter_shape[1], " != ",
index_t stride_h = strides_[0];
index_t stride_w = strides_[1];
index_t dilation_h = dilations_[0];
index_t dilation_w = dilations_[1];
MACE_CHECK(batch == input_batch, "Input/Output batch size mismatch");
int pad_top = paddings[0] >> 1;
int pad_bottom = paddings[0] - pad_top;
int pad_left = paddings[1] >> 1;
int pad_right = paddings[1] - pad_left;
int valid_h_start = pad_top == 0 ? 0 : (pad_top - 1) / stride_h + 1;
int valid_h_stop = pad_bottom == 0
? height
: height - ((pad_bottom - 1) / stride_h + 1);
int valid_w_start = pad_left == 0 ? 0 : (pad_left - 1) / stride_w + 1;
int valid_w_stop = pad_right == 0
? width
: width - ((pad_right - 1) / stride_w + 1);
std::function<void(const float *input, float *output)> conv_func;
auto input_data = input->data<float>();
auto filter_data = filter->data<float>();
auto bias_data = bias == nullptr ? nullptr : bias->data<float>();
auto output_data = output->mutable_data<float>();
if (filter_h == 3 && filter_w == 3 && stride_h == 1 && stride_w == 1
&& dilation_h == 1 && dilation_w == 1) {
conv_func = [=](const float *input, float *output) {
} else if (filter_h == 3 && filter_w == 3 && stride_h == 2 && stride_w == 2
&& dilation_h == 1 && dilation_w == 1) {
conv_func = [=](const float *input, float *output) {
} else {
conv_func = [=](const float *input, float *output) {
conv_func(input_data, output_data);
if (bias_data != nullptr) {
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (index_t b = 0; b < batch; ++b) {
for (index_t c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
for (index_t i = 0; i < height * width; ++i) {
output_data[(b * channels + c) * height * width + i] += bias_data[c];
DoActivation(output_data, output_data, output->size(), activation_,
} // namespace kernels
} // namespace mace
// Copyright (c) 2017 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
#if defined(MACE_ENABLE_NEON) && defined(__aarch64__)
#include <arm_neon.h>
#include "mace/core/types.h"
namespace mace {
namespace kernels {
namespace {
void DepthwiseConv2dPixel(const float *in_base,
const float *filter,
const index_t out_h,
const index_t out_w,
const index_t in_h_start,
const index_t in_w_start,
const index_t out_width,
const index_t in_height,
const index_t in_width,
int filter_height,
int filter_width,
float *out_base) {
float sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < filter_height; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < filter_width; ++j) {
index_t in_h = in_h_start + i;
index_t in_w = in_w_start + j;
if (in_h >= 0 && in_h < in_height && in_w >= 0 && in_w < in_width) {
sum += in_base[in_h * in_width + in_w] * filter[i * filter_width + j];
out_base[out_h * out_width + out_w] = sum;
} // namespace
// Ho = 2, Wo = 4, Co = 1
void DepthwiseConv2dNeonK3x3S1(const float *input,
const float *filter,
const index_t batch,
const index_t in_height,
const index_t in_width,
const index_t in_channels,
const index_t out_height,
const index_t out_width,
const index_t out_channels,
const int pad_top,
const int pad_left,
const int valid_h_start,
const int valid_h_stop,
const int valid_w_start,
const int valid_w_stop,
float *output) {
const index_t multiplier = out_channels / in_channels;
const index_t in_image_size = in_height * in_width;
const index_t out_image_size = out_height * out_width;
const index_t in_batch_size = in_channels * in_image_size;
const index_t out_batch_size = out_channels * out_image_size;
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (index_t b = 0; b < batch; ++b) {
for (index_t m = 0; m < out_channels; ++m) {
index_t c = m / multiplier;
index_t multi_index = m % multiplier;
const float *in_base = input + b * in_batch_size + c * in_image_size;
const float *filter_ptr = filter + multi_index * in_channels * 9 + c * 9;
float *out_base = output + b * out_batch_size + m * out_image_size;
index_t h, w;
// top
for (h = 0; h < valid_h_start; ++h) {
for (w = 0; w < out_width; ++w) {
h - pad_top,
w - pad_left,
#if defined(MACE_ENABLE_NEON) && defined(__aarch64__)
// load filter (1 outch x 3 height x 3 width): vf_outch_height
float32x4_t vf00, vf01, vf02;
vf00 = vld1q_f32(filter_ptr);
vf01 = vld1q_f32(filter_ptr + 3);
vf02 = vld1q_f32(filter_ptr + 6);
for (h = valid_h_start; h + 1 < valid_h_stop; h += 2) {
// left
for (w = 0; w < valid_w_start; ++w) {
h - pad_top,
w - pad_left,
h + 1,
h + 1 - pad_top,
w - pad_left,
for (w = valid_w_start; w + 3 < valid_w_stop; w += 4) {
// input (4 height x 3 slide): vi_height_slide
float32x4_t vi00, vi01, vi02, vi0n;
float32x4_t vi10, vi11, vi12, vi1n;
float32x4_t vi20, vi21, vi22, vi2n;
float32x4_t vi30, vi31, vi32, vi3n;
// output (1 outch x 2 height x 4 width): vo_outch_height
float32x4_t vo00, vo01;
// load input
index_t in_h = h - pad_top;
index_t in_w = w - pad_left;
index_t in_offset = in_h * in_width + in_w;
vi00 = vld1q_f32(in_base + in_offset);
vi0n = vld1q_f32(in_base + in_offset + 4);
vi10 = vld1q_f32(in_base + in_offset + in_width);
vi1n = vld1q_f32(in_base + in_offset + in_width + 4);
vi20 = vld1q_f32(in_base + in_offset + 2 * in_width);
vi2n = vld1q_f32(in_base + in_offset + 2 * in_width + 4);
vi30 = vld1q_f32(in_base + in_offset + 3 * in_width);
vi3n = vld1q_f32(in_base + in_offset + 3 * in_width + 4);
vi01 = vextq_f32(vi00, vi0n, 1);
vi02 = vextq_f32(vi00, vi0n, 2);
vi11 = vextq_f32(vi10, vi1n, 1);
vi12 = vextq_f32(vi10, vi1n, 2);
vi21 = vextq_f32(vi20, vi2n, 1);
vi22 = vextq_f32(vi20, vi2n, 2);
vi31 = vextq_f32(vi30, vi3n, 1);
vi32 = vextq_f32(vi30, vi3n, 2);
// load ouptut
index_t out_offset = h * out_width + w;
vo00 = vld1q_f32(out_base + out_offset);
vo01 = vld1q_f32(out_base + out_offset + out_width);
// outch 0, height 0
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi00, vf00, 0);
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi01, vf00, 1);
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi02, vf00, 2);
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi10, vf01, 0);
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi11, vf01, 1);
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi12, vf01, 2);
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi20, vf02, 0);
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi21, vf02, 1);
vo00 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo00, vi22, vf02, 2);
// outch 0, height 1
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi10, vf00, 0);
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi11, vf00, 1);
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi12, vf00, 2);
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi20, vf01, 0);
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi21, vf01, 1);
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi22, vf01, 2);
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi30, vf02, 0);
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi31, vf02, 1);
vo01 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo01, vi32, vf02, 2);
vst1q_f32(out_base + out_offset, vo00);
vst1q_f32(out_base + out_offset + out_width, vo01);
} // w
// right
for (; w < out_width; ++w) {
h - pad_top,
w - pad_left,
h + 1,
h + 1 - pad_top,
w - pad_left,
} // h
for (index_t ih = valid_h_start; ih < valid_h_stop; ++ih) {
for (index_t iw = 0; iw < out_width; ++iw) {
ih - pad_top,
iw - pad_left,
// bottom
for (; h < out_height; ++h) {
for (w = 0; w < out_width; ++w) {
h - pad_top,
w - pad_left,
} // m
} // b
void DepthwiseConv2dNeonK3x3S2(const float *input,
const float *filter,
const index_t batch,
const index_t in_height,
const index_t in_width,
const index_t in_channels,
const index_t out_height,
const index_t out_width,
const index_t out_channels,
const int pad_top,
const int pad_left,
const int valid_h_start,
const int valid_h_stop,
const int valid_w_start,
const int valid_w_stop,
float *output) {
const index_t multiplier = out_channels / in_channels;
const index_t in_image_size = in_height * in_width;
const index_t out_image_size = out_height * out_width;
const index_t in_batch_size = in_channels * in_image_size;
const index_t out_batch_size = out_channels * out_image_size;
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (index_t b = 0; b < batch; ++b) {
for (index_t m = 0; m < out_channels; ++m) {
index_t c = m / multiplier;
index_t multi_index = m % multiplier;
const float *in_base = input + b * in_batch_size + c * in_image_size;
const float *filter_ptr = filter + multi_index * in_channels * 9 + c * 9;
float *out_base = output + b * out_batch_size + m * out_image_size;
index_t h, w;
// top
for (h = 0; h < valid_h_start; ++h) {
for (w = 0; w < out_width; ++w) {
h * 2 - pad_top,
w * 2 - pad_left,
#if defined(MACE_ENABLE_NEON) && defined(__aarch64__)
// load filter (1 outch x 3 height x 3 width): vf_outch_height
float32x4_t vf00, vf01, vf02;
vf00 = vld1q_f32(filter_ptr);
vf01 = vld1q_f32(filter_ptr + 3);
vf02 = vld1q_f32(filter_ptr + 6);
for (h = valid_h_start; h < valid_h_stop; ++h) {
// left
for (w = 0; w < valid_w_start; ++w) {
h * 2 - pad_top,
w * 2 - pad_left,
for (w = valid_w_start; w + 3 < valid_w_stop; w += 4) {
float32x4x2_t vi0, vi1, vi2;
float32x4_t vi0n, vi1n, vi2n;
// input (3 height x 3 slide): vi_height_slide
float32x4_t vi00, vi01, vi02;
float32x4_t vi10, vi11, vi12;
float32x4_t vi20, vi21, vi22;
// output (1 outch x 1 height x 4 width): vo
float32x4_t vo;
// load input
index_t in_h = h * 2 - pad_top;
index_t in_w = w * 2 - pad_left;
index_t in_offset = in_h * in_width + in_w;
vi0 = vld2q_f32(in_base + in_offset); // [,]
vi1 = vld2q_f32(in_base + in_offset + in_width);
vi2 = vld2q_f32(in_base + in_offset + 2 * in_width);
vi0n = vld1q_f32(in_base + in_offset + 8); // []
vi1n = vld1q_f32(in_base + in_offset + in_width + 8);
vi2n = vld1q_f32(in_base + in_offset + 2 * in_width + 8);
// load ouptut
index_t out_offset = h * out_width + w;
vo = vld1q_f32(out_base + out_offset);
vi00 = vi0.val[0]; // []
vi01 = vi0.val[1]; // []
vi02 = vextq_f32(vi00, vi0n, 1); // []
vi10 = vi1.val[0];
vi11 = vi1.val[1];
vi12 = vextq_f32(vi10, vi1n, 1);
vi20 = vi2.val[0];
vi21 = vi2.val[1];
vi22 = vextq_f32(vi20, vi2n, 1);
// outch 0, height 0
vo = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo, vi00, vf00, 0);
vo = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo, vi01, vf00, 1);
vo = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo, vi02, vf00, 2);
vo = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo, vi10, vf01, 0);
vo = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo, vi11, vf01, 1);
vo = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo, vi12, vf01, 2);
vo = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo, vi20, vf02, 0);
vo = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo, vi21, vf02, 1);
vo = vfmaq_laneq_f32(vo, vi22, vf02, 2);
vst1q_f32(out_base + out_offset, vo);
} // w
// right
for (; w < out_width; ++w) {
h * 2 - pad_top,
w * 2 - pad_left,
} // h
for (index_t ih = valid_h_start; ih < valid_h_stop; ++ih) {
for (index_t iw = 0; iw < out_width; ++iw) {
ih * 2 - pad_top,
iw * 2 - pad_left,
// bottom
for (; h < out_height; ++h) {
for (w = 0; w < out_width; ++w) {
h * 2 - pad_top,
w * 2 - pad_left,
} // m
} // b
} // namespace kernels
} // namespace mace
// Copyright (c) 2018 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
#include "mace/kernels/pooling.h"
namespace mace {
namespace kernels {
namespace {
void MaxPooling(const float *input,
const index_t batch,
const index_t in_height,
const index_t in_width,
const index_t channels,
const index_t out_height,
const index_t out_width,
const int filter_height,
const int filter_width,
const int stride_h,
const int stride_w,
const int dilation_h,
const int dilation_w,
const int pad_top,
const int pad_left,
float *output) {
const index_t in_image_size = in_height * in_width;
const index_t out_image_size = out_height * out_width;
const index_t in_batch_size = channels * in_image_size;
const index_t out_batch_size = channels * out_image_size;
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (index_t b = 0; b < batch; ++b) {
for (index_t c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
const index_t out_base = b * out_batch_size + c * out_image_size;
const index_t in_base = b * in_batch_size + c * in_image_size;
for (index_t h = 0; h < out_height; ++h) {
for (index_t w = 0; w < out_width; ++w) {
const index_t out_offset = out_base + h * out_width + w;
float res = std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest();
for (int fh = 0; fh < filter_height; ++fh) {
for (int fw = 0; fw < filter_width; ++fw) {
int inh = h * stride_h + dilation_h * fh - pad_top;
int inw = w * stride_w + dilation_w * fw - pad_left;
if (inh >= 0 && inh < in_height && inw >= 0 && inw < in_width) {
index_t input_offset = in_base + inh * in_width + inw;
res = std::max(res, input[input_offset]);
output[out_offset] = res;
void AvgPooling(const float *input,
const index_t batch,
const index_t in_height,
const index_t in_width,
const index_t channels,
const index_t out_height,
const index_t out_width,
const int filter_height,
const int filter_width,
const int stride_h,
const int stride_w,
const int dilation_h,
const int dilation_w,
const int pad_top,
const int pad_left,
float *output) {
const index_t in_image_size = in_height * in_width;
const index_t out_image_size = out_height * out_width;
const index_t in_batch_size = channels * in_image_size;
const index_t out_batch_size = channels * out_image_size;
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (index_t b = 0; b < batch; ++b) {
for (index_t c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
const index_t out_base = b * out_batch_size + c * out_image_size;
const index_t in_base = b * in_batch_size + c * in_image_size;
for (index_t h = 0; h < out_height; ++h) {
for (index_t w = 0; w < out_width; ++w) {
const index_t out_offset = out_base + h * out_width + w;
float res = 0;
int block_size = 0;
for (int fh = 0; fh < filter_height; ++fh) {
for (int fw = 0; fw < filter_width; ++fw) {
int inh = h * stride_h + dilation_h * fh - pad_top;
int inw = w * stride_w + dilation_w * fw - pad_left;
if (inh >= 0 && inh < in_height && inw >= 0 && inw < in_width) {
index_t input_offset = in_base + inh * in_width + inw;
res += input[input_offset];
output[out_offset] = res / block_size;
} // namespace
void PoolingFunctor<DeviceType::NEON,
float>::operator()(const Tensor *input_tensor,
Tensor *output_tensor,
StatsFuture *future) {
std::vector<index_t> output_shape(4);
std::vector<index_t> filter_shape = {
input_tensor->dim(1), input_tensor->dim(1), kernels_[0], kernels_[1]};
std::vector<int> paddings(2);
if (paddings_.empty()) {
input_tensor->shape().data(), filter_shape.data(), dilations_,
strides_, padding_type_, output_shape.data(), paddings.data());
} else {
paddings = paddings_;
CalcNCHWOutputSize(input_tensor->shape().data(), filter_shape.data(),
paddings_.data(), dilations_, strides_, RoundType::CEIL,
const float *input = input_tensor->data<float>();
float *output = output_tensor->mutable_data<float>();
const index_t *input_shape = input_tensor->shape().data();
index_t batch = output_shape[0];
index_t channels = output_shape[1];
index_t height = output_shape[2];
index_t width = output_shape[3];
index_t input_channels = input_shape[1];
index_t input_height = input_shape[2];
index_t input_width = input_shape[3];
index_t in_image_size = input_height * input_width;
int filter_h = kernels_[0];
int filter_w = kernels_[1];
int stride_h = strides_[0];
int stride_w = strides_[1];
int dilation_h = dilations_[0];
int dilation_w = dilations_[1];
int pad_top = paddings[0] / 2;
int pad_left = paddings[1] / 2;
if (pooling_type_ == PoolingType::MAX) {
} else if (pooling_type_ == PoolingType::AVG) {
} else {
} // namespace kernels
} // namespace mace
// Copyright (c) 2018 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
#include "mace/kernels/softmax.h"
namespace mace {
namespace kernels {
void SoftmaxFunctor<DeviceType::NEON, float>::operator()(const Tensor *input,
Tensor *output,
StatsFuture *future) {
const index_t batch = input->dim(0);
const index_t class_count = input->dim(1);
const index_t class_size = input->dim(2) * input->dim(3);
const float *input_data = input->data<float>();
float *output_data = output->mutable_data<float>();
for (index_t b = 0; b < batch; ++b) {
max_val(class_size, std::numeric_limits<float>::lowest());
std::vector<float> sum_val(class_size, 0.f);
// calculate max for each class
for (index_t c = 0; c < class_count; ++c) {
const float *input_ptr = input_data + (b * class_count + c) * class_size;
for (index_t k = 0; k < class_size; ++k) {
max_val[k] = std::max(max_val[k], input_ptr[k]);
// calculate data - max for each class
#pragma omp parallel for
for (index_t c = 0; c < class_count; ++c) {
const float *input_ptr = input_data + (b * class_count + c) * class_size;
float *output_ptr = output_data + (b * class_count + c) * class_size;
for (index_t k = 0; k < class_size; ++k) {
output_ptr[k] = ::exp(input_ptr[k] - max_val[k]);
// calculate sum for each class
for (index_t c = 0; c < class_count; ++c) {
float *output_ptr = output_data + (b * class_count + c) * class_size;
for (index_t k = 0; k < class_size; ++k) {
sum_val[k] += output_ptr[k];
// calculate (data - max) / sum for each class
for (index_t c = 0; c < class_count; ++c) {
float *output_ptr = output_data + (b * class_count + c) * class_size;
for (index_t k = 0; k < class_size; ++k) {
output_ptr[k] /= sum_val[k];
} // namespace kernels
} // namespace mace
......@@ -133,14 +133,21 @@ struct BatchNormFunctor : BatchNormFunctorBase {
template <>
void BatchNormFunctor<DeviceType::NEON, float>::operator()(const Tensor *input,
const Tensor *scale,
const Tensor *offset,
const Tensor *mean,
const Tensor *var,
const float epsilon,
Tensor *output,
StatsFuture *future);
struct BatchNormFunctor<DeviceType::NEON, float> : BatchNormFunctorBase {
BatchNormFunctor(const bool folded_constant,
const ActivationType activation,
const float relux_max_limit)
: BatchNormFunctorBase(folded_constant, activation, relux_max_limit) {}
void operator()(const Tensor *input,
const Tensor *scale,
const Tensor *offset,
const Tensor *mean,
const Tensor *var,
const float epsilon,
Tensor *output,
StatsFuture *future);
template <typename T>
struct BatchNormFunctor<DeviceType::OPENCL, T> : BatchNormFunctorBase {
......@@ -212,6 +212,12 @@ switch (w_count) { \
case 2: \
break; \
case 3: \
break; \
case 4: \
break; \
default: \
LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported w tile: " << w_count; \
......@@ -242,6 +248,42 @@ switch (c_count) { \
case 4: \
break; \
case 5: \
break; \
case 6: \
break; \
case 7: \
break; \
case 8: \
break; \
case 9: \
break; \
case 10: \
break; \
case 11: \
break; \
case 12: \
break; \
case 13: \
break; \
case 14: \
break; \
case 15: \
break; \
case 16: \
break; \
default: \
LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported c tile: " << c_count; \
......@@ -373,11 +415,35 @@ struct Conv2dFunctor : Conv2dFunctorBase {
template <>
void Conv2dFunctor<DeviceType::NEON, float>::operator()(const Tensor *input,
const Tensor *filter,
const Tensor *bias,
Tensor *output,
StatsFuture *future);
struct Conv2dFunctor<DeviceType::NEON, float> : Conv2dFunctorBase {
Conv2dFunctor(const int *strides,
const Padding &padding_type,
const std::vector<int> &paddings,
const int *dilations,
const ActivationType activation,
const float relux_max_limit)
: Conv2dFunctorBase(strides,
is_filter_transformed_(false) {}
void operator()(const Tensor *input,
const Tensor *filter,
const Tensor *bias,
Tensor *output,
StatsFuture *future);
// TODO(liyin): share tmp buffers among ops
Tensor padded_input_;
Tensor padded_output_;
Tensor transformed_input_;
Tensor transformed_filter_;
Tensor transformed_output_;
bool is_filter_transformed_;
template <typename T>
struct Conv2dFunctor<DeviceType::OPENCL, T> : Conv2dFunctorBase {
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
namespace mace {
namespace kernels {
void CalcPaddingAndOutputSize(const index_t *input_shape, // NCHW
void CalcNCHWPaddingAndOutputSize(const index_t *input_shape, // NCHW
const index_t *filter_shape, // OIHW
const int *dilations,
const int *strides,
......@@ -186,6 +186,55 @@ void CalcOutputSize(const index_t *input_shape, // NHWC
output_shape[3] = filter_shape[2];
void CalcNCHWOutputSize(const index_t *input_shape, // NCHW
const index_t *filter_shape, // OIHW
const int *padding_size,
const int *dilations,
const int *strides,
const RoundType round_type,
index_t *output_shape) {
MACE_CHECK(dilations[0] > 0 && dilations[1] > 0,
"Invalid dilations, must >= 1");
MACE_CHECK((dilations[0] == 1 || strides[0] == 1) &&
(dilations[1] == 1 || strides[1] == 1),
"If dilations > 1, strides should be 1");
* Convolution arithmetic:
* o = floor((i + 2 * p - k - (k - 1) * (d - 1)) / s) + 1
* Pooling arithmetic:
* o = ceil((i + 2 * p - k - (k - 1) * (d - 1)) / s) + 1
* For details, see https://arxiv.org/pdf/1603.07285.pdf or
* http://deeplearning.net/software/theano/tutorial/conv_arithmetic.html
output_shape[0] = input_shape[0];
if (round_type == FLOOR) {
output_shape[2] = static_cast<index_t>(
std::floor(1.0 * (input_shape[2] + padding_size[0] - filter_shape[2] -
(filter_shape[2] - 1) * (dilations[0] - 1)) /
strides[0]) +
output_shape[3] = static_cast<index_t>(
std::floor(1.0 * (input_shape[3] + padding_size[1] - filter_shape[3] -
(filter_shape[3] - 1) * (dilations[1] - 1)) /
strides[1]) +
} else {
output_shape[2] = static_cast<index_t>(
std::ceil(1.0 * (input_shape[2] + padding_size[0] - filter_shape[2] -
(filter_shape[2] - 1) * (dilations[0] - 1)) /
strides[0]) +
output_shape[3] = static_cast<index_t>(
std::ceil(1.0 * (input_shape[3] + padding_size[1] - filter_shape[3] -
(filter_shape[3] - 1) * (dilations[1] - 1)) /
strides[1]) +
output_shape[1] = filter_shape[0];
void CalPaddingSize(const index_t *input_shape, // NCHW
const index_t *filter_shape, // OIHW
const int *dilations,
......@@ -230,10 +279,11 @@ void CalPaddingSize(const index_t *input_shape, // NCHW
0, (output_width - 1) * strides[1] + k_extent_width - input_shape[3]);
void ConstructInputWithPadding(const Tensor *input_tensor,
const int *paddings,
Tensor *output_tensor,
bool padding_same_value) {
void ConstructNCHWInputWithPadding(const Tensor *input_tensor,
const int *paddings,
Tensor *output_tensor,
bool padding_same_value) {
Tensor::MappingGuard input_mapper(input_tensor);
const float *input = input_tensor->data<float>();
const index_t *input_shape = input_tensor->shape().data();
......@@ -244,7 +294,7 @@ void ConstructInputWithPadding(const Tensor *input_tensor,
index_t width = input_shape[3];
std::vector<index_t> output_shape(
{batch, channels, paddings[0] + height, paddings[1] + width});
{batch, channels, paddings[0] + height, paddings[1] + width});
const index_t output_width = output_shape[3];
const int padded_top = paddings[0] / 2;
......@@ -268,6 +318,7 @@ void ConstructInputWithPadding(const Tensor *input_tensor,
const int padded_bottom = paddings[0] - padded_top;
const int padded_right = paddings[1] - padded_left;
for (int i = 0; i < batch; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < channels; ++j) {
for (int k = 0; k < padded_top; ++k) {
......@@ -301,6 +352,51 @@ void ConstructInputWithPadding(const Tensor *input_tensor,
void ConstructNCHWInputWithSpecificPadding(const Tensor *input_tensor,
const int pad_top,
const int pad_bottom,
const int pad_left,
const int pad_right,
Tensor *output_tensor) {
Tensor::MappingGuard input_mapper(input_tensor);
const float *input = input_tensor->data<float>();
const index_t *input_shape = input_tensor->shape().data();
index_t batch = input_shape[0];
index_t channels = input_shape[1];
index_t height = input_shape[2];
index_t width = input_shape[3];
const int pad_height = pad_top + pad_bottom;
const int pad_width = pad_left + pad_right;
std::vector<index_t> output_shape(
{batch, channels, height + pad_height, width + pad_width});
Tensor::MappingGuard padded_output_mapper(output_tensor);
float *output_data = output_tensor->mutable_data<float>();
const index_t output_height = output_shape[2];
const index_t output_width = output_shape[3];
const index_t in_image_size = height * width;
const index_t out_image_size = output_height * output_width;
const index_t in_batch_size = channels * in_image_size;
const index_t out_batch_size = channels * out_image_size;
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (int i = 0; i < batch; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < channels; ++j) {
for (int k = 0; k < height; ++k) {
memcpy(output_data + i * out_batch_size + j * out_image_size
+ (pad_top + k) * output_width + pad_left,
input + i * in_batch_size + j * in_image_size + k * width,
width * sizeof(float));
// Skip the padded bottom in this channel and top in the next channel
void ConstructNHWCInputWithPadding(const Tensor *input_tensor,
const int *paddings,
Tensor *output_tensor,
......@@ -22,16 +22,16 @@ enum RoundType {
namespace kernels {
void CalcPaddingAndOutputSize(const index_t *input_shape, // NCHW
const index_t *filter_shape, // OIHW
void CalcNCHWPaddingAndOutputSize(const index_t *input_shape,
const index_t *filter_shape,
const int *dilations,
const int *strides,
Padding padding,
index_t *output_shape,
int *padding_size);
void CalcNHWCPaddingAndOutputSize(const index_t *input_shape, // NCHW
const index_t *filter_shape, // OIHW
void CalcNHWCPaddingAndOutputSize(const index_t *input_shape,
const index_t *filter_shape,
const int *dilations,
const int *strides,
Padding padding,
......@@ -46,6 +46,14 @@ void CalcOutputSize(const index_t *input_shape, // NHWC
const RoundType round_type,
index_t *output_shape);
void CalcNCHWOutputSize(const index_t *input_shape,
const index_t *filter_shape,
const int *padding_size,
const int *dilations,
const int *strides,
const RoundType round_type,
index_t *output_shape);
void CalPaddingSize(const index_t *input_shape, // NCHW
const index_t *filter_shape, // OIHW
const int *dilations,
......@@ -53,10 +61,15 @@ void CalPaddingSize(const index_t *input_shape, // NCHW
Padding padding,
int *padding_size);
void ConstructInputWithPadding(const Tensor *input,
const int *paddings,
Tensor *output_tensor,
bool padding_same_value = false);
void ConstructNCHWInputWithSpecificPadding(const Tensor *input,
const int pad_top, const int pad_bottom,
const int pad_left, const int pad_right,
Tensor *output_tensor);
void ConstructNCHWInputWithPadding(const Tensor *input,
const int *paddings,
Tensor *output_tensor,
bool padding_same_value = false);
void ConstructNHWCInputWithPadding(const Tensor *input,
const int *paddings,
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include "mace/core/future.h"
#include "mace/core/runtime/opencl/cl2_header.h"
#include "mace/kernels/conv_pool_2d_util.h"
#include "mace/kernels/activation.h"
#include "mace/public/mace.h"
namespace mace {
......@@ -407,12 +408,27 @@ struct DepthwiseConv2dFunctor : public DepthwiseConv2dFunctorBase {
template <>
void DepthwiseConv2dFunctor<DeviceType::NEON, float>::operator()(
const Tensor *input,
const Tensor *filter,
const Tensor *bias,
Tensor *output,
StatsFuture *future);
struct DepthwiseConv2dFunctor<DeviceType::NEON, float>
: DepthwiseConv2dFunctorBase {
DepthwiseConv2dFunctor(const int *strides,
const Padding padding_type,
const std::vector<int> &paddings,
const int *dilations,
const ActivationType activation,
const float relux_max_limit)
: DepthwiseConv2dFunctorBase(strides,
relux_max_limit) {}
void operator()(const Tensor *input,
const Tensor *filter,
const Tensor *bias,
Tensor *output,
StatsFuture *future);
template <typename T>
struct DepthwiseConv2dFunctor<DeviceType::OPENCL, T>
// Copyright (c) 2018 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
#include <math.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "mace/kernels/gemm.h"
#include "mace/utils/utils.h"
#include "mace/utils/logging.h"
namespace mace {
namespace kernels {
namespace {
void GemmRef(const float *A,
const float *B,
const index_t height,
const index_t K,
const index_t width,
float *C) {
memset(C, 0, sizeof(float) * height * width);
for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
for (int k = 0; k < K; ++k) {
C[i * width + j] += A[i * K + k] * B[k * width + j];
inline void GemmBlock(const float *A,
const float *B,
const index_t height,
const index_t K,
const index_t width,
const index_t stride_k,
const index_t stride_w,
float *C) {
for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
for (int k = 0; k < K; ++k) {
C[i * stride_w + j] += A[i * stride_k + k] * B[k * stride_w + j];
// TODO(liyin): may need implement 883 since RGB
inline void Gemm884(const float *a_ptr,
const float *b_ptr,
index_t stride_w,
index_t stride_k,
float *c_ptr) {
#if defined(MACE_ENABLE_NEON) && defined(__aarch64__)
float32x4_t a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14,
float32x4_t b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7;
float32x4_t c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7;
a0 = vld1q_f32(a_ptr);
a1 = vld1q_f32(a_ptr + 4);
a2 = vld1q_f32(a_ptr + 1 * stride_k);
a3 = vld1q_f32(a_ptr + 1 * stride_k + 4);
a4 = vld1q_f32(a_ptr + 2 * stride_k);
a5 = vld1q_f32(a_ptr + 2 * stride_k + 4);
a6 = vld1q_f32(a_ptr + 3 * stride_k);
a7 = vld1q_f32(a_ptr + 3 * stride_k + 4);
a8 = vld1q_f32(a_ptr + 4 * stride_k);
a9 = vld1q_f32(a_ptr + 4 * stride_k + 4);
a10 = vld1q_f32(a_ptr + 5 * stride_k);
a11 = vld1q_f32(a_ptr + 5 * stride_k + 4);
a12 = vld1q_f32(a_ptr + 6 * stride_k);
a13 = vld1q_f32(a_ptr + 6 * stride_k + 4);
a14 = vld1q_f32(a_ptr + 7 * stride_k);
a15 = vld1q_f32(a_ptr + 7 * stride_k + 4);
b0 = vld1q_f32(b_ptr);
b1 = vld1q_f32(b_ptr + 1 * stride_w);
b2 = vld1q_f32(b_ptr + 2 * stride_w);
b3 = vld1q_f32(b_ptr + 3 * stride_w);
b4 = vld1q_f32(b_ptr + 4 * stride_w);
b5 = vld1q_f32(b_ptr + 5 * stride_w);
b6 = vld1q_f32(b_ptr + 6 * stride_w);
b7 = vld1q_f32(b_ptr + 7 * stride_w);
c0 = vld1q_f32(c_ptr);
c1 = vld1q_f32(c_ptr + 1 * stride_w);
c2 = vld1q_f32(c_ptr + 2 * stride_w);
c3 = vld1q_f32(c_ptr + 3 * stride_w);
c4 = vld1q_f32(c_ptr + 4 * stride_w);
c5 = vld1q_f32(c_ptr + 5 * stride_w);
c6 = vld1q_f32(c_ptr + 6 * stride_w);
c7 = vld1q_f32(c_ptr + 7 * stride_w);
#define MACE_CONV_1x1_REG_CAL(RC, RA, RAN) \
c##RC = vfmaq_laneq_f32(c##RC, b0, a##RA, 0); \
c##RC = vfmaq_laneq_f32(c##RC, b1, a##RA, 1); \
c##RC = vfmaq_laneq_f32(c##RC, b2, a##RA, 2); \
c##RC = vfmaq_laneq_f32(c##RC, b3, a##RA, 3); \
c##RC = vfmaq_laneq_f32(c##RC, b4, a##RAN, 0); \
c##RC = vfmaq_laneq_f32(c##RC, b5, a##RAN, 1); \
c##RC = vfmaq_laneq_f32(c##RC, b6, a##RAN, 2); \
c##RC = vfmaq_laneq_f32(c##RC, b7, a##RAN, 3);
MACE_CONV_1x1_REG_CAL(0, 0, 1);
MACE_CONV_1x1_REG_CAL(1, 2, 3);
MACE_CONV_1x1_REG_CAL(2, 4, 5);
MACE_CONV_1x1_REG_CAL(3, 6, 7);
MACE_CONV_1x1_REG_CAL(4, 8, 9);
MACE_CONV_1x1_REG_CAL(5, 10, 11);
MACE_CONV_1x1_REG_CAL(6, 12, 13);
MACE_CONV_1x1_REG_CAL(7, 14, 15);
vst1q_f32(c_ptr, c0);
vst1q_f32(c_ptr + 1 * stride_w, c1);
vst1q_f32(c_ptr + 2 * stride_w, c2);
vst1q_f32(c_ptr + 3 * stride_w, c3);
vst1q_f32(c_ptr + 4 * stride_w, c4);
vst1q_f32(c_ptr + 5 * stride_w, c5);
vst1q_f32(c_ptr + 6 * stride_w, c6);
vst1q_f32(c_ptr + 7 * stride_w, c7);
GemmBlock(a_ptr, b_ptr, 8, 8, 4, stride_k, stride_w, c_ptr);
inline void GemmTile(const float *A,
const float *B,
const index_t height,
const index_t K,
const index_t width,
const index_t stride_k,
const index_t stride_w,
float *C) {
index_t h, w, k;
for (h = 0; h + 7 < height; h += 8) {
for (w = 0; w + 3 < width; w += 4) {
for (k = 0; k + 7 < K; k += 8) {
const float *a_ptr = A + (h * stride_k + k);
const float *b_ptr = B + (k * stride_w + w);
float *c_ptr = C + (h * stride_w + w);
Gemm884(a_ptr, b_ptr, stride_w, stride_k, c_ptr);
if (k < K) {
const float *a_ptr = A + (h * stride_k + k);
const float *b_ptr = B + (k * stride_w + w);
float *c_ptr = C + (h * stride_w + w);
GemmBlock(a_ptr, b_ptr, 8, K - k, 4, stride_k, stride_w, c_ptr);
if (w < width) {
const float *a_ptr = A + h * stride_k;
const float *b_ptr = B + w;
float *c_ptr = C + (h * stride_w + w);
width - w,
if (h < height) {
// TODO(liyin): may use Gemm444
const float *a_ptr = A + (h * stride_k);
const float *b_ptr = B;
float *c_ptr = C + h * stride_w;
height - h,
} // namespace
void Gemm(const float *A,
const float *B,
const index_t batch,
const index_t height,
const index_t K,
const index_t width,
float *C) {
memset(C, 0, sizeof(float) * batch * height * width);
// It is better to use large block size if it fits for fast cache.
// Assume l1 cache size is 32k, we load three blocks at a time (A, B, C),
// the block size should be sqrt(32k / sizeof(T) / 3).
const index_t block_size = 48;
const index_t block_tile_height = RoundUpDiv(height, block_size);
const index_t block_tile_width = RoundUpDiv(width, block_size);
const index_t block_tile_k = RoundUpDiv(K, block_size);
const index_t remain_height = height % block_size;
const index_t remain_width = width % block_size;
const index_t remain_k = K % block_size;
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(3)
for (index_t n = 0; n < batch; ++n) {
for (index_t bh = 0; bh < block_tile_height; ++bh) {
for (index_t bw = 0; bw < block_tile_width; ++bw) {
const float *a_base = A + n * height * K;
const float *b_base = B + n * K * width;
float *c_base = C + n * height * width;
const index_t ih_begin = bh * block_size;
const index_t ih_end =
bh * block_size + (bh == block_tile_height - 1 && remain_height > 0
? remain_height : block_size);
const index_t iw_begin = bw * block_size;
const index_t iw_end =
bw * block_size
+ (bw == block_tile_width - 1 && remain_width > 0 ? remain_width
: block_size);
for (index_t bk = 0; bk < block_tile_k; ++bk) {
const index_t ik_begin = bk * block_size;
const index_t ik_end =
bk * block_size
+ (bk == block_tile_k - 1 && remain_k > 0 ? remain_k
: block_size);
// inside block:
// calculate C[bh, bw] += A[bh, bk] * B[bk, bw] for one k
GemmTile(a_base + (ih_begin * K + ik_begin),
b_base + (ik_begin * width + iw_begin),
ih_end - ih_begin,
ik_end - ik_begin,
iw_end - iw_begin,
c_base + (ih_begin * width + iw_begin));
} // bk
} // bw
} // bh
} // n
} // namespace kernels
} // namespace mace
// Copyright (c) 2018 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
#if defined(MACE_ENABLE_NEON) && defined(__aarch64__)
#include <arm_neon.h>
#include "mace/core/types.h"
namespace mace {
namespace kernels {
void Gemm(const float *A,
const float *B,
const index_t batch,
const index_t height,
const index_t K,
const index_t width,
float *C);
} // namespace kernels
} // namespace mace
// Copyright (c) 2018 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <random>
#include "mace/kernels/gemm.h"
#include "mace/core/types.h"
namespace mace {
TEST(GEMMTest, gemm) {
index_t N = 17;
index_t M = 33;
index_t K = 64;
float *A = new float[N * K];
float *B = new float[K * M];
float *C = new float[N * M];
float *C_ref = new float[N * M];
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::normal_distribution<float> nd(0, 1);
std::generate(A, A + N * K,
[&gen, &nd] {
return nd(gen);
std::generate(B, B + K * M,
[&gen, &nd] {
return nd(gen);
kernels::Gemm(A, B, N, K, M, C);
kernels::GemmRef(A, B, N, K, M, C_ref);
for (int i = 0; i < N * M; ++i) {
EXPECT_NEAR(C_ref[i], C[i], 0.1);
} // namespace mace
......@@ -16,142 +16,12 @@
#include "mace/core/future.h"
#include "mace/core/runtime/opencl/cl2_header.h"
#include "mace/core/tensor.h"
#include "mace/kernels/gemm.h"
#include "mace/utils/utils.h"
namespace mace {
namespace kernels {
template<typename T,
int register_tile_size,
int h_count,
int w_count,
int k_count>
inline void MatMulKernelFunc(const T *A,
const T *B,
T *C,
index_t offset_h,
index_t offset_w,
index_t offset_k,
index_t stride_h,
index_t stride_w,
index_t stride_k) {
T a_tmp[register_tile_size][register_tile_size] = {0};
T b_tmp[register_tile_size][register_tile_size] = {0};
T c_tmp[register_tile_size][register_tile_size] = {0};
for (int h = 0; h < h_count; ++h) {
for (int k = 0; k < k_count; ++k) {
a_tmp[h][k] = A[(offset_h + h) * stride_k + (offset_k + k)];
for (int k = 0; k < k_count; ++k) {
for (int w = 0; w < w_count; ++w) {
b_tmp[k][w] = B[(offset_k + k) * stride_w + (offset_w + w)];
#if defined(MACE_ENABLE_NEON) && defined(__aarch64__)
static_assert(register_tile_size == 4, "register tile size must be 4");
float32x4_t a_dup;
float32x4_t b_vec[4] =
{vld1q_f32(b_tmp[0]), vld1q_f32(b_tmp[1]), vld1q_f32(b_tmp[2]),
c_vec[4] = {vdupq_n_f32(0), vdupq_n_f32(0), vdupq_n_f32(0), vdupq_n_f32(0)};
for (int h = 0; h < register_tile_size; ++h) {
for (int k = 0; k < register_tile_size; ++k) {
a_dup = vdupq_n_f32(a_tmp[h][k]);
c_vec[h] = vfmaq_f32(c_vec[h], a_dup, b_vec[k]);
for (int h = 0; h < register_tile_size; ++h) {
vst1q_f32(c_tmp[h], c_vec[h]);
for (int h = 0; h < register_tile_size; ++h) {
for (int w = 0; w < register_tile_size; ++w) {
for (int k = 0; k < register_tile_size; ++k) {
c_tmp[h][w] += a_tmp[h][k] * b_tmp[k][w];
for (int h = 0; h < h_count; ++h) {
for (int w = 0; w < w_count; ++w) {
C[(offset_h + h) * stride_w + (offset_w + w)] += c_tmp[h][w];
#define MACE_DO_MATMUL(HC, WC, KC) \
MatMulKernelFunc<T, register_tile_size, HC, WC, KC>(a_ptr_batch_base, \
b_ptr_batch_base, \
c_ptr_batch_base, \
ih, \
iw, \
ik, \
height, \
width, \
switch (k_count) { \
case 1: \
break; \
case 2: \
break; \
case 3: \
break; \
case 4: \
break; \
default: \
LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported k tile: " << k_count; \
switch (w_count) { \
case 1: \
break; \
case 2: \
break; \
case 3: \
break; \
case 4: \
break; \
default: \
LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported w tile: " << w_count; \
switch (h_count) { \
case 1: \
break; \
case 2: \
break; \
case 3: \
break; \
case 4: \
break; \
default: \
LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported h tile: " << h_count; \
template<DeviceType D, typename T>
struct MatMulFunctor {
void operator()(const Tensor *A,
......@@ -185,51 +55,7 @@ struct MatMulFunctor {
constexpr index_t register_tile_size = 4;
memset(c_ptr_base, 0, batch * height * width * sizeof(T));
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(3)
for (index_t n = 0; n < batch; ++n) {
// handle block
for (index_t bh = 0; bh < block_tile_height; ++bh) {
for (index_t bw = 0; bw < block_tile_width; ++bw) {
const T *a_ptr_batch_base = a_ptr_base + n * height * K;
const T *b_ptr_batch_base = b_ptr_base + n * K * width;
T *c_ptr_batch_base = c_ptr_base + n * height * width;
const index_t ih_begin = bh * block_size;
const index_t ih_end =
bh * block_size + (bh == block_tile_height - 1 && remain_height > 0
? remain_height : block_size);
const index_t iw_begin = bw * block_size;
const index_t iw_end =
bw * block_size
+ (bw == block_tile_width - 1 && remain_width > 0 ? remain_width
: block_size);
for (index_t bk = 0; bk < block_tile_k; ++bk) {
const index_t ik_begin = bk * block_size;
const index_t ik_end =
bk * block_size
+ (bk == block_tile_k - 1 && remain_k > 0 ? remain_k
: block_size);
// inside block:
// calculate C[bh, bw] += A[bh, bk] * B[bk, bw] for one k
for (index_t ih = ih_begin; ih < ih_end;
ih += register_tile_size) {
for (index_t iw = iw_begin; iw < iw_end;
iw += register_tile_size) {
for (index_t ik = ik_begin; ik < ik_end;
ik += register_tile_size) {
const int h_count = std::min(register_tile_size, ih_end - ih);
const int w_count = std::min(register_tile_size, iw_end - iw);
const int k_count = std::min(register_tile_size, ik_end - ik);
} // ik
} // iw
} // ih
} // bk
} // bw
} // bh
} // n
Gemm(a_ptr_base, b_ptr_base, batch, height, K, width, c_ptr_base);
// Copyright (c) 2017 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
#include <arm_neon.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <limits>
namespace mace {
namespace kernels {
void PoolingAvgNeonK2x2S2x2(const float *input,
const index_t *in_shape,
float *output,
const index_t *out_shape,
const int *paddings) {
index_t batch = in_shape[0];
index_t channels = in_shape[1];
index_t in_height = in_shape[2];
index_t in_width = in_shape[3];
index_t out_height = out_shape[2];
index_t out_width = out_shape[3];
int padding_top = paddings[0] / 2;
int padding_bottom = paddings[0] - padding_top;
int padding_left = paddings[1] / 2;
int padding_right = paddings[1] - padding_left;
int in_image_size = in_height * in_width;
int out_image_size = out_height * out_width;
index_t input_offset = 0;
index_t output_offset = 0;
float avg_factors[4] = {0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25};
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (int b = 0; b < batch; ++b) {
for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
float *outptr = output + output_offset;
const float *r0, *r1;
for (int h = 0; h < out_height; ++h) {
int w = 0;
int num_vectors = 0;
if (!((h == 0 && padding_top > 0) ||
(h == out_height - 1 && padding_bottom > 0))) {
r0 = input + input_offset + (h * 2 - padding_top) * in_width;
r1 = r0 + in_width;
if (padding_left > 0) {
*outptr = (r0[0] + r1[0]) * 0.25;
if (padding_right > 0) {
num_vectors = (out_width - w - 1) >> 2;
} else {
num_vectors = (out_width - w) >> 2;
w += num_vectors << 2;
float32x4_t factors = vld1q_f32(avg_factors);
for (; num_vectors > 0; --num_vectors) {
float32x4_t r00 = vld1q_f32(r0);
float32x4_t r10 = vld1q_f32(r1);
float32x4_t r01 = vld1q_f32(r0 + 4);
float32x4_t r11 = vld1q_f32(r1 + 4);
float32x4_t sum0 = vaddq_f32(r00, r10);
float32x4_t sum1 = vaddq_f32(r01, r11);
float32x4_t sum_result = vpaddq_f32(sum0, sum1);
float32x4_t avg_result = vmulq_f32(sum_result, factors);
vst1q_f32(outptr, avg_result);
r0 += 8;
r1 += 8;
outptr += 4;
for (; w < out_width; ++w) {
float sum = 0.0;
for (int kh = 0; kh < 2; ++kh) {
for (int kw = 0; kw < 2; ++kw) {
int inh = h * 2 - padding_top + kh;
int inw = w * 2 - padding_left + kw;
if (inh >= 0 && inh < in_height && inw >= 0 && inw < in_width) {
sum += input[input_offset + inh * in_width + inw];
*outptr = sum * 0.25;
input_offset += in_image_size;
output_offset += out_image_size;
// assume the input has already been padded
void PoolingAvgNeonK2x2S2x2Padded(const float *input,
const index_t *in_shape,
float *output,
const index_t *out_shape) {
index_t batch = in_shape[0];
index_t channels = in_shape[1];
index_t in_height = in_shape[2];
index_t in_width = in_shape[3];
index_t out_height = out_shape[2];
index_t out_width = out_shape[3];
int in_image_size = in_height * in_width;
int out_image_size = out_height * out_width;
index_t input_offset = 0;
index_t output_offset = 0;
float avg_factors[4] = {0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25};
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (int b = 0; b < batch; ++b) {
for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
const float *img0 = input + input_offset;
float *outptr = output + output_offset;
const float *r0 = img0;
const float *r1 = img0 + in_width;
for (int h = 0; h < out_height; ++h) {
int num_vectors = out_width >> 2;
int remain = out_width - (num_vectors << 2);
float32x4_t factors = vld1q_f32(avg_factors);
for (; num_vectors > 0; --num_vectors) {
float32x4_t r00 = vld1q_f32(r0);
float32x4_t r10 = vld1q_f32(r1);
float32x4_t r01 = vld1q_f32(r0 + 4);
float32x4_t r11 = vld1q_f32(r1 + 4);
float32x4_t sum0 = vaddq_f32(r00, r10);
float32x4_t sum1 = vaddq_f32(r01, r11);
float32x4_t sum_result = vpaddq_f32(sum0, sum1);
float32x4_t avg_result = vmulq_f32(sum_result, factors);
vst1q_f32(outptr, avg_result);
r0 += 8;
r1 += 8;
outptr += 4;
for (; remain > 0; --remain) {
*outptr = (r0[0] + r0[1] + r1[0] + r1[1]) * 0.25;
r0 += 2;
r1 += 2;
r0 += in_width;
r1 += in_width;
input_offset += in_image_size;
output_offset += out_image_size;
} // namespace kernels
} // namespace mace
// Copyright (c) 2017 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
#include "mace/kernels/batch_norm.h"
#include <arm_neon.h>
namespace mace {
namespace kernels {
template <>
void BatchNormFunctor<DeviceType::NEON, float>::operator()(
const Tensor *input,
const Tensor *scale,
const Tensor *offset,
const Tensor *mean,
const Tensor *var,
const float epsilon,
Tensor *output,
StatsFuture *future) {
// Batch normalization in the paper https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.03167 .
// The calculation formula for inference is
// Y = \frac{ \scale } { \sqrt{var+\epsilon} } * X +
// ( \offset - \frac { \scale * mean } { \sqrt{var+\epsilon}
// }
// new_scale = \frac{ \scale } { \sqrt{var+\epsilon} }
// new_offset = \offset - mean * common_val;
// Y = new_scale * X + new_offset;
const index_t n = input->dim(0);
const index_t sample_size = input->dim(1) * input->dim(2);
const index_t channel = input->dim(3);
const float *input_ptr = input->data<float>();
const float *scale_ptr = scale->data<float>();
const float *offset_ptr = offset->data<float>();
const float *mean_ptr = mean->data<float>();
const float *var_ptr = var->data<float>();
float *output_ptr = output->mutable_data<float>();
const index_t ch_blks = channel >> 2;
const index_t remain_chs = channel - (ch_blks << 2);
std::vector<float> new_scale(channel);
std::vector<float> new_offset(channel);
#pragma omp parallel for
for (index_t c = 0; c < channel; ++c) {
new_scale[c] = scale_ptr[c] / std::sqrt(var_ptr[c] + epsilon);
new_offset[c] = offset_ptr[c] - mean_ptr[c] * new_scale[c];
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (index_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
for (index_t j = 0; j < sample_size; ++j) {
const float *input_sample_ptr =
input_ptr + (i * sample_size + j) * channel;
float *output_sample_ptr = output_ptr + (i * sample_size + j) * channel;
const float *new_scale_ptr = new_scale.data();
const float *new_offset_ptr = new_offset.data();
for (index_t cb = 0; cb < ch_blks; ++cb) {
float32x4_t new_scale_f = vld1q_f32(new_scale_ptr);
float32x4_t new_offset_f = vld1q_f32(new_offset_ptr);
float32x4_t input_f = vld1q_f32(input_sample_ptr);
float32x4_t output_f = vfmaq_f32(new_offset_f, input_f, new_scale_f);
vst1q_f32(output_sample_ptr, output_f);
input_sample_ptr += 4;
output_sample_ptr += 4;
new_scale_ptr += 4;
new_offset_ptr += 4;
for (index_t c = (ch_blks << 2); c < channel; ++c) {
*output_sample_ptr = new_scale[c] * *input_sample_ptr + new_offset[c];
} // namespace kernels
} // namespace mace
// Copyright (c) 2017 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
#include "mace/kernels/conv_2d.h"
#include "mace/kernels/conv_pool_2d_util.h"
namespace mace {
namespace kernels {
extern void Conv2dNeonK1x1S1(const float *input,
const index_t *input_shape,
const float *filter,
const index_t *filter_shape,
const float *bias,
float *output,
const index_t *output_shape);
extern void Conv2dNeonK3x3S1(const float *input,
const index_t *input_shape,
const float *filter,
const index_t *filter_shape,
const float *bias,
float *output,
const index_t *output_shape);
extern void Conv2dNeonK3x3S2(const float *input,
const index_t *input_shape,
const float *filter,
const index_t *filter_shape,
const float *bias,
float *output,
const index_t *output_shape);
extern void Conv2dNeonK5x5S1(const float *input,
const index_t *input_shape,
const float *filter,
const index_t *filter_shape,
const float *bias,
float *output,
const index_t *output_shape);
template <>
void Conv2dFunctor<DeviceType::NEON, float>::operator()(const Tensor *input,
const Tensor *filter,
const Tensor *bias,
Tensor *output,
StatsFuture *future) {
std::vector<index_t> output_shape_vec(4);
std::vector<int> paddings(2);
input->shape().data(), filter->shape().data(), dilations_, strides_,
paddings_, output_shape_vec.data(), paddings.data());
typedef void (*Conv2dNeonFunction)(
const float *input, const index_t *input_shape, const float *filter,
const index_t *filter_shape, const float *bias, float *output,
const index_t *output_shape);
// Selection matrix: kernel_size x stride_size
static const Conv2dNeonFunction selector[5][2] = {
{Conv2dNeonK1x1S1, nullptr},
{nullptr, nullptr},
{Conv2dNeonK3x3S1, Conv2dNeonK3x3S2},
{nullptr, nullptr},
{Conv2dNeonK5x5S1, nullptr}};
// not implement yet
index_t kernel_h = filter->dim(2);
index_t kernel_w = filter->dim(3);
if (kernel_h != kernel_w || kernel_h > 5 || strides_[0] != strides_[1] ||
strides_[0] > 2 || dilations_[0] != 1 || dilations_[1] != 1 ||
selector[kernel_h - 1][strides_[0] - 1] == nullptr) {
LOG(WARNING) << "NEON conv2d kernel with "
<< "filter" << kernel_h << "x" << kernel_w << ","
<< " stride " << strides_[0] << "x" << strides_[1]
<< " is not implemented yet, using slow version";
Conv2dFunctor<DeviceType::CPU, float>(strides_, paddings_, dilations_)(
input, filter, bias, output, future);
Tensor padded_input;
// Keep this alive during kernel execution
if (paddings[0] > 0 || paddings[1] > 0) {
ConstructInputWithPadding(input, paddings.data(), &padded_input);
input = &padded_input;
Tensor::MappingGuard input_mapper(input);
Tensor::MappingGuard filter_mapper(filter);
Tensor::MappingGuard bias_mapper(bias);
Tensor::MappingGuard output_mapper(output);
auto input_data = input->data<float>();
auto input_shape = input->shape().data();
auto filter_data = filter->data<float>();
auto bias_data = bias == nullptr ? nullptr : bias->data<float>();
auto output_data = output->mutable_data<float>();
auto output_shape = output->shape().data();
auto conv2d_neon_func = selector[kernel_h - 1][strides_[0] - 1];
conv2d_neon_func(input_data, input_shape, filter_data, nullptr, bias_data,
output_data, output_shape);
} // namespace kernels
} // namespace mace
// Copyright (c) 2017 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
#include <arm_neon.h>
#include "mace/utils/utils.h"
namespace mace {
namespace kernels {
static constexpr index_t kInputChannelBlockSize = 2;
static constexpr index_t kOutputChannelBlockSize = 4;
static __attribute__((__aligned__(64)))
int32_t mask_array[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1};
static inline void NeonConv2x4Kernel(index_t input_channels,
index_t pixel_size,
const float *input,
const float *filter,
float *output) {
const float *input0 = input;
const float *input1 = input + pixel_size;
const float32x2_t vfilter0x = vld1_f32(filter);
filter += input_channels;
const float32x2_t vfilter1x = vld1_f32(filter);
filter += input_channels;
const float32x2_t vfilter2x = vld1_f32(filter);
filter += input_channels;
const float32x2_t vfilter3x = vld1_f32(filter);
float *output0 = output;
float *output1 = output0 + pixel_size;
float *output2 = output1 + pixel_size;
float *output3 = output2 + pixel_size;
while (pixel_size >= 4) {
float32x4_t voutput0 = vld1q_f32(output0);
float32x4_t voutput1 = vld1q_f32(output1);
float32x4_t voutput2 = vld1q_f32(output2);
float32x4_t voutput3 = vld1q_f32(output3);
const float32x4_t vinput0 = vld1q_f32(input0);
input0 += 4;
voutput0 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput0, vinput0, vfilter0x, 0);
voutput1 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput1, vinput0, vfilter1x, 0);
voutput2 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput2, vinput0, vfilter2x, 0);
voutput3 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput3, vinput0, vfilter3x, 0);
const float32x4_t vinput1 = vld1q_f32(input1);
input1 += 4;
voutput0 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput0, vinput1, vfilter0x, 1);
voutput1 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput1, vinput1, vfilter1x, 1);
voutput2 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput2, vinput1, vfilter2x, 1);
voutput3 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput3, vinput1, vfilter3x, 1);
vst1q_f32(output0, voutput0);
output0 += 4;
vst1q_f32(output1, voutput1);
output1 += 4;
vst1q_f32(output2, voutput2);
output2 += 4;
vst1q_f32(output3, voutput3);
output3 += 4;
pixel_size -= 4;
if (pixel_size != 0) {
const int32x4_t vmask = vld1q_s32(&mask_array[pixel_size]);
output0 = output0 + pixel_size - 4;
float32x4_t voutput0 = vld1q_f32(output0);
output1 = output1 + pixel_size - 4;
float32x4_t voutput1 = vld1q_f32(output1);
output2 = output2 + pixel_size - 4;
float32x4_t voutput2 = vld1q_f32(output2);
output3 = output3 + pixel_size - 4;
float32x4_t voutput3 = vld1q_f32(output3);
const float32x4_t vinput0 = vreinterpretq_f32_s32(vandq_s32(
vmask, vreinterpretq_s32_f32(vld1q_f32(&input0[pixel_size - 4]))));
voutput0 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput0, vinput0, vfilter0x, 0);
voutput1 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput1, vinput0, vfilter1x, 0);
voutput2 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput2, vinput0, vfilter2x, 0);
voutput3 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput3, vinput0, vfilter3x, 0);
const float32x4_t vinput1 = vreinterpretq_f32_s32(vandq_s32(
vmask, vreinterpretq_s32_f32(vld1q_f32(&input1[pixel_size - 4]))));
voutput0 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput0, vinput1, vfilter0x, 1);
voutput1 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput1, vinput1, vfilter1x, 1);
voutput2 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput2, vinput1, vfilter2x, 1);
voutput3 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput3, vinput1, vfilter3x, 1);
vst1q_f32(output0, voutput0);
vst1q_f32(output1, voutput1);
vst1q_f32(output2, voutput2);
vst1q_f32(output3, voutput3);
static inline void NeonConv2x4SubBlockKernel(
index_t input_channels_subblock_size,
index_t output_channels_subblock_size,
index_t input_channels,
index_t pixel_size,
const float *input,
const float *filter,
float *output) {
const float *input0 = input;
const float *input1 = input + pixel_size;
float32x2_t vfilter0x, vfilter1x, vfilter2x, vfilter3x;
vfilter0x = vld1_dup_f32(&filter[0]);
if (input_channels_subblock_size > 1) {
vfilter0x = vld1_lane_f32(&filter[1], vfilter0x, 1);
if (output_channels_subblock_size > 1) {
filter += input_channels;
vfilter1x = vld1_dup_f32(&filter[0]);
if (input_channels_subblock_size > 1) {
vfilter1x = vld1_lane_f32(&filter[1], vfilter1x, 1);
if (output_channels_subblock_size > 2) {
filter += input_channels;
vfilter2x = vld1_dup_f32(&filter[0]);
if (input_channels_subblock_size > 1) {
vfilter2x = vld1_lane_f32(&filter[1], vfilter2x, 1);
if (output_channels_subblock_size > 3) {
filter += input_channels;
vfilter3x = vld1_dup_f32(&filter[0]);
if (input_channels_subblock_size > 1) {
vfilter3x = vld1_lane_f32(&filter[1], vfilter3x, 1);
float *output0 = output;
float *output1 = output0 + pixel_size;
float *output2 = output1 + pixel_size;
float *output3 = output2 + pixel_size;
while (pixel_size >= 4) {
float32x4_t voutput0, voutput1, voutput2, voutput3;
voutput0 = vld1q_f32(output0);
if (output_channels_subblock_size > 1) {
voutput1 = vld1q_f32(output1);
if (output_channels_subblock_size > 2) {
voutput2 = vld1q_f32(output2);
if (output_channels_subblock_size > 3) {
voutput3 = vld1q_f32(output3);
const float32x4_t vinput0 = vld1q_f32(input0);
input0 += 4;
voutput0 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput0, vinput0, vfilter0x, 0);
voutput1 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput1, vinput0, vfilter1x, 0);
voutput2 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput2, vinput0, vfilter2x, 0);
voutput3 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput3, vinput0, vfilter3x, 0);
if (input_channels_subblock_size > 1) {
const float32x4_t vinput1 = vld1q_f32(input1);
input1 += 4;
voutput0 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput0, vinput1, vfilter0x, 1);
voutput1 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput1, vinput1, vfilter1x, 1);
voutput2 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput2, vinput1, vfilter2x, 1);
voutput3 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput3, vinput1, vfilter3x, 1);
vst1q_f32(output0, voutput0);
output0 += 4;
if (output_channels_subblock_size > 1) {
vst1q_f32(output1, voutput1);
output1 += 4;
if (output_channels_subblock_size > 2) {
vst1q_f32(output2, voutput2);
output2 += 4;
if (output_channels_subblock_size > 3) {
vst1q_f32(output3, voutput3);
output3 += 4;
pixel_size -= 4;
if (pixel_size != 0) {
const int32x4_t vmask = vld1q_s32(&mask_array[pixel_size]);
float32x4_t voutput0, voutput1, voutput2, voutput3;
output0 += pixel_size - 4;
voutput0 = vld1q_f32(output0);
if (output_channels_subblock_size > 1) {
output1 += pixel_size - 4;
voutput1 = vld1q_f32(output1);
if (output_channels_subblock_size > 2) {
output2 += pixel_size - 4;
voutput2 = vld1q_f32(output2);
if (output_channels_subblock_size > 3) {
output3 += pixel_size - 4;
voutput3 = vld1q_f32(output3);
const float32x4_t vinput0 = vreinterpretq_f32_s32(vandq_s32(
vmask, vreinterpretq_s32_f32(vld1q_f32(&input0[pixel_size - 4]))));
voutput0 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput0, vinput0, vfilter0x, 0);
voutput1 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput1, vinput0, vfilter1x, 0);
voutput2 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput2, vinput0, vfilter2x, 0);
voutput3 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput3, vinput0, vfilter3x, 0);
if (input_channels_subblock_size > 1) {
const float32x4_t vinput1 = vreinterpretq_f32_s32(vandq_s32(
vmask, vreinterpretq_s32_f32(vld1q_f32(&input1[pixel_size - 4]))));
voutput0 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput0, vinput1, vfilter0x, 1);
voutput1 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput1, vinput1, vfilter1x, 1);
voutput2 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput2, vinput1, vfilter2x, 1);
voutput3 = vfmaq_lane_f32(voutput3, vinput1, vfilter3x, 1);
vst1q_f32(output0, voutput0);
if (output_channels_subblock_size > 1) {
vst1q_f32(output1, voutput1);
if (output_channels_subblock_size > 2) {
vst1q_f32(output2, voutput2);
if (output_channels_subblock_size > 3) {
vst1q_f32(output3, voutput3);
void Conv2dNeonK1x1S1(const float *input, // NCHW
const index_t *input_shape,
const float *filter, // c_out, c_in, filter_h, filter_w
const index_t *filter_shape,
const float *bias, // c_out
float *output, // NCHW
const index_t *output_shape) {
const index_t batch = output_shape[0];
const index_t channels = output_shape[1];
const index_t height = output_shape[2];
const index_t width = output_shape[3];
const index_t input_batch = input_shape[0];
const index_t input_channels = input_shape[1];
const index_t input_height = input_shape[2];
const index_t input_width = input_shape[3];
MACE_CHECK(input_batch == batch && input_height == height &&
input_width == width);
const index_t total_pixels = height * width;
const index_t round_up_channels = RoundUp(channels, kOutputChannelBlockSize);
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (index_t n = 0; n < batch; ++n) {
for (int i = 0; i < channels; ++i) {
float *output_ptr_base =
output + n * channels * total_pixels + i * total_pixels;
std::fill(output_ptr_base, output_ptr_base + total_pixels,
bias ? bias[i] : 0);
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (index_t n = 0; n < batch; ++n) {
for (index_t c = 0; c < round_up_channels; c += kOutputChannelBlockSize) {
const float *input_ptr = input + n * input_channels * total_pixels;
const float *filter_ptr = filter + c * input_channels;
float *output_ptr =
output + n * channels * total_pixels + c * total_pixels;
const index_t output_channel_block_size =
std::min(channels - c, kOutputChannelBlockSize);
index_t remain_input_channels = input_channels;
if (c + kOutputChannelBlockSize <= channels) {
while (remain_input_channels >= kInputChannelBlockSize) {
NeonConv2x4Kernel(input_channels, total_pixels, input_ptr, filter_ptr,
input_ptr += kInputChannelBlockSize * total_pixels;
filter_ptr += kInputChannelBlockSize;
remain_input_channels -= kInputChannelBlockSize;
while (remain_input_channels != 0) {
const index_t input_channel_block_size =
std::min(remain_input_channels, kInputChannelBlockSize);
input_channel_block_size, output_channel_block_size, input_channels,
total_pixels, input_ptr, filter_ptr, output_ptr);
input_ptr += kInputChannelBlockSize * total_pixels;
filter_ptr += kInputChannelBlockSize;
remain_input_channels -= input_channel_block_size;
void Conv2dNeonPixelK1x1S1(
const float *input, // NCHW
const index_t *input_shape,
const float *filter, // c_out, c_in, kernel_h, kernel_w
const index_t *filter_shape,
const float *bias, // c_out
float *output, // NCHW
const index_t *output_shape) {
const index_t batch = output_shape[0];
const index_t channels = output_shape[1];
const index_t height = output_shape[2];
const index_t width = output_shape[3];
const index_t input_batch = input_shape[0];
const index_t input_channels = input_shape[1];
const index_t input_height = input_shape[2];
const index_t input_width = input_shape[3];
MACE_CHECK(input_batch == batch && input_height == height &&
input_width == width);
const index_t total_pixels = height * width;
// Process 4 * 2 = 8 pixels for each innermost loop
// TODO(heliangliang): Does 64 bit v.s. 32 bit index matters? need benchmark
const index_t total_loops = total_pixels >> 3;
const index_t loop_remaining = total_pixels & 7;
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (index_t n = 0; n < batch; ++n) {
for (index_t c = 0; c < channels; ++c) {
const float *filter_ptr = filter + c * input_channels;
// TODO(heliangliang): Will GCC opt these out?
float *channel_output_start =
output + n * channels * height * width + c * height * width;
const float *input_ptr =
input + n * input_channels * input_height * input_width;
// Fill with bias
float *output_ptr = channel_output_start;
std::fill(output_ptr, output_ptr + total_pixels, bias ? bias[c] : 0);
index_t inc = 0;
// Process 4 input channels in batch
for (; inc + 3 < input_channels; inc += 4) {
float *output_ptr = channel_output_start;
// The begining of each input feature map channel
MACE_ASSERT(input_ptr ==
input + n * input_channels * input_height * input_width +
inc * input_height * input_width);
const float *input_ptr1 = input_ptr + total_pixels;
const float *input_ptr2 = input_ptr1 + total_pixels;
const float *input_ptr3 = input_ptr2 + total_pixels;
// filter is in c_out, c_in, 1, 1 order
MACE_ASSERT(filter_ptr == filter + c * input_channels + inc);
const float k0 = filter_ptr[0];
const float k1 = filter_ptr[1];
const float k2 = filter_ptr[2];
const float k3 = filter_ptr[3];
filter_ptr += 4;
const float32x4_t vk0 = vdupq_n_f32(k0);
const float32x4_t vk1 = vdupq_n_f32(k1);
const float32x4_t vk2 = vdupq_n_f32(k2);
const float32x4_t vk3 = vdupq_n_f32(k3);
index_t loop_itr = total_loops;
for (; loop_itr > 0; --loop_itr) {
// Process 2 group of 4 floats
float32x4_t out0 = vld1q_f32(output_ptr);
float32x4_t out4 = vld1q_f32(output_ptr + 4);
const float32x4_t in00 = vld1q_f32(input_ptr);
const float32x4_t in04 = vld1q_f32(input_ptr + 4);
out0 = vfmaq_f32(out0, in00, vk0);
out4 = vfmaq_f32(out4, in04, vk0);
const float32x4_t in10 = vld1q_f32(input_ptr1);
const float32x4_t in14 = vld1q_f32(input_ptr1 + 4);
out0 = vfmaq_f32(out0, in10, vk1);
out4 = vfmaq_f32(out4, in14, vk1);
const float32x4_t in20 = vld1q_f32(input_ptr2);
const float32x4_t in24 = vld1q_f32(input_ptr2 + 4);
out0 = vfmaq_f32(out0, in20, vk2);
out4 = vfmaq_f32(out4, in24, vk2);
const float32x4_t in30 = vld1q_f32(input_ptr3);
const float32x4_t in34 = vld1q_f32(input_ptr3 + 4);
out0 = vfmaq_f32(out0, in30, vk3);
out4 = vfmaq_f32(out4, in34, vk3);
float prev_output = output_ptr[0];
// Save output
vst1q_f32(output_ptr, out0);
vst1q_f32(output_ptr + 4, out4);
output_ptr += 8;
input_ptr += 8;
input_ptr1 += 8;
input_ptr2 += 8;
input_ptr3 += 8;
// Process the remaining pixels
index_t remaining_pixels = loop_remaining;
for (; remaining_pixels > 0; --remaining_pixels) {
const float mul = *input_ptr * k0;
const float mul1 = *input_ptr1 * k1;
const float mul2 = *input_ptr2 * k2;
const float mul3 = *input_ptr3 * k3;
float prev_output = output_ptr[0];
*output_ptr += mul + mul1 + mul2 + mul3;
// Skip these 4 feature maps
input_ptr += 3 * total_pixels;
// Process the remaining channels
for (; inc < input_channels; ++inc) {
float *output_ptr = channel_output_start;
MACE_ASSERT(input_ptr ==
input + n * input_channels * input_height * input_width +
inc * input_height * input_width);
MACE_ASSERT(filter_ptr == filter + c * input_channels + inc);
const float k0 = filter_ptr[0];
const float32x4_t vk0 = vdupq_n_f32(k0);
index_t loop_itr = total_loops;
for (; loop_itr > 0; --loop_itr) {
float32x4_t out0 = vld1q_f32(output_ptr);
float32x4_t out4 = vld1q_f32(output_ptr + 4);
const float32x4_t in0 = vld1q_f32(input_ptr);
const float32x4_t in4 = vld1q_f32(input_ptr + 4);
out0 = vfmaq_f32(out0, in0, vk0);
out4 = vfmaq_f32(out4, in4, vk0);
// Save output
vst1q_f32(output_ptr, out0);
vst1q_f32(output_ptr + 4, out4);
output_ptr += 8;
input_ptr += 8;
// Process the remaining pixels
index_t remaining_pixels = loop_remaining;
for (; remaining_pixels > 0; --remaining_pixels) {
const float mul = *input_ptr * k0;
*output_ptr += mul;
} // namespace kernels
} // namespace mace
// Copyright (c) 2017 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
#include <arm_neon.h>
namespace mace {
namespace kernels {
static const int kRegisterSize = 4;
static const int kFilterSize = 9;
void Conv2dNeonK3x3S1(const float *input, // NCHW
const index_t *input_shape,
const float *filter, // c_out, c_in, kernel_h, kernel_w
const index_t *filter_shape,
const float *bias, // c_out
float *output, // NCHW
const index_t *output_shape) {
int height_count = (output_shape[2] >> 1) << 1;
int output_batch = output_shape[0];
int output_channels = output_shape[1];
int output_height = output_shape[2];
int output_width = output_shape[3];
int input_batch = input_shape[0];
int input_channels = input_shape[1];
int input_height = input_shape[2];
int input_width = input_shape[3];
int multiplier = filter_shape == nullptr ? 0 : filter_shape[0];
int filter_in_channels = filter_shape == nullptr ? input_channels : 1;
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (int b = 0; b < output_batch; ++b) {
for (int oc = 0; oc < output_channels; ++oc) {
float *output_ptr_base =
output + b * output_channels * output_height * output_width;
const float *filter_ptr = filter + oc * filter_in_channels * kFilterSize;
const float *input_ptr =
input + b * input_channels * input_height * input_width;
if (filter_shape != nullptr) {
input_ptr += (oc / multiplier) * input_height * input_width;
float *output_ptr = output_ptr_base + oc * output_height * output_width;
std::fill(output_ptr, output_ptr + output_height * output_width,
bias ? bias[oc] : 0);
for (int ic = 0; ic < filter_in_channels; ++ic) {
float32x4_t n_filter_v[3] = {vld1q_f32(filter_ptr),
vld1q_f32(filter_ptr + 3),
vld1q_f32(filter_ptr + 6)};
const float *row_ptr_v[kRegisterSize] = {
input_ptr, input_ptr + input_width, input_ptr + 2 * input_width,
input_ptr + 3 * input_width};
float *output_ptr_v[] = {output_ptr, output_ptr + output_width};
for (int h = 0; h < height_count; h += 2) {
int count = output_width >> 2;
int remain_count = output_width & 3;
for (; count > 0; --count) {
float32x4_t n_sum0 = vdupq_n_f32(.0f);
float32x4_t n_row_former = vld1q_f32(row_ptr_v[0]);
float32x4_t n_row_latter = vld1q_f32(row_ptr_v[0] + kRegisterSize);
float32x4_t n_row_ext0 = vextq_f32(n_row_former, n_row_latter, 1);
float32x4_t n_row_ext1 = vextq_f32(n_row_former, n_row_latter, 2);
n_sum0 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum0, n_row_former, n_filter_v[0], 0);
n_sum0 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum0, n_row_ext0, n_filter_v[0], 1);
n_sum0 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum0, n_row_ext1, n_filter_v[0], 2);
float32x4_t n_row1_former = vld1q_f32(row_ptr_v[1]);
float32x4_t n_row1_latter = vld1q_f32(row_ptr_v[1] + kRegisterSize);
float32x4_t n_row1_ext0 =
vextq_f32(n_row1_former, n_row1_latter, 1);
float32x4_t n_row1_ext1 =
vextq_f32(n_row1_former, n_row1_latter, 2);
n_sum0 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum0, n_row1_former, n_filter_v[1], 0);
n_sum0 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum0, n_row1_ext0, n_filter_v[1], 1);
n_sum0 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum0, n_row1_ext1, n_filter_v[1], 2);
n_row_former = vld1q_f32(row_ptr_v[2]);
n_row_latter = vld1q_f32(row_ptr_v[2] + kRegisterSize);
n_row_ext0 = vextq_f32(n_row_former, n_row_latter, 1);
n_row_ext1 = vextq_f32(n_row_former, n_row_latter, 2);
n_sum0 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum0, n_row_former, n_filter_v[2], 0);
n_sum0 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum0, n_row_ext0, n_filter_v[2], 1);
n_sum0 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum0, n_row_ext1, n_filter_v[2], 2);
// second row
float32x4_t n_sum1 = vdupq_n_f32(.0f);
n_sum1 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum1, n_row1_former, n_filter_v[0], 0);
n_sum1 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum1, n_row1_ext0, n_filter_v[0], 1);
n_sum1 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum1, n_row1_ext1, n_filter_v[0], 2);
n_sum1 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum1, n_row_former, n_filter_v[1], 0);
n_sum1 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum1, n_row_ext0, n_filter_v[1], 1);
n_sum1 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum1, n_row_ext1, n_filter_v[1], 2);
n_row1_former = vld1q_f32(row_ptr_v[3]);
n_row1_latter = vld1q_f32(row_ptr_v[3] + kRegisterSize);
n_row1_ext0 = vextq_f32(n_row1_former, n_row1_latter, 1);
n_row1_ext1 = vextq_f32(n_row1_former, n_row1_latter, 2);
n_sum1 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum1, n_row1_former, n_filter_v[2], 0);
n_sum1 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum1, n_row1_ext0, n_filter_v[2], 1);
n_sum1 = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum1, n_row1_ext1, n_filter_v[2], 2);
float32x4_t n_output_row = vld1q_f32(output_ptr_v[0]);
float32x4_t n_output_row1 = vld1q_f32(output_ptr_v[1]);
n_output_row = vaddq_f32(n_output_row, n_sum0);
n_output_row1 = vaddq_f32(n_output_row1, n_sum1);
vst1q_f32(output_ptr_v[0], n_output_row);
vst1q_f32(output_ptr_v[1], n_output_row1);
output_ptr_v[0] += kRegisterSize;
output_ptr_v[1] += kRegisterSize;
for (int i = 0; i < kRegisterSize; ++i) {
row_ptr_v[i] += kRegisterSize;
for (; remain_count > 0; --remain_count) {
float32x4_t n_row_v[] = {vld1q_f32(row_ptr_v[0]),
float32x4_t n_sum0 = vmulq_f32(n_row_v[0], n_filter_v[0]);
n_sum0 = vmlaq_f32(n_sum0, n_row_v[1], n_filter_v[1]);
n_sum0 = vmlaq_f32(n_sum0, n_row_v[2], n_filter_v[2]);
n_sum0 = vsetq_lane_f32(*output_ptr_v[0], n_sum0, 3);
*output_ptr_v[0] = vaddvq_f32(n_sum0);
float32x4_t n_row3 = vld1q_f32(row_ptr_v[3]);
float32x4_t n_sum1 = vmulq_f32(n_row_v[1], n_filter_v[0]);
n_sum1 = vmlaq_f32(n_sum1, n_row_v[2], n_filter_v[1]);
n_sum1 = vmlaq_f32(n_sum1, n_row3, n_filter_v[2]);
n_sum1 = vsetq_lane_f32(*output_ptr_v[1], n_sum1, 3);
*output_ptr_v[1] = vaddvq_f32(n_sum1);
for (int i = 0; i < kRegisterSize; ++i) {
row_ptr_v[i] += 1;
output_ptr_v[0] += output_width;
output_ptr_v[1] += output_width;
for (int i = 0; i < kRegisterSize; ++i) {
row_ptr_v[i] += 2 + input_width;
if (output_height != height_count) {
int count = output_width >> 2;
int remain_count = output_width & 3;
for (; count > 0; --count) {
float32x4_t n_sum = vdupq_n_f32(.0f);
float32x4_t n_row_former = vld1q_f32(row_ptr_v[0]);
float32x4_t n_row_latter = vld1q_f32(row_ptr_v[0] + kRegisterSize);
float32x4_t n_row_ext1 = vextq_f32(n_row_former, n_row_latter, 1);
float32x4_t n_row_ext2 = vextq_f32(n_row_former, n_row_latter, 2);
n_sum = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum, n_row_former, n_filter_v[0], 0);
n_sum = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum, n_row_ext1, n_filter_v[0], 1);
n_sum = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum, n_row_ext2, n_filter_v[0], 2);
n_row_former = vld1q_f32(row_ptr_v[1]);
n_row_latter = vld1q_f32(row_ptr_v[1] + kRegisterSize);
n_row_ext1 = vextq_f32(n_row_former, n_row_latter, 1);
n_row_ext2 = vextq_f32(n_row_former, n_row_latter, 2);
n_sum = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum, n_row_former, n_filter_v[1], 0);
n_sum = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum, n_row_ext1, n_filter_v[1], 1);
n_sum = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum, n_row_ext2, n_filter_v[1], 2);
n_row_former = vld1q_f32(row_ptr_v[2]);
n_row_latter = vld1q_f32(row_ptr_v[2] + kRegisterSize);
n_row_ext1 = vextq_f32(n_row_former, n_row_latter, 1);
n_row_ext2 = vextq_f32(n_row_former, n_row_latter, 2);
n_sum = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum, n_row_former, n_filter_v[2], 0);
n_sum = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum, n_row_ext1, n_filter_v[2], 1);
n_sum = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum, n_row_ext2, n_filter_v[2], 2);
float32x4_t n_output_row = vld1q_f32(output_ptr_v[0]);
n_output_row = vaddq_f32(n_output_row, n_sum);
vst1q_f32(output_ptr_v[0], n_output_row);
output_ptr_v[0] += kRegisterSize;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
row_ptr_v[i] += kRegisterSize;
for (; remain_count > 0; --remain_count) {
float32x4_t n_row_v[] = {
vld1q_f32(row_ptr_v[0]), vld1q_f32(row_ptr_v[1]),
float32x4_t n_sum = vmulq_f32(n_row_v[0], n_filter_v[0]);
n_sum = vmlaq_f32(n_sum, n_row_v[1], n_filter_v[1]);
n_sum = vmlaq_f32(n_sum, n_row_v[2], n_filter_v[2]);
n_sum = vsetq_lane_f32(*output_ptr_v[0], n_sum, 3);
*output_ptr_v[0] = vaddvq_f32(n_sum);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
row_ptr_v[i] += 1;
filter_ptr += kFilterSize;
input_ptr += input_height * input_width;
void Conv2dNeonK3x3S2(const float *input, // NCHW
const index_t *input_shape,
const float *filter, // c_out, c_in, kernel_h, kernel_w
const index_t *filter_shape,
const float *bias, // c_out
float *output, // NCHW
const index_t *output_shape) {
int tail_step = 2 * (input_shape[3] - output_shape[3]);
int output_batch = output_shape[0];
int output_channels = output_shape[1];
int output_height = output_shape[2];
int output_width = output_shape[3];
int input_batch = input_shape[0];
int input_channels = input_shape[1];
int input_height = input_shape[2];
int input_width = input_shape[3];
int multiplier = filter_shape == nullptr ? 0 : filter_shape[0];
int filter_in_channels = filter_shape == nullptr ? input_channels : 1;
#pragma omp parallel for collapse(2)
for (int b = 0; b < output_batch; ++b) {
for (int oc = 0; oc < output_channels; ++oc) {
float *output_ptr_base =
output + b * output_channels * output_height * output_width;
const float *filter_ptr = filter + oc * filter_in_channels * kFilterSize;
const float *input_ptr =
input + b * input_channels * input_height * input_width;
if (filter_shape != nullptr) {
input_ptr += (oc / multiplier) * input_height * input_width;
float *output_ptr = output_ptr_base + oc * output_height * output_width;
std::fill(output_ptr, output_ptr + output_height * output_width,
bias ? bias[oc] : 0);
for (int ic = 0; ic < filter_in_channels; ++ic) {
float32x4_t n_filter_v[3] = {vld1q_f32(filter_ptr),
vld1q_f32(filter_ptr + 3),
vld1q_f32(filter_ptr + 6)};
const float *row_ptr_v[3] = {input_ptr, input_ptr + input_width,
input_ptr + 2 * input_width};
float *output_ptr_inner = output_ptr;
for (int h = 0; h < output_height; ++h) {
int count = output_width >> 2;
int remain_count = output_width & 3;
for (; count > 0; --count) {
float32x4_t n_sum = vdupq_n_f32(.0f);
float32x4x2_t n_row_former = vld2q_f32(row_ptr_v[0]);
float32x4_t n_row_latter = vld1q_f32(row_ptr_v[0] + 8);
float32x4_t n_row_ext =
vextq_f32(n_row_former.val[0], n_row_latter, 1);
n_sum =
vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum, n_row_former.val[0], n_filter_v[0], 0);
n_sum =
vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum, n_row_former.val[1], n_filter_v[0], 1);
n_sum = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum, n_row_ext, n_filter_v[0], 2);
float32x4x2_t n_row1_former = vld2q_f32(row_ptr_v[1]);
float32x4_t n_row1_latter = vld1q_f32(row_ptr_v[1] + 8);
float32x4_t n_row1_ext =
vextq_f32(n_row1_former.val[0], n_row1_latter, 1);
n_sum =
vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum, n_row1_former.val[0], n_filter_v[1], 0);
n_sum =
vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum, n_row1_former.val[1], n_filter_v[1], 1);
n_sum = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum, n_row1_ext, n_filter_v[1], 2);
float32x4x2_t n_row2_former = vld2q_f32(row_ptr_v[2]);
float32x4_t n_row2_latter = vld1q_f32(row_ptr_v[2] + 8);
float32x4_t n_row2_ext =
vextq_f32(n_row2_former.val[0], n_row2_latter, 1);
n_sum =
vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum, n_row2_former.val[0], n_filter_v[2], 0);
n_sum =
vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum, n_row2_former.val[1], n_filter_v[2], 1);
n_sum = vfmaq_laneq_f32(n_sum, n_row2_ext, n_filter_v[2], 2);
float32x4_t n_output_row = vld1q_f32(output_ptr_inner);
n_output_row = vaddq_f32(n_output_row, n_sum);
vst1q_f32(output_ptr_inner, n_output_row);
output_ptr_inner += kRegisterSize;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
row_ptr_v[i] += 2 * kRegisterSize;
for (; remain_count > 0; --remain_count) {
float32x4_t n_row_v[] = {vld1q_f32(row_ptr_v[0]),
float32x4_t n_sum = vmulq_f32(n_row_v[0], n_filter_v[0]);
n_sum = vmlaq_f32(n_sum, n_row_v[1], n_filter_v[1]);
n_sum = vmlaq_f32(n_sum, n_row_v[2], n_filter_v[2]);
n_sum = vsetq_lane_f32(*output_ptr_inner, n_sum, 3);
*output_ptr_inner = vaddvq_f32(n_sum);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
row_ptr_v[i] += 2;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
row_ptr_v[i] += tail_step;
filter_ptr += kFilterSize;
input_ptr += input_height * input_width;
} // namespace kernels
} // namespace mace
// Copyright (c) 2017 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
#include "mace/kernels/conv_2d.h"
#include "mace/kernels/depthwise_conv2d.h"
namespace mace {
namespace kernels {
extern void Conv2dNeonK3x3S1(const float *input,
const index_t *input_shape,
const float *filter,
const index_t *filter_shape,
const float *bias,
float *output,
const index_t *output_shape);
extern void Conv2dNeonK3x3S2(const float *input,
const index_t *input_shape,
const float *filter,
const index_t *filter_shape,
const float *bias,
float *output,
const index_t *output_shape);
template <>
void DepthwiseConv2dFunctor<DeviceType::NEON, float>::operator()(
const Tensor *input,
const Tensor *filter,
const Tensor *bias,
Tensor *output,
StatsFuture *future) {
typedef void (*Conv2dNeonFunction)(
const float *input, const index_t *input_shape, const float *filter,
const index_t *filter_shape, const float *bias, float *output,
const index_t *output_shape);
// Selection matrix: kernel_size x stride_size
static const Conv2dNeonFunction selector[5][2] = {
{nullptr, nullptr},
{nullptr, nullptr},
{Conv2dNeonK3x3S1, Conv2dNeonK3x3S2},
{nullptr, nullptr},
{nullptr, nullptr}};
// not implement yet
index_t kernel_h = filter->dim(2);
index_t kernel_w = filter->dim(3);
if (kernel_h != kernel_w || kernel_h > 5 || strides_[0] != strides_[1] ||
strides_[0] > 2 || dilations_[0] != 1 || dilations_[1] != 1 ||
selector[kernel_h - 1][strides_[0] - 1] == nullptr) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Depthwise-Conv2d NEON kernel with "
<< "filter" << kernel_h << "x" << kernel_w << ","
<< " stride " << strides_[0] << "x" << strides_[1]
<< " is not implemented yet, using slow version";
DepthwiseConv2dFunctor<DeviceType::CPU, float>(
strides_, paddings_, dilations_)(input, filter, bias, output, future);
const float *input_ptr = input->data<float>();
const index_t *input_shape = input->shape().data();
const float *filter_ptr = filter->data<float>();
const index_t *filter_shape = filter->shape().data();
const float *bias_ptr = bias->data<float>();
float *output_ptr = output->mutable_data<float>();
const index_t *output_shape = output->shape().data();
// Keep this alive during kernel execution
Tensor padded_input;
if (paddings_[0] > 0 || paddings_[1] > 0) {
ConstructInputWithPadding(input, paddings_.data(), &padded_input);
input_ptr = padded_input.data<float>();
input_shape = padded_input.shape().data();
auto conv2d_neon_func = selector[kernel_h - 1][strides_[0] - 1];
conv2d_neon_func(input_ptr, input_shape, filter_ptr, filter_shape, bias_ptr,
output_ptr, output_shape);
} // namespace kernels
} // namespace mace
......@@ -166,8 +166,20 @@ struct PoolingFunctor : PoolingFunctorBase {
template <>
void PoolingFunctor<DeviceType::NEON, float>::operator()(
const Tensor *input_tensor, Tensor *output_tensor, StatsFuture *future);
struct PoolingFunctor<DeviceType::NEON, float> : PoolingFunctorBase {
PoolingFunctor(const PoolingType pooling_type,
const int *kernels,
const int *strides,
const Padding padding_type,
const std::vector<int> &paddings,
const int *dilations)
: PoolingFunctorBase(
pooling_type, kernels, strides, padding_type, paddings, dilations) {
void operator()(const Tensor *input_tensor,
Tensor *output_tensor,
StatsFuture *future);
template <typename T>
struct PoolingFunctor<DeviceType::OPENCL, T> : PoolingFunctorBase {
......@@ -56,6 +56,11 @@ struct SoftmaxFunctor {
template <>
struct SoftmaxFunctor<DeviceType::NEON, float> {
void operator()(const Tensor *logits, Tensor *output, StatsFuture *future);
template <typename T>
struct SoftmaxFunctor<DeviceType::OPENCL, T> {
void operator()(const Tensor *logits, Tensor *output, StatsFuture *future);
// Copyright (c) 2017 XiaoMi All rights reserved.
#include <vector>
#include "mace/core/future.h"
#include "mace/core/tensor.h"
#include "mace/public/mace.h"
#include "mace/utils/utils.h"
namespace mace {
namespace kernels {
template<DeviceType D, typename T>
struct TransposeFunctor {
explicit TransposeFunctor(const std::vector<int> &dims) : dims_(dims) {}
void operator()(const Tensor *input, Tensor *output, StatsFuture *future) {
Tensor::MappingGuard input_guard(input);
Tensor::MappingGuard output_guard(output);
const std::vector<index_t> &input_shape = input->shape();
const std::vector<index_t> &output_shape = output->shape();
const T *input_data = input->data<T>();
T *output_data = output->mutable_data<T>();
in_stride{input_shape[1] * input_shape[2] * input_shape[3],
input_shape[2] * input_shape[3], input_shape[3], 1};
out_stride{output_shape[1] * output_shape[2] * output_shape[3],
output_shape[2] * output_shape[3], output_shape[3], 1};
std::vector<index_t> idim(4, 0);
std::vector<index_t> odim(4, 0);
for (odim[0] = 0; odim[0] < output_shape[0]; ++odim[0]) {
for (odim[1] = 0; odim[1] < output_shape[1]; ++odim[1]) {
for (odim[2] = 0; odim[2] < output_shape[2]; ++odim[2]) {
for (odim[3] = 0; odim[3] < output_shape[3]; ++odim[3]) {
idim[dims_[0]] = odim[0];
idim[dims_[1]] = odim[1];
idim[dims_[2]] = odim[2];
idim[dims_[3]] = odim[3];
output_data[odim[0] * out_stride[0] + odim[1] * out_stride[1]
+ odim[2] * out_stride[2] + odim[3]] =
input_data[idim[0] * in_stride[0] + idim[1] * in_stride[1]
+ idim[2] * in_stride[2] + idim[3]];
std::vector<int> dims_;
} // namespace kernels
} // namespace mace
......@@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ void Register_Activation(OperatorRegistry *op_registry) {
ActivationOp<DeviceType::OPENCL, half>);
REGISTER_OPERATOR(op_registry, OpKeyBuilder("Activation")
ActivationOp<DeviceType::NEON, float>);
} // namespace ops
......@@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ void Register_BatchNorm(OperatorRegistry *op_registry) {
BatchNormOp<DeviceType::OPENCL, half>);
REGISTER_OPERATOR(op_registry, OpKeyBuilder("BatchNorm")
BatchNormOp<DeviceType::NEON, float>);
} // namespace ops
......@@ -25,6 +25,12 @@ void Register_Conv2D(OperatorRegistry *op_registry) {
Conv2dOp<DeviceType::OPENCL, half>);
REGISTER_OPERATOR(op_registry, OpKeyBuilder("Conv2D")
Conv2dOp<DeviceType::NEON, float>);
} // namespace ops
......@@ -30,10 +30,19 @@ static void Conv2d(int iters,
OpsTestNet net;
// Add input data
net.AddRandomInput<D, float>("Input", {batch, height, width, channels});
net.AddRandomInput<D, float>("Filter",
{kernel_h, kernel_w, output_channels, channels});
net.AddRandomInput<D, float>("Bias", {output_channels});
if (D == DeviceType::NEON) {
net.AddRandomInput<D, float>("Input", {batch, channels, height, width});
net.AddRandomInput<D, float>("Filter",
{output_channels, channels, kernel_h,
net.AddRandomInput<D, float>("Bias", {output_channels});
} else {
net.AddRandomInput<D, float>("Input", {batch, height, width, channels});
net.AddRandomInput<D, float>("Filter",
{kernel_h, kernel_w, output_channels,
net.AddRandomInput<D, float>("Bias", {output_channels});
if (D == DeviceType::OPENCL) {
BufferToImage<D, T>(&net, "Input", "InputImage",
......@@ -65,15 +74,17 @@ static void Conv2d(int iters,
// Warm-up
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
while (iters--) {
......@@ -112,7 +123,8 @@ static void Conv2d(int iters,
#define BM_CONV_2D(N, C, H, W, KH, KW, S, D, P, OC) \
BM_CONV_2D_MACRO(N, C, H, W, KH, KW, S, D, P, OC, float, CPU); \
BM_CONV_2D_MACRO(N, C, H, W, KH, KW, S, D, P, OC, float, OPENCL); \
BM_CONV_2D_MACRO(N, C, H, W, KH, KW, S, D, P, OC, half, OPENCL);
BM_CONV_2D_MACRO(N, C, H, W, KH, KW, S, D, P, OC, half, OPENCL); \
BM_CONV_2D_MACRO(N, C, H, W, KH, KW, S, D, P, OC, float, NEON);
BM_CONV_2D(1, 256, 64, 64, 3, 3, 1, 1, VALID, 256);
......@@ -133,6 +145,8 @@ BM_CONV_2D(1, 64, 32, 32, 1, 1, 1, 1, VALID, 128);
BM_CONV_2D(1, 64, 33, 31, 1, 1, 1, 1, VALID, 128); // Test bad alignments
BM_CONV_2D(1, 64, 32, 32, 3, 3, 2, 1, SAME, 128);
BM_CONV_2D(1, 64, 33, 31, 3, 3, 2, 1, SAME, 128);
BM_CONV_2D(1, 3, 224, 224, 3, 3, 2, 1, SAME, 32);
BM_CONV_2D(1, 3, 224, 224, 3, 3, 2, 1, VALID, 32);
BM_CONV_2D(1, 64, 32, 32, 5, 5, 1, 1, SAME, 128);
BM_CONV_2D(1, 64, 32, 31, 5, 5, 1, 1, SAME, 128);
......@@ -25,6 +25,12 @@ void Register_DepthwiseConv2d(OperatorRegistry *op_registry) {
DepthwiseConv2dOp<DeviceType::OPENCL, half>);
REGISTER_OPERATOR(op_registry, OpKeyBuilder("DepthwiseConv2d")
DepthwiseConv2dOp<DeviceType::NEON, float>);
} // namespace ops
......@@ -29,10 +29,19 @@ static void DepthwiseConv2d(int iters,
OpsTestNet net;
// Add input data
net.AddRandomInput<D, float>("Input", {batch, height, width, input_channels});
net.AddRandomInput<D, float>(
if (D == DeviceType::NEON) {
net.AddRandomInput<D, float>("Input",
{batch, input_channels, height, width});
net.AddRandomInput<D, float>(
"Filter", {multiplier, input_channels, kernel_h, kernel_w});
net.AddRandomInput<D, float>("Bias", {input_channels * multiplier});
} else {
net.AddRandomInput<D, float>("Input",
{batch, height, width, input_channels});
net.AddRandomInput<D, float>(
"Filter", {kernel_h, kernel_w, input_channels, multiplier});
net.AddRandomInput<D, float>("Bias", {input_channels * multiplier});
net.AddRandomInput<D, float>("Bias", {input_channels * multiplier});
if (D == DeviceType::OPENCL) {
BufferToImage<D, T>(&net, "Input", "InputImage",
......@@ -64,15 +73,17 @@ static void DepthwiseConv2d(int iters,
// Warm-up
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
while (iters--) {
......@@ -108,10 +119,16 @@ static void DepthwiseConv2d(int iters,
#define BM_DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D(N, C, H, W, KH, KW, S, P, M) \
BM_DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D_MACRO(N, C, H, W, KH, KW, S, P, M, float, CPU); \
BM_DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D(1, 32, 112, 112, 3, 3, 1, SAME, 1);
BM_DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D(1, 32, 112, 112, 3, 3, 2, SAME, 1);
BM_DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D(1, 32, 56, 56, 3, 3, 2, VALID, 1);
BM_DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D(1, 32, 112, 112, 3, 3, 2, VALID, 1);
BM_DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D(1, 32, 224, 224, 3, 3, 2, VALID, 1);
BM_DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D(1, 64, 56, 56, 3, 3, 2, VALID, 1);
BM_DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D(1, 64, 112, 112, 3, 3, 2, VALID, 1);
BM_DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D(1, 64, 224, 224, 3, 3, 2, VALID, 1);
BM_DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D(1, 64, 32, 32, 3, 3, 1, VALID, 1);
BM_DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D(1, 64, 33, 31, 3, 3, 1, VALID, 1);
BM_DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D(1, 64, 32, 32, 3, 3, 1, SAME, 1);
......@@ -124,6 +141,10 @@ BM_DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D(1, 64, 32, 32, 3, 3, 2, SAME, 1);
BM_DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D(1, 64, 33, 31, 3, 3, 2, SAME, 1);
BM_DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D(1, 3, 512, 512, 3, 3, 2, VALID, 1);
BM_DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D(1, 3, 512, 512, 3, 3, 2, SAME, 1);
BM_DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D(1, 3, 112, 112, 3, 3, 2, VALID, 1);
BM_DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D(1, 3, 224, 224, 3, 3, 2, SAME, 1);
BM_DEPTHWISE_CONV_2D(1, 8, 224, 224, 3, 3, 2, SAME, 1);
} // namespace test
} // namespace ops
......@@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ void Register_FoldedBatchNorm(OperatorRegistry *op_registry) {
FoldedBatchNormOp<DeviceType::OPENCL, half>);
REGISTER_OPERATOR(op_registry, OpKeyBuilder("FoldedBatchNorm")
FoldedBatchNormOp<DeviceType::NEON, float>);
} // namespace ops
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