提交 2ad79d5c 编写于 作者: Miykael_xxm's avatar Miykael_xxm 🚴


上级 96636a70
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- link: https://gitcode.net/gitcode/operation-work/-/issues/new?template=RECOMMEND_PROJECT - link: https://gitcode.gitcode.host/docs-cn/trans_cn/
url: https://gitcode.net/gitcode/operation-work/uploads/b281ead82604a0cb0e8eeb3327de05a2/%E6%B5%B7%E6%8A%A51660x140.png url: https://gitcode.net/gitcode/operation-work/uploads/b56255725201bf57779fecea7d91e677/translate.png
groups: groups:
- csdn - mindspore
- oceanbase - oceanbase
- taosdata - taosdata
- megvii - megvii
...@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ groups: ...@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ groups:
- xiaomi - xiaomi
- sureness - sureness
- chatopera - chatopera
- opendilab
learning_banner: learning_banner:
- link: /courses - link: /courses
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