1. 19 1月, 2013 4 次提交
    • A
      Whitelist SIGUSR1 to avoid auto-triggering errors. · 39f0a33f
      antirez 提交于
      This commit fixes issue #875 that was caused by the following events:
      1) There is an active child doing BGSAVE.
      2) flushall is called (or any other condition that makes Redis killing
      the saving child process).
      3) An error is sensed by Redis as the child exited with an error (killed
      by a singal), that stops accepting write commands until a BGSAVE happens
      to be executed with success.
      Whitelisting SIGUSR1 and making sure Redis always uses this signal in
      order to kill its own children fixes the issue.
    • A
      Clear server.shutdown_asap on failed shutdown. · 1e20c939
      antirez 提交于
      When a SIGTERM is received Redis schedules a shutdown. However if it
      fails to perform the shutdown it must be clear the shutdown_asap flag
      otehrwise it will try again and again possibly making the server
    • A
      Slowlog: don't log EXEC but just the executed commands. · d766907c
      antirez 提交于
      The Redis Slow Log always used to log the slow commands executed inside
      a MULTI/EXEC block. However also EXEC was logged at the end, which is
      perfectly useless.
      Now EXEC is no longer logged and a test was added to test this behavior.
      This fixes issue #759.
    • G
      Fixed many typos. · 1caf0939
      guiquanz 提交于
      Conflicts fixed, mainly because 2.8 has no cluster support / files:
  2. 10 1月, 2013 1 次提交
  3. 15 12月, 2012 1 次提交
    • A
      serverCron() frequency is now a runtime parameter (was REDIS_HZ). · a6d117b6
      antirez 提交于
      REDIS_HZ is the frequency our serverCron() function is called with.
      A more frequent call to this function results into less latency when the
      server is trying to handle very expansive background operations like
      mass expires of a lot of keys at the same time.
      Redis 2.4 used to have an HZ of 10. This was good enough with almost
      every setup, but the incremental key expiration algorithm was working a
      bit better under *extreme* pressure when HZ was set to 100 for Redis
      However for most users a latency spike of 30 milliseconds when million
      of keys are expiring at the same time is acceptable, on the other hand a
      default HZ of 100 in Redis 2.6 was causing idle instances to use some
      CPU time compared to Redis 2.4. The CPU usage was in the order of 0.3%
      for an idle instance, however this is a shame as more energy is consumed
      by the server, if not important resources.
      This commit introduces HZ as a runtime parameter, that can be queried by
      INFO or CONFIG GET, and can be modified with CONFIG SET. At the same
      time the default frequency is set back to 10.
      In this way we default to a sane value of 10, but allows users to
      easily switch to values up to 500 for near real-time applications if
      needed and if they are willing to pay this small CPU usage penalty.
  4. 29 11月, 2012 1 次提交
    • A
      Introduced the Build ID in INFO and --version output. · 3b71404d
      antirez 提交于
      The idea is to be able to identify a build in a unique way, so for
      instance after a bug report we can recognize that the build is the one
      of a popular Linux distribution and perform the debugging in the same
  5. 22 11月, 2012 2 次提交
    • A
      EVALSHA is now case insensitive. · d0570c96
      antirez 提交于
      EVALSHA used to crash if the SHA1 was not lowercase (Issue #783).
      Fixed using a case insensitive dictionary type for the sha -> script
      map used for replication of scripts.
    • A
      Safer handling of MULTI/EXEC on errors. · 60f9dac6
      antirez 提交于
      After the transcation starts with a MULIT, the previous behavior was to
      return an error on problems such as maxmemory limit reached. But still
      to execute the transaction with the subset of queued commands on EXEC.
      While it is true that the client was able to check for errors
      distinguish QUEUED by an error reply, MULTI/EXEC in most client
      implementations uses pipelining for speed, so all the commands and EXEC
      are sent without caring about replies.
      With this change:
      1) EXEC fails if at least one command was not queued because of an
      error. The EXECABORT error is used.
      2) A generic error is always reported on EXEC.
      3) The client DISCARDs the MULTI state after a failed EXEC, otherwise
      pipelining multiple transactions would be basically impossible:
      After a failed EXEC the next transaction would be simply queued as
      the tail of the previous transaction.
  6. 09 11月, 2012 1 次提交
  7. 07 11月, 2012 1 次提交
    • A
      Type mismatch errors are now prefixed with WRONGTYPE. · 46c5d396
      antirez 提交于
      So instead to reply with a generic error like:
      -ERR ... wrong kind of value ...
      now it replies with:
      -WRONGTYPE ... wrong kind of value ...
      This makes this particular error easy to check without resorting to
      (fragile) pattern matching of the error string (however the error string
      used to be consistent already).
      Client libraries should return a specific exeption type for this error.
      Most of the commit is about fixing unit tests.
  8. 02 11月, 2012 2 次提交
    • A
      More robust handling of AOF rewrite child. · 64be5e36
      antirez 提交于
      After the wait3() syscall we used to do something like that:
          if (pid == server.rdb_child_pid) {
          } else {
      So the AOF rewrite was handled in the else branch without actually
      checking if the pid really matches. This commit makes the check explicit
      and logs at WARNING level if the pid returned by wait3() does not match
      neither the RDB or AOF rewrite child.
    • Y
      fix typo in comments (redis.c, networking.c) · fecc8797
      Yecheng Fu 提交于
  9. 23 10月, 2012 1 次提交
  10. 22 10月, 2012 1 次提交
    • A
      Default memory limit for 32bit instanced moved from 3.5 GB to 3 GB. · a25b25f4
      antirez 提交于
      In some system, notably osx, the 3.5 GB limit was too far and not able
      to prevent a crash for out of memory. The 3 GB limit works better and it
      is still a lot of memory within a 4 GB theorical limit so it's not going
      to bore anyone :-)
      This fixes issue #711
  11. 16 10月, 2012 1 次提交
    • A
      Fix MULTI / EXEC rendering in MONITOR output. · 21645232
      antirez 提交于
      Before of this commit it used to be like this:
      ... actual commands of the transaction ...
      Because after all that is the natural order of things. Transaction
      commands are queued and executed *only after* EXEC is called.
      However this makes debugging with MONITOR a mess, so the code was
      modified to provide a coherent output.
      What happens is that MULTI is rendered in the MONITOR output as far as
      possible, instead EXEC is propagated only after the transaction is
      executed, or even in the case it fails because of WATCH, so in this case
      you'll simply see:
      An empty transaction.
  12. 12 10月, 2012 1 次提交
  13. 05 10月, 2012 1 次提交
    • A
      Warn when configured maxmemory value seems odd. · 05e06e15
      antirez 提交于
      This commit warns the user with a log at "warning" level if:
      1) After the server startup the maxmemory limit was found to be < 1MB.
      2) After a CONFIG SET command modifying the maxmemory setting the limit
      is set to a value that is smaller than the currently used memory.
      The behaviour of the Redis server is unmodified, and this wil not make
      the CONFIG SET command or a wrong configuration in redis.conf less
      likely to create problems, but at least this will make aware most users
      about a possbile error they committed without resorting to external
      However no warning is issued if, as a result of loading the AOF or RDB
      file, we are very near the maxmemory setting, or key eviction will be
      needed in order to go under the specified maxmemory setting. The reason
      is that in servers configured as a cache with an aggressive
      maxmemory-policy most of the times restarting the server will cause this
      condition to happen if persistence is not switched off.
      This fixes issue #429.
  14. 27 9月, 2012 4 次提交
  15. 21 9月, 2012 1 次提交
    • A
      Added the SRANDMEMBER key <count> variant. · dd947715
      antirez 提交于
      SRANDMEMBER called with just the key argument can just return a single
      random element from a Redis Set. However many users need to return
      multiple unique elements from a Set, this is not a trivial problem to
      handle in the client side, and for truly good performance a C
      implementation was required.
      After many requests for this feature it was finally implemented.
      The problem implementing this command is the strategy to follow when
      the number of elements the user asks for is near to the number of
      elements that are already inside the set. In this case asking random
      elements to the dictionary API, and trying to add it to a temporary set,
      may result into an extremely poor performance, as most add operations
      will be wasted on duplicated elements.
      For this reason this implementation uses a different strategy in this
      case: the Set is copied, and random elements are returned to reach the
      specified count.
      The code actually uses 4 different algorithms optimized for the
      different cases.
      If the count is negative, the command changes behavior and allows for
      duplicated elements in the returned subset.
  16. 17 9月, 2012 1 次提交
    • A
      A reimplementation of blocking operation internals. · f444e2af
      antirez 提交于
      Redis provides support for blocking operations such as BLPOP or BRPOP.
      This operations are identical to normal LPOP and RPOP operations as long
      as there are elements in the target list, but if the list is empty they
      block waiting for new data to arrive to the list.
      All the clients blocked waiting for th same list are served in a FIFO
      way, so the first that blocked is the first to be served when there is
      more data pushed by another client into the list.
      The previous implementation of blocking operations was conceived to
      serve clients in the context of push operations. For for instance:
      1) There is a client "A" blocked on list "foo".
      2) The client "B" performs `LPUSH foo somevalue`.
      3) The client "A" is served in the context of the "B" LPUSH,
      Processing things in a synchronous way was useful as if "A" pushes a
      value that is served by "B", from the point of view of the database is a
      NOP (no operation) thing, that is, nothing is replicated, nothing is
      written in the AOF file, and so forth.
      However later we implemented two things:
      1) Variadic LPUSH that could add multiple values to a list in the
      context of a single call.
      2) BRPOPLPUSH that was a version of BRPOP that also provided a "PUSH"
      side effect when receiving data.
      This forced us to make the synchronous implementation more complex. If
      client "B" is waiting for data, and "A" pushes three elemnents in a
      single call, we needed to propagate an LPUSH with a missing argument
      in the AOF and replication link. We also needed to make sure to
      replicate the LPUSH side of BRPOPLPUSH, but only if in turn did not
      happened to serve another blocking client into another list ;)
      This were complex but with a few of mutually recursive functions
      everything worked as expected... until one day we introduced scripting
      in Redis.
      Scripting + synchronous blocking operations = Issue #614.
      Basically you can't "rewrite" a script to have just a partial effect on
      the replicas and AOF file if the script happened to serve a few blocked
      The solution to all this problems, implemented by this commit, is to
      change the way we serve blocked clients. Instead of serving the blocked
      clients synchronously, in the context of the command performing the PUSH
      operation, it is now an asynchronous and iterative process:
      1) If a key that has clients blocked waiting for data is the subject of
      a list push operation, We simply mark keys as "ready" and put it into a
      2) Every command pushing stuff on lists, as a variadic LPUSH, a script,
      or whatever it is, is replicated verbatim without any rewriting.
      3) Every time a Redis command, a MULTI/EXEC block, or a script,
      completed its execution, we run the list of keys ready to serve blocked
      clients (as more data arrived), and process this list serving the
      blocked clients.
      4) As a result of "3" maybe more keys are ready again for other clients
      (as a result of BRPOPLPUSH we may have push operations), so we iterate
      back to step "3" if it's needed.
      The new code has a much simpler semantics, and a simpler to understand
      implementation, with the disadvantage of not being able to "optmize out"
      a PUSH+BPOP as a No OP.
      This commit will be tested with care before the final merge, more tests
      will be added likely.
  17. 10 9月, 2012 1 次提交
  18. 05 9月, 2012 1 次提交
    • A
      Scripting: Force SORT BY constant determinism inside SORT itself. · 5ddee9b7
      antirez 提交于
      SORT is able to return (faster than when ordering) unordered output if
      the "BY" clause is used with a constant value. However we try to play
      well with scripting requirements of determinism providing always sorted
      outputs when SORT (and other similar commands) are called by Lua
      However we used the general mechanism in place in scripting in order to
      reorder SORT output, that is, if the command has the "S" flag set, the
      Lua scripting engine will take an additional step when converting a
      multi bulk reply to Lua value, calling a Lua sorting function.
      This is suboptimal as we can do it faster inside SORT itself.
      This is also broken as issue #545 shows us: basically when SORT is used
      with a constant BY, and additionally also GET is used, the Lua scripting
      engine was trying to order the output as a flat array, while it was
      actually a list of key-value pairs.
      What we do know is to recognized if the caller of SORT is the Lua client
      (since we can check this using the REDIS_LUA_CLIENT flag). If so, and if
      a "don't sort" condition is triggered by the BY option with a constant
      string, we force the lexicographical sorting.
      This commit fixes this bug and improves the performance, and at the same
      time simplifies the implementation. This does not mean I'm smart today,
      it means I was stupid when I committed the original implementation ;)
  19. 31 8月, 2012 1 次提交
    • A
      Sentinel: Redis-side support for slave priority. · 48d26a48
      antirez 提交于
      A Redis slave can now be configured with a priority, that is an integer
      number that is shown in INFO output and can be get and set using the
      redis.conf file or the CONFIG GET/SET command.
      This field is used by Sentinel during slave election. A slave with lower
      priority is preferred. A slave with priority zero is never elected (and
      is considered to be impossible to elect even if it is the only slave
      A next commit will add support in the Sentinel side as well.
  20. 28 8月, 2012 1 次提交
    • A
      Incrementally flush RDB on disk while loading it from a master. · 13732168
      antirez 提交于
      This fixes issue #539.
      Basically if there is enough free memory the OS may buffer the RDB file
      that the slave transfers on disk from the master. The file may
      actually be flused on disk at once by the operating system when it gets
      closed by Redis, causing the close system call to block for a long time.
      This patch is a modified version of one provided by yoav-steinberg of
      @garantiadata (the original version was posted in the issue #539
      comments), and tries to flush the OS buffers incrementally (every 8 MB
      of loaded data).
  21. 24 8月, 2012 1 次提交
    • A
      Better Out of Memory handling. · 5de75120
      antirez 提交于
      The previous implementation of zmalloc.c was not able to handle out of
      memory in an application-specific way. It just logged an error on
      standard error, and aborted.
      The result was that in the case of an actual out of memory in Redis
      where malloc returned NULL (In Linux this actually happens under
      specific overcommit policy settings and/or with no or little swap
      configured) the error was not properly logged in the Redis log.
      This commit fixes this problem, fixing issue #509.
      Now the out of memory is properly reported in the Redis log and a stack
      trace is generated.
      The approach used is to provide a configurable out of memory handler
      to zmalloc (otherwise the default one logging the event on the
      standard output is used).
  22. 31 7月, 2012 1 次提交
    • S
      New in INFO: aof_last_bgrewrite_status · f00b0844
      Saj Goonatilleke 提交于
      Behaves like rdb_last_bgsave_status -- even down to reporting 'ok' when
      no rewrite has been done yet.  (You might want to check that
      aof_last_rewrite_time_sec is not -1.)
  23. 22 7月, 2012 1 次提交
    • A
      Allow Pub/Sub in contexts where other commands are blocked. · 3bb3f125
      antirez 提交于
      Redis loading data from disk, and a Redis slave disconnected from its
      master with serve-stale-data disabled, are two conditions where
      commands are normally refused by Redis, returning an error.
      However there is no reason to disable Pub/Sub commands as well, given
      that this layer does not interact with the dataset. To allow Pub/Sub in
      as many contexts as possible is especially interesting now that Redis
      Sentinel uses Pub/Sub of a Redis master as a communication channel
      between Sentinels.
      This commit allows Pub/Sub to be used in the above two contexts where
      it was previously denied.
  24. 07 7月, 2012 1 次提交
    • A
      REPLCONF internal command introduced. · dbd8c753
      antirez 提交于
      The REPLCONF command is an internal command (not designed to be directly
      used by normal clients) that allows a slave to set some replication
      related state in the master before issuing SYNC to start the
      The initial motivation for this command, and the only reason currently
      it is used by the implementation, is to let the slave instance
      communicate its listening port to the slave, so that the master can
      show all the slaves with their listening ports in the "replication"
      section of the INFO output.
      This allows clients to auto discover and query all the slaves attached
      into a master.
      Currently only a single option of the REPLCONF command is supported, and
      it is called "listening-port", so the slave now starts the replication
      process with something like the following chat:
          REPLCONF listening-prot 6380
      Note that this works even if the master is an older version of Redis and
      does not understand REPLCONF, because the slave ignores the REPLCONF
      In the future REPLCONF can be used for partial replication and other
      replication related features where there is the need to exchange
      information between master and slave.
      NOTE: This commit also fixes a bug: the INFO outout already carried
      information about slaves, but the port was broken, and was obtained
      with getpeername(2), so it was actually just the ephemeral port used
      by the slave to connect to the master as a client.
  25. 21 6月, 2012 2 次提交
    • A
      Fixed comment typo into time_independent_strcmp(). · b3f28b90
      antirez 提交于
    • A
      Fixed a timing attack on AUTH (Issue #560). · 4b3865cb
      antirez 提交于
      The way we compared the authentication password using strcmp() allowed
      an attacker to gain information about the password using a well known
      class of attacks called "timing attacks".
      The bug appears to be practically not exploitable in most modern systems
      running Redis since even using multiple bytes of differences in the
      input at a time instead of one the difference in running time in in the
      order of 10 nanoseconds, making it hard to exploit even on LAN. However
      attacks always get better so we are providing a fix ASAP.
      The new implementation uses two fixed length buffers and a constant time
      comparison function, with the goal of:
      1) Completely avoid leaking information about the content of the
      password, since the comparison is always performed between 512
      characters and without conditionals.
      2) Partially avoid leaking information about the length of the
      About "2" we still have a stage in the code where the real password and
      the user provided password are copied in the static buffers, we also run
      two strlen() operations against the two inputs, so the running time
      of the comparison is a fixed amount plus a time proportional to
      LENGTH(A)+LENGTH(B). This means that the absolute time of the operation
      performed is still related to the length of the password in some way,
      but there is no way to change the input in order to get a difference in
      the execution time in the comparison that is not just proportional to
      the string provided by the user (because the password length is fixed).
      Thus in practical terms the user should try to discover LENGTH(PASSWORD)
      looking at the whole execution time of the AUTH command and trying to
      guess a proportionality between the whole execution time and the
      password length: this appears to be mostly unfeasible in the real world.
      Also protecting from this attack is not very useful in the case of Redis
      as a brute force attack is anyway feasible if the password is too short,
      while with a long password makes it not an issue that the attacker knows
      the length.
  26. 25 5月, 2012 1 次提交
    • A
      Four new persistence fields in INFO. A few renamed. · 6b4d92e2
      antirez 提交于
      The 'persistence' section of INFO output now contains additional four
      fields related to RDB and AOF persistence:
       rdb_last_bgsave_time_sec       Duration of latest BGSAVE in sec.
       rdb_current_bgsave_time_sec    Duration of current BGSAVE in sec.
       aof_last_rewrite_time_sec      Duration of latest AOF rewrite in sec.
       aof_current_rewrite_time_sec   Duration of current AOF rewrite in sec.
      The 'current' fields are set to -1 if a BGSAVE / AOF rewrite is not in
      progress. The 'last' fileds are set to -1 if no previous BGSAVE / AOF
      rewrites were performed.
      Additionally a few fields in the persistence section were renamed for
       changes_since_last_save -> rdb_changes_since_last_save
       bgsave_in_progress -> rdb_bgsave_in_progress
       last_save_time -> rdb_last_save_time
       last_bgsave_status -> rdb_last_bgsave_status
       bgrewriteaof_in_progress -> aof_rewrite_in_progress
       bgrewriteaof_scheduled -> aof_rewrite_scheduled
      After the renaming, fields in the persistence section start with rdb_ or
      aof_ prefix depending on the persistence method they describe.
      The field 'loading' and related fields are not prefixed because they are
      unique for both the persistence methods.
  27. 24 5月, 2012 3 次提交
    • A
      New commands: BITOP and BITCOUNT. · 4a789dec
      antirez 提交于
      The motivation for this new commands is to be search in the usage of
      Redis for real time statistics. See the article "Fast real time metrics
      using Redis".
      In general Redis strings when used as bitmaps using the SETBIT/GETBIT
      command provide a very space-efficient and fast way to store statistics.
      For instance in a web application with users, every user can be
      associated with a key that shows every day in which the user visited the
      web service. This information can be really valuable to extract user
      behaviour information.
      With Redis bitmaps doing this is very simple just saying that a given
      day is 0 (the data the service was put online) and all the next days are
      1, 2, 3, and so forth. So with SETBIT it is possible to set the bit
      corresponding to the current day every time the user visits the site.
      It is possible to take the count of the bit sets on the run, this is
      extremely easy using a Lua script. However a fast bit count native
      operation can be useful, especially if it can operate on ranges, or when
      the string is small like in the case of days (even if you consider many
      years it is still extremely little data).
      For this reason BITOP was introduced. The command counts the number of
      bits set to 1 in a string, with optional range:
      BITCOUNT key [start end]
      The start/end parameters are similar to GETRANGE. If omitted the whole
      string is tested.
      Population counting is more useful when bit-level operations like AND,
      OR and XOR are avaialble. For instance I can test multiple users to see
      the number of days three users visited the site at the same time. To do
      this we can take the AND of all the bitmaps, and then count the set bits.
      For this reason the BITOP command was introduced:
      BITOP [AND|OR|XOR|NOT] dest_key src_key1 src_key2 src_key3 ... src_keyN
      In the special case of NOT (that inverts the bits) only one source key
      can be passed.
      The judicious use of BITCOUNT and BITOP combined can lead to interesting
      use cases with very space efficient representation of data.
      The implementation provided is still not tested and optimized for speed,
      next commits will introduce unit tests. Later the implementation will be
      profiled to see if it is possible to gain an important amount of speed
      without making the code much more complex.
    • A
      Add aof_rewrite_buffer_length INFO field. · bec74b1b
      antirez 提交于
      The INFO output, persistence section, already contained the field
      describing the size of the current AOF buffer to flush on disk. However
      the other AOF buffer, used to accumulate changes during an AOF rewrite,
      was not mentioned in the INFO output.
      This commit introduces a new field called aof_rewrite_buffer_length with
      the length of the rewrite buffer.
    • A
      Allow an AOF rewrite buffer > 2GB (Fix for issue #504). · edb95253
      antirez 提交于
      During the AOF rewrite process, the parent process needs to accumulate
      the new writes in an in-memory buffer: when the child will terminate the
      AOF rewriting process this buffer (that ist the difference between the
      dataset when the rewrite was started, and the current dataset) is
      flushed to the new AOF file.
      We used to implement this buffer using an sds.c string, but sds.c has a
      2GB limit. Sometimes the dataset can be big enough, the amount of writes
      so high, and the rewrite process slow enough that we overflow the 2GB
      limit, causing a crash, documented on github by issue #504.
      In order to prevent this from happening, this commit introduces a new
      system to accumulate writes, implemented by a linked list of blocks of
      10 MB each, so that we also avoid paying the reallocation cost.
      Note that theoretically modern operating systems may implement realloc()
      simply as a remaping of the old pages, thus with very good performances,
      see for instance the mremap() syscall on Linux. However this is not
      always true, and jemalloc by default avoids doing this because there are
      issues with the current implementation of mremap().
      For this reason we are using a linked list of blocks instead of a single
      block that gets reallocated again and again.
      The changes in this commit lacks testing, that will be performed before
      merging into the unstable branch. This fix will not enter 2.4 because it
      is too invasive. However 2.4 will log a warning when the AOF rewrite
      buffer is near to the 2GB limit.
  28. 14 5月, 2012 2 次提交
    • A
      activeExpireCycle(): better precision in max time used. · eee68054
      antirez 提交于
      activeExpireCycle() can consume no more than a few milliseconds per
      iteration. This commit improves the precision of the check for the time
      elapsed in two ways:
      1) We check every 16 iterations instead of the main loop instead of 256.
      2) We reset iterations at the start of the function and not every time
         we switch to the next database, so the check is correctly performed
         every 16 iterations.
    • A
      Impovements for: Redis timer, hashes rehashing, keys collection. · a8a981a8
      antirez 提交于
      A previous commit introduced REDIS_HZ define that changes the frequency
      of calls to the serverCron() Redis function. This commit improves
      different related things:
      1) Software watchdog: now the minimal period can be set according to
      REDIS_HZ. The minimal period is two times the timer period, that is:
          (1000/REDIS_HZ)*2 milliseconds
      2) The incremental rehashing is now performed in the expires dictionary
      as well.
      3) The activeExpireCycle() function was improved in different ways:
      - Now it checks if it already used too much time using microseconds
        instead of milliseconds for better precision.
      - The time limit is now calculated correctly, in the previous version
        the division was performed before of the multiplication resulting in
        a timelimit of 0 if HZ was big enough.
      - Databases with less than 1% of buckets fill in the hash table are
        skipped, because getting random keys is too expensive in this
      4) tryResizeHashTables() is now called at every timer call, we need to
         match the number of calls we do to the expired keys colleciton cycle.
      5) REDIS_HZ was raised to 100.