提交 3de4f6cb 编写于 作者: E Enrico Giordani

Change misleading variables/functions names: master->parent, slave->child.

Master and Slave labels were using for the Parent and Child processes.
上级 453b582e
......@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ QForkControl* g_pQForkControl;
HANDLE g_hQForkControlFileMap;
HANDLE g_hForkedProcess;
DWORD g_systemAllocationGranularity;
int g_SlaveExitCode = 0; // For slave process
int g_ChildExitCode = 0; // For child process
bool ReportSpecialSystemErrors(int error) {
switch (error)
......@@ -248,27 +248,27 @@ bool ReportSpecialSystemErrors(int error) {
BOOL QForkSlaveInit(HANDLE QForkConrolMemoryMapHandle, DWORD ParentProcessID) {
BOOL QForkChildInit(HANDLE QForkConrolMemoryMapHandle, DWORD ParentProcessID) {
try {
SmartHandle shParent(
string("Could not open parent process"));
SmartHandle shMMFile(shParent, QForkConrolMemoryMapHandle);
SmartFileView<QForkControl> sfvMasterQForkControl(
SmartFileView<QForkControl> sfvParentQForkControl(
string("Could not map view of QForkControl in slave. Is system swap file large enough?"));
g_pQForkControl = sfvMasterQForkControl;
string("Could not map view of QForkControl in child. Is system swap file large enough?"));
g_pQForkControl = sfvParentQForkControl;
// duplicate handles and stuff into control structure (master protected by PAGE_WRITECOPY)
SmartHandle dupHeapFileHandle(shParent, sfvMasterQForkControl->heapMemoryMapFile);
// duplicate handles and stuff into control structure (parent protected by PAGE_WRITECOPY)
SmartHandle dupHeapFileHandle(shParent, sfvParentQForkControl->heapMemoryMapFile);
g_pQForkControl->heapMemoryMapFile = dupHeapFileHandle;
SmartHandle dupForkedProcessReady(shParent,sfvMasterQForkControl->forkedProcessReady);
SmartHandle dupForkedProcessReady(shParent, sfvParentQForkControl->forkedProcessReady);
g_pQForkControl->forkedProcessReady = dupForkedProcessReady;
SmartHandle dupOperationComplete(shParent,sfvMasterQForkControl->operationComplete);
SmartHandle dupOperationComplete(shParent, sfvParentQForkControl->operationComplete);
g_pQForkControl->operationComplete = dupOperationComplete;
SmartHandle dupOperationFailed(shParent,sfvMasterQForkControl->operationFailed);
SmartHandle dupOperationFailed(shParent, sfvParentQForkControl->operationFailed);
g_pQForkControl->operationFailed = dupOperationFailed;
// create section handle on MM file
......@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ BOOL QForkSlaveInit(HANDLE QForkConrolMemoryMapHandle, DWORD ParentProcessID) {
string("Could not open file mapping object in slave"));
string("Could not open file mapping object in child"));
g_pQForkControl->heapMemoryMap = sfmhMapFile;
......@@ -308,9 +308,9 @@ BOOL QForkSlaveInit(HANDLE QForkConrolMemoryMapHandle, DWORD ParentProcessID) {
// execute requested operation
if (g_pQForkControl->typeOfOperation == OperationType::otRDB) {
g_SlaveExitCode = do_rdbSave(g_pQForkControl->globalData.filename);
g_ChildExitCode = do_rdbSave(g_pQForkControl->globalData.filename);
} else if (g_pQForkControl->typeOfOperation == OperationType::otAOF) {
g_SlaveExitCode = do_aofSave(g_pQForkControl->globalData.filename);
g_ChildExitCode = do_aofSave(g_pQForkControl->globalData.filename);
} else if (g_pQForkControl->typeOfOperation == OperationType::otSocket) {
LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFO lpProtocolInfo = (LPWSAPROTOCOL_INFO) g_pQForkControl->globalData.protocolInfo;
int pipe_write_fd = fdapi_open_osfhandle((intptr_t)g_pQForkControl->globalData.pipe_write_handle, _O_APPEND);
......@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ BOOL QForkSlaveInit(HANDLE QForkConrolMemoryMapHandle, DWORD ParentProcessID) {
g_SlaveExitCode = do_socketSave(g_pQForkControl->globalData.fds,
g_ChildExitCode = do_socketSave(g_pQForkControl->globalData.fds,
......@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ BOOL QForkSlaveInit(HANDLE QForkConrolMemoryMapHandle, DWORD ParentProcessID) {
catch(std::system_error syserr) {
if (ReportSpecialSystemErrors(syserr.code().value()) == false) {
::redisLog(REDIS_WARNING, "QForkSlaveInit: system error caught. error code=0x%08x, message=%s\n", syserr.code().value(), syserr.what());
::redisLog(REDIS_WARNING, "QForkChildInit: system error caught. error code=0x%08x, message=%s\n", syserr.code().value(), syserr.what());
g_pQForkControl = NULL;
if (g_pQForkControl != NULL) {
if (g_pQForkControl->operationFailed != NULL) {
......@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ BOOL QForkSlaveInit(HANDLE QForkConrolMemoryMapHandle, DWORD ParentProcessID) {
catch(std::runtime_error runerr) {
::redisLog(REDIS_WARNING, "QForkSlaveInit: runtime error caught. message=%s\n", runerr.what());
::redisLog(REDIS_WARNING, "QForkChildInit: runtime error caught. message=%s\n", runerr.what());
g_pQForkControl = NULL;
return FALSE;
......@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ string GetWorkingDirectory() {
return g_MMFDir;
BOOL QForkMasterInit( __int64 maxheapBytes ) {
BOOL QForkParentInit(__int64 maxheapBytes) {
try {
// allocate file map for qfork control so it can be passed to the forked process
g_hQForkControlFileMap = CreateFileMappingW(
......@@ -602,14 +602,14 @@ BOOL QForkMasterInit( __int64 maxheapBytes ) {
catch(std::system_error syserr) {
if (ReportSpecialSystemErrors(syserr.code().value()) == false) {
::redisLog(REDIS_WARNING, "QForkMasterInit: system error caught. error code=0x%08x, message=%s\n", syserr.code().value(), syserr.what());
::redisLog(REDIS_WARNING, "QForkParentInit: system error caught. error code=0x%08x, message=%s\n", syserr.code().value(), syserr.what());
catch(std::runtime_error runerr) {
::redisLog(REDIS_WARNING, "QForkMasterInit: runtime error caught. message=%s\n", runerr.what());
::redisLog(REDIS_WARNING, "QForkParentInit: runtime error caught. message=%s\n", runerr.what());
catch(...) {
::redisLog(REDIS_WARNING, "QForkMasterInit: other exception caught.\n");
::redisLog(REDIS_WARNING, "QForkParentInit: other exception caught.\n");
return FALSE;
......@@ -662,7 +662,7 @@ LONG CALLBACK VectoredHeapMapper(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS info) {
// QFork API
StartupStatus QForkStartup(int argc, char** argv) {
bool foundSlaveFlag = false;
bool foundChildFlag = false;
bool foundSentinelMode = checkForSentinelMode(argc, argv);
HANDLE QForkConrolMemoryMapHandle = NULL;
......@@ -675,8 +675,8 @@ StartupStatus QForkStartup(int argc, char** argv) {
g_systemAllocationGranularity = si.dwAllocationGranularity;
if (g_argMap.find(cQFork) != g_argMap.end()) {
// slave command line looks like: --QFork [QForkConrolMemoryMap handle] [parent process id]
foundSlaveFlag = true;
// Child command line looks like: --QFork [QForkConrolMemoryMap handle] [parent process id]
foundChildFlag = true;
char* endPtr;
QForkConrolMemoryMapHandle = (HANDLE)strtoul(g_argMap[cQFork].at(0).at(0).c_str(),&endPtr,10);
char* end = NULL;
......@@ -735,12 +735,12 @@ StartupStatus QForkStartup(int argc, char** argv) {
int64_t maxMemoryPlusHalf = (3 * maxmemoryBytes) / 2;
if( maxmemoryBytes != -1 ) {
maxheapBytes = (maxheapBytes > maxMemoryPlusHalf) ? maxheapBytes : maxMemoryPlusHalf;
} else if (!foundSlaveFlag && !foundSentinelMode) {
redisLog(REDIS_WARNING, "Warning: The maxmemory flag was not set, this can cause redis-server to crash if an out-of-memory exception happens. It is strongly recommanded to set the maxmemory flag.");
if (maxheapBytes < maxMemoryPlusHalf) {
maxheapBytes = maxMemoryPlusHalf;
if( maxheapBytes == -1 )
if( maxheapBytes == -1 ) {
if (foundSentinelMode) {
// Sentinel mode does not need a large heap. This conserves disk space and page file reservation requirements.
maxheapBytes = cSentinelHeapSize;
......@@ -753,16 +753,16 @@ StartupStatus QForkStartup(int argc, char** argv) {
if (foundSlaveFlag) {
if (foundChildFlag) {
LPVOID exceptionHandler = AddVectoredExceptionHandler( 1, VectoredHeapMapper );
StartupStatus retVal = StartupStatus::ssFAILED;
try {
retVal = QForkSlaveInit( QForkConrolMemoryMapHandle, PPID ) ? StartupStatus::ssSLAVE_EXIT : StartupStatus::ssFAILED;
retVal = QForkChildInit(QForkConrolMemoryMapHandle, PPID) ? StartupStatus::ssCHILD_EXIT : StartupStatus::ssFAILED;
} catch (...) { }
return retVal;
} else {
return QForkMasterInit(maxheapBytes) ? StartupStatus::ssCONTINUE_AS_MASTER : StartupStatus::ssFAILED;
return QForkParentInit(maxheapBytes) ? StartupStatus::ssCONTINUE_AS_PARENT : StartupStatus::ssFAILED;
......@@ -901,7 +901,7 @@ void CreateChildProcess(PROCESS_INFORMATION *pi, char* logfile, DWORD dwCreation
throw system_error(
"Problem creating slave process" );
"Problem creating child process" );
g_hForkedProcess = pi->hProcess;
......@@ -1374,16 +1374,16 @@ extern "C"
if (IsPersistenceAvailable() == TRUE) {
StartupStatus status = QForkStartup(argc, argv);
if (status == ssCONTINUE_AS_MASTER) {
if (status == ssCONTINUE_AS_PARENT) {
int retval = redis_main(argc, argv);
return retval;
} else if (status == ssSLAVE_EXIT) {
// slave is done - clean up and exit
} else if (status == ssCHILD_EXIT) {
// child is done - clean up and exit
return g_SlaveExitCode;
return g_ChildExitCode;
} else if (status == ssFAILED) {
// master or slave failed initialization
// parent or child failed initialization
return 1;
} else {
// unexpected status return
......@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ typedef enum operationStatus {
typedef enum startupStatus {
ssFAILED = 0, // Something went wrong, exit program with error.
ssCONTINUE_AS_MASTER = 1, // Master qfork initialization complete, continue as master instance. Call QForkShutdown when exiting.
ssSLAVE_EXIT = 2 // Slave completed operation. Call QForkShutdown and exit.
ssCONTINUE_AS_PARENT = 1, // Parent qfork initialization complete, continue as parent instance. Call QForkShutdown when exiting.
ssCHILD_EXIT = 2 // Child completed operation. Call QForkShutdown and exit.
} StartupStatus;
#define MAX_GLOBAL_DATA 10000
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ typedef struct QForkBeginInfo {
StartupStatus QForkStartup(int argc, char** argv);
BOOL QForkShutdown();
// For master process use only
// For parent process use only
BOOL BeginForkOperation_Rdb(
char* fileName,
LPVOID globalData,
Markdown is supported
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