提交 8fa76bed 编写于 作者: D devil


上级 155dca21
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
<view class="item bg-white {{item.is_operable == 0 ? 'item-disabled' : ''}}" style="border:1px solid {{item.bg_color_value}};">
<view class="v-left fl">
<view class="base single-text" style="color:{{item.bg_color_value}};">
<text class="symbol">{{price_symbol}}</text>
<text a:if="{{item.type == 0}}" class="symbol">{{price_symbol}}</text>
<text class="price">{{item.discount_value}}</text>
<text class="unit">{{item.type_unit}}</text>
......@@ -81,11 +81,14 @@
<!-- 扩展数据 -->
<view a:if="{{extension_data.length > 0}}" class="extension-list bg-white spacing-mt">
<view a:for="{{extension_data}}" class="item br-b oh">
<view a:if="{{extension_data.length > 0}}" class="panel-item spacing-mt extension-list">
<view class="panel-title">扩展数据</view>
<view class="panel-content bg-white">
<view a:for="{{extension_data}}" a:key="item" class="item br-b oh">
<text class="title">{{item.name}}</text>
<text class="content cr-888 br-l">{{item.tips}}</text>
<import src="/pages/common/bottom_line.axml" />
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ App({
// 请求地址
request_url: "{{request_url}}",
request_url: 'http://shopxo.com/',
// request_url: 'https://dev.shopxo.net/',
request_url: 'https://dev.shopxo.net/',
// 基础信息
application_title: "{{application_title}}",
......@@ -41,14 +41,40 @@
* 商品
.goods .goods-item:not(:last-child) {
.goods-group-list .goods-item:not(:last-child) {
border-bottom: 1px dashed #efefef;
.goods-item {
padding: 20rpx 10rpx;
.goods-group-list {
padding: 0 10rpx 10rpx 10rpx;
.goods-group-hd {
padding: 20rpx 0;
.goods-group-title {
font-weight: bold;
vertical-align: middle;
.goods-group-alias {
border: 1px solid #3bb4f2;
color: #3bb4f2;
padding: 2rpx 10rpx;
border-radius: 6rpx;
margin-left: 10rpx;
.goods-group-footer .original-price {
margin-right: 10rpx;
.goods-group-map-submit {
font-size: 24rpx;
padding: 5rpx 20rpx;
background: #f0f0f0;
border-radius: 6rpx;
.goods-title, .goods-spec {
margin-bottom: 10rpx;
margin-bottom: 5rpx;
.goods-item {
padding: 10rpx 0;
.goods-image {
width: 160rpx;
......@@ -119,6 +145,7 @@
.extension-list {
background-color: #ffffeb;
border: 1px solid #ffe2cf;
.extension-list .item {
padding: 20rpx 10rpx;
......@@ -136,10 +163,10 @@
.content-textarea-view textarea {
height: 180rpx;
padding: 5rpx;
.content-textarea-view textarea,
.content-textarea-view view {
padding: 10rpx;
padding: 12rpx;
......@@ -19,16 +19,14 @@ Page({
common_site_type: 0,
extraction_address: [],
site_model: 0,
buy_header_nav: [
{ name: "快递邮寄", value: 0 },
{ name: "自提点取货", value: 2 }
buy_header_nav: [{ name: "快递邮寄", value: 0 }, { name: "自提点取货", value: 2 }],
// 优惠劵
plugins_coupon_data: null,
plugins_use_coupon_id: 0,
plugins_choice_coupon_value: '选择优惠劵',
popup_plugins_coupon_status: false
plugins_use_coupon_ids: [],
plugins_choice_coupon_value: [],
popup_plugins_coupon_status: false,
popup_plugins_coupon_index: null
onLoad(params) {
//params['data'] = '{"buy_type":"goods","goods_id":"1","stock":"1","spec":"[]"}';
......@@ -63,7 +61,7 @@ Page({
if ((cache_address || null) != null) {
address: cache_address,
address_id: cache_address.id,
address_id: cache_address.id
......@@ -77,12 +75,11 @@ Page({
var data = this.data.params;
data['address_id'] = this.data.address_id;
data['payment_id'] = this.data.payment_id;
data['coupon_id'] = this.data.plugins_use_coupon_id;
data['site_model'] = this.data.site_model;
url: app.get_request_url("index", "buy"),
method: "POST",
data: data,
data: this.request_data_coupon_merge(data),
dataType: "json",
success: res => {
......@@ -105,18 +102,23 @@ Page({
// 优惠劵选择处理
if ((data.plugins_coupon_data || null) != null) {
if ((data.plugins_coupon_data.coupon_choice || null) != null) {
this.setData({ plugins_choice_coupon_value: data.plugins_coupon_data.coupon_choice.coupon.desc });
} else {
var coupon_count = (data.plugins_coupon_data.coupon_list || null) != null ? data.plugins_coupon_data.coupon_list.length : 0;
this.setData({ plugins_choice_coupon_value: coupon_count > 0 ? '可选优惠劵' + coupon_count + '' : '暂无可用优惠劵' });
var plugins_choice_coupon_value = [];
for (var i in data.plugins_coupon_data) {
var cupk = data.plugins_coupon_data[i]['warehouse_id'];
if ((data.plugins_coupon_data[i]['coupon_data']['coupon_choice'] || null) != null) {
plugins_choice_coupon_value[cupk] = data.plugins_coupon_data[i]['coupon_data']['coupon_choice']['desc'];
} else {
var coupon_count = (data.plugins_coupon_data[i]['coupon_data']['coupon_list'] || null) != null ? data.plugins_coupon_data[i]['coupon_data'].coupon_list.length : 0;
plugins_choice_coupon_value[cupk] = coupon_count > 0 ? '可选优惠劵' + coupon_count + '' : '暂无可用优惠劵';
this.setData({ plugins_choice_coupon_value: plugins_choice_coupon_value });
// 地址
address: data.base.address || null,
address_id: ((data.base.address || null) != null) ? data.base.address.id : null
address_id: (data.base.address || null) != null ? data.base.address.id : null
key: app.data.cache_buy_user_address_select_key,
......@@ -149,6 +151,17 @@ Page({
// 请求参数合并优惠券参数
request_data_coupon_merge(data) {
var coupon_ids = this.data.plugins_use_coupon_ids;
if ((coupon_ids || null) != null && coupon_ids.length > 0) {
for (var i in coupon_ids) {
data['coupon_id_' + i] = coupon_ids[i];
return data;
// 下拉刷新
onPullDownRefresh() {
......@@ -166,7 +179,6 @@ Page({
data['address_id'] = this.data.address_id;
data['payment_id'] = this.data.payment_id;
data['user_note'] = this.data.user_note_value;
data['coupon_id'] = this.data.plugins_use_coupon_id;
data['site_model'] = this.data.site_model;
// 数据验证
......@@ -177,6 +189,7 @@ Page({
if (this.data.common_order_is_booking != 1) {
validation.push({ fields: 'payment_id', msg: '请选择支付方式' });
if (app.fields_check(data, validation)) {
// 加载loding
swan.showLoading({ title: '提交中...' });
......@@ -185,14 +198,14 @@ Page({
url: app.get_request_url("add", "buy"),
method: "POST",
data: data,
data: this.request_data_coupon_merge(data),
dataType: "json",
success: res => {
if (res.data.code == 0) {
if (res.data.data.order.status == 1) {
if (res.data.data.order_status == 1) {
url: '/pages/user-order/user-order?is_pay=1&order_id=' + res.data.data.order.id
url: '/pages/user-order/user-order?is_pay=1&order_ids=' + res.data.data.order_ids.join(',')
} else {
swan.redirectTo({ url: '/pages/user-order/user-order' });
......@@ -205,7 +218,6 @@ Page({
fail: () => {
this.setData({ buy_submit_disabled_status: false });
......@@ -235,7 +247,11 @@ Page({
// 优惠劵弹层开启
plugins_coupon_open_event(e) {
this.setData({ popup_plugins_coupon_status: true });
var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
popup_plugins_coupon_status: true,
popup_plugins_coupon_index: index
// 优惠劵弹层关闭
......@@ -245,19 +261,27 @@ Page({
// 优惠劵选择
plugins_coupon_use_event(e) {
var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
var wid = e.currentTarget.dataset.wid;
var value = e.currentTarget.dataset.value;
plugins_use_coupon_id: value,
popup_plugins_coupon_status: false
var temp = this.data.plugins_use_coupon_ids;
// 是否已选择优惠券id
if (temp.indexOf(value) == -1) {
temp[wid] = value;
plugins_use_coupon_ids: temp,
popup_plugins_coupon_status: false
// 不使用优惠劵
plugins_coupon_not_use_event(e) {
var wid = e.currentTarget.dataset.wid;
var temp = this.data.plugins_use_coupon_ids;
temp[wid] = 0;
plugins_use_coupon_id: 0,
plugins_use_coupon_ids: temp,
popup_plugins_coupon_status: false
......@@ -265,11 +289,11 @@ Page({
// 地址选择事件
address_event(e) {
if (this.data.common_site_type == 0 || (this.data.common_site_type == 4 && this.data.site_model == 0)) {
if (this.data.common_site_type == 0 || this.data.common_site_type == 4 && this.data.site_model == 0) {
url: '/pages/user-address/user-address?is_back=1'
} else if (this.data.common_site_type == 2 || (this.data.common_site_type == 4 && this.data.site_model == 2)) {
} else if (this.data.common_site_type == 2 || this.data.common_site_type == 4 && this.data.site_model == 2) {
url: '/pages/extraction-address/extraction-address?is_back=1'
......@@ -278,16 +302,15 @@ Page({
// 销售+自提 模式选择事件
// 销售+自提 模式选择事件
buy_header_nav_event(e) {
var value = e.currentTarget.dataset.value || 0;
if (value != this.data.site_model)
if (value != this.data.site_model) {
// 数据设置
address: null,
address_id: null,
site_model: value,
site_model: value
// 删除地址缓存
......@@ -297,4 +320,24 @@ Page({
// 地图查看
map_event(e) {
var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index || 0;
var data = this.data.goods_list[index] || null;
if (data == null) {
return false;
var lng = parseFloat(data.lng || 0);
var lat = parseFloat(data.lat || 0);
latitude: lat,
longitude: lng,
scale: 18,
name: data.name || data.alias || '',
address: (data.province_name || '') + (data.city_name || '') + (data.county_name || '') + (data.address || '')
\ No newline at end of file
<block s-if="common_site_type == 1">
<import src="/pages/common/nodata.swan" />
<template is="nodata" data="{{{status: 2, msg: '展示型不允许提交订单'}}}"></template>
<block s-else>
<view s-if="goods_list.length > 0" class="page">
<!-- 销售+自提 模式选择 -->
<view s-if="common_site_type == 4" class="buy-header-nav oh tc">
<block s-for="{{buy_header_nav}}" s-key="key">
<view class="item fl {{site_model == item.value ? 'cr-main' : 'cr-666'}}" data-value="{{item.value}}" bindtap="buy_header_nav_event">{{item.name}}</view>
<import src="/pages/common/nodata.swan" />
<template is="nodata" data="{{{status: 2, msg: '展示型不允许提交订单'}}}"></template>
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<!-- 销售+自提 模式选择 -->
<view s-if="common_site_type == 4" class="buy-header-nav oh tc">
<block s-for="item, index in buy_header_nav" s-key="key">
<view class="item fl {{site_model == item.value ? 'cr-main' : 'cr-666'}}" data-value="{{item.value}}" bindtap="buy_header_nav_event">{{item.name}}</view>
<!-- 地址 -->
<block s-if="common_site_type == 0 || common_site_type == 2 || common_site_type == 4">
<view class="address bg-white arrow-right" bindtap="address_event">
<view s-if="address != null">
<view class="address-base oh">
<text s-if="(address.alias || null) != null" class="address-alias">{{address.alias}}</text>
<text class="fr">{{address.tel}}</text>
<view class="address-detail oh">
<image class="icon fl" src="/images/user-address.png" mode="widthFix" />
<view class="text fr">{{address.province_name}}{{address.city_name}}{{address.county_name}}{{address.address}}</view>
<view s-if="address == null" class="no-address cr-888">
{{(common_site_type == 0 || (common_site_type == 4 && site_model == 0)) ? '请选择收货地址' : '请选择取货地址'}}
<view class="address-divider spacing-mb"></view>
<!-- 地址 -->
<block s-if="common_site_type == 0 || common_site_type == 2 || common_site_type == 4">
<view class="address bg-white arrow-right" bindtap="address_event">
<view s-if="address != null">
<view class="address-base oh">
<text s-if="(address.alias || null) != null" class="address-alias">{{address.alias}}</text>
<text class="fr">{{address.tel}}</text>
<!-- 商品数据 -->
<view class="goods-group-list bg-white spacing-mb" s-for="group, index in goods_list" s-key="key">
<!-- 仓库分组 -->
<view class="goods-group-hd oh br-b">
<view class="fl">
<text class="goods-group-title">{{group.name}}</text>
<text s-if="(group.alias || null) != null" class="goods-group-alias">{{group.alias}}</text>
<view class="address-detail oh">
<image class="icon fl" src="/images/user-address.png" mode="widthFix" />
<view class="text fr">{{address.province_name}}{{address.city_name}}{{address.county_name}}{{address.address}}</view>
<view s-if="(group.lng || null) != null && (group.lat || null) != null" class="fr">
<view class="goods-group-map-submit br" data-index="{{index}}" bindtap="map_event">查看地图</view>
<view s-if="address == null" class="no-address cr-888">
{{(common_site_type == 0 || (common_site_type == 4 && site_model == 0)) ? '请选择收货地址' : '请选择取货地址'}}
<!-- 商品 -->
<view s-for="item, index in group.goods_items" s-key="keys" class="goods-item oh">
<image class="goods-image fl" src="{{item.images}}" mode="aspectFill" />
<view class="goods-base">
<view class="goods-title multi-text">{{item.title}}</view>
<block s-if="item.spec != null">
<view class="goods-spec cr-888" s-for="spec, index in item.spec" s-key="key">{{spec.type}}:{{spec.value}}
<view class="oh goods-price">
<text class="sales-price">{{price_symbol}}{{item.price}}
<text s-if="item.original_price > 0" class="original-price">{{price_symbol}}{{item.original_price}}
<text class="buy-number cr-888">x{{item.stock}}
<view class="address-divider spacing-mb"></view>
<!-- 商品 -->
<view class="goods bg-white spacing-mb">
<view s-for="item, index in goods_list" s-key="key" class="goods-item oh">
<image class="goods-image fl" src="{{item.images}}" mode="aspectFill" />
<view class="goods-base">
<view class="goods-title multi-text">{{item.title}}</view>
<block s-if="item.spec != null">
<view class="goods-spec cr-888" s-for="spec, index in item.spec" s-key="key">{{spec.type}}:{{spec.value}}
<!-- 优惠劵 -->
<view s-if="(plugins_coupon_data || null) != null && (plugins_coupon_data[index] || null) != null && (plugins_coupon_data[index].coupon_data || null) != null && (plugins_coupon_data[index].coupon_data.coupon_list || null) != null && plugins_coupon_data[index].coupon_data.coupon_list.length > 0" class="plugins-coupon bg-white spacing-mb arrow-right" data-index="{{index}}" bindtap="plugins_coupon_open_event">
<text class="cr-666">优惠劵</text>
<text class="cr-ccc fr">{{((plugins_choice_coupon_value || null) != null && (plugins_choice_coupon_value[group.id] || null) != null) ? plugins_choice_coupon_value[group.id] : '请选择优惠券'}}</text>
<view class="oh goods-price">
<text class="sales-price">{{price_symbol}}{{item.price}}
<text s-if="item.original_price > 0" class="original-price">{{price_symbol}}{{item.original_price}}
<text class="buy-number cr-888">x{{item.stock}}
<!-- 扩展数据展示 -->
<view s-if="group.order_base.extension_data.length > 0" class="extension-list spacing-mt">
<view s-for="item, index in group.order_base.extension_data" s-key="key" class="item oh">
<text class="cr-666 fl">{{item.name}}
<text class="text-tips fr">{{item.tips}}
<!-- 留言 -->
<view class="content-textarea-view bg-white spacing-mb">
<textarea s-if="!popup_plugins_coupon_status" bindinput="bind_user_note_event" value="{=user_note_value=}" maxlength="60" placeholder="留言" class="wh-auto" />
<view s-if="popup_plugins_coupon_status" class="cr-888">{{user_note_value || '留言'}}</view>
<!-- 优惠劵 -->
<view s-if="(plugins_coupon_data || null) != null && plugins_coupon_data.coupon_list.length > 0" class="plugins-coupon bg-white spacing-mb arrow-right" bindtap="plugins_coupon_open_event">
<text class="cr-666">优惠劵</text>
<text class="cr-ccc fr">{{plugins_choice_coupon_value}}</text>
<!-- 扩展数据展示 -->
<view s-if="extension_data.length > 0" class="extension-list spacing-mb">
<view s-for="item, index in extension_data" s-key="key" class="item oh">
<text class="cr-666 fl">{{item.name}}
<text class="text-tips fr">{{item.tips}}
<!-- 支付方式 -->
<view s-if="payment_list.length > 0 && common_order_is_booking != 1" class="payment-list bg-white oh">
<view class="item tc fl" s-for="item, index in payment_list" s-key="key">
<view class="item-content br {{(item.selected || '')}}" data-value="{{item.id}}" bindtap="payment_event">
<image s-if="(item.logo || null) != null" class="icon" src="{{item.logo}}" mode="widthFix" />
<!-- 小计 -->
<view class="oh tr goods-group-footer spacing-mt spacing-mb">
<text s-if="group.order_base.total_price != group.order_base.actual_price" class="original-price">{{price_symbol}}{{group.order_base.total_price}}</text>
<text class="sales-price">{{price_symbol}}{{group.order_base.actual_price}}</text>
<!-- 导航 -->
<view class="buy-nav oh wh-auto">
<view class="nav-base bg-white fl br-t single-text">
<text class="sales-price">{{price_symbol}}{{total_price}}</text>
<!-- 留言 -->
<view class="content-textarea-view bg-white spacing-mb">
<textarea s-if="!popup_plugins_coupon_status" bindinput="bind_user_note_event" value="{=user_note_value=}" maxlength="60" placeholder="留言" class="wh-auto" />
<view s-if="popup_plugins_coupon_status" class="cr-888">{{user_note_value || '留言'}}</view>
<view class="fr nav-submit">
<button class="bg-main wh-auto" type="default" bindtap="buy_submit_event" disabled="{{buy_submit_disabled_status}}" hover-class="none">提交订单</button>
<!-- 支付方式 -->
<view s-if="payment_list.length > 0 && common_order_is_booking != 1" class="payment-list bg-white oh">
<view class="item tc fl" s-for="item, index in payment_list" s-key="key">
<view class="item-content br {{(item.selected || '')}}" data-value="{{item.id}}" bindtap="payment_event">
<image s-if="(item.logo || null) != null" class="icon" src="{{item.logo}}" mode="widthFix" />
<view s-if="goods_list.length == 0">
<import src="/pages/common/nodata.swan" />
<template is="nodata" data="{{{status: data_list_loding_status, msg: data_list_loding_msg}}}"></template>
<!-- 优惠劵选择 -->
<component-popup status="{{popup_plugins_coupon_status}}" position="bottom" bindonclose="plugins_coupon_close_event">
<view class="plugins-coupon-popup bg-white">
<view class="close oh">
<view class="fr" catchtap="plugins_coupon_close_event">
<icon type="clear" size="20" />
<!-- 导航 -->
<view class="buy-nav oh wh-auto">
<view class="nav-base bg-white fl br-t single-text">
<text class="sales-price">{{price_symbol}}{{total_price}}</text>
<view class="fr nav-submit">
<button class="bg-main wh-auto" type="default" bindtap="buy_submit_event" disabled="{{buy_submit_disabled_status}}" hover-class="none">提交订单</button>
<view s-if="(plugins_coupon_data || null) != null && plugins_coupon_data.coupon_list.length > 0" class="coupon-container oh br-b">
<view class="not-use-tips tc">
<text bindtap="plugins_coupon_not_use_event">不使用优惠劵</text>
<view s-if="goods_list.length == 0">
<import src="/pages/common/nodata.swan" />
<template is="nodata" data="{{{status: data_list_loding_status, msg: data_list_loding_msg}}}"></template>
<!-- 优惠劵选择 -->
<component-popup status="{{popup_plugins_coupon_status}}" position="bottom" bindonclose="plugins_coupon_close_event">
<view class="plugins-coupon-popup bg-white">
<view class="close oh">
<view class="fr" catchtap="plugins_coupon_close_event">
<icon type="clear" size="20" />
<block s-for="item, index in plugins_coupon_data.coupon_list" s-key="item">
<view class="item spacing-mt bg-white" style="border:1px solid {{item.coupon.bg_color_value}};">
<view class="v-left fl">
<view class="base single-text" style="color:{{item.coupon.bg_color_value}};">
<text class="symbol">{{price_symbol}}</text>
<text class="price">{{item.coupon.discount_value}}</text>
<text class="unit">{{item.coupon.type_unit}}</text>
<text s-if="(item.coupon.desc || null) != null" class="desc cr-888">{{item.coupon.desc}}</text>
<view s-if="popup_plugins_coupon_index != null && (plugins_coupon_data || null) != null && (plugins_coupon_data[popup_plugins_coupon_index] || null) != null && (plugins_coupon_data[popup_plugins_coupon_index].coupon_data || null) != null && (plugins_coupon_data[popup_plugins_coupon_index].coupon_data.coupon_list || null) != null && plugins_coupon_data[popup_plugins_coupon_index].coupon_data.coupon_list.length > 0" class="coupon-container oh br-b">
<view class="not-use-tips tc">
<text data-wid="{{plugins_coupon_data[popup_plugins_coupon_index].warehouse_id}}" bindtap="plugins_coupon_not_use_event">不使用优惠劵</text>
<block s-for="item, index in plugins_coupon_data[popup_plugins_coupon_index].coupon_data.coupon_list" s-key="item">
<view class="item spacing-mt bg-white {{plugins_use_coupon_ids.indexOf(item.id) != -1 ? 'item-disabled' : ''}}" style="border:1px solid {{item.coupon.bg_color_value}};">
<view class="v-left fl">
<view class="base single-text" style="color:{{item.coupon.bg_color_value}};">
<text class="symbol">{{price_symbol}}</text>
<text class="price">{{item.coupon.discount_value}}</text>
<text class="unit">{{item.coupon.type_unit}}</text>
<text s-if="(item.coupon.desc || null) != null" class="desc cr-888">{{item.coupon.desc}}</text>
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<view class="base-time cr-888 single-text">{{item.time_start_text}} 至 {{item.time_end_text}}</view>
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<text class="circle"></text>
<text>{{plugins_use_coupon_ids.indexOf(item.id) != -1 ? '已选' : '选择'}}</text>
<view s-if="(item.coupon.use_limit_type_name || null) != null" class="base-tips cr-666 single-text">{{item.coupon.use_limit_type_name}}</view>
<view class="base-time cr-888 single-text">{{item.time_start_text}} 至 {{item.time_end_text}}</view>
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<text class="circle"></text>
<text>{{plugins_use_coupon_id == item.id ? '已选' : '选择'}}</text>
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
const app = getApp();
data: {
tab_active: 0,
tab_active_text_color: '#d2364c',
tab_active_line_color: '#d2364c',
data_list_loding_status: 1,
data_bottom_line_status: false,
nav_active_index: 0,
data_list: [],
data_content: []
category_show_level: 3,
data_content: null
onShow() {
......@@ -32,27 +30,25 @@ Page({
success: res => {
if (res.data.code == 0) {
var data = res.data.data;
var data_content = [];
if (data.length > 0) {
data[0]['active'] = 'nav-active';
data_content = data[0]['items'];
data_list: data,
data_content: data_content,
data_list_loding_status: data.length == 0 ? 0 : 3,
data_bottom_line_status: true
// 页面信息设置
var category = res.data.data.category;
var data_content = [];
var index = this.data.nav_active_index || 0;
if (category.length > 0) {
category[index]['active'] = 'nav-active';
data_content = category[index];
data_list: category,
category_show_level: res.data.data.category_show_level || 3,
data_content: data_content,
data_list_loding_status: category.length == 0 ? 0 : 3,
data_bottom_line_status: true
} else {
data_list_loding_status: 0,
data_bottom_line_status: true
......@@ -62,7 +58,6 @@ Page({
data_list_loding_status: 2,
data_bottom_line_status: true
......@@ -82,7 +77,8 @@ Page({
data_list: temp_data,
data_content: temp_data[index]['items']
data_content: temp_data[index],
nav_active_index: index
......@@ -91,25 +87,14 @@ Page({
swan.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/goods-search/goods-search?category_id=' + e.currentTarget.dataset.value });
// web页面信息设置
set_page_info() {
title: app.data.application_title+' - 商品分类',
keywords: app.data.application_describe,
description: app.data.application_describe,
image: (this.data.data_list.length == 0) ? [] : app.array_notempty(this.data.data_list.map(function (v) { return v.big_images;})).slice(0,3)
// 自定义分享
onShareAppMessage() {
var user = app.get_user_cache_info() || null;
var user_id = (user != null && (user.id || null) != null) ? user.id : 0;
var user_id = user != null && (user.id || null) != null ? user.id : 0;
return {
title: app.data.application_title,
desc: app.data.application_describe,
path: '/pages/goods-category/goods-category?referrer=' + user_id
\ No newline at end of file
"usingComponents": {
"enablePullDownRefresh": true
\ No newline at end of file
<view class='left-nav'>
<block s-for="item, index in data_list" s-key="key">
<view class='items {{item.active || ""}}' data-index="{{index}}" bindtap='nav_event'>
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<block s-if="data_content.length > 0">
<block s-for="v, index in data_content" s-key="keys">
<view class="content-items" data-value="{{v.id}}" bindtap="category_event">
<image s-if="(v.icon || null) != null" src="{{v.icon}}" mode="aspectFit" class="icon" />
<view class="text single-text">{{v.name}}</view>
<view s-if="data_list.length > 0">
<block s-if="category_show_level == 1">
<!-- 一级模式 -->
<view class="model-one oh">
<block s-for="v, index in data_list" s-key="key">
<view class="content-item" data-value="{{v.id}}" bindtap="category_event">
<view class="content bg-white wh-auto">
<image s-if="(v.icon || null) != null" src="{{v.icon}}" mode="aspectFit" class="icon" />
<view class="text single-text">{{v.name}}</view>
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<template is="nodata" data="{{{status: data_list_loding_status}}}">
\ No newline at end of file
<block s-else>
<!-- 一级内导航 -->
<view class='left-nav'>
<block s-for="item, index in data_list" s-key="key">
<view class='items {{item.active || ""}}' data-index="{{index}}" bindtap='nav_event'>
<view class='right-container'>
<!-- 一级内基础容 -->
<view s-if="(data_content || null) != null" class="right-content">
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<view s-if="(data_content.vice_name || null) != null" class="one-vice-name cr-main" style="color:{{data_content.bg_color}};">{{data_content.vice_name}}</view>
<view s-if="(data_content.describe || null) != null" class="one-desc">{{data_content.describe}}</view>
<!-- 一二级数据渲染 -->
<block s-if="data_content.items.length > 0">
<!-- 二级模式 -->
<block s-if="category_show_level == 2">
<view class="two-content bg-white oh">
<block s-for="v, index in data_content.items" s-key="key">
<view class="content-item" data-value="{{v.id}}" bindtap="category_event">
<view class="content wh-auto">
<image s-if="(v.icon || null) != null" src="{{v.icon}}" mode="aspectFit" class="icon" />
<view class="text single-text">{{v.name}}</view>
<!-- 三级模式 -->
<block s-if="category_show_level == 3">
<block s-for="v, index in data_content.items" s-key="key">
<view class="bg-white oh">
<view class="tc two-name" data-value="{{v.id}}" bindtap="category_event">{{v.name}}</view>
<block s-if="v.items.length > 0">
<block s-for="vs, index in v.items" s-key="key">
<view class="content-item" data-value="{{vs.id}}" bindtap="category_event">
<view class="content wh-auto">
<image s-if="(vs.icon || null) != null" src="{{vs.icon}}" mode="aspectFit" class="icon" />
<view class="text single-text">{{vs.name}}</view>
<block s-else>
<import src="/pages/common/nodata.swan" />
<template is="nodata" data="{{{status: 0, msg: '没有子分类数据'}}}"></template>
<view s-if="data_list.length == 0 && data_list_loding_status != 0">
<import src="/pages/common/nodata.swan" />
<template is="nodata" data="{{{status: data_list_loding_status}}}"></template>
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
<view class="item bg-white {{item.is_operable == 0 ? 'item-disabled' : ''}}" style="border:1px solid {{item.bg_color_value}};">
<view class="v-left fl">
<view class="base single-text" style="color:{{item.bg_color_value}};">
<text class="symbol">{{price_symbol}}</text>
<text s-if="item.type == 0" class="symbol">{{price_symbol}}</text>
<text class="price">{{item.discount_value}}</text>
<text class="unit">{{item.type_unit}}</text>
const app = getApp();
data: {
price_symbol: app.data.price_symbol,
params: {},
default_round_success_icon: app.data.default_round_success_icon,
default_round_error_icon: app.data.default_round_error_icon
......@@ -2,10 +2,6 @@
<image class="pay-icon" s-if="params.code == '9000'" mode="widthFix" src="{{default_round_success_icon}}" />
<image class="pay-icon" s-else mode="widthFix" src="{{default_round_error_icon}}" />
<text class="dis-block">{{params.msg}}</text>
<view s-if="params.code == '9000'" class="price-box">
<text class="sales-price">{{price_symbol}}{{params.total_price}}</text>
<text class="price-unit cr-888">元</text>
<view class="btn-box">
......@@ -44,26 +44,27 @@ Page({
detail: data.data,
{name: "订单号", value: data.data.order_no || ''},
{name: "订单模式", value: data.data.order_model_name || ''},
{name: "状态", value: data.data.status_name || ''},
{name: "支付状态", value: data.data.pay_status_name || ''},
{name: "单价", value: data.data.price || ''},
{name: "总价", value: data.data.total_price || ''},
{name: "优惠金额", value: data.data.preferential_price || ''},
{name: "增加金额", value: data.data.increase_price || '' },
{name: "支付金额", value: data.data.pay_price || ''},
{name: "支付方式", value: (data.data.payment_name || '') + ((data.data.is_under_line_text || null) == null ? '' : '' + data.data.is_under_line_text +'')},
{name: "快递公司", value: data.data.express_name || ''},
{name: "快递单号", value: data.data.express_number || ''},
{name: "用户留言", value: data.data.user_note || ''},
{name: "创建时间", value: data.data.add_time || ''},
{name: "确认时间", value: data.data.confirm_time || ''},
{name: "支付时间", value: data.data.pay_time || ''},
{name: "发货时间", value: data.data.delivery_time || ''},
{name: "收货时间", value: data.data.collect_time || ''},
{name: "取消时间", value: data.data.cancel_time || ''},
{name: "关闭时间", value: data.data.close_time || ''},
{name: "出货仓库", value: data.data.warehouse_name || ''},
{name: "订单模式", value: data.data.order_model_name || '' },
{name: "订单编号", value: data.data.order_no || ''},
{name: "订单状态", value: data.data.status_name || ''},
{name: "支付状态", value: data.data.pay_status_name || ''},
{name: "订单单价", value: data.data.price || ''},
{name: "订单总价", value: data.data.total_price || ''},
{name: "优惠金额", value: data.data.preferential_price || ''},
{name: "增加金额", value: data.data.increase_price || '' },
{name: "支付金额", value: data.data.pay_price || ''},
{name: "支付方式", value: (data.data.payment_name || '') + ((data.data.is_under_line_text || null) == null ? '' : '' + data.data.is_under_line_text +'')},
{name: "快递公司", value: data.data.express_name || ''},
{name: "快递单号", value: data.data.express_number || ''},
{name: "用户留言", value: data.data.user_note || ''},
{name: "创建时间", value: data.data.add_time || ''},
{name: "确认时间", value: data.data.confirm_time || ''},
{name: "支付时间", value: data.data.pay_time || ''},
{name: "发货时间", value: data.data.delivery_time || ''},
{name: "收货时间", value: data.data.collect_time || ''},
{name: "取消时间", value: data.data.cancel_time || ''},
{name: "关闭时间", value: data.data.close_time || ''},
extension_data: data.data.extension_data || [],
site_fictitious: data.site_fictitious || null,
* 导航
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* 列表
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* 列表
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width: 160rpx;
height: 160rpx;
margin-right: 20rpx;
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position: relative;
margin-top: 10rpx;
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position: absolute;
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padding: 20rpx 10rpx 20rpx 10rpx;
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margin-left: 20rpx;
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position: absolute;
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.item-base, .item-describe, .item-operation {
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.submit-cancel {
border: 1px solid #f7c3b3;
color: #f7c3b3 !important;
.item-operation button:not(:first-child) {
margin-left: 20rpx;
.item-operation button {
padding: 0 35rpx;
.orderaftersale-btn-text {
position: absolute;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
color: #4d7fa7;
* 支付方式
.payment-list {
padding: 40rpx 0;
.payment-list .item {
width: 50%;
.payment-list .item-content {
margin: 20rpx;
padding: 20rpx 10rpx;
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width: 50rpx;
height: 50rpx !important;
vertical-align: middle;
margin-right: 10rpx;
\ No newline at end of file
color: #4d7fa7;
* 支付方式
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padding: 40rpx 0;
.payment-list .item {
width: 50%;
.payment-list .item-content {
margin: 20rpx;
padding: 20rpx 10rpx;
.payment-list .item-content image {
width: 50rpx;
height: 50rpx !important;
vertical-align: middle;
margin-right: 10rpx;
* 选择
.selected .icon {
width: 35rpx;
height: 35rpx !important;
margin: 0 20rpx 0 10rpx;
vertical-align: middle;
* 合并支付按钮
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width: 220rpx;
left: calc(50% - 110rpx);
bottom: 50rpx;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ Page({
is_show_payment_popup: false,
payment_list: [],
payment_id: 0,
temp_pay_value: 0,
temp_pay_index: 0,
temp_pay_value: '',
nav_status_list: [{ name: "全部", value: "-1" }, { name: "待付款", value: "1" }, { name: "待发货", value: "2" }, { name: "待收货", value: "3" }, { name: "已完成", value: "4" }, { name: "已失效", value: "5,6" }],
nav_status_index: 0
nav_status_index: 0,
order_select_ids: []
onLoad(params) {
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Page({
} else {
data_list_loding_status: 0,
data_bottom_line_status: false,
data_bottom_line_status: false
......@@ -107,13 +107,8 @@ Page({
// 下订单支付处理
if (this.data.load_status == 0) {
if ((this.data.params.is_pay || 0) == 1 && (this.data.params.order_id || 0) != 0) {
for (var i in temp_data_list) {
if (this.data.params.order_id == temp_data_list[i]['id']) {
this.pay_handle(this.data.params.order_id, i);
if ((this.data.params.is_pay || 0) == 1 && (this.data.params.order_ids || null) != null) {
} else {
......@@ -188,7 +183,7 @@ Page({
is_show_payment_popup: true,
temp_pay_value: e.currentTarget.dataset.value,
temp_pay_index: e.currentTarget.dataset.index
order_select_ids: []
......@@ -202,11 +197,11 @@ Page({
var payment_id = e.currentTarget.dataset.value || 0;
this.setData({ payment_id: payment_id });
this.pay_handle(this.data.temp_pay_value, this.data.temp_pay_index);
// 支付方法
pay_handle(order_id, index) {
pay_handle(order_ids) {
var self = this;
// 加载loding
swan.showLoading({ title: "请求中..." });
......@@ -215,85 +210,96 @@ Page({
url: app.get_request_url("pay", "order"),
method: "POST",
data: {
id: order_id,
ids: order_ids,
payment_id: this.data.payment_id
dataType: "json",
success: res => {
if (res.data.code == 0) {
// 支付方式类型
switch (res.data.data.is_payment_type) {
// 正常线上支付
case 0 :
// 支付方式类型
switch (res.data.data.is_payment_type) {
// 正常线上支付
case 0:
orderInfo: res.data.data.data,
success: function (res) {
// 数据设置
// 跳转支付页面
url: "/pages/paytips/paytips?code=9000&total_price=" + self.data.data_list[index]['total_price']
fail: function (res) {
// 线下支付
case 1 :
var temp_data_list = self.data.data_list;
temp_data_list[index]['is_under_line'] = 1;
self.setData({ data_list: temp_data_list });
app.alert({ msg: res.data.msg, is_show_cancel: 0});
// 钱包支付
case 2 :
app.showToast('支付成功', 'success');
// 默认
default :
success: function (res) {
// 数据设置
// 跳转支付页面
url: "/pages/paytips/paytips?code=9000"
fail: function (res) {
// 线下支付
case 1:
var order_ids_arr = order_ids.split(',');
var temp_data_list = self.data.data_list;
for (var i in temp_data_list) {
if (order_ids_arr.indexOf(temp_data_list[i]['id']) != -1) {
temp_data_list[i]['is_under_line'] = 1;
self.setData({ data_list: temp_data_list });
app.alert({ msg: res.data.msg, is_show_cancel: 0 });
// 钱包支付
case 2:
app.showToast('支付成功', 'success');
// 默认
} else {
fail: () => {
// 支付成功数据设置
order_item_pay_success_handle(index) {
// 数据设置
order_item_pay_success_handle(order_ids) {
var order_ids_arr = order_ids.split(',');
var temp_data_list = this.data.data_list;
switch (parseInt(temp_data_list[index]['order_model'])) {
// 销售模式
case 0:
temp_data_list[index]['status'] = 2;
temp_data_list[index]['status_name'] = '待发货';
// 自提模式
case 2:
temp_data_list[index]['status'] = 2;
temp_data_list[index]['status_name'] = '待取货';
// 虚拟模式
case 3:
temp_data_list[index]['status'] = 3;
temp_data_list[index]['status_name'] = '待收货';
// 数据设置
for (var i in temp_data_list) {
if (order_ids_arr.indexOf(temp_data_list[i]['id']) != -1) {
switch (parseInt(temp_data_list[i]['order_model'])) {
// 销售模式
case 0:
temp_data_list[i]['status'] = 2;
temp_data_list[i]['status_name'] = '待发货';
// 自提模式
case 2:
temp_data_list[i]['status'] = 2;
temp_data_list[i]['status_name'] = '待取货';
// 虚拟模式
case 3:
temp_data_list[i]['status'] = 3;
temp_data_list[i]['status_name'] = '待收货';
this.setData({ data_list: temp_data_list });
......@@ -395,8 +401,11 @@ Page({
nav_event(e) {
nav_status_index: e.currentTarget.dataset.index || 0,
data_page: 1
data_page: 1,
order_select_ids: []
// 重新拉取数据
......@@ -421,4 +430,28 @@ Page({
url: "/pages/user-order-comments/user-order-comments?id=" + e.currentTarget.dataset.value
// 选中处理
selected_event(e) {
var oid = e.currentTarget.dataset.oid || 0;
var temp_select_ids = this.data.order_select_ids;
if (temp_select_ids.indexOf(oid) == -1) {
} else {
for (var i in temp_select_ids) {
if (temp_select_ids[i] == oid) {
temp_select_ids.splice(i, 1);
this.setData({ order_select_ids: temp_select_ids });
// 合并支付
pay_merge_event(e) {
is_show_payment_popup: true,
temp_pay_value: this.data.order_select_ids.join(',')
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -11,10 +11,13 @@
<view class="list-content">
<view class="list-item bg-white spacing-mb" s-if="data_list.length > 0" s-for="item, index in data_list" s-key="key">
<view class="item-base oh br-b">
<text class="cr-666">{{item.add_time}}</text>
<text class="fr cr-main">
{{item.status_name}}<text s-if="(item.is_under_line_text || null) != null">({{item.is_under_line_text}})</text>
<!-- 选择 -->
<view s-if="nav_status_index == 1" bindtap="selected_event" data-oid="{{item.id}}" class="fl selected">
<image class="icon" src="/images/default-select{{tools.indexOf(order_select_ids, item.id) ? '-active' : ''}}-icon.png" mode="widthFix" />
<!-- 基础信息 -->
<text class="fl cr-666">{{item.warehouse_name}}</text>
<text class="fr cr-main">{{item.status_name}}<text s-if="(item.is_under_line_text || null) != null">({{item.is_under_line_text}})</text></text>
<view s-for="detail, index in item.items" s-key="key" class="goods-item br-b-dashed oh">
<navigator url="/pages/user-order-detail/user-order-detail?id={{item.id}}" hover-class="none">
......@@ -26,7 +29,7 @@
<view s-if="(item.is_can_launch_aftersale == 1 || (detail.orderaftersale || null) != null) && ($detail.orderaftersale_btn_text || null) != null" class="orderaftersale-btn-text" catchtap="orderaftersale_event" data-oid="{{item.id}}" data-did="{{detail.id}}">{{detail.orderaftersale_btn_text}}</view>
<view s-if="(item.is_can_launch_aftersale == 1 || (detail.orderaftersale || null) != null) && (detail.orderaftersale_btn_text || null) != null" class="orderaftersale-btn-text" catchtap="orderaftersale_event" data-oid="{{item.id}}" data-did="{{detail.id}}">{{detail.orderaftersale_btn_text}}</view>
<view class="oh goods-price">
<text class="sales-price">{{price_symbol}}{{detail.price}}</text>
......@@ -56,6 +59,11 @@
<!-- 合并支付 -->
<view s-if="nav_status_index == 1 && order_select_ids.length > 0">
<button class="submit-fixed pay-merge-submit" type="default" size="mini" hover-class="none" bindtap="pay_merge_event">合并支付</button>
<!-- 支付方式 popup -->
<component-popup status="{{is_show_payment_popup}}" position="bottom" bindonclose="payment_popup_event_close">
<view s-if="payment_list.length > 0" class="payment-list oh bg-white">
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
<view class="item bg-white {{item.is_operable == 0 ? 'item-disabled' : ''}}" style="border:1px solid {{item.bg_color_value}};">
<view class="v-left fl">
<view class="base single-text" style="color:{{item.bg_color_value}};">
<text class="symbol">{{price_symbol}}</text>
<text wx:if="{{item.type == 0}}" class="symbol">{{price_symbol}}</text>
<text class="price">{{item.discount_value}}</text>
<text class="unit">{{item.type_unit}}</text>
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