提交 7197e8d4 编写于 作者: Miykael_xxm's avatar Miykael_xxm 🚴

Merge branch 'SoftwareTeacher/intro-SoftwareTeacher-pages-patch-68931' into 'pages'

Software teacher/intro software teacher pages patch 68931

See merge request !2
......@@ -11,6 +11,11 @@ keywords: ["程序设计思想,安装Python,运行方式,常用开发工具,编
- Python简介
> **补充资料**
> + [简介](https://blog.csdn.net/Pythonlaowan/article/details/101288564)
- 程序设计思想
- 安装Python
- Windows安装Python
......@@ -22,4 +27,4 @@ keywords: ["程序设计思想,安装Python,运行方式,常用开发工具,编
- 常用开发工具
- 编码规范
- 模块管理
- pip
\ No newline at end of file
- pip
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