提交 229a7dbd 编写于 作者: L Lucky

Merge remote-tracking branch 'egametang/master'

Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio 15
VisualStudioVersion = 15.0.26730.15
VisualStudioVersion = 15.0.27004.2006
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Unity.Plugins", "Unity\Unity.Plugins.csproj", "{D1FDB199-0FB7-099D-3771-C6A942E4E326}"
{ "_t" : "StartConfig", "_id" : NumberLong("98547768819754"), "components" : [{ "_t" : "OuterConfig", "Host" : "", "Port" : 10002, "Host2" : null }, { "_t" : "InnerConfig", "Host" : "", "Port" : 20000 }, { "_t" : "HttpConfig", "Url" : "", "AppId" : 0, "AppKey" : "", "ManagerSystemUrl" : "" }, { "_t" : "DBConfig", "ConnectionString" : null, "DBName" : null }], "AppId" : 1, "AppType" : "AllServer", "ServerIP" : "*" }
{ "_t" : "StartConfig", "_id" : NumberLong("98547768819754"), "components" : [{ "_t" : "OuterConfig", "Host" : "", "Port" : 10002, "Host2" : null }, { "_t" : "InnerConfig", "Host" : "", "Port" : 20000 }, { "_t" : "HttpConfig", "Url" : "", "AppId" : 0, "AppKey" : "", "ManagerSystemUrl" : "" }, { "_t" : "DBConfig", "ConnectionString" : null, "DBName" : null }], "AppId" : 1, "AppType" : "AllServer", "ServerIP" : "*" }
# [English](https://github.com/egametang/Egametang/blob/master/README.md)
__讨论QQ群 : 474643097__
### 1.可用VS单步调试的分布式服务端,N变1
### 2.随意可拆分功能的分布式服务端,1变N
分布式服务端要开发多种类型的服务器进程,比如Login server,gate server,battle server,chat server friend server等等一大堆各种server,传统开发方式需要预先知道当前的功能要放在哪个服务器上,当功能越来越多的时候,比如聊天功能之前在一个中心服务器上,之后需要拆出来单独做成一个服务器,这时会牵扯到大量迁移代码的工作,烦不胜烦。ET框架在平常开发的时候根本不太需要关心当前开发的这个功能会放在什么server上,只用一个进程进行开发,功能开发成组件的形式。发布的时候使用一份多进程的配置即可发布成多进程的形式,是不是很方便呢?随便你怎么拆分服务器。只需要修改极少的代码就可以进行拆分。不同的server挂上不同的组件就行了嘛!
### 3.跨平台的分布式服务端
./Run.sh Config/StartConfig/
### 4.提供协程支持
C#天生支持异步变同步语法 async和await,比lua,python的协程强大的多,新版python以及javascript语言甚至照搬了C#的协程语法。分布式服务端大量服务器之间的远程调用,没有异步语法的支持,开发将非常麻烦。所以java没有异步语法,做单服还行,不适合做大型分布式游戏服务端。例如:
// 发送C2R_Ping并且等待响应消息R2C_Ping
R2C_Ping pong = await session.Call<R2C_Ping>(new C2R_Ping());
// 向mongodb查询一个id为1的Player,并且等待返回
Player player = await Game.Scene.GetComponent<DBProxyComponent>().Query<Player>(1);
Log.Debug($"打印player name: {player.Name}")
可以看出,有了async await,所有的服务器间的异步操作将变得非常连贯,不用再拆成多段逻辑。大大简化了分布式服务器开发
### 5.提供类似erlang的actor消息机制
### 6.提供服务器不停服动态更新逻辑功能
### 7.客户端热更新一键切换
因为ios的限制,之前unity热更新一般使用lua,导致unity3d开发人员要写两种代码,麻烦的要死。之后幸好出了ILRuntime库,利用ILRuntime库,unity3d可以利用C#语言加载热更新dll进行热更新。ILRuntime一个缺陷就是开发时候不支持VS debug,这有点不爽。ET框架使用了一个预编译指令ILRuntime,可以无缝切换。平常开发的时候不使用ILRuntime,而是使用Assembly.Load加载热更新动态库,这样可以方便用VS单步调试。在发布的时候,定义预编译指令ILRuntime就可以无缝切换成使用ILRuntime加载热更新动态库。这样开发起来及其方便,再也不用使用狗屎lua了
### 8.客户端服务端用同一种语言,并且共享代码
### 9.UDP TCP协议无缝切换
### 10 还有很多很多功能,我就不详细介绍了
__讨论QQ群 : 474643097__
# [中文](https://github.com/egametang/Egametang/blob/master/README-CN.md)
__Chinese Tencent QQ group : 474643097__
[google group](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/et-game-framework)
### 1.A distributed server, can use visual studio debugging,N->1
Generally speaking, distributed server starts a lot of processes, once the process is more, single step debugging becomes very difficult, leading to server development basically rely on log to find the problem. Common development has opened a lot of game logic process, not only the slow start, and find the problem and not convenient to log pile check problem in a pile, this feeling is very bad, so many years no one can solve the problem. The ET framework uses a component design similar to the watch pioneer, and all server contents are disassembled into components, and the components that need to be mounted according to the type of server are started. It is a bit like a computer, the computer module is split into memory, CPU, motherboard parts and so on, collocation of different parts can be assembled into a different computer, such as home desktop CPU, motherboard, memory, graphics, display, hard disk. And the company uses the server does not need the display and graphics card, the Internet bar computer may not need hard disk, etc.. Because of this design, the ET framework can be all server components are linked in a server process, the server process has all the functions of the server, a process can be used as a whole set of distributed servers. It's also like a computer, which has all the computer components, and it can be used as a company server or as an Internet cafe.
### 2.A Distributed server, can freely split function,1->N
Distributed server to develop various types of server processes, such as Login server, gate server, battle server, chat server friend server, a server, the traditional development mode need to know in advance the function which should be put in the server, when more and more functions, such as chat on a central server then, need to split out into a separate server, this will involve a large number of code migration work, tired. The ET framework does not really need to be concerned about what kind of functionality the current development will place on server, and only uses one process to develop it, and the function is developed into a component. Is it convenient to use a multi process configuration to publish it into multiple processes when you publish it? How do you split the server?. You can split it with very few code changes. Different server hangs different components on it?!
### 3.Cross platform distributed server
ET framework uses C# as server-side, and now C# is completely cross platform, install.Netcore on Linux, you can do without modifying any code, you can run. Performance, now.Netcore performance is very strong, faster than Lua, python, JS faster. The game server completely be nothing difficult. We usually use VS to develop debugging on windows, and release it to Linux on the time of release. ET framework also provides a key synchronization tool, open unity->tools->rsync synchronization, you can synchronize the code to the linux
./Run.sh Config/StartConfig/
You can compile and start the server.
### 4.Provide Coroutine support
C# naturally supports asynchronous variable synchronous syntax async and await, much more powerful than Lua and python, and the new version of Python and JavaScript language even copy the C#'s co - operation grammar. There is no asynchronous syntax to support remote calls between distributed servers and a large number of servers, and development will be very troublesome. So Java does not have asynchronous syntax, doing single service is OK, not suitable for large-scale distributed game server. For example:
// Send C2R_Ping and wait for response message R2C_Ping
R2C_Ping pong = await session.Call<R2C_Ping>(new C2R_Ping());
Log.Debug("recv R2C_Ping");
// Query mongodb for a ID of 1 Player and wait for return
Player player = await Game.Scene.GetComponent<DBProxyComponent>().Query<Player>(1);
Log.Debug($"print player name: {player.Name}")
It can be seen that with async await, asynchronous operations between all servers will become very coherent, without disassembling into multiple sections of logic. Greatly simplifies the development of distributed servers
### 5.Provide actor message mechanism similar to Erlang
One of the advantages of Erlang language is the location transparent message mechanism. The user does not care about which process the object is in, and when you get the ID, you can send the message to the object. The ET framework also provides a actor message mechanism, the entity object need only hang ActorComponent components, the object becomes a Actor, any server only needs to know the object ID can send a message to it, totally do not care about this entity in which server, in which physical machine. This principle is actually very simple, the ET framework provides a location server, all mounted ActorComoponet object will own ID with location registration to the location server, the other server when sending the message object if you don't know the real position of the object, will go to the location server query, query to the position to be transmitted.
### 6.Provide server with dynamic update logic function
hotfix is an indispensable component of game server function, design using the ET framework, the design can be made to watch the pioneer, only component members, no way, all the way into an expansion method in hotfix DLL, when reload DLL can reload all logic more hot.
### 7.Client can hotfix
Because of the IOS restrictions, the previous unity hot update generally use Lua, leading to unity3d developers to write two kinds of code, trouble to death. Fortunately, the ILRuntime library comes out, using the ILRuntime library, unity3d can use the C# language to load the hot update DLL for thermal update. One drawback of ILRuntime is that it doesn't support VS debug at development time, which is a little uncomfortable. The ET framework uses a pre compiled instruction ILRuntime to seamlessly switch. ILRuntime is not used when developing, but using Assembly.Load to load the hot update dynamic library, so that it can be easily used VS single step debugging. At the time of release, defining the precompiled instruction ILRuntime can seamlessly switch to using ILRuntime to load the hot update dynamic library. So it's easy to develop and convenient
### 8.The client server uses the same language and shares the code
Download the ET framework, open the server project, you can see that the server referenced a lot of client code, through the client code approach to achieve a double end shared code. For example, the network message between the client and server can share a file on both sides, adding a message only needs to be modified.
### 9.The UDP TCP protocol seamlessly switches
The ET framework not only supports TCP, but also support the reliable UDP protocol, UDP support is a package of ENet library, using the ENet and hero alliance network library, its characteristic is rapid, and the performance of the network packet loss situation is also very good, that we tested TCP in packet loss 5%, MoBa game card no, but the use of ENet, 20% packet loss still don't feel a card. Very powerful.
### 10.there are many, I will not detail
A. and its easy to check CPU occupancy and memory leak check, vs comes with analytical tools, no longer worry about performance and memory leak check
B. uses NLog library, hits log and its convenience, when develops normally, may hit all the server log to a document, also does not need each document search log again
C. unified the use of Mongodb bson serialization, the message and configuration files are all bson or JSON, and later use mongodb to do the database, and no longer need to format conversion.
D. provides a powerful AI behavior tree tool
E. provides a synchronization tool
F. provides command line configuration tools, configuring the distribution is very simple
The server side of the ET framework is a powerful and flexible distributed server architecture, which can fully meet the needs of most large games. Using this framework, the client developer can complete the double end development by himself, save a lot of manpower and material resources, and save a lot of communication time.
Usage method:
__Chinese Tencent QQ group : 474643097__
email: egametang@qq.com
# [中文](https://github.com/egametang/Egametang/blob/master/README-CN.md)
# [English](https://github.com/egametang/Egametang/blob/master/README.md)
__Chinese Tencent QQ group : 474643097__
[google group](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/et-game-framework)
__讨论QQ群 : 474643097__
### 1.A distributed server, can use visual studio debugging,N->1
Generally speaking, distributed server starts a lot of processes, once the process is more, single step debugging becomes very difficult, leading to server development basically rely on log to find the problem. Common development has opened a lot of game logic process, not only the slow start, and find the problem and not convenient to log pile check problem in a pile, this feeling is very bad, so many years no one can solve the problem. The ET framework uses a component design similar to the watch pioneer, and all server contents are disassembled into components, and the components that need to be mounted according to the type of server are started. It is a bit like a computer, the computer module is split into memory, CPU, motherboard parts and so on, collocation of different parts can be assembled into a different computer, such as home desktop CPU, motherboard, memory, graphics, display, hard disk. And the company uses the server does not need the display and graphics card, the Internet bar computer may not need hard disk, etc.. Because of this design, the ET framework can be all server components are linked in a server process, the server process has all the functions of the server, a process can be used as a whole set of distributed servers. It's also like a computer, which has all the computer components, and it can be used as a company server or as an Internet cafe.
### 2.A Distributed server, can freely split function,1->N
Distributed server to develop various types of server processes, such as Login server, gate server, battle server, chat server friend server, a server, the traditional development mode need to know in advance the function which should be put in the server, when more and more functions, such as chat on a central server then, need to split out into a separate server, this will involve a large number of code migration work, tired. The ET framework does not really need to be concerned about what kind of functionality the current development will place on server, and only uses one process to develop it, and the function is developed into a component. Is it convenient to use a multi process configuration to publish it into multiple processes when you publish it? How do you split the server?. You can split it with very few code changes. Different server hangs different components on it?!
### 3.Cross platform distributed server
ET framework uses C# as server-side, and now C# is completely cross platform, install.Netcore on Linux, you can do without modifying any code, you can run. Performance, now.Netcore performance is very strong, faster than Lua, python, JS faster. The game server completely be nothing difficult. We usually use VS to develop debugging on windows, and release it to Linux on the time of release. ET framework also provides a key synchronization tool, open unity->tools->rsync synchronization, you can synchronize the code to the linux
### 1.可用VS单步调试的分布式服务端,N变1
### 2.随意可拆分功能的分布式服务端,1变N
分布式服务端要开发多种类型的服务器进程,比如Login server,gate server,battle server,chat server friend server等等一大堆各种server,传统开发方式需要预先知道当前的功能要放在哪个服务器上,当功能越来越多的时候,比如聊天功能之前在一个中心服务器上,之后需要拆出来单独做成一个服务器,这时会牵扯到大量迁移代码的工作,烦不胜烦。ET框架在平常开发的时候根本不太需要关心当前开发的这个功能会放在什么server上,只用一个进程进行开发,功能开发成组件的形式。发布的时候使用一份多进程的配置即可发布成多进程的形式,是不是很方便呢?随便你怎么拆分服务器。只需要修改极少的代码就可以进行拆分。不同的server挂上不同的组件就行了嘛!
### 3.跨平台的分布式服务端
./Run.sh Config/StartConfig/
You can compile and start the server.
### 4.Provide Coroutine support
C# naturally supports asynchronous variable synchronous syntax async and await, much more powerful than Lua and python, and the new version of Python and JavaScript language even copy the C#'s co - operation grammar. There is no asynchronous syntax to support remote calls between distributed servers and a large number of servers, and development will be very troublesome. So Java does not have asynchronous syntax, doing single service is OK, not suitable for large-scale distributed game server. For example:
### 4.提供协程支持
C#天生支持异步变同步语法 async和await,比lua,python的协程强大的多,新版python以及javascript语言甚至照搬了C#的协程语法。分布式服务端大量服务器之间的远程调用,没有异步语法的支持,开发将非常麻烦。所以java没有异步语法,做单服还行,不适合做大型分布式游戏服务端。例如:
// Send C2R_Ping and wait for response message R2C_Ping
// 发送C2R_Ping并且等待响应消息R2C_Ping
R2C_Ping pong = await session.Call<R2C_Ping>(new C2R_Ping());
Log.Debug("recv R2C_Ping");
// Query mongodb for a ID of 1 Player and wait for return
// 向mongodb查询一个id为1的Player,并且等待返回
Player player = await Game.Scene.GetComponent<DBProxyComponent>().Query<Player>(1);
Log.Debug($"print player name: {player.Name}")
Log.Debug($"打印player name: {player.Name}")
It can be seen that with async await, asynchronous operations between all servers will become very coherent, without disassembling into multiple sections of logic. Greatly simplifies the development of distributed servers
### 5.Provide actor message mechanism similar to Erlang
One of the advantages of Erlang language is the location transparent message mechanism. The user does not care about which process the object is in, and when you get the ID, you can send the message to the object. The ET framework also provides a actor message mechanism, the entity object need only hang ActorComponent components, the object becomes a Actor, any server only needs to know the object ID can send a message to it, totally do not care about this entity in which server, in which physical machine. This principle is actually very simple, the ET framework provides a location server, all mounted ActorComoponet object will own ID with location registration to the location server, the other server when sending the message object if you don't know the real position of the object, will go to the location server query, query to the position to be transmitted.
### 6.Provide server with dynamic update logic function
hotfix is an indispensable component of game server function, design using the ET framework, the design can be made to watch the pioneer, only component members, no way, all the way into an expansion method in hotfix DLL, when reload DLL can reload all logic more hot.
### 7.Client can hotfix
Because of the IOS restrictions, the previous unity hot update generally use Lua, leading to unity3d developers to write two kinds of code, trouble to death. Fortunately, the ILRuntime library comes out, using the ILRuntime library, unity3d can use the C# language to load the hot update DLL for thermal update. One drawback of ILRuntime is that it doesn't support VS debug at development time, which is a little uncomfortable. The ET framework uses a pre compiled instruction ILRuntime to seamlessly switch. ILRuntime is not used when developing, but using Assembly.Load to load the hot update dynamic library, so that it can be easily used VS single step debugging. At the time of release, defining the precompiled instruction ILRuntime can seamlessly switch to using ILRuntime to load the hot update dynamic library. So it's easy to develop and convenient
### 8.The client server uses the same language and shares the code
Download the ET framework, open the server project, you can see that the server referenced a lot of client code, through the client code approach to achieve a double end shared code. For example, the network message between the client and server can share a file on both sides, adding a message only needs to be modified.
### 9.The UDP TCP protocol seamlessly switches
The ET framework not only supports TCP, but also support the reliable UDP protocol, UDP support is a package of ENet library, using the ENet and hero alliance network library, its characteristic is rapid, and the performance of the network packet loss situation is also very good, that we tested TCP in packet loss 5%, MoBa game card no, but the use of ENet, 20% packet loss still don't feel a card. Very powerful.
### 10.there are many, I will not detail
A. and its easy to check CPU occupancy and memory leak check, vs comes with analytical tools, no longer worry about performance and memory leak check
B. uses NLog library, hits log and its convenience, when develops normally, may hit all the server log to a document, also does not need each document search log again
C. unified the use of Mongodb bson serialization, the message and configuration files are all bson or JSON, and later use mongodb to do the database, and no longer need to format conversion.
D. provides a powerful AI behavior tree tool
E. provides a synchronization tool
F. provides command line configuration tools, configuring the distribution is very simple
The server side of the ET framework is a powerful and flexible distributed server architecture, which can fully meet the needs of most large games. Using this framework, the client developer can complete the double end development by himself, save a lot of manpower and material resources, and save a lot of communication time.
Usage method:
__Chinese Tencent QQ group : 474643097__
email: egametang@qq.com
可以看出,有了async await,所有的服务器间的异步操作将变得非常连贯,不用再拆成多段逻辑。大大简化了分布式服务器开发
### 5.提供类似erlang的actor消息机制
### 6.提供服务器不停服动态更新逻辑功能
### 7.客户端热更新一键切换
因为ios的限制,之前unity热更新一般使用lua,导致unity3d开发人员要写两种代码,麻烦的要死。之后幸好出了ILRuntime库,利用ILRuntime库,unity3d可以利用C#语言加载热更新dll进行热更新。ILRuntime一个缺陷就是开发时候不支持VS debug,这有点不爽。ET框架使用了一个预编译指令ILRuntime,可以无缝切换。平常开发的时候不使用ILRuntime,而是使用Assembly.Load加载热更新动态库,这样可以方便用VS单步调试。在发布的时候,定义预编译指令ILRuntime就可以无缝切换成使用ILRuntime加载热更新动态库。这样开发起来及其方便,再也不用使用狗屎lua了
### 8.客户端服务端用同一种语言,并且共享代码
### 9.UDP TCP协议无缝切换
### 10.打包工具
### 11.还有很多很多功能,我就不详细介绍了
__讨论QQ群 : 474643097__
......@@ -2,26 +2,72 @@
namespace Model
public class ActorProxyComponentEvent : ObjectEvent<ActorProxyComponent>, IStart
// 每分钟扫描一次过期的actorproxy进行回收,过期时间是5分钟
public async void Start()
ActorProxyComponent self = this.Get();
List<long> timeoutActorProxyIds = new List<long>();
while (true)
await Game.Scene.GetComponent<TimerComponent>().WaitAsync(60000);
if (self.Id == 0)
long timeNow = TimeHelper.Now();
foreach (long id in self.ActorProxys.Keys)
ActorProxy actorProxy = self.Get(id);
if (actorProxy == null)
if (timeNow < actorProxy.LastSendTime + 5 * 60000)
foreach (long id in timeoutActorProxyIds)
public class ActorProxyComponent: Component
private readonly Dictionary<long, ActorProxy> dictionary = new Dictionary<long, ActorProxy>();
public readonly Dictionary<long, ActorProxy> ActorProxys = new Dictionary<long, ActorProxy>();
public ActorProxy Get(long id)
if (this.dictionary.TryGetValue(id, out ActorProxy actorProxy))
if (this.ActorProxys.TryGetValue(id, out ActorProxy actorProxy))
return actorProxy;
actorProxy = EntityFactory.CreateWithId<ActorProxy>(id);
this.dictionary[id] = actorProxy;
this.ActorProxys[id] = actorProxy;
return actorProxy;
public void Remove(long id)
ActorProxy actorProxy;
if (!this.dictionary.TryGetValue(id, out actorProxy))
if (!this.ActorProxys.TryGetValue(id, out actorProxy))
......@@ -26,9 +26,8 @@ namespace Model
for (int i = 0; i < taskCount; ++i)
DBTaskQueue taskQueue = new DBTaskQueue();
DBTaskQueue taskQueue = EntityFactory.Create<DBTaskQueue>();
......@@ -42,7 +41,7 @@ namespace Model
collectionName = entity.GetType().Name;
DBSaveTask task = new DBSaveTask(entity, collectionName, tcs);
DBSaveTask task = EntityFactory.CreateWithId<DBSaveTask, Entity, string, TaskCompletionSource<bool>>(entity.Id, entity, collectionName, tcs);
this.tasks[(int)((ulong)task.Id % taskCount)].Add(task);
return tcs.Task;
......@@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ namespace Model
public Task<bool> AddBatch(List<Entity> entitys, string collectionName)
TaskCompletionSource<bool> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
DBSaveBatchTask task = new DBSaveBatchTask(entitys, collectionName, tcs);
DBSaveBatchTask task = EntityFactory.Create<DBSaveBatchTask, List<Entity>, string, TaskCompletionSource<bool>>(entitys, collectionName, tcs);
this.tasks[(int)((ulong)task.Id % taskCount)].Add(task);
return tcs.Task;
......@@ -105,7 +104,8 @@ namespace Model
TaskCompletionSource<Entity> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<Entity>();
this.tasks[(int)((ulong)id % taskCount)].Add(new DBQueryTask(id, collectionName, tcs));
DBQueryTask dbQueryTask = EntityFactory.CreateWithId<DBQueryTask, string, TaskCompletionSource<Entity>>(id, collectionName, tcs);
this.tasks[(int)((ulong)id % taskCount)].Add(dbQueryTask);
return tcs.Task;
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ namespace Model
TaskCompletionSource<List<Entity>> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<List<Entity>>();
DBQueryBatchTask dbQueryBatchTask = new DBQueryBatchTask(idList, collectionName, tcs);
DBQueryBatchTask dbQueryBatchTask = EntityFactory.Create<DBQueryBatchTask, List<long>, string, TaskCompletionSource<List<Entity>>>(idList, collectionName, tcs);
this.tasks[(int)((ulong)dbQueryBatchTask.Id % taskCount)].Add(dbQueryBatchTask);
return tcs.Task;
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ namespace Model
TaskCompletionSource<List<Entity>> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<List<Entity>>();
DBQueryJsonTask dbQueryJsonTask = new DBQueryJsonTask(collectionName, json, tcs);
DBQueryJsonTask dbQueryJsonTask = EntityFactory.Create<DBQueryJsonTask, string, string, TaskCompletionSource< List < Entity >>>(collectionName, json, tcs);
this.tasks[(int)((ulong)dbQueryJsonTask.Id % taskCount)].Add(dbQueryJsonTask);
return tcs.Task;
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ namespace Model
public sealed class ActorProxy : Entity
public sealed class ActorProxy : Disposer
// actor的地址
public string Address;
......@@ -105,6 +105,9 @@ namespace Model
// 最大窗口
public const int MaxWindowSize = 1;
// 最近发送消息的时间
public long LastSendTime;
private TaskCompletionSource<ActorTask> tcs;
public CancellationTokenSource CancellationTokenSource;
......@@ -113,6 +116,7 @@ namespace Model
public void Awake()
this.LastSendTime = TimeHelper.Now();
this.RunningTasks = new EQueue<ActorTask>();
this.WaitingTasks = new EQueue<ActorTask>();
this.WindowSize = 1;
......@@ -254,12 +258,14 @@ namespace Model
public void Send(AMessage message)
this.LastSendTime = TimeHelper.Now();
ActorMessageTask task = new ActorMessageTask(this, message);
public Task<Response> Call<Response>(ARequest request)where Response : AResponse
this.LastSendTime = TimeHelper.Now();
ActorRpcTask<Response> task = new ActorRpcTask<Response>(this, request);
return task.Tcs.Task;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using MongoDB.Bson;
using MongoDB.Driver;
namespace Model
public class DBQueryBatchTaskEvent : ObjectEvent<DBQueryBatchTask>, IAwake<List<long>, string, TaskCompletionSource<List<Entity>>>
public void Awake(List<long> idList, string collectionName, TaskCompletionSource<List<Entity>> tcs)
DBQueryBatchTask self = this.Get();
self.IdList = idList;
self.CollectionName = collectionName;
self.Tcs = tcs;
public sealed class DBQueryBatchTask : DBTask
public string CollectionName { get; set; }
public List<long> IdList { get; set; }
public TaskCompletionSource<List<Entity>> Tcs { get; set; }
public override async Task Run()
DBCacheComponent dbCacheComponent = Game.Scene.GetComponent<DBCacheComponent>();
DBComponent dbComponent = Game.Scene.GetComponent<DBComponent>();
List<Entity> result = new List<Entity>();
// 执行查询数据库任务
foreach (long id in IdList)
Entity entity = dbCacheComponent.GetFromCache(this.CollectionName, id);
if (entity == null)
entity = await dbComponent.GetCollection(this.CollectionName).FindAsync((s) => s.Id == id).Result.FirstOrDefaultAsync();
if (entity == null)
catch (Exception e)
this.Tcs.SetException(new Exception($"查询数据库异常! {this.CollectionName} {IdList.ListToString()}", e));
\ No newline at end of file
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using MongoDB.Driver;
namespace Model
public class DBQueryJsonTaskEvent : ObjectEvent<DBQueryJsonTask>, IAwake<string, string, TaskCompletionSource<List<Entity>>>
public void Awake(string collectionName, string json, TaskCompletionSource<List<Entity>> tcs)
DBQueryJsonTask self = this.Get();
self.CollectionName = collectionName;
self.Json = json;
self.Tcs = tcs;
public sealed class DBQueryJsonTask : DBTask
public string CollectionName { get; set; }
public string Json { get; set; }
public TaskCompletionSource<List<Entity>> Tcs { get; set; }
public override async Task Run()
DBComponent dbComponent = Game.Scene.GetComponent<DBComponent>();
// 执行查询数据库任务
FilterDefinition<Entity> filterDefinition = new JsonFilterDefinition<Entity>(this.Json);
List<Entity> entitys = await dbComponent.GetCollection(this.CollectionName).FindAsync(filterDefinition).Result.ToListAsync();
catch (Exception e)
this.Tcs.SetException(new Exception($"查询数据库异常! {CollectionName} {this.Json}", e));
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using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using MongoDB.Driver;
namespace Model
public class DBQueryTaskEvent : ObjectEvent<DBQueryTask>, IAwake<string, TaskCompletionSource<Entity>>
public void Awake(string collectionName, TaskCompletionSource<Entity> tcs)
DBQueryTask self = this.Get();
self.CollectionName = collectionName;
self.Tcs = tcs;
public sealed class DBQueryTask : DBTask
public string CollectionName { get; set; }
public TaskCompletionSource<Entity> Tcs { get; set; }
public DBQueryTask(long id): base(id)
public override async Task Run()
DBCacheComponent dbCacheComponent = Game.Scene.GetComponent<DBCacheComponent>();
DBComponent dbComponent = Game.Scene.GetComponent<DBComponent>();
// 执行查询前先看看cache中是否已经存在
Entity entity = dbCacheComponent.GetFromCache(this.CollectionName, this.Id);
if (entity != null)
// 执行查询数据库任务
entity = await dbComponent.GetCollection(this.CollectionName).FindAsync((s) => s.Id == this.Id).Result.FirstOrDefaultAsync();
if (entity != null)
catch (Exception e)
this.Tcs.SetException(new Exception($"查询数据库异常! {CollectionName} {Id}", e));
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using MongoDB.Bson;
using MongoDB.Driver;
namespace Model
public class DBSaveBatchTaskEvent : ObjectEvent<DBSaveBatchTask>, IAwake<List<Entity>, string, TaskCompletionSource<bool>>
public void Awake(List<Entity> entitys, string collectionName, TaskCompletionSource<bool> tcs)
DBSaveBatchTask self = this.Get();
self.Entitys = entitys;
self.CollectionName = collectionName;
self.Tcs = tcs;
public sealed class DBSaveBatchTask : DBTask
public string CollectionName { get; set; }
public List<Entity> Entitys;
public TaskCompletionSource<bool> Tcs;
public override async Task Run()
DBComponent dbComponent = Game.Scene.GetComponent<DBComponent>();
foreach (Entity entity in this.Entitys)
if (entity == null)
// 执行保存数据库任务
await dbComponent.GetCollection(this.CollectionName).ReplaceOneAsync(s => s.Id == entity.Id, entity, new UpdateOptions { IsUpsert = true });
catch (Exception e)
Log.Debug($"{entity.GetType().Name} {entity.ToJson()}" + e.ToString());
this.Tcs.SetException(new Exception($"保存数据失败! {CollectionName} {this.Entitys.ListToString()}", e));
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using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using MongoDB.Driver;
namespace Model
public class DBSaveTaskEvent : ObjectEvent<DBSaveTask>, IAwake<Entity, string, TaskCompletionSource<bool>>
public void Awake(Entity entity, string collectionName, TaskCompletionSource<bool> tcs)
DBSaveTask self = this.Get();
self.Entity = entity;
self.CollectionName = collectionName;
self.Tcs = tcs;
public sealed class DBSaveTask : DBTask
public Entity Entity;
public string CollectionName { get; set; }
public TaskCompletionSource<bool> Tcs;
public DBSaveTask(long id): base(id)
public override async Task Run()
DBComponent dbComponent = Game.Scene.GetComponent<DBComponent>();
// 执行保存数据库任务
await dbComponent.GetCollection(this.CollectionName).ReplaceOneAsync(s => s.Id == this.Entity.Id, this.Entity, new UpdateOptions {IsUpsert = true});
catch (Exception e)
this.Tcs.SetException(new Exception($"保存数据失败! {CollectionName} {Id}", e));
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using MongoDB.Bson;
using MongoDB.Driver;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Model
public abstract class DBTask : Entity
public abstract class DBTask : Disposer
protected DBTask()
......@@ -15,201 +11,7 @@ namespace Model
protected DBTask(long id): base(id)
public abstract Task Run();
public sealed class DBSaveTask : DBTask
public Entity Entity;
public string CollectionName { get; }
public TaskCompletionSource<bool> Tcs;
public DBSaveTask(Entity entity, string collectionName, TaskCompletionSource<bool> tcs) : base(entity.Id)
this.Entity = entity;
this.CollectionName = collectionName;
this.Tcs = tcs;
public override async Task Run()
DBComponent dbComponent = Game.Scene.GetComponent<DBComponent>();
// 执行保存数据库任务
await dbComponent.GetCollection(this.CollectionName).ReplaceOneAsync(s => s.Id == this.Entity.Id, this.Entity, new UpdateOptions {IsUpsert = true});
catch (Exception e)
this.Tcs.SetException(new Exception($"保存数据失败! {CollectionName} {Id}", e));
public sealed class DBSaveBatchTask : DBTask
public string CollectionName { get; }
public List<Entity> Entitys;
public TaskCompletionSource<bool> Tcs;
public DBSaveBatchTask(List<Entity> entitys, string collectionName, TaskCompletionSource<bool> tcs)
this.Entitys = entitys;
this.CollectionName = collectionName;
this.Tcs = tcs;
public override async Task Run()
DBComponent dbComponent = Game.Scene.GetComponent<DBComponent>();
foreach (Entity entity in this.Entitys)
if (entity == null)
// 执行保存数据库任务
await dbComponent.GetCollection(this.CollectionName).ReplaceOneAsync(s => s.Id == entity.Id, entity, new UpdateOptions { IsUpsert = true });
catch (Exception e)
Log.Debug($"{entity.GetType().Name} {entity.ToJson()}" + e.ToString());
this.Tcs.SetException(new Exception($"保存数据失败! {CollectionName} {this.Entitys.ListToString()}", e));
public sealed class DBQueryTask : DBTask
public string CollectionName { get; }
public TaskCompletionSource<Entity> Tcs { get; }
public DBQueryTask(long id, string collectionName, TaskCompletionSource<Entity> tcs) : base(id)
this.CollectionName = collectionName;
this.Tcs = tcs;
public override async Task Run()
DBCacheComponent dbCacheComponent = Game.Scene.GetComponent<DBCacheComponent>();
DBComponent dbComponent = Game.Scene.GetComponent<DBComponent>();
// 执行查询前先看看cache中是否已经存在
Entity entity = dbCacheComponent.GetFromCache(this.CollectionName, this.Id);
if (entity != null)
// 执行查询数据库任务
entity = await dbComponent.GetCollection(this.CollectionName).FindAsync((s) => s.Id == this.Id).Result.FirstOrDefaultAsync();
if (entity != null)
catch (Exception e)
this.Tcs.SetException(new Exception($"查询数据库异常! {CollectionName} {Id}", e));
public sealed class DBQueryBatchTask : DBTask
public string CollectionName { get; }
public List<long> IdList { get; }
public TaskCompletionSource<List<Entity>> Tcs { get; }
public DBQueryBatchTask(List<long> list, string collectionName, TaskCompletionSource<List<Entity>> tcs)
this.IdList = list;
this.CollectionName = collectionName;
this.Tcs = tcs;
public override async Task Run()
DBCacheComponent dbCacheComponent = Game.Scene.GetComponent<DBCacheComponent>();
DBComponent dbComponent = Game.Scene.GetComponent<DBComponent>();
List<Entity> result = new List<Entity>();
// 执行查询数据库任务
foreach (long id in IdList)
Entity entity = dbCacheComponent.GetFromCache(this.CollectionName, id);
if (entity == null)
entity = await dbComponent.GetCollection(this.CollectionName).FindAsync((s) => s.Id == id).Result.FirstOrDefaultAsync();
if (entity == null)
catch (Exception e)
this.Tcs.SetException(new Exception($"查询数据库异常! {this.CollectionName} {IdList.ListToString()}", e));
public sealed class DBQueryJsonTask : DBTask
public string CollectionName { get; }
public string Json { get; }
public TaskCompletionSource<List<Entity>> Tcs { get; }
public DBQueryJsonTask(string collectionName, string json, TaskCompletionSource<List<Entity>> tcs)
this.CollectionName = collectionName;
this.Json = json;
this.Tcs = tcs;
public override async Task Run()
DBComponent dbComponent = Game.Scene.GetComponent<DBComponent>();
// 执行查询数据库任务
FilterDefinition<Entity> filterDefinition = new JsonFilterDefinition<Entity>(this.Json);
List<Entity> entitys = await dbComponent.GetCollection(this.CollectionName).FindAsync(filterDefinition).Result.ToListAsync();
catch (Exception e)
this.Tcs.SetException(new Exception($"查询数据库异常! {CollectionName} {this.Json}", e));
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......@@ -3,26 +3,33 @@ using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Model
public sealed class DBTaskQueue : Entity
public class DBTaskQueueEvent : ObjectEvent<DBTaskQueue>, IAwake, IStart
public EQueue<DBTask> queue = new EQueue<DBTask>();
private TaskCompletionSource<DBTask> tcs;
public void Awake()
DBTaskQueue self = this.Get();
public async void Start()
DBTaskQueue self = this.Get();
while (true)
if (this.Id == 0)
if (self.Id == 0)
DBTask task = await this.Get();
DBTask task = await self.Get();
await task.Run();
catch (Exception e)
......@@ -30,6 +37,14 @@ namespace Model
public sealed class DBTaskQueue : Disposer
public EQueue<DBTask> queue = new EQueue<DBTask>();
public TaskCompletionSource<DBTask> tcs;
public void Add(DBTask task)
if (this.tcs != null)
......@@ -45,16 +60,14 @@ namespace Model
public Task<DBTask> Get()
TaskCompletionSource<DBTask> t = new TaskCompletionSource<DBTask>();
if (this.queue.Count > 0)
DBTask task = this.queue.Dequeue();
this.tcs = t;
return Task.FromResult(task);
TaskCompletionSource<DBTask> t = new TaskCompletionSource<DBTask>();
this.tcs = t;
return t.Task;
namespace Model
public class GamerEvent : ObjectEvent<Player>, IAwake<string>
public class PlayerEvent : ObjectEvent<Player>, IAwake<string>
public void Awake(string account)
......@@ -1277,10 +1277,10 @@ namespace MongoDB.Bson.Serialization
ConstructorInfo defaultConstructor = classTypeInfo.GetConstructors(bindingFlags)
.Where(c => c.GetParameters().Length == 0)
_creator = () => defaultConstructor.Invoke(null);
if (defaultConstructor != null)
if (defaultConstructor != null)
// lambdaExpression = () => (object) new TClass()
body = Expression.New(defaultConstructor);
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
using System;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.Serializers;
......@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ namespace MongoDB.Bson.Serialization
throw new BsonSerializationException(message);
return (obj, value) => { fieldInfo.SetValue(obj, value); };
var sourceType = fieldInfo.DeclaringType;
......@@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ namespace MongoDB.Bson.Serialization
private Func<object, object> GetGetter()
PropertyInfo propertyInfo = _memberInfo as PropertyInfo;
if (propertyInfo != null)
......@@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ namespace MongoDB.Bson.Serialization
FieldInfo fieldInfo = _memberInfo as FieldInfo;
return (obj) => { return fieldInfo.GetValue(obj); };
var propertyInfo = _memberInfo as PropertyInfo;
var propertyInfo = _memberInfo as PropertyInfo;
if (propertyInfo != null)
var getMethodInfo = propertyInfo.GetMethod;
......@@ -653,12 +653,12 @@ namespace MongoDB.Bson.Serialization
private Action<object, object> GetPropertySetter()
var propertyInfo = (PropertyInfo) _memberInfo;
return (obj, value) => { propertyInfo.SetValue(obj, value); };
var propertyInfo = (PropertyInfo)_memberInfo;
var propertyInfo = (PropertyInfo)_memberInfo;
var setMethodInfo = propertyInfo.SetMethod;
if (IsReadOnly)
{ "_t" : "GlobalProto", "AssetBundleServerUrl" : "", "Address" : "" }
\ No newline at end of file
{ "_t" : "GlobalProto", "AssetBundleServerUrl" : "", "Address" : "" }
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -157,6 +157,71 @@ namespace Model
/// <summary>
/// Rpc调用,发送一个消息,等待返回一个消息
/// </summary>
public Task<AResponse> Call(ARequest request, bool isHotfix)
request.RpcId = ++RpcId;
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<AResponse>();
this.requestCallback[RpcId] = (message) =>
AResponse response = (AResponse)message;
if (response.Error > 100)
tcs.SetException(new RpcException(response.Error, response.Message));
//Log.Debug($"recv: {MongoHelper.ToJson(response)}");
catch (Exception e)
tcs.SetException(new Exception($"Rpc Error: {message.GetType().FullName}", e));
return tcs.Task;
/// <summary>
/// Rpc调用
/// </summary>
public Task<AResponse> Call(ARequest request, bool isHotfix, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
request.RpcId = ++RpcId;
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<AResponse>();
this.requestCallback[RpcId] = (message) =>
AResponse response = (AResponse)message;
if (response.Error > 100)
tcs.SetException(new RpcException(response.Error, response.Message));
//Log.Debug($"recv: {MongoHelper.ToJson(response)}");
catch (Exception e)
tcs.SetException(new Exception($"Rpc Error: {message.GetType().FullName}", e));
cancellationToken.Register(() => { this.requestCallback.Remove(RpcId); });
return tcs.Task;
/// <summary>
/// Rpc调用,发送一个消息,等待返回一个消息
/// </summary>
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