提交 ad7f2311 编写于 作者: I Ilya Lavrenov


上级 5522c14e
......@@ -230,6 +230,15 @@ static inline IppiSize ippiSize(const cv::Size & _size)
return size;
static inline IppiBorderType ippiGetBorderType(int borderTypeNI)
return borderTypeNI == cv::BORDER_CONSTANT ? ippBorderConst :
borderTypeNI == cv::BORDER_WRAP ? ippBorderWrap :
borderTypeNI == cv::BORDER_REPLICATE ? ippBorderRepl :
borderTypeNI == cv::BORDER_REFLECT_101 ? ippBorderMirror :
borderTypeNI == cv::BORDER_REFLECT ? ippBorderMirrorR : (IppiBorderType)-1;
# define IPP_VERSION_X100 0
......@@ -577,6 +577,62 @@ void cv::Laplacian( InputArray _src, OutputArray _dst, int ddepth, int ksize,
ddepth = sdepth;
_dst.create( _src.size(), CV_MAKETYPE(ddepth, cn) );
#if defined HAVE_IPP && !defined HAVE_IPP_ICV_ONLY
if ((ksize == 3 || ksize == 5) && ((borderType & BORDER_ISOLATED) != 0 || !_src.isSubmatrix()) &&
((stype == CV_8UC1 && ddepth == CV_16S) || (ddepth == CV_32F && stype == CV_32FC1)))
int iscale = saturate_cast<int>(scale), idelta = saturate_cast<int>(delta);
bool floatScale = std::fabs(scale - iscale) > DBL_EPSILON, needScale = iscale != 1;
bool floatDelta = std::fabs(delta - idelta) > DBL_EPSILON, needDelta = delta != 0;
int borderTypeNI = borderType & ~BORDER_ISOLATED;
Mat src = _src.getMat(), dst = _dst.getMat();
if (src.data != dst.data)
Ipp32s bufsize;
IppStatus status = (IppStatus)-1;
IppiSize roisize = { src.cols, src.rows };
IppiMaskSize masksize = ksize == 3 ? ippMskSize3x3 : ippMskSize5x5;
IppiBorderType borderTypeIpp = ippiGetBorderType(borderTypeNI);
#define IPP_FILTER_LAPLACIAN(ippsrctype, ippdsttype, ippfavor) \
do \
{ \
if (borderTypeIpp >= 0 && ippiFilterLaplacianGetBufferSize_##ippfavor##_C1R(roisize, masksize, &bufsize) >= 0) \
{ \
Ipp8u * buffer = ippsMalloc_8u(bufsize); \
status = ippiFilterLaplacianBorder_##ippfavor##_C1R((const ippsrctype *)src.data, (int)src.step, (ippdsttype *)dst.data, \
(int)dst.step, roisize, masksize, borderTypeIpp, 0, buffer); \
ippsFree(buffer); \
} \
} while ((void)0, 0)
if (sdepth == CV_8U && ddepth == CV_16S && !floatScale && !floatDelta)
IPP_FILTER_LAPLACIAN(Ipp8u, Ipp16s, 8u16s);
if (needScale && status >= 0)
status = ippiMulC_16s_C1IRSfs((Ipp16s)iscale, (Ipp16s *)dst.data, (int)dst.step, roisize, 0);
if (needDelta && status >= 0)
status = ippiAddC_16s_C1IRSfs((Ipp16s)idelta, (Ipp16s *)dst.data, (int)dst.step, roisize, 0);
else if (sdepth == CV_32F && ddepth == CV_32F)
IPP_FILTER_LAPLACIAN(Ipp32f, Ipp32f, 32f);
if (needScale && status >= 0)
status = ippiMulC_32f_C1IR((Ipp32f)scale, (Ipp32f *)dst.data, (int)dst.step, roisize);
if (needDelta && status >= 0)
status = ippiAddC_32f_C1IR((Ipp32f)delta, (Ipp32f *)dst.data, (int)dst.step, roisize);
if (status >= 0)
if (scale == 1.0 && delta == 0)
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