未验证 提交 7ea21c4b 编写于 作者: N Namgoo Lee 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #19259 from nglee:dev_gpumatnd1

Minimal implementation of GpuMatND

* GpuMatND - minimal implementation

* GpuMatND - createGpuMatHeader

* GpuMatND - GpuData, offset, getDevicePtr(), license

* reviews

* reviews
上级 9d227641
......@@ -340,6 +340,201 @@ public:
Allocator* allocator;
struct CV_EXPORTS_W GpuData
explicit GpuData(size_t _size);
GpuData(const GpuData&) = delete;
GpuData& operator=(const GpuData&) = delete;
GpuData(GpuData&&) = delete;
GpuData& operator=(GpuData&&) = delete;
uchar* data;
size_t size;
using SizeArray = std::vector<int>;
using StepArray = std::vector<size_t>;
using IndexArray = std::vector<int>;
//! destructor
//! default constructor
/** @overload
@param size Array of integers specifying an n-dimensional array shape.
@param type Array type. Use CV_8UC1, ..., CV_16FC4 to create 1-4 channel matrices, or
CV_8UC(n), ..., CV_64FC(n) to create multi-channel (up to CV_CN_MAX channels) matrices.
GpuMatND(SizeArray size, int type);
/** @overload
@param size Array of integers specifying an n-dimensional array shape.
@param type Array type. Use CV_8UC1, ..., CV_16FC4 to create 1-4 channel matrices, or
CV_8UC(n), ..., CV_64FC(n) to create multi-channel (up to CV_CN_MAX channels) matrices.
@param data Pointer to the user data. Matrix constructors that take data and step parameters do not
allocate matrix data. Instead, they just initialize the matrix header that points to the specified
data, which means that no data is copied. This operation is very efficient and can be used to
process external data using OpenCV functions. The external data is not automatically deallocated, so
you should take care of it.
@param step Array of _size.size()-1 steps in case of a multi-dimensional array (the last step is always
set to the element size). If not specified, the matrix is assumed to be continuous.
GpuMatND(SizeArray size, int type, void* data, StepArray step = StepArray());
/** @brief Allocates GPU memory.
Suppose there is some GPU memory already allocated. In that case, this method may choose to reuse that
GPU memory under the specific condition: it must be of the same size and type, not externally allocated,
the GPU memory is continuous(i.e., isContinuous() is true), and is not a sub-matrix of another GpuMatND
(i.e., isSubmatrix() is false). In other words, this method guarantees that the GPU memory allocated by
this method is always continuous and is not a sub-region of another GpuMatND.
void create(SizeArray size, int type);
void release();
void swap(GpuMatND& m) noexcept;
/** @brief Creates a full copy of the array and the underlying data.
The method creates a full copy of the array. It mimics the behavior of Mat::clone(), i.e.
the original step is not taken into account. So, the array copy is a continuous array
occupying total()\*elemSize() bytes.
GpuMatND clone() const;
/** @overload
This overload is non-blocking, so it may return even if the copy operation is not finished.
GpuMatND clone(Stream& stream) const;
/** @brief Extracts a sub-matrix.
The operator makes a new header for the specified sub-array of \*this.
The operator is an O(1) operation, that is, no matrix data is copied.
@param ranges Array of selected ranges along each dimension.
GpuMatND operator()(const std::vector<Range>& ranges) const;
/** @brief Creates a GpuMat header for a 2D plane part of an n-dim matrix.
@note The returned GpuMat is constructed with the constructor for user-allocated data.
That is, It does not perform reference counting.
@note This function does not increment this GpuMatND's reference counter.
GpuMat createGpuMatHeader(IndexArray idx, Range rowRange, Range colRange) const;
/** @overload
Creates a GpuMat header if this GpuMatND is effectively 2D.
@note The returned GpuMat is constructed with the constructor for user-allocated data.
That is, It does not perform reference counting.
@note This function does not increment this GpuMatND's reference counter.
GpuMat createGpuMatHeader() const;
/** @brief Extracts a 2D plane part of an n-dim matrix.
It differs from createGpuMatHeader(IndexArray, Range, Range) in that it clones a part of this
GpuMatND to the returned GpuMat.
@note This operator does not increment this GpuMatND's reference counter;
GpuMat operator()(IndexArray idx, Range rowRange, Range colRange) const;
/** @brief Extracts a 2D plane part of an n-dim matrix if this GpuMatND is effectively 2D.
It differs from createGpuMatHeader() in that it clones a part of this GpuMatND.
@note This operator does not increment this GpuMatND's reference counter;
operator GpuMat() const;
GpuMatND(const GpuMatND&) = default;
GpuMatND& operator=(const GpuMatND&) = default;
GpuMatND(GpuMatND&&) noexcept = default;
GpuMatND& operator=(GpuMatND&&) noexcept = default;
void upload(InputArray src);
void upload(InputArray src, Stream& stream);
void download(OutputArray dst) const;
void download(OutputArray dst, Stream& stream) const;
//! returns true iff the GpuMatND data is continuous
//! (i.e. when there are no gaps between successive rows)
bool isContinuous() const;
//! returns true if the matrix is a sub-matrix of another matrix
bool isSubmatrix() const;
//! returns element size in bytes
size_t elemSize() const;
//! returns the size of element channel in bytes
size_t elemSize1() const;
//! returns true if data is null
bool empty() const;
//! returns true if not empty and points to external(user-allocated) gpu memory
bool external() const;
//! returns pointer to the first byte of the GPU memory
uchar* getDevicePtr() const;
//! returns the total number of array elements
size_t total() const;
//! returns the size of underlying memory in bytes
size_t totalMemSize() const;
//! returns element type
int type() const;
//! internal use
void setFields(SizeArray size, int type, StepArray step = StepArray());
/*! includes several bit-fields:
- the magic signature
- continuity flag
- depth
- number of channels
int flags;
//! matrix dimensionality
int dims;
//! shape of this array
SizeArray size;
/*! step values
Their semantics is identical to the semantics of step for Mat.
StepArray step;
/*! internal use
If this GpuMatND holds external memory, this is empty.
std::shared_ptr<GpuData> data_;
/*! internal use
If this GpuMatND manages memory with reference counting, this value is
always equal to data_->data. If this GpuMatND holds external memory,
data_ is empty and data points to the external memory.
uchar* data;
/*! internal use
If this GpuMatND is a sub-matrix of a larger matrix, this value is the
difference of the first byte between the sub-matrix and the whole matrix.
size_t offset;
/** @brief Creates a continuous matrix.
@param rows Row count.
......@@ -383,6 +383,92 @@ void swap(GpuMat& a, GpuMat& b)
// GpuMatND
GpuMatND::GpuMatND() :
flags(0), dims(0), data(nullptr), offset(0)
GpuMatND::GpuMatND(SizeArray _size, int _type) :
flags(0), dims(0), data(nullptr), offset(0)
create(std::move(_size), _type);
void GpuMatND::swap(GpuMatND& m) noexcept
std::swap(*this, m);
bool GpuMatND::isContinuous() const
return (flags & Mat::CONTINUOUS_FLAG) != 0;
bool GpuMatND::isSubmatrix() const
return (flags & Mat::SUBMATRIX_FLAG) != 0;
size_t GpuMatND::elemSize() const
return CV_ELEM_SIZE(flags);
size_t GpuMatND::elemSize1() const
return CV_ELEM_SIZE1(flags);
bool GpuMatND::empty() const
return data == nullptr;
bool GpuMatND::external() const
return !empty() && data_.use_count() == 0;
uchar* GpuMatND::getDevicePtr() const
return data + offset;
size_t GpuMatND::total() const
size_t p = 1;
for(auto s : size)
p *= s;
return p;
size_t GpuMatND::totalMemSize() const
return size[0] * step[0];
int GpuMatND::type() const
return CV_MAT_TYPE(flags);
// HostMem
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
#include "opencv2/opencv_modules.hpp"
#error "opencv_cudev is required"
#include "opencv2/core/cuda.hpp"
#include "opencv2/cudev.hpp"
using namespace cv;
using namespace cv::cuda;
GpuData::GpuData(const size_t _size)
: data(nullptr), size(_size)
CV_CUDEV_SAFE_CALL(cudaMalloc(&data, _size));
/// create
void GpuMatND::create(SizeArray _size, int _type)
auto elements_nonzero = [](SizeArray& v)
return std::all_of(v.begin(), v.end(),
[](unsigned u){ return u > 0; });
_type &= Mat::TYPE_MASK;
if (size == _size && type() == _type && !empty() && !external() && isContinuous() && !isSubmatrix())
setFields(std::move(_size), _type);
data_ = std::make_shared<GpuData>(totalMemSize());
data = data_->data;
offset = 0;
/// release
void GpuMatND::release()
data = nullptr;
flags = dims = offset = 0;
/// clone
static bool next(uchar*& d, const uchar*& s, std::vector<int>& idx, const int dims, const GpuMatND& dst, const GpuMatND& src)
int inc = dims-3;
while (true)
if (idx[inc] == src.size[inc] - 1)
if (inc == 0)
return false;
idx[inc] = 0;
d -= (dst.size[inc] - 1) * dst.step[inc];
s -= (src.size[inc] - 1) * src.step[inc];
d += dst.step[inc];
s += src.step[inc];
return true;
GpuMatND GpuMatND::clone() const
GpuMatND ret(size, type());
if (isContinuous())
CV_CUDEV_SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpy(ret.getDevicePtr(), getDevicePtr(), ret.totalMemSize(), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice));
// 1D arrays are always continuous
if (dims == 2)
cudaMemcpy2D(ret.getDevicePtr(), ret.step[0], getDevicePtr(), step[0],
size[1]*step[1], size[0], cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice)
std::vector<int> idx(dims-2, 0);
uchar* d = ret.getDevicePtr();
const uchar* s = getDevicePtr();
// iterate each 2D plane
d, ret.step[dims-2], s, step[dims-2],
size[dims-1]*step[dims-1], size[dims-2], cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice)
while (next(d, s, idx, dims, ret, *this));
return ret;
GpuMatND GpuMatND::clone(Stream& stream) const
GpuMatND ret(size, type());
cudaStream_t _stream = StreamAccessor::getStream(stream);
if (isContinuous())
CV_CUDEV_SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpyAsync(ret.getDevicePtr(), getDevicePtr(), ret.totalMemSize(), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, _stream));
// 1D arrays are always continuous
if (dims == 2)
cudaMemcpy2DAsync(ret.getDevicePtr(), ret.step[0], getDevicePtr(), step[0],
size[1]*step[1], size[0], cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, _stream)
std::vector<int> idx(dims-2, 0);
uchar* d = ret.getDevicePtr();
const uchar* s = getDevicePtr();
// iterate each 2D plane
d, ret.step[dims-2], s, step[dims-2],
size[dims-1]*step[dims-1], size[dims-2], cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice, _stream)
while (next(d, s, idx, dims, ret, *this));
return ret;
/// upload
void GpuMatND::upload(InputArray src)
Mat mat = src.getMat();
if (!mat.isContinuous())
mat = mat.clone();
SizeArray _size(mat.dims);
std::copy_n(mat.size.p, mat.dims, _size.data());
create(std::move(_size), mat.type());
CV_CUDEV_SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpy(getDevicePtr(), mat.data, totalMemSize(), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
void GpuMatND::upload(InputArray src, Stream& stream)
Mat mat = src.getMat();
if (!mat.isContinuous())
mat = mat.clone();
SizeArray _size(mat.dims);
std::copy_n(mat.size.p, mat.dims, _size.data());
create(std::move(_size), mat.type());
cudaStream_t _stream = StreamAccessor::getStream(stream);
CV_CUDEV_SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpyAsync(getDevicePtr(), mat.data, totalMemSize(), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, _stream));
/// download
void GpuMatND::download(OutputArray dst) const
dst.create(dims, size.data(), type());
Mat mat = dst.getMat();
GpuMatND gmat = *this;
if (!gmat.isContinuous())
gmat = gmat.clone();
CV_CUDEV_SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpy(mat.data, gmat.getDevicePtr(), mat.total() * mat.elemSize(), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
void GpuMatND::download(OutputArray dst, Stream& stream) const
dst.create(dims, size.data(), type());
Mat mat = dst.getMat();
GpuMatND gmat = *this;
if (!gmat.isContinuous())
gmat = gmat.clone(stream);
cudaStream_t _stream = StreamAccessor::getStream(stream);
CV_CUDEV_SAFE_CALL(cudaMemcpyAsync(mat.data, gmat.getDevicePtr(), mat.total() * mat.elemSize(), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, _stream));
// This file is part of OpenCV project.
// It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
// of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
#include "precomp.hpp"
using namespace cv;
using namespace cv::cuda;
GpuMatND::~GpuMatND() = default;
GpuMatND::GpuMatND(SizeArray _size, int _type, void* _data, StepArray _step) :
flags(0), dims(0), data(static_cast<uchar*>(_data)), offset(0)
CV_Assert(_step.empty() || _size.size() == _step.size() + 1);
setFields(std::move(_size), _type, std::move(_step));
GpuMatND GpuMatND::operator()(const std::vector<Range>& ranges) const
CV_Assert(dims == (int)ranges.size());
for (int i = 0; i < dims; ++i)
Range r = ranges[i];
CV_Assert(r == Range::all() || (0 <= r.start && r.start < r.end && r.end <= size[i]));
GpuMatND ret = *this;
for (int i = 0; i < dims; ++i)
Range r = ranges[i];
if (r != Range::all() && r != Range(0, ret.size[i]))
ret.offset += r.start * ret.step[i];
ret.size[i] = r.size();
ret.flags |= Mat::SUBMATRIX_FLAG;
ret.flags = cv::updateContinuityFlag(ret.flags, dims, ret.size.data(), ret.step.data());
return ret;
GpuMat GpuMatND::createGpuMatHeader(IndexArray idx, Range rowRange, Range colRange) const
CV_Assert((int)idx.size() == dims - 2);
std::vector<Range> ranges;
for (int i : idx)
ranges.emplace_back(i, i+1);
return (*this)(ranges).createGpuMatHeader();
GpuMat GpuMatND::createGpuMatHeader() const
auto Effectively2D = [](GpuMatND m)
for (int i = 0; i < m.dims - 2; ++i)
if (m.size[i] > 1)
return false;
return true;
return GpuMat(size[dims-2], size[dims-1], type(), getDevicePtr(), step[dims-2]);
GpuMat GpuMatND::operator()(IndexArray idx, Range rowRange, Range colRange) const
return createGpuMatHeader(idx, rowRange, colRange).clone();
GpuMatND::operator GpuMat() const
return createGpuMatHeader().clone();
void GpuMatND::setFields(SizeArray _size, int _type, StepArray _step)
_type &= Mat::TYPE_MASK;
flags = Mat::MAGIC_VAL + _type;
dims = static_cast<int>(_size.size());
size = std::move(_size);
if (_step.empty())
step = StepArray(dims);
step.back() = elemSize();
for (int _i = dims - 2; _i >= 0; --_i)
const size_t i = _i;
step[i] = step[i+1] * size[i+1];
flags |= Mat::CONTINUOUS_FLAG;
step = std::move(_step);
flags = cv::updateContinuityFlag(flags, dims, size.data(), step.data());
CV_Assert(size.size() == step.size());
CV_Assert(step.back() == elemSize());
#ifndef HAVE_CUDA
GpuData::GpuData(const size_t _size)
: data(nullptr), size(0)
void GpuMatND::create(SizeArray _size, int _type)
void GpuMatND::release()
GpuMatND GpuMatND::clone() const
GpuMatND GpuMatND::clone(Stream& stream) const
void GpuMatND::upload(InputArray src)
void GpuMatND::upload(InputArray src, Stream& stream)
void GpuMatND::download(OutputArray dst) const
void GpuMatND::download(OutputArray dst, Stream& stream) const
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