feature_request.yml 848 字节
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name: Feature request
description: Submit a request for a new OpenCV feature
labels: ["feature"]

- type: markdown
    value: >
      #### Thank you for contributing! Before submitting a feature request, please make sure the request has no duplicate by searching through [the existing and past issues](https://github.com/opencv/opencv/issues?page=1&q=is%3Aissue+sort%3Acreated-desc)

- type: textarea
    label: Describe the feature and motivation
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
    description: |
      Please provide a clear and concise proposal of the feature and outline the motivation.
    required: true
- type: textarea
    label: Additional context
    description: |
      Add any other context, such as pseudo code, links, diagram, screenshots, to help the community better understand the feature request.