提交 f39a2e85 编写于 作者: D Dhanashree Kashid and Jesse Zhang 提交者: Dhanashree Kashid

Revert "Gut a hidden GUC optimizer_enable_partial_index [#143522031]"

This reverts commit cd2cfa7d.
上级 c8b08175
......@@ -440,9 +440,12 @@ CConfigParamMapping::PbsPack
CBitSet *pbsHeterogeneousIndex = CXform::PbsHeterogeneousIndexXforms(pmp);
if (!optimizer_enable_partial_index)
CBitSet *pbsHeterogeneousIndex = CXform::PbsHeterogeneousIndexXforms(pmp);
return pbs;
......@@ -548,6 +548,7 @@ bool optimizer_apply_left_outer_to_union_all_disregarding_stats;
bool optimizer_enable_ctas;
bool optimizer_remove_order_below_dml;
bool optimizer_static_partition_selection;
bool optimizer_enable_partial_index;
bool optimizer_dml_triggers;
bool optimizer_dml_constraints;
bool optimizer_enable_master_only_queries;
......@@ -3014,6 +3015,16 @@ struct config_bool ConfigureNamesBool_gp[] =
true, NULL, NULL
{"optimizer_enable_partial_index", PGC_USERSET, DEVELOPER_OPTIONS,
gettext_noop("Enable heterogeneous index plans."),
true, NULL, NULL
{"optimizer_dml_triggers", PGC_USERSET, DEVELOPER_OPTIONS,
gettext_noop("Support DML with triggers."),
......@@ -461,6 +461,7 @@ extern bool optimizer_apply_left_outer_to_union_all_disregarding_stats;
extern bool optimizer_enable_ctas;
extern bool optimizer_remove_order_below_dml;
extern bool optimizer_static_partition_selection;
extern bool optimizer_enable_partial_index;
extern bool optimizer_dml_triggers;
extern bool optimizer_dml_constraints;
extern bool optimizer_direct_dispatch;
......@@ -1579,7 +1579,7 @@ select * from pp where b=2 and c=2;
select count_operator('select * from pp where b=2 and c=2;','Partition Selector');
(1 row)
......@@ -8228,21 +8228,27 @@ insert into orca.t_date values('01-03-2012'::date,6,'tag1','tag2');
insert into orca.t_date values('01-03-2012'::date,7,'tag1','tag2');
insert into orca.t_date values('01-03-2012'::date,8,'tag1','tag2');
insert into orca.t_date values('01-03-2012'::date,9,'tag1','tag2');
set optimizer_enable_partial_index=on;
set optimizer_enable_space_pruning=off;
set optimizer_enable_constant_expression_evaluation=on;
set optimizer_enumerate_plans=on;
set optimizer_plan_id = 2;
explain select * from orca.t_date where user_id=9;
Gather Motion 1:1 (slice1; segments: 1) (cost=0.00..431.00 rows=1 width=28)
-> Sequence (cost=0.00..431.00 rows=1 width=28)
-> Partition Selector for t_date (dynamic scan id: 1) (cost=10.00..100.00 rows=34 width=4)
Partitions selected: 6 (out of 6)
-> Dynamic Table Scan on t_date (dynamic scan id: 1) (cost=0.00..431.00 rows=1 width=28)
Filter: user_id = 9::numeric
Gather Motion 2:1 (slice1; segments: 2) (cost=0.00..437.00 rows=1 width=28)
-> Sequence (cost=0.00..437.00 rows=1 width=28)
-> Partition Selector for t_date (dynamic scan id: 1) (cost=10.00..100.00 rows=50 width=4)
Partitions selected: 6 (out of 6)
-> Result (cost=0.00..437.00 rows=1 width=28)
-> Append (cost=0.00..437.00 rows=1 width=28)
-> Dynamic Index Scan on t_date (dynamic scan id: 1) (cost=0.00..6.00 rows=1 width=58)
Index Cond: user_id = 9::numeric
-> Dynamic Table Scan on t_date (dynamic scan id: 1) (cost=0.00..431.00 rows=1 width=58)
Filter: user_id = 9::numeric
Settings: optimizer=on; optimizer_segments=3
Optimizer status: PQO version 2.22.0
(8 rows)
Optimizer status: PQO version 1.602
(12 rows)
select * from orca.t_date where user_id=9;
timest | user_id | tag1 | tag2
......@@ -8281,18 +8287,23 @@ insert into orca.t_text values('01-03-2012'::date,9,'ugly','tag2');
set optimizer_enable_space_pruning=off;
set optimizer_enable_constant_expression_evaluation=on;
set optimizer_enumerate_plans=on;
set optimizer_plan_id = 2;
explain select * from orca.t_text where user_id=9;
Gather Motion 1:1 (slice1; segments: 1) (cost=0.00..431.00 rows=1 width=28)
-> Sequence (cost=0.00..431.00 rows=1 width=28)
-> Partition Selector for t_text (dynamic scan id: 1) (cost=10.00..100.00 rows=34 width=4)
Partitions selected: 3 (out of 3)
-> Dynamic Table Scan on t_text (dynamic scan id: 1) (cost=0.00..431.00 rows=1 width=28)
Filter: user_id = 9::numeric
Gather Motion 2:1 (slice1; segments: 2) (cost=0.00..437.00 rows=1 width=28)
-> Sequence (cost=0.00..437.00 rows=1 width=28)
-> Partition Selector for t_text (dynamic scan id: 1) (cost=10.00..100.00 rows=50 width=4)
Partitions selected: 3 (out of 3)
-> Result (cost=0.00..437.00 rows=1 width=28)
-> Append (cost=0.00..437.00 rows=1 width=28)
-> Dynamic Index Scan on t_text (dynamic scan id: 1) (cost=0.00..6.00 rows=1 width=58)
Index Cond: user_id = 9::numeric
-> Dynamic Table Scan on t_text (dynamic scan id: 1) (cost=0.00..431.00 rows=1 width=58)
Filter: user_id = 9::numeric
Settings: optimizer=on; optimizer_segments=3
Optimizer status: PQO version 2.22.0
(8 rows)
Optimizer status: PQO version 1.602
(12 rows)
select * from orca.t_text where user_id=9;
timest | user_id | tag1 | tag2
......@@ -8374,6 +8385,7 @@ select enable_xform('CXformDynamicGet2DynamicTableScan');
(1 row)
reset optimizer_enable_constant_expression_evaluation;
reset optimizer_enable_partial_index;
-- test that constant expression evaluation works with integers
drop table if exists orca.t_ceeval_ints;
NOTICE: table "t_ceeval_ints" does not exist, skipping
......@@ -8390,22 +8402,28 @@ insert into orca.t_ceeval_ints values(2, 100, 'tag1', 'tag2');
insert into orca.t_ceeval_ints values(3, 100, 'tag1', 'tag2');
insert into orca.t_ceeval_ints values(4, 101, 'tag1', 'tag2');
insert into orca.t_ceeval_ints values(5, 102, 'tag1', 'tag2');
set optimizer_enable_partial_index=on;
set optimizer_enable_space_pruning=off;
set optimizer_enable_constant_expression_evaluation=on;
set optimizer_use_external_constant_expression_evaluation_for_ints = on;
set optimizer_enumerate_plans=on;
set optimizer_plan_id = 2;
explain select * from orca.t_ceeval_ints where user_id=4;
Gather Motion 1:1 (slice1; segments: 1) (cost=0.00..431.00 rows=1 width=28)
-> Sequence (cost=0.00..431.00 rows=1 width=28)
-> Partition Selector for t_ceeval_ints (dynamic scan id: 1) (cost=10.00..100.00 rows=34 width=4)
Partitions selected: 3 (out of 3)
-> Dynamic Table Scan on t_ceeval_ints (dynamic scan id: 1) (cost=0.00..431.00 rows=1 width=28)
Filter: user_id = 4::numeric
Gather Motion 2:1 (slice1; segments: 2) (cost=0.00..437.00 rows=1 width=28)
-> Sequence (cost=0.00..437.00 rows=1 width=28)
-> Partition Selector for t_ceeval_ints (dynamic scan id: 1) (cost=10.00..100.00 rows=50 width=4)
Partitions selected: 3 (out of 3)
-> Result (cost=0.00..437.00 rows=1 width=28)
-> Append (cost=0.00..437.00 rows=1 width=28)
-> Dynamic Index Scan on t_ceeval_ints (dynamic scan id: 1) (cost=0.00..6.00 rows=1 width=58)
Index Cond: user_id = 4::numeric
-> Dynamic Table Scan on t_ceeval_ints (dynamic scan id: 1) (cost=0.00..431.00 rows=1 width=58)
Filter: user_id = 4::numeric
Settings: optimizer=on; optimizer_segments=3
Optimizer status: PQO version 2.22.0
(8 rows)
Optimizer status: PQO version 1.602
(12 rows)
select * from orca.t_ceeval_ints where user_id=4;
user_id | category_id | tag1 | tag2
......@@ -8417,6 +8435,7 @@ reset optimizer_enable_space_pruning;
reset optimizer_enumerate_plans;
reset optimizer_use_external_constant_expression_evaluation_for_ints;
reset optimizer_enable_constant_expression_evaluation;
reset optimizer_enable_partial_index;
-- test project elements in TVF
CREATE FUNCTION orca.csq_f(a int) RETURNS int AS $$ select $1 $$ LANGUAGE SQL;
CREATE TABLE orca.csq_r(a int);
......@@ -9721,6 +9740,7 @@ select disable_xform('CXformInnerJoin2NLJoin');
CXformInnerJoin2NLJoin is disabled
(1 row)
set optimizer_enable_partial_index=on;
set optimizer_enable_indexjoin=on;
-- force_explain
set optimizer_segments = 3;
......@@ -9733,36 +9753,49 @@ WHERE tq.sym = tt.symbol AND
tt.event_ts < tq.end_ts
ORDER BY 1 asc ;
INFO: GPORCA failed to produce a plan, falling back to planner
Gather Motion 3:1 (slice3; segments: 3) (cost=240615.63..240618.13 rows=1000 width=16)
Merge Key: (tt.event_ts / 100000 / 5 * 5)
-> Sort (cost=240615.63..240618.13 rows=334 width=16)
Sort Key: (tt.event_ts / 100000 / 5 * 5)
-> HashAggregate (cost=240553.30..240565.80 rows=334 width=16)
Group By: (tt.event_ts / 100000 / 5 * 5)
-> Redistribute Motion 3:3 (slice2; segments: 3) (cost=240510.80..240538.30 rows=334 width=16)
Hash Key: (tt.event_ts / 100000 / 5 * 5)
-> HashAggregate (cost=240510.80..240518.30 rows=334 width=16)
Group By: tt.event_ts / 100000 / 5 * 5
-> Hash Join (cost=604.00..240341.56 rows=11283 width=8)
Hash Cond: tq.sym::bpchar = tt.symbol
Join Filter: tt.event_ts >= tq.ets AND tt.event_ts < tq.end_ts AND plusone(tq.bid_price) < tt.trade_price
-> Redistribute Motion 3:3 (slice1; segments: 3) (cost=0.00..1424.00 rows=13600 width=98)
Hash Key: tq.sym
-> Append (cost=0.00..608.00 rows=13600 width=98)
-> Seq Scan on my_tq_agg_opt_part_1_prt_p1 tq (cost=0.00..304.00 rows=6800 width=98)
-> Seq Scan on my_tq_agg_opt_part_1_prt_p2 tq (cost=0.00..304.00 rows=6800 width=98)
-> Hash (cost=324.00..324.00 rows=7467 width=108)
-> Seq Scan on my_tt_agg_opt tt (cost=0.00..324.00 rows=7467 width=108)
GroupAggregate (cost=0.00..1305.01 rows=1 width=16)
Group By: fivemin
-> Gather Motion 2:1 (slice3; segments: 2) (cost=0.00..1305.01 rows=1 width=16)
Merge Key: fivemin
-> Result (cost=0.00..1305.01 rows=1 width=16)
-> GroupAggregate (cost=0.00..1305.01 rows=1 width=16)
Group By: fivemin
-> Sort (cost=0.00..1305.01 rows=1 width=8)
Sort Key: fivemin
-> Result (cost=0.00..1305.01 rows=1 width=8)
-> Sequence (cost=0.00..1305.01 rows=1 width=8)
-> Shared Scan (share slice:id 3:0) (cost=0.00..431.00 rows=1 width=1)
-> Materialize (cost=0.00..431.00 rows=1 width=1)
-> Table Scan on my_tt_agg_opt (cost=0.00..431.00 rows=1 width=62)
-> Sequence (cost=0.00..874.01 rows=1 width=8)
-> Partition Selector for my_tq_agg_opt_part (dynamic scan id: 1) (cost=10.00..100.00 rows=50 width=4)
Partitions selected: 2 (out of 2)
-> Result (cost=0.00..874.01 rows=1 width=8)
-> Append (cost=0.00..874.01 rows=1 width=8)
-> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..437.00 rows=1 width=132)
Join Filter: true
-> Broadcast Motion 2:2 (slice1; segments: 2) (cost=0.00..431.00 rows=2 width=62)
-> Shared Scan (share slice:id 1:0) (cost=0.00..431.00 rows=1 width=62)
-> Dynamic Index Scan on my_tq_agg_opt_part (dynamic scan id: 1) (cost=0.00..6.00 rows=1 width=70)
Index Cond: public.my_tq_agg_opt_part.ets <= "outer".event_ts AND public.my_tq_agg_opt_part.end_ts > "outer".event_ts
Filter: public.my_tq_agg_opt_part.sym::bpchar = "outer".symbol AND plusone(public.my_tq_agg_opt_part.bid_price) < "outer".trade_price
-> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..437.00 rows=1 width=132)
Join Filter: true
-> Broadcast Motion 2:2 (slice2; segments: 2) (cost=0.00..431.00 rows=2 width=62)
-> Shared Scan (share slice:id 2:0) (cost=0.00..431.00 rows=1 width=62)
-> Dynamic Index Scan on my_tq_agg_opt_part (dynamic scan id: 1) (cost=0.00..6.00 rows=1 width=70)
Index Cond: public.my_tq_agg_opt_part.ets <= "outer".event_ts
Filter: public.my_tq_agg_opt_part.sym::bpchar = "outer".symbol AND plusone(public.my_tq_agg_opt_part.bid_price) < "outer".trade_price AND "outer".event_ts < public.my_tq_agg_opt_part.end_ts
Settings: optimizer=on; optimizer_segments=3
Optimizer status: legacy query optimizer
(22 rows)
Optimizer status: PQO version 1.602
(35 rows)
reset optimizer_segments;
reset optimizer_enable_constant_expression_evaluation;
reset optimizer_enable_indexjoin;
reset optimizer_enable_partial_index;
select enable_xform('CXformInnerJoin2DynamicIndexGetApply');
......@@ -522,9 +522,11 @@ insert into orca.t_date values('01-03-2012'::date,7,'tag1','tag2');
insert into orca.t_date values('01-03-2012'::date,8,'tag1','tag2');
insert into orca.t_date values('01-03-2012'::date,9,'tag1','tag2');
set optimizer_enable_partial_index=on;
set optimizer_enable_space_pruning=off;
set optimizer_enable_constant_expression_evaluation=on;
set optimizer_enumerate_plans=on;
set optimizer_plan_id = 2;
explain select * from orca.t_date where user_id=9;
select * from orca.t_date where user_id=9;
......@@ -560,6 +562,7 @@ insert into orca.t_text values('01-03-2012'::date,9,'ugly','tag2');
set optimizer_enable_space_pruning=off;
set optimizer_enable_constant_expression_evaluation=on;
set optimizer_enumerate_plans=on;
set optimizer_plan_id = 2;
explain select * from orca.t_text where user_id=9;
select * from orca.t_text where user_id=9;
......@@ -612,6 +615,7 @@ select * from orca.t_employee where user_id = 2;
select enable_xform('CXformDynamicGet2DynamicTableScan');
reset optimizer_enable_constant_expression_evaluation;
reset optimizer_enable_partial_index;
-- test that constant expression evaluation works with integers
drop table if exists orca.t_ceeval_ints;
......@@ -628,10 +632,12 @@ insert into orca.t_ceeval_ints values(3, 100, 'tag1', 'tag2');
insert into orca.t_ceeval_ints values(4, 101, 'tag1', 'tag2');
insert into orca.t_ceeval_ints values(5, 102, 'tag1', 'tag2');
set optimizer_enable_partial_index=on;
set optimizer_enable_space_pruning=off;
set optimizer_enable_constant_expression_evaluation=on;
set optimizer_use_external_constant_expression_evaluation_for_ints = on;
set optimizer_enumerate_plans=on;
set optimizer_plan_id = 2;
explain select * from orca.t_ceeval_ints where user_id=4;
select * from orca.t_ceeval_ints where user_id=4;
......@@ -640,6 +646,7 @@ reset optimizer_enable_space_pruning;
reset optimizer_enumerate_plans;
reset optimizer_use_external_constant_expression_evaluation_for_ints;
reset optimizer_enable_constant_expression_evaluation;
reset optimizer_enable_partial_index;
-- test project elements in TVF
......@@ -1178,6 +1185,7 @@ select disable_xform('CXformInnerJoin2HashJoin');
select disable_xform('CXformInnerJoin2IndexGetApply');
select disable_xform('CXformInnerJoin2NLJoin');
set optimizer_enable_partial_index=on;
set optimizer_enable_indexjoin=on;
-- force_explain
......@@ -1194,6 +1202,7 @@ ORDER BY 1 asc ;
reset optimizer_segments;
reset optimizer_enable_constant_expression_evaluation;
reset optimizer_enable_indexjoin;
reset optimizer_enable_partial_index;
select enable_xform('CXformInnerJoin2DynamicIndexGetApply');
select enable_xform('CXformInnerJoin2HashJoin');
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