提交 eb7df886 编写于 作者: X Xiaoran Wang 提交者: Huiliang.liu

Upgrade pgbouncer to 1.8.1 (#5077)

* upgrade pgbouncer to 1.8.1

* support PAM/HBA auth type

* update submodule pgbouncer commit

* update pgbouncer's commit to support SSL connection

-change pgbouncer server_tls_ciphers default value
上级 431498e6
[submodule "gpAux/extensions/pgbouncer/source"]
path = gpAux/extensions/pgbouncer/source
url = https://github.com/greenplum-db/pgbouncer.git
branch = master
branch = pgbouncer_1_8_1
[submodule "gpAux/extensions/postgis-2.0.3/source"]
path = gpAux/extensions/postgis-2.0.3/source
url = https://github.com/greenplum-db/postgis.git
......@@ -897,7 +897,7 @@ ifeq "$(shell uname -s)" "Darwin"
echo "pgbouncer can't build on Mac"
@if [ ! -f extensions/pgbouncer/source/configure ]; then cd extensions/pgbouncer/source && ./autogen.sh ;fi
@cd extensions/pgbouncer/source && ./configure --with-libevent=$(BLD_TOP)/ext/$(BLD_ARCH) --prefix=$(INSTLOC) --enable-evdns
@cd extensions/pgbouncer/source && ./configure --with-libevent=$(BLD_TOP)/ext/$(BLD_ARCH) --prefix=$(INSTLOC) --enable-evdns --with-pam
$(MAKE) -C extensions/pgbouncer/source install
Subproject commit ce8f84097c5ef3c41df91c1a445df4c2a984c464
Subproject commit d85aca63a4006230c22a62b6040c1cfa9bc780b8
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