提交 e037b5ba 编写于 作者: J Jacob Champion 提交者: Kalen Krempely

behave: test that gpstart continues if standby is unreachable

Add a failing behave test to ensure that gpstart prompts and continues
successfully if the standby host is unreachable. The subsequent commit
will fix the test case.
Co-authored-by: NKalen Krempely <kkrempely@vmware.com>
上级 706acd7b
......@@ -67,6 +67,9 @@ def before_scenario(context, scenario):
drop_database_if_exists(context, 'testdb')
def after_scenario(context, scenario):
if 'cleanup_standby_host_failure' in context:
if 'gpexpand' in context.feature.tags \
or 'gpaddmirrors' in context.feature.tags \
or 'gpinitstandby' in context.feature.tags:
......@@ -99,3 +99,17 @@ Feature: Validate command line arguments
And gpstart should print "Number of segments not attempted to start: 1" to stdout
# Cleanup
Then the user runs "gprecoverseg -a"
Scenario: gpstart starts even if the standby host is unreachable
Given the database is running
And the temporary filespace is moved
And the catalog has a standby master entry
When the database is not running
And the standby host goes down
And gpstart is run with prompts accepted
Then gpstart should print "Continue only if you are certain that the standby is not acting as the master." to stdout
And gpstart should print "No standby master configured" to stdout
And gpstart should return a return code of 0
And all the segments are running
import os
import signal
import subprocess
from behave import given, when, then
from test.behave_utils import utils
@given('the temporary filespace is moved')
def impl(context):
Given a filespace_config_file for filespace "tempfs" is created using config file "tempfs_config" in directory "/tmp"
And a filespace is created using config file "tempfs_config" in directory "/tmp"
And the user runs "gpfilespace --movetempfilespace tempfs"
def _run_sql(sql, opts=None):
env = None
if opts is not None:
env = os.environ.copy()
options = ''
for key, value in opts.items():
options += "-c {}={} ".format(key, value)
env['PGOPTIONS'] = options
"-c", sql,
], env=env)
@when('the standby host goes down')
def impl(context):
Fakes a host failure by updating the standby segment entry to point at an
invalid hostname and address.
opts = {
'gp_session_role': 'utility',
'allow_system_table_mods': 'dml',
subprocess.check_call(['gpstart', '-am'])
UPDATE gp_segment_configuration
SET hostname = 'standby.invalid',
address = 'standby.invalid'
WHERE content = -1 AND role = 'm'
""", opts=opts)
subprocess.check_call(['gpstop', '-am'])
def cleanup(context):
Reverses the above SQL by starting up in master-only utility mode. Since
the standby host is incorrect, a regular gpstart call won't work.
subprocess.check_call(['gpstart', '-am'])
UPDATE gp_segment_configuration
SET hostname = master.hostname,
address = master.address
SELECT hostname, address
FROM gp_segment_configuration
WHERE content = -1 and role = 'p'
) master
WHERE content = -1 AND role = 'm'
""", opts=opts)
subprocess.check_call(['gpstop', '-am'])
context.cleanup_standby_host_failure = cleanup
def _handle_sigpipe():
Work around https://bugs.python.org/issue1615376, which is not fixed until
Python 3.2. This bug interferes with Bash pipelines that rely on SIGPIPE to
exit cleanly.
signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
@when('gpstart is run with prompts accepted')
def impl(context):
Runs `yes | gpstart`.
p = subprocess.Popen(
[ "bash", "-c", "yes | gpstart" ],
context.stdout_message, context.stderr_message = p.communicate()
context.ret_code = p.returncode
......@@ -4235,6 +4235,7 @@ def impl(context):
context.standby_host = standby
run_gpcommand(context, 'gpinitstandby -ra')
@given('the catalog has a standby master entry')
@then('verify the standby master entries in catalog')
def impl(context):
check_segment_config_query = "SELECT * FROM gp_segment_configuration WHERE content = -1 AND role = 'm'"
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